Where are we, Jersey? Bye, Phoenicians! An August 2017 TR * NEW DINING/TR LINKS*

AK morning con't

This picture limit per post is seriously getting annoying. After the drum show we went to use our NRJ FP:

I still think it beats the heck out of not being able to see most of the TRs thanks to photobucket!!

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Hey, it was 10:00! Consider it my Bloody Mary or Mimosa of the day.
Steve liked the Night Blossom. The boys did too but also thought it was quite sweet. It's supposed to be pear and apple flavors, and when I tasted it the apple really came through. I preferred my margarita. When I had this in May the boba balls didn't bother me but this time they kept getting stuck in the bottom of my straw and I couldn't suck them through :rolleyes1 Next time I may just ask for mine sans balls.............
As a too cool much older than teen male, I'm prefer mine sans balls anyway. :lmao:
Actually, they had some at an ice cream place and I decided to try a few. Had almost no flavor and I didn't see what the big attraction was.

We were within the window of our 2nd FP which was made at Chris's request, so we headed back to Asia to ride Kali River Rapids. Normally I don't like getting soaked but today we were ALL hoping for those couple of seats on the ride that get you drenched - of course we all stayed fairly dry lol. We had a FP for the safari at 11:35 but everyone was losing steam, so we tried to see the 11:00 FOTLK show but by the time we got there at 10:50 they were full. I couldn't convince anyone to hang in the heat for that safari FP since we'd already ridden, so I switched one of our Thursday AK FP's to FOTLK, made a 4:30 FP for that day for Soarin', and we headed to the buses to go check in at WL CLUB LEVEL !!!
FL in summer...you're praying for those seats or on splash mountain or waiting for the afternoon shower.

I'll save that for the next post, but since this continuation is kind of lame and I do have space for more pictures, here are some PP pics from that morning that I forgot about when doing the first part of this post..........
Wow, this continuation was pretty lame Ariane. :duck:

Ricky and Steve's RD ride on EE. Ricky looks like he's asleep lol

He does!

Woo hoo...club level, here they come!!
Well one was smiling, the other had his tough-guy-teenager look on which you'll see is a recurring theme here.
Haha, I know that teenager look all too well............

t's a huge cinnamon bun shaped like Mickey:
Did he manage to eat a good part of it? It's gigantic (and looks delicious!)

The boys noticed the Night Blossom on the Pongu Pongu sign and wanted to try it. They don't have soda which is what I like to drink, so naturally I had to go with the only other option on their menu that looked good to me, the Mo'ara Margarita:
What are you going to do when there's only one option????

Ricky and Steve's RD ride on EE. Ricky looks like he's asleep lol
Great picture!

And going backwards, these were taken before we entered the park:
This is a framer, you all look wonderful!
They lost but Ricky played really well for a first-timer
Too bad about the loss, but happy to hear that Ricky did well!

It was just a severely pulled muscle and he was still in lots of pain Sat. morning before the game
Ugh! Hope he's feeling better!

I also prefer my room not to be at the end of the earth
Ick, I hate it when this happens. And that's the last thing you want to deal with at the end of a long day when you're already exhausted... :sad2:

When we were done the boys were more than ready for food.
I'm surprised they waited this long! :laughing:

huge cinnamon bun shaped like Mickey:
OMG this looks amazing! I am so ashamed by myself. I didn't have a single cinnamon bun from anywhere this trip :headache:

This picture limit per post is seriously getting annoying.
Ugh, I hear that.

And other than how beautiful the details are, neither were Steve and I.
Yeah... I expected I would like this ride better. I mean, the details are incredible and the ride was nice and relaxing. But worth waiting in a massive line for? Nope.

You look super cute!!! :cutie: Nice shot of the whole family, too.
Great Ak morning! I love 10 am boozy drinks ;) Too bad you guys lost steam. Looking forward to reading about WL, as it's in the running for our August split stay!!
I'm back and all caught up, it was so hot in AK for us, we had several night blossoms! I thought these little drinks were very refreshing in the 100 degree temps. Love the family picture in front of AK!
We haven't done Yacht or Beach, but did do BW one time and had a similar room situation. It's great to be so close to 2 parks (especially when F&W is going on :drinking1), but I like you will pick WL any day of the week. Love the compactness of the resort, it never feels crowded, and most importantly you can feel a million miles from anywhere while being right in the middle of everything!
Yup. As much as being at an Epcot resort is super convenient to Epcot, WL is still my fave and you're right about feeling miles away from anything while you're actually right there. Our CL room wasn't actually super close to the elevators but it was about 10 minutes closer than rooms we've had at the Epcot resorts!

