"What's up, fishes?!?" DD's quick surprise trip! Completed 5/28!


DIS Veteran
Jan 16, 2006

I did a trip report several years ago when DH and I got married and honeymooned down in Disney. Bear with me while I write this one. It's been a while!!!

So a little background. My best friend Katie and I had started talking last year about taking a quick trip to Disney for our 40th birthdays. She turned 40 in March and I turn 40 in June. DD (Carys) was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in September and Katie and I talked about taking her with us. She turned 5 this year, so it ended up being a birthday celebration for all 3 of us, plus celebrating how brave she's been the last several months. So we decided on April 26- April 29 at Art of Animation. It would have been nice to go for longer but I would be leaving DS behind and felt really guilty! He's only 18 months, so I didn't want to be away for long. DH and my mom were going to take care of him while we were gone.

Ok, so on with the good stuff. Carys had no idea we were going which made it hard to pack because I couldn't get anything out because she would see it and ask what was going on, but made it fun because I had this awesome secret. She has been to Disney once before and talks about it all the time so I knew that she would be excited once we told her she was going. We had a really early flight on Sunday morning (5:35 departure). Katie slept at our house the night before so when we woke up to leave my house she would already be there. We woke at 3:15am and I woke DD right before we left the house. We got to the airport at 4am and got though security pretty quickly. I was nervous about travelling with DD's diabetes supplies, but it went really well. I waited til we were at the gate and then gave Carys her magic band and asked her where she thought we were going to wear it. She said "Disney!"

We had a connecting flight in Baltimore and got some Jamba Juice (yum!) and had some breakfast

We flew Southwest and I would definitely fly them again. We had a great experience and the flights were pretty uneventful, which is good! I don't like to fly so the less drama the better!

We landed in Orlando at 10:30am and headed to Magical Express. It was so busy!!! Carys was pretty excited to scan her Magic Band to get us into line for Art of Animation. It was really hot waiting, and it felt like a pretty long wait. We got on a bus around 11am and sat all the way in the back. It was a full bus!

Art of Animation was hopping this day!!! Katie had stayed there before but it was the first time for Carys and me. It was awesome!

We were staying in a Lion King room which was really exciting as it's one of Carys's favorite movies and I know that she would be super excited to sleep in a Simba bed! We got to get right into our room and it was a short walk from the main building which was nice.

Continued in next post...
We headed out to our first park of the trip... Hollywood Studios!

It was a bit rainy and my hair frizzed up right away :laughing: And while I loved the hat, I do think that it looks good without it...

We had lunch at Backlot Express and then headed to Toy Story Mania! We didn't do this on our last trip so it was Carys's first time riding it and she loved it!

We walked towards our next fastpass which was the Frozen show and took pictures along the way. They had the coach from the new Cinderella movie and it was beautiful!

Carys played with a bubble gun which she loved!

We were waiting in line for the Frozen show and the sky opened up and it poured on us!!! We were soaking by the time the doors opened to let us in. The air conditioning was on and it made us so cold! I guess it was fitting for the Frozen show!

We loved it!!! It was such a cute show!!!

We walked over to the Great Movie Ride and met some characters!

Max was the best! he was so interactive and took time with Carys. So cute!

We watched the Disney Junior show which Katie had never done and she really liked it.

And then we had dinner here

It was a very uneventful meal. I usually like it there, but it was just "meh" this time. Carys liked eating in a car thought. She thought it was really fun.

Carys and I went to Voyage of the Little Mermaid while Katie went on Tower of Terror. I remember there being a curtain of water at this part and feeling the mist on my face, but it didn't happen this time...

It was still fun and it was a good Ariel

We did a little shopping then went back to Art of Animation to go to sleep. We had been up since 3am! And we needed to get a good night's sleep. We were headed to Magic Kingdom the next day and were hoping to meet Anna and Elsa!

to be continued...

So our first night sleeping was pretty good. I slept on the couch bed and the refrigerator was super noisy. I kept waking up every time it would go on. But Carys loved sleeping in the pull down bed! Katie had the actual room for herself. I loved having 2 bathrooms. It made getting ready in the morning super easy!

We had a quick breakfast in the room so we could get going quickly. We were unable to get a fastpass for Anna and Elsa so we wanted to be there first thing to have as little a wait as possible. The bus stop was super crowded this morning. We went through 2 MK buses before we got on one. I was getting really nervous we were going to be late. I was really stressed about meeting A&E because I knew it was important to Carys. I'm a stress bucket anyways, so this just added to it. :laughing: Well, we got there in plenty of time, watched the opening show and then walked briskly to Anna and Elsa.

We had to stay behind the cast members with a rope.

