Who has a Sony Tivo?


DIS Veteran
Aug 7, 2000
Thinking about getting Tivo (forever). What's the difference between the regular Tivo and the Sony SVR3000? Sony one is slightly more expensive, and I can't tell why (other than it's silver in color). We have digital cable, so I dont' know if the Sony one will enhance the quality.
We have the regular tivo...but I highly recommend getting more then the 40hr tivo...we have the 80 and it's great friends have the 40 and it seems to be very limiting....

They higher the quality you tape in the less hours you get....with an 80hr tivo if we record in the highest level our tivo will only record about 20 hours....so 80 is not really 80
We got the Sony. Chris just liked it. He said it was easier to upgrade the hard drive on it.
Any major difference between the Sony 80 hours and the Tivo 80 hours one? It's $100 difference in price, and I just couldn' figure out why.
adamak -- does your digital cable box allow you to say "I want to watch this show at this time"? Like, say you know a movie is coming on on channel A in two hours, but you're currently watching channel B. If you "program" that movie, will your box automatically move you to channel A? Ours doesn't, it just says "hey, remember, there's a movie on channel A you wanted to watch", and I'm trying to find out if that's standard for digital cable or not... Because our cable box is too stupid to know how to automatically change channels for me, I'm not sure a Tivo would work on our system. That's why we don't have one yet.
We have a Sonicblue replay TV which is kind of like a Tivo but has a few different features. I looked at them both and liked this better.
Rajah, this would definitely work with any cable box. It has an LED emitter that sticks to the front of the cable box and it does all the channel changing and remembering of time etc so it doesn't matter if your cable box is dumb as a brick, all it has to do is change channels.
Thank you, Alex!!! Is that true for how the Tivo works with digital cable, too, or just that replay TV (which I'm going to have to look into).
The remote is better on the Sony and it integrates better with other Sony components.
We have Time Warner digital cable, which I don't think has the feature you say. But I believe it has something with HBO that allows us to watch certain program any time after it's available. (So, you can watch new Saprono on Sun at 9 pm, and ask for it again anytime thereafter).

Tivo will work with digital cable. I'm not sure if the quality.

$100 for just the difference on the remote? Hmmmm.


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