I'm sure that was a sight to behold. Everyone must have been wondering where you were going.
:laughing: As much as I know the parks and knew exactly where we were going and why, seeing the masses move in the opposite direction still had me questioning myself! Like, am I doing something wrong??

I think we are going to be in the same camp, but made a FP this morning nonetheless. It seems like its in the category of the Frozen ride to me. Sure its pretty and the animatronics cool, but at least give me a couple of thrills. Oh well, looking forward to checking out Pandora regardless.
You have to ride NRJ anyway, which is why we rode it again with the boys even after riding during the AP preview. We knew we wouldn't be excited but I wanted them to experience it since it's new. And we don't hate it, it's beautiful inside, just doesn't get us excited in any way.

That's my girl. #SoProud :drinking1
I strive to make you proud :sunny:

What a great picture of you all. Even the boys are smiling :-)
Probably because we were going back to the resort which was going to = FOOD

That's just nuts. In that heat I don't know how anyone could willingly join that line. I mean, your whole morning would be gone when that was over.
I could barely stand still for 10 minutes in that heat let alone 3 hours :scared: Even in perfect weather I would never waste that much time in line for an attraction. On the other hand, there are people who truly on their once in a lifetime trips and if they couldn't get a FP, it was the only way to ride it...........................

Well you know how I feel about that lol. Navi is about my speed lol. but I can see how it might not be that exciting to many.
LOL I thought of you while I wrote my description of our feelings and I was hoping you didn't take it the wrong way! It's a gorgeous ride and perfect for chickens like you :hug:

Yikes! So, glad we have FP for this on our trip. Wonder how bad the lines will be in September.
I believe the lines will continue to be that crazy for some time. I've been happy to hear November peeps are having a bit more success at 60 days getting FoP FP's since I have tons of Nov. clients who want it, but I still think doing it SB will involve ridiculous waits.

Cute! I love it. Reminds you that sometimes they aren't always "too cool"
Ricky was so easy-going and cooperative with pictures this trip, it was a very pleasant experience and he made me a happy mommy :goodvibes

This is my favorite!!
Mine too! They were both being good sports.

I'm glad Ricky ended up not having a break and just the pulled muscle!! I mean neither is good, but you know what I mean!
I do know what you mean, and after his knee I was very grateful for the severe sprain! Yesterday he and a bunch of friends played basketball for about 5 hours so of course it bothered him again, but today it felt better and since it started pouring 5 minutes after football practice started they spent the next couple hours inside watching videos so he got to rest his bones.

Oh my gosh those Epcot resort hallways strike again.

I love early mornings at AK! Safari and Everest are the highlights for me, so you had a great start to the morning.
It was a great morning not having long lines at these attractions. And a great morning not being on the long lines in Pandora!

Where is this bakery located? I feel like a lot of AK's food places are kind of hidden.
I feel that way too, I read about treats and drinks people have there and I have no idea where the stand they mention is located :rolleyes: This was at Kusifiri Bakery, which is in Africa. It's past the larger gift shop that the Burudika band plays outside of on the left hand side if you're walking back towards the safari, kind of tucked back in the wall. But once it's open there's a small cart with a register and a CM up front more towards the road so you should see that easier :)

I don't care how good a ride is, I don't think anything is worth waiting that long for.
Nope, it's not, although FoP is absolutely awesome! But not 3.5 hours awesome :sad2:

I'm really looking forward to our BC stay over Thanksgiving. I'm glad their rooms still have carpeting.
Me too, I'm glad most of the resorts still have carpeting and I hope they don't start getting rid of it everywhere. So far I think YC, CSR, and maybe the refurbed POP rooms are the only ones without carpet?