Then some people went one way to the Mine Train, and then a whole bunch of us went to A&E. That was crazy! Katie parked the stroller for me and then she headed to Space Mountain while I got in line with Carys. It was a little chaotic until we were actually in line. Husbands who had been parking the strollers were jumping into line and pushing to get with their families.

We did end up pretty close to the front of the line and waited only about 15 minutes. The queue was pretty and I loved the pictures on the walls.

I do feel since people are waiting in there for so long, they should be playing some music, or even have some screens to watch a princess movie. That would make the time go faster. We had Anna and Elsa sign a Frozen book that we have so now when we read it we will have their signatures in there.

I'm glad we got there when we did as the line was super long when we were done. Space mountain ended up being down so Katie rode the carousel and we met her at the exit of that and saw this...

so fun!!!

We went and rode Winnie the Pooh and loved the interactive area which made waiting so much fun!


Carys was fascinated with all the ducks we saw at all the parks. She wanted to give these her Orange Bird. A peace offering perhaps.

We rode Small World and then Little Mermaid

We had a fastpass for Mine Train but had some time before we could do that, so we went on the teacups, which are Carys's favorite. While waiting in line we noticed how far back the line for Mine Train was. This cast member was holding a sign saying where the line ended

The teacups were a blast like always!

We rode the Mine Train, which I was nervous for Carys as it was her first roller coaster. She loved it and screamed the whole time! It was hard to get a picture on the actual ride since it was so bumpy, so here's one from the queue :)

continued in next post...
After the mine train we went on the TTA. I love that and wish that you could just stay on it and ride a few times in a row.

lovely construction

We went to have lunch at Cosmic Rays which was really yummy as always. It was really hot outside so it was nice to sit for a little bit and cool off.

Our next stop was Philharmagic. Always super fun!

Then we had a fastpass for Storytime with Belle. Carys got chosen to be in the show and she was Maurice. I had put her in her Belle dress for just this moment as Belle is her favorite. I'm glad she got to have her picture taken with her.

I had scheduled Carys a haircut at the barbershop. When we went on our first trip, she had gotten her first haircut there so I thought it would be fun to get her haircut every time we go. It was only a trim but she had fun and asked for some glitter which they did and Orange bird got in on the action too. Our stylist was so fun, and the guy at the door was from where we live! We had fun talking to him.

We sat and watched the parade. I don't know how, but I always seem to sit where the cast members that aren't working are sitting and the character interaction from the parade performers is always so much more fun as the recognize their friends and make better faces, come over more, etc.

We looked in the Emporium for a bit and then got on the monorail to go to dinner at Chef Mickeys!!

Another costume change for Carys... Minnie liked it a lot!

And a picture of our desserts, because yum.

We rode the monorail after dinner and stopped at the Grand Floridian to look in their gift shop. I love it there. Katie and Carys had fun on the monorail.

Headed back to Art of Animation and just relaxed. It had been a busy, hot day!

Up next, Day 3 - Epcot!
Day 3 - EPCOT! :figment:

I woke up this morning with a really bad sore throat. Yuck! And it was super rainy this morning. Out with the raincoats!

We were planning on getting on a bus to Magic Kingdom to go and get on the monorail to go to Ohana for breakfast. It took over 20 minutes for a MK bus to get to AoA, then once we got to MK, we had to walk to the monorail, wait there and then finally got to the Polynesian. 40 minutes late for our ADR. oops!!! They were very accomodating though. I think they were expecting it because of the weather.

I haven't been to the Polynesian since we stayed there in 2013 and since the lobby change. I was so bummed to see it in person. Here's a picture. Not of my sadness, but of the lobby

So our buzzer went off and in we went for breakfast!

All the characters came around pretty quickly which was nice!

and here's our food. It was the first time I'd seen Stitch waffles! We were so excited. And then we ended up getting some Mickey waffles later.

We left Ohana around 9:45 and were on our way to Epcot!

some rainy day sadness...

we had fastpasses for Test Track but because of the rain it was down. We went to the Seas and rode one of my favorites - Nemo! "In a Big Blue World..." I was singing that the rest of the day.

We met a scuba diver

Took a picture of my favorite sign

And then talked to Crush

And then Orange Bird had some fun...

Then off to see Figment!

pee yew!

And now some topiary pictures... I love the Flower and Garden festival!

and the butterfly garden. Carys loved this. She loves butterflies!!

Coming up next... we head back to the countries!
So I realized that I never explained the title of my trip report in the last post! :laughing: When we were in the Seas and looking in all the tanks, Katie said "what's up fishes?!?" and Carys joined in and added this little wave which was hilarious. It was said and done quite a few times that day, even though we were no where near fish :lmao:

Ok, now on to the second part of our Epcot day! :goodvibes

Walking back to the countries we saw this awesome topiary. DD loved it!

Then we decided to start on the Mexico side and didn't get far because we saw Duffy

The sun was finally coming out so we put our raincoats away! Once we got to Mexico, we stopped at the Kidcot station and got our Duffy to color and Perry too.

