which baby carrier???


<font color=navy>Proud Navy wife<br><font color=de
Mar 13, 2003
Hi, it's me again with yet another question!

I really want to use a baby carrier for my 9 month old in the parks when we go in May. I have heard great things about Baby Bjorns. But I would like to be able to get the most use out of the baby carrier that we buy, and I see that Baby Bjorns are only good until the child is 25 lbs. DD is already 20lbs.

So my question is, are there any other baby carriers out there that I can get more use out of? I want to make sure it's comfortable for her, and made of breatheable material so that it doesn't get too hot when we're at the parks. Any suggestions would be of great help! I would like to order one by the end of this week, since our trip is only in a few more weeks:D Thanks!
They tend to be more versatile, and depending on type, can be used until a child is 3 or so. I liked them on rides because they allow you to slide the child to the side to avoid the lap bar while still holding him.

For a child already as large as 20 lbs, a front carrier is probably going to be a lost cause. If a sling isn't good for you, you will probably want to go with a more compact frame backpack. Evenflo makes some that have very small frames; they are not going to be as comfy as something like a Kelty, but you need to be able to carry it on rides and pack it in a suitcase. I hear Baby Trend has a really compact folding frame carrier, but I don't know any details about it.
The baby bjorn is the best carrier and holds the largest kids. If you want something you can use for a while after your trip, you should get a backpack. Kelty makes good ones. They even have one that converts to a stroller.
I will be there with my 9-month old next month, too! I am on my third baby and my third carrier. The Baby Bjorn is the best! It is worth the $80, (or perhaps you can borrow one from someone, like I did) for your trip alone. Once babies reach about this stage, their growth slows a little, don't let the "25 lbs." influence you...I would say the Baby Bjorn fits as large a child as any front carrier, or larger, because it is MUCH more comfortable. I had a Snugli the first time around and it was terrible. It was fine for about 10 minutes, then the thinner straps started to hurt, even though they were padded. As for the sling, I also have one, and do like it, but I mainly use it around the house...when I am picking up, preparing meals (NOT cooking, nothing near heat), and sometimes in church, when I am seated more. For walking around a park and where you want to have full mobility of your arms, the Bjorn is much better. The sling is bulky and often restricts the movement of one arm, depending on how you wear it. It is also comfortable, but in a different way. Another thing is that in the sling the baby is often mostly enclosed in the fabric, sort of like a little taco. In the heat next month, the Bjorn would expose more of him to air (use sunscreen!), probably making it a little cooler. A 9-month old also like to kick legs and wave arms, he is able to do that more in the Bjorn. In the sling they are coccooned more, and less able to move. There IS a way in the sling to let their legs stick out, but I don't think it is secure enough to walk around a park, plus it takes some getting used to PERIOD to use it. Even my dh will wear the Bjorn. Sorry so long! Funny how these seemingly minor baby equipment needs take on a life of their own! But the wrong carrier could really make things uncomfortable, where the right makes it easy. And Stacey (?) was right, once he reaches a certain age you will just use a back one anyhow. His legs will be too long to fit on the front of your torso. As it is, my baby's head knocks into my chin a bit, but I am petite. Best of luck!
I loved using the Baby Bjorn, but I couldn't use it by the time my dd was 12 mos. She was 20 lbs, and that was too heavy for me! Maybe I'm just a wimp, I don't know. I would suggest going to a store and "test driving" both the Baby Bjorn and a sling and see which one feels more comfortable.

Good luck and have a great trip!
Thanks to everyone who's posted so far.

NotUrsula, thanks for suggesting the sling. We have a sling, but DD never liked it even as an infant. she's an up and about kind of girl, in fact she is alreay able to stand for a few seconds by herself, and even wants to take steps... of course she isn't the "big girl" that she thinks she is! hehe.. Anyways, I think the sling would also be way too hot for going to WDW next month. My husband is stationed in Jacksonville, 2.5 hrs north of Orlando and he tells me that it's already 80's and 90's there. Also I think it would be a little restricting for her.

I am thinking of buying a Baby Bjorn now... I'm hoping she doesn't suddenly gain another 5-7 lbs in the next few months, so we can get a lot of use out of it. I know it's expensive, but from what i've hear so far it's worth it.

Anyone else think this is the best way to go?
Yep, I definately concur. My DS is 9 months old as well (born July 17) and it's a lifesaver for us!

One tip though, buy it off ebay! It's SO much cheaper. Even if you buy a new one, it's less than a new one in the stores. I got mine used for $30 on ebay and it's great!

People are always commenting how happy Ben is when he's in the Baby Bjorn... he loves kicking and bouncing around.

BTW, we will be in WDW in May too! =)

Christine (And Benjamin-9 months)
We will be at WDW in May also...13th - 16th

I have two different Snugli's, got both at shower...one slings over one shoulder and has a built-in fannypack. DD is 8m, will be 9m at WDW...

I plan to use a stroller most of the time, and sling only for short periods, walks around resort, longer waits in line, rides, etc.

If I was going to use carrier solely, i would definitely invest in the most comfortable i could find. Go to Babies-R-Us and try them all on...it may take awhile, but save alot of backache.