Our FP day is on the 18th hoping we can get FOP twice during our 10 days. I'm also concerned about fitting on the ride :scared:
Tammy, having been on it twice and having seen others ride and being turned away, and having met you :goodvibes I honestly don't think you have anything at all to worry about!

Can't wait to try a Mo'ara Margarita without the balls don't want anything disturbing the flow of alcohol :drinking1
LOL I love that reasoning!

What a difference in Ricky since last November.
I know, but little boy is growing up! He's missing his glasses AND braces that he had last Nov. Braces came off in Jan. and he got contacts in May :thumbsup2

I know we're slightly spoiled with how great pizza is in our area, but there's really no excuse for BAD pizza. I can make decent pizza at home with a jar of sauce, pre-shredded mozerella, and an english muffin. Therefore, gross pizza is inexcusable anywhere!
I used to love making English Muffin pizzas when I was little and then with my boys! They are 1000x better than the BW pizza which,as @xlsm so poignantly put it in I think my dining report, the BW pizza "is T-R-A-S-H" :P

So I'm reading this series now (actually listening on audiotape). I've just started book 3 and I can't decide if I like it or not. I have moments where I'm really intrigued and moments where I'm just annoyed by how little is actually explained. Did you read them?
I read it SO many years ago, but overall I did like it. I've actually read every single thing Stephen King has written :D There were some books in the series I didn't care for so much and some I thought were great, and lots of parts I thought moved very slowly. Definitely not my favorite of his works but since I love him to death I read everything he does. I though parts of the series were incredible though. What I can't wait for is "IT" this Friday :joker::clown: Have you read that?

Awesome pictures

I know you didn't want your bags to arrive so late anyway, but for future reference, if you (or a client) don't receive the yellow tags in time, or if you don't have enough tags, you can bring your baggage claim "receipt" to the ME desk and they will still pick up and deliver your luggage to the resort :wizard:
Thanks, I've had a couple clients do this since they both forgot to attach their ME tags :headache: I only explained it to them 10x.....................
Tammy, having been on it twice and having seen others ride and being turned away, and having met you :goodvibes I honestly don't think you have anything at all to worry about!

Thanks Ariane :hug:
I'm going with a positive attitude and will report back to let you know.
Love the pic of Ricky and Chris sticking their tongues out at each other. Very cute! Can't wait to hear about CL at the WL!!!!
Thank you, I forgot that was taken until I was looking at pictures to upload for that post! CL coming in next update :thumbsup2

We had gone to AK around 9:15am during our 4th of July trip and we also saw hoards of people heading toward Pandora. We had a fp for the safari that morning but didn't need it. There was no one in the standby line. They must have been at Pandora. We also saw lots of people walking out of Pandora early in the morning. It looked like they had hurried over first thing and left when they found out that standby for FoP was more than three hours long.

I'm glad that we had the AP preview. :)
I'm so glad we did the AP preview, also. I was super glad we got a FoP FP last month for the boys, but now at least if we have a trip without them and don't get one I won't feel like I'm missing out and have to run with a bazillion other people just to get a ride. I can wait until the hype dies down................

I am seriously impressed with y'all going for an EMH rope drop on a resort change day!
I was impressed with us too lol! What happened is that I kept forgetting we were switching resorts that morning so just kept planning the EMH. Then I'd remember the switch and plan to rework things but not do it. Then remember the switch, plan to rework things, and not do it. Then remember the switch..............

I am so torn between areas for future trips, but I really do want to try WL some day. I'm sure your room location didn't help your impression of YC, but I did kind of get that vibe last year when we visited it from BC.
Oh I sincerely hope you try WL, even if you do it as part of a split stay. I think you guys will enjoy it, it's fun, relaxing, and still close to MK and the monorail ::yes::

I wonder how long this will last. It's got to be amazing going literally anywhere else in AK at RD right now.
As I said above I think it's going to last quite a bit longer. Good for those wanting to hit EE, safari, etc. first thing, bad for those who don't get FoP FP's.

He had to pull off a tough pic after his balloon magic shot from your previous update. ;)
LMAO so true!

We've never ridden this, as I've gotten the impression that it's short and not worth having to walk around in wet clothes after. I hate that feeling, but will deal with it to enjoy rides like Splash. Worth a try?
Well it IS short. And it's no Splash at all. I would say "worth it" if you're really hot and want to try cooling off, or if someone just wants to try it to say they did and so you don't have to wonder anymore what it's like. There's literally nothing to see while riding it even though there's supposed to be some theming so combining that with the short ride length is why we only do it for Christopher.

Yikes! That'll be us in November since we couldn't get our FOP fastpass :sad::sad::sad: But there is no way in heck that I'll wait more than an hour for any ride. We may have to skip it if that's the case.
Ugh! Well get yourselves up and out early lol! It's such a great ride I hope you get to experience it, as long as you have the energy, drive and determination to push through in the morning!

Those are great pictures with everyone looking so happy!
Thank you!

I still think it beats the heck out of not being able to see most of the TRs thanks to photobucket!!
Oh it does, and it's so easy. Just annoying that there's a limit.

As a too cool much older than teen male, I'm prefer mine sans balls anyway. :lmao:
:rotfl2: :rotfl:

Actually, they had some at an ice cream place and I decided to try a few. Had almost no flavor and I didn't see what the big attraction was.
I have no idea why they've made such a showing at Disney all of a sudden. Someone mentioned them being "alien-like" and that's why they're in Pandora, but now I see them in at least one drink for Food and Wine. I find them more annoying than anything else.

Wow, this continuation was pretty lame Ariane. :duck:
I know :blush: Disney Trip Report Fail :guilty:

Did he manage to eat a good part of it? It's gigantic (and looks delicious!)
He only left one ear!

This is a framer, you all look wonderful!
Thank you :hug: Hopefully I'll get around to doing that before our 2018 family trip :laughing:

Ugh! Hope he's feeling better!
Thanks, he is :) Strained it again playing 6 hours of basketball with friends yesterday but practice got rained out today (they practice in rain but we had heavy hail and lightning so they had to go inside) so they watched videos instead and he got to rest.

OMG this looks amazing! I am so ashamed by myself. I didn't have a single cinnamon bun from anywhere this trip :headache:
Um, I see that as a perfectly good excuse to book another trip ::yes::

You look super cute!!! :cutie: Nice shot of the whole family, too.

Great Ak morning! I love 10 am boozy drinks ;) Too bad you guys lost steam. Looking forward to reading about WL, as it's in the running for our August split stay!!
Ugh that heat can just drag you down :faint: Wilderness Lodge is coming up, I hope you decide to stay there in August! Where would you split with?

I'm back and all caught up, it was so hot in AK for us, we had several night blossoms! I thought these little drinks were very refreshing in the 100 degree temps. Love the family picture in front of AK!
Hi Caroline, welcome back :goodvibes I hope you guys had another wonderful trip and I can't wait to hear about it. AK is unforgiving in the heat, isn't it? People always say that and I think, "eh, I don't remember it being that much worse there" and then when I'm there, yes it IS worse!
enjoying the last couple days of summer before the kids go back to school. Mine start Wednesday
Same here, getting ready for the first day of school this morning. Interesting for me this year. When I used to work overseas I always missed the first day of school. But this year I'm home for it so I'm taking a little time off work to go see my youngest off.

Chris got something I've never seen there before, it's a huge cinnamon bun shaped like Mickey:
Looks good. I don't think I've ever gone inside that bakery. I must fix that on my next trip.

the wait time from this point is approx. 3.5 hours!"
No. Just no. I don't care what the ride is, there's no way I'm waiting 3+ hours for anything.

When I had this in May the boba balls didn't bother me but this time they kept getting stuck in the bottom of my straw and I couldn't suck them thr
Same here, getting ready for the first day of school this morning. Interesting for me this year. When I used to work overseas I always missed the first day of school. But this year I'm home for it so I'm taking a little time off work to go see my youngest off.
I saw your first day of school picture on FB, loved it :goodvibes I hope all went well at school!