Have Fun......:jester:
the baby bjorn is awesome! we use ours all the time but their website says up to 22 pounds. i have a maya wrap sling without padding-it is very lightweight and it breathes.

i also have a baby trekker which is like the bjorn with padded straps and a waistband. you can also use it with a back carry. it is very nice but a little more difficult to get on.
If you have a sling that converts for hip-carrying, it can generally be used for a much older child, and is not so warm. Essentially, in that configuration, it only goes around the child from waist to thighs, while she holds on with her arms. Here are some photos from the MayaWrap site, though that is not the only sling that may be used that way: http://www.mayawrap.com/

My DS didn't make 20 lbs until he was 18 mos old, but by the time he was 8 months old we could no longer front-carry him in a Bjorn, because he was too tall. We used our sling until he was 2.
I'm gonna take some of your advice, and go to Babies R Us to try carriers on with DD. I'm still iffy about the sling, it looks like it would be too hot for me! But I will try it out, can't hurt. DD is a little thing, only 26 inches and about 18-19lbs. But I am a petite lady, so we'll see how it works out. I can always have DH carry her most of the time, he is more than happy to :D
I took my DD to WDW when she was 4 or 5 months and again at 14 months. She is a tiny little lady, even now at 3.5 she is 35" & 28 pounds. I am not very tall myself, only 5'1". When she was 4/5 months I carried her in the Baby Bjorn the entire day. We only did MK on a one day trip. One her 2nd trip I brought our sling which I used as a hip carrier and it worked great! She loved being close to me and it was pretty easy to carry her in it. I think both ideas are ideal but it depends more on how you want to do it. I have tried lots of baby carriers and can tell you the Baby Bjorn is by far the best. Good luck and have a great trip :)
I saw someone had mentioned about the sling and being petite...just some info...the sling actually does come in a "petite" size. I have it! We ordered mine from the Motherwear catalog, at the time it was the only place I could find a sling in petite. I am 5'3"...I found the regular slings in Babies R Us to be huge, kind of like being wrapped in a sheet! I was interested to see the link on the Maya carrier, that and the New Native I have seen discussed favorably in the past.
Hey everyone, I just got back from Babies R Us, and I tried on the Baby Bjorn carrier and the the NoJi sling. I liked the Baby Bjorn a lot, I took a good long walk around the store with DD in it. She loved it! She was having a great time. I'm just a little worried about my lower back, it kinda felt like it was getting a bit tired... Is there a better carrier w/ back support? I saw a good one in the ONe Step Ahead catalog that had back support, but they did not have this one at BAbies R Us so I didn't get to try it on. I'm not sure if it'll be as good as the baby bjorn.

Do any of you Baby Bjorn users have a problem with using it and having problems or uncomfortableness (if that is a word) with the lower back? Your feedback would be wonderful, thanks!
I have used many baby carriers (before I got smart and bought a Baby Bjorn) and the Baby Bjorn is the one that puts the least amount of stress on your back. Something about the way the straps criss cross your back, it spreads out the weight of the child more evenly than other carriers. After 3 kids I highly recommend this carrier to anyone!

If you plan on carrying your DD in the carrier often while at the parks I would start now talking walks and carrying her in it to build up the strength in you back muscles. Even though the Baby Bjorn is very comfortable you are still carrying extra weight that you aren't used to.
i carried dd in the bjorn the whole trip in dw when she was 17 pounds-she hates the stroller. my back was SORE by the end of the day! and my body is very used to the bjorn; we use it much of the time. i would recommend the baby trekker-it is similar to the bjorn, but it has a strap around your wast to help distribute the weight. in the beginning, it's a little confusing to put on, but it is more comfotable for long trips. it gets easier after a few tries.


she has a 30 day guarantee, so it is worth a try. we are going next week with a now 22 pound dd, and i'm planning to take the trekker and my maya wrap.
This is just my $.02, but for a large baby the Baby Bjorn or any other carrier isn't going to be comfortable for either of you. My ds 9 mos today is very large - about 28-29 lbs and when he was 3 months I used the baby bjorn for a few hours and my back was very very sore. I would think you are better off with a stroller - the baby gets a good look and can sit. Another option is the hip carriers - we bought one at Target which was nice - although those also have weight limits. When there are small babies these carriers might be great, but as they get too big it is comfortable for no one (and can get hot - i used it in October pumpkin picking in NJ and it was cool - yet he was still hot).
To make the Baby Bjorn more comfortable to wear, pull the center of the "X" WAY down on your back, as far as it can go, then tighten the sides to a snug fit. Not too tight, just snug, kind of like a seat belt should be. I hope I am making sense with this! Here is another way to explain it...take the two top parts of the "X" in the back and pul them as far apart as you can, then put it on. The lower the center of the X is on your back, the lower the weight is and that is where your support is! I have worn mine adjusted as such and also just thrown it on without adjusting it for quick trips, there is a BIG difference. I also find that I have to adjust it a lot after my dh wears it. If the X is too high, you will just arch your back in compensation and that is what makes it hurt. So...make sure the plastic "X" on your back is low and make sure all is snug (otherwise it will just ride up) Hope that makes sense!
I just bought one off of ebay, much cheaper than the retail $80! This is the first time I"ve used ebay, so hopefully it works out they way I've hoped.

LMHB, I see what you're saying, makes total sense. Looking forward to getting my baby bjorn!

Thanks everyone
Coming in a little late on this, but we still use our baby Bjorn for DD who is almost 1 and weighs around 21 lbs. I plan to bring it with us next week, but only for waiting in line, as she gets HEAVY after awhile.


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