Looks good. I don't think I've ever gone inside that bakery. I must fix that on my next trip.
It's actually not a big bakery where you go inside, it's a little walk up window you order from and it's kind of easy to miss! Once it's open a CM stands at a register-podium closer to the walkway so it's easier to see :)

No. Just no. I don't care what the ride is, there's no way I'm waiting 3+ hours for anything.
Right? FoP is fantastic and part of me is sad we aren't going to ride it in Nov (unless we end up getting a same day FP which I doubt) but my SB line limit is 45 minutes and that's if one of the kids begs me or is getting a sympathy vote for some reason!
I'm behind so I'm on the MK first morning update...

I think you actually did good by being a bit late to MK. We went to JC first right at opening and easily waited 20 min. By the time you guys got there, the initial rush was probably receding a bit.

I totally agree with you on the redhead situation.

We saw the Country Bears once and they were "moving along" and away when we saw them, as well. I may have gotten a photo but I can't remember right now.

My mom would love that sandwich I bet.

We took the train too but only from Fantasyland to Main Street. We need to do the whole circuit I think. I'd love to see behind BTMRR.

Love the train platform photos. Oh and yes, I know the balloon photo is funny but I'm actually envious. I wanted that one, but completely forgot to ask for it.
All caught up now!

Let me pause for a minute and talk about YC. Steve's resorts of choice are the Epcot resorts and I do enjoy being in the area. My goal like many of you is to try every resort, so I'm glad we stayed at Yacht Club and it certainly wasn't bad. The room was nice but I prefer carpeting. I also prefer my room not to be at the end of the earth, but that's a chance you take at the bigger resorts and this wasn't the first time we were far away from civilization at a Disney resort! It just kind of takes a little wind out of your sails when that's your location. The new(ish) Marketplace there had quite a large selection of hot items in the grab and go section and tons of snacks so it's a nice addition. Steve did feel it was "stuffier" than BC and BW which I've heard before; I didn't feel it was stuffy but BC definitely to me has a more fun, relaxed vibe. WL still beats it for me though!

I loved the Yacht Club. I do think it is one of my favorite resorts. I can see how it looks stuffy, but there really isn't anywhere in Disney that is stuffy in terms of service. I would totally stay here again. The Marketplace is really nice BUT they are not set up for the AP discounts yet, only in the retail side but not the food side. I think when Steve went to get some food one day he walked all the way to the BC because he wanted a salad and wanted the discount, LOL.

Mmm I've had this before! Which one do you like better, this one or Gaston's Tavern?

We left Africa and walked over the bridge and past Starbucks. As we approached Island Mercantile we saw a line and realized it was for Flights of Passage :scared1: ALL the way out there, and the CM holding the sign letting people know where the end of the line was kept yelling, "the wait time from this point is approx. 3.5 hours!" This was at 9:30 in the morning people, holy crap I wish I had pictures! I was so glad we had that FP for later in the week!

We saw this too! Insane! I never knew that it would go OUTSIDE the FOP line.

Neither of the boys have watched Avatar yet so they really had no idea what they were seeing, and since it's an extremely tame ride they weren't all that impressed. And other than how beautiful the details are, neither were Steve and I. I don't have any desire to ride this again in the near future, although I do think since they could only manage 2 rides in Pandora it's good that one is a non-thrill ride.

I agree, very bland compared to FOP but the detail in the ride is very nice.

We walked around a bit more, showing the boys the floating mountains and taking a look in the gift shop. It was only about 10:00 but of course the heat and humidity were going full force and we were thirsty. The boys noticed the Night Blossom on the Pongu Pongu sign and wanted to try it. They don't have soda which is what I like to drink, so naturally I had to go with the only other option on their menu that looked good to me, the Mo'ara Margarita:

I had both in August!

Love this picture of you guys!
I'm here and I'm caught up, loving your TR so far.

Does this look familiar to those of you with kids?? What the heck did we do in airports before all the electronics???
I honestly don't know, and I am glad to not have to either.

We were finally on ME at 9:53, whoo-hoo!!! And then we sat until 10:19, whoo-hoo!!! Not. This is the part Steve hates and I have to hear it every single time. I thought we were getting a taxi but.....................so we arrived at the first hotel of our stay at 10: 40 thanks to a lead-footed driver:
I have to agree with Steve, I just want to get there already. Still not even an hour later isn't terrible, right?

It was nice I guess but I'm not a fan of no carpet. Back to arrival night!
Ugh, me either. IS this what they are going to all over property?

We went to the new marketplace at the YC which was just about to close but the shelves with the pre-made stuff were bare and we all needed more than a snack. Out to the BW we went but again, nobody wanted to walk all the way to the Swolphin. They would however walk over to the BWI/V area to see if the bakery was still open even after I told them it wouldn't be?? And what is the difference in walking distance??? I just went with it because the whining and attitude I was already getting was enough. As I knew, the bakery was closed and the only window open was the margarita one, which wasn't a bad thing except they only had Mickey pretzels by way of food. We ended up ordering from the pizza window. We did this on arrival night in Nov. 2015 not knowing any better. I'm sorry if I offend anyone (not really) but, this has got to be the worst pizza in the world. I really, truly hope it is because if anyone serves pizza that tastes worse than this they should be shut down immediately.
:rotfl2::rotfl: Tell me how you really feel. I will be sure to avoid this place like the plague.

So cute, I hope they expand this more

Sidenote: I know this can be "controversial" :rolleyes: but I'm not happy they're removing her. Or redoing her or whatever. I think the reasons people are upset about the scene are ridiculous; people are reading too much into it and getting way to picky and whiny. I normally don't get upset about these things but this is pissing me off. I also realize the "official" reason for redoing the scene has nothing to do with guest complaints.
I 100% agree with you, the whole thing is dumb.

I debated keeping this ADR or cancelling and man, am I glad we kept it! Eventually we had to leave the A/C and venture back out into the desert
Glad to hear you liked it, I always mean to book this and then can never fit it in.

Free to post 10 more pictures! Using the Upload A File button is much easier than using Photobucket, the only thing that sucks is the picture limit.
I just recently started copying the picture from the folder in my computer and then pasting it right into the box on the Dis and it you get the 35 picture limit :thumbsup2

This is so cute

Well one was smiling, the other had his tough-guy-teenager look on which you'll see is a recurring theme here. Our first FP wasn't up until 9:15 so we went over to do the safari SB at 8:45, something that I don't think used to happen before Pandora.
It wouldn't be an AK update without safari pics!
It's like a glimpse into my teenage boy future, times three :faint:

When we were done the boys were more than ready for food. I may have been too but I'll pretend it was just the kids. When in Africa, you stop at Kusifiri Bakery! All there sweet stuff is so good; we sat on the wall and listened to Burudika play while we ate. Chris got something I've never seen there before, it's a huge cinnamon bun shaped like Mickey:
didn't know they had these, looks yummy

Sorry it's been awhile since my last update! Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. I got to spend yesterday in Manhattan at a travel agent luncheon on the Norwegian cruise ship, the Gem:

We toured different rooms, got to see the casino, theater, a few restaurants, and then after lunch we were able to walk around on our own for about an hour. I went with a fellow agent from my agency who lives about an hour from me and went on the Universal training with me back in Feb. This was my first time on a cruise ship believe it





My favorite part other than the bars......


The whole spa was amazing and while giving us the tour some of the staff even gave us a few minutes of massage. Ahh...........

We're With The Cool Kids Now!
We left Animal Kingdom when I was outvoted as far as staying, and made our way to the Wilderness Lodge hoping our CLUB LEVEL room was ready. The kids were pretty impressed when we pulled up to the resort - remember this was their first time here other than dinner at Whispering Canyon about 5-6 years prior and they had basically no recollection. I went to check in since we hadn't gotten a room ready text and surprise! Room ready :thumbsup2 All club rooms are on the 7th floor here and of course I can't remember our number, big fail! I'm also no good with knowing off the top of my head where rooms are located and what the view is, but we'd requested a room facing MK so I had my fingers crossed. Not only had I emailed that request to DSS but when they'd called me the week before our trip we'd discussed it again. We were anxious to get up there since it was noon and we had a 12:30 lunch reservation at Whispering Canyon, but we had to wait for the CL CM to come escort us up.
Well. We waited about 10 minutes and nobody came. We were high on the whole club level thing so we didn't mind, and finally the GM came to bring us up since nobody from club came down. First he took us to the lounge itself and explained that by scanning our band on the little keypad we can open the door. However, he also explained their MB system was down so at the moment, our bands wouldn't actually open the door. He then walked us to our room and had us try our bands there, only to have to explain once again our bands wouldn't work at this time. He apologized and asked us to wait while he went down and made us a key to use until the system came back up so we looked around the room. The first thing I noticed was this on the bed:


Close up of some of these things, the most important first-chocolate!


I said in my dining report, I knew we got chocolates but I had no idea they'd be WL themed!
Then they had our itinerary printed out. I'd made changes since they printed it but still pretty cool:


I didn't actually read this until close to our checkout day, but even if I'd read it earlier I don't think we would have gotten there this trip:


After my giddiness over the chocolate died down (I wouldn't let anyone eat the big bars but Steve and I tried the balls and they were good!) I went on to our balcony. This was our view straight on:


No Magic Kingdom. I was pretty bummed. We went on a fairly long spell of having great views, but that ended in March with our courtyard view here. Looking to the right wasn't great either; to the left was ok but you had to REALLY strain......



Here's our view when you strained to the left


Pretty but I was leaning as far as I dared out over the balcony. To the right:


As in March not an ugly view by any means but not our MK view. I mainly wanted it for the kids, but in the end it didn't matter because there was only one night we were at the resort during HEA anyway.

The GM came back with our one room key and told us to go to the lounge and ask the CM there to try linking our MB's again. We explained that it was now 12:30 and we'd be running late for our ADR, and he said he'd call down and tell them we'd be late-awesome! So to the lounge we went. I posted all my first lounge visit pics in my dining report if you want to see them but I'll put a couple here:

I have to put my favorite, the macaroons! I preferred the strawberry which you don't see in this picture because there was only one left when we arrived and I promptly ate it.

PB&J sliders and items to make trail mix with, there were a couple more items to the right. I remember marshmallows:



Notice the cold glasses in there for beer later on. They had 2 beers on tap and in the evening, a CM was stationed by them to pour and also to serve wine.

It was the snack period which if I remember correctly runs from 11:30-4. While waiting for James, the CM on duty there to work with our bands I took a picture of the lobby while looking down from the lounge:


Then when we left after James unsuccessfully linking our bands, I took a picture out of the window in the 7th floor hallway outside the lounge:


That's a pretty view! We made our way down to the lobby for lunch. We weren't happy about our bands not working but were hopeful the system would come up soon and didn't want to waste time worrying about it right now. The main problem was having only one key to get in, and that key wouldn't work to open the lounge door so if we wanted to get in the lounge we had to call a special lounge CM #, tell them we were at the gate, and they'd come open it. A big reason we decided to try club was so the boys could come and go from the lounge without us, especially if they didn't want to come to a park with us. With only one room key and having to call to access the lounge, it seemed this would be tricky and annoying. But again, we didn't want to worry about it now especially since we were starving!

We got to WCC about 12:50 so only 20 minutes late but it was no problem getting seated right away. When we gave our name and said we were late, the CM said, "oh yes, DeVizio, welcome!" We really enjoyed our lunch which surprised me as I didn't think the boys would be as thrilled with it as they were. Our server wasn't the most enthusiastic - nice, but think a very timid, quiet, literally whispering Barney Fife who then became the WWF announcer when we needed ketchup-and other servers around us were hysterical. We did have this CM come to our table when he saw me trying to move the ketchup bottles out of our way after they were delivered:


He said we needed to build a castle with them so that's what he did. If you don't know, at WCC when you ask your server for ketchup (which isn't on the table) EVERY table in the restaurant brings you their ketchup!
After lunch and a quick stop back to the room we took the boys exploring around the resort

Hmmm..not a very CL start to your Club Level stay :( Do you have pics of inside the room? I've never stayed at WL, but do enjoy their restaurants!
I hope all the technology hassles got sorted, because as you said, the point of doing CL was having all the perks you can't really experience easily with the system down :headache:

Ahhh, WL is just so beautiful, even without a MK view... but that would have made it REALLY beautiful! ::yes::
Glad your room was ready early and a nice touch with the printed itinerary and chocolate.
Hopefully they got their system straightened out for your MB to work. How frustrating to have the perks of a CL lounge and not be able to access it without calling them every time :sad2:


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