This was my second time going during the Flower and Garden festival and I would definitely go again. I think the topiaries are amazing! :thumbsup2

I'm realizing that I really didn't take a lot of pictures in the countries. I think I still wasn't feeling very well. We did stop in every country though and went in to the Kidcot stations to get the stamp on the Duffy and look in the shops. When we were in the American Adventure and there were some cute baby ducks. Carys was so excited!

When we got to France I know that I wanted to get a treat so I got some ice cream for Carys and I to share. I got an apple and cinnamon flavor and it was so good! I took a picture of one of the cases. The flavor we got is on the bottom left. Though I would have eaten all of them!

We stopped in the UK for a bit. Carys liked being in the shops there and Katie bought some Dr. Who stuff. We walked past the lumberjack show in Canada, watching some log rolling and seeing someone fall in :lmao: Went to get our final stamp in Canada

then stopped at one of the Flower and Garden merchandise tents. We got a few things there and then headed to the Land because we had dinner scheduled at Garden Grill!

We rode Living with the Land which there was no wait for before we headed up to dinner

Continued in next post!
Dinner at Garden Grill

Katie had never eaten there before but I had. I love it there. I think it's a very underrated restaurant.

We had tons of food and the character interaction was excellent. The rolls and butter were so awesome. I took a picture of those!

Orange bird got Chipnapped!

some dancing...

Katie told Dale that Carys looked like him because they both had a gap in their teeth! :rotfl:

Carys got a cupcake which she thoroughly enjoyed! :laughing:

Pluto stopped back and sat with Katie. She had no idea he was coming back and he startled her! :lmao:

We stopped and watched the fountains for a bit

There was a playground set up for F&G and Carys played there for a bit

some more topiaries...

Then went in to Mouse Gear and the art store. We went on Spaceship Earth and then headed out of the park to go to the buses.

It was later than Carys normally goes to bed and she conked out as soon as her head hit the pillow!

Up next, our last day :( Back to Magic Kingdom
We had so much fun! And I just saw your ticker and it looks like we are going at the same time next year! :thumbsup2[/QUOTE]

Our last day - Back to Magic Kingdom

I can't believe that the trip went so quickly! We woke up early to get our bags checked in and head to Magic Kingdom for breakfast at Crystal Palace. I took pictures of the resort as we were walking since I hadn't taken too many during the trip.

loved this chandelier!

Took the bus to MK and got there at 8am for our 8:05 breakfast

I love semi empty MK mornings!

Crystal Palace! This restaurant is one of my favorites. I think the food is great and the restaurant itself is beautiful! Plus I love Piglet and he's here. Good times!!

Carys looking through her autograph book while we were waiting to be seated.

I had brought a Winnie the Pooh book and had the characters sign one of the pages they were on.

Breakfast was awesome as usual and I got to eat the puffed french toast which made me super happy! We started walking towards Haunted Mansion and it was still semi empty

I love this sign!

I tried to be all artsy with my camera

We had a great time in our doom buggy and then we went in to the store

they have such great stuff there! I loved these pictures!

I bought a shirt and then we headed to Dumbo

Then on to the Barnstormer. Carys had never been on this and had fun!

After riding Barnstormer we had a fastpass for Peter Pan so headed back to that. Off to Neverland!

There are a bunch more pictures so I will continue in the next post!
Continuing on! I didn't want to have picture overload in that first part!

Carys had seen the 2015 stuffed Minnie a couple different places during the trip so when we were in Mickey's Star Traders I had Katie keep her busy so I could buy it as a surprise. She loved it and Minnie sleeps in her bed now here at home

Off to fight evil Emperor Zurg!

Rode this again. You can never ride it too much!

We had a fastpass for Monsters Inc laugh floor so we went to that. I had only seen it once before and honestly, it wasn't something that I though I would want to do again. Carys thought it was super funny and told a couple of the jokes again after we saw the show, so I'm glad she liked it.

We stopped in Frontierland for a Dole Whip and for Carys to eat some lunch. I was surprised to see that Aloha Isle had moved. I was nervous at first that there were no more dole whips! But they were found and all was right with the world!

we saw a couple friends while we ate

We went to ride Pirates before it is closed for refurbishment. It said there was a 30 minute wait and I kind of panicked because the queue is "underground" and I can get a little claustrophobic. But it ended up only being about 10 minutes, so that was good!

Sadly it was getting to be time to leave to get the bus back to AoA so we could get on the Magical Express. Our last ride is always the carousel, so we headed to that.

This was the face (well, the covered face) leaving MK

A good sight coming in, but not a good one leaving

After a ridiculous wait at the Orlando Airport to get through TSA we were on the plane home

Thoughts on the trip...

We had a great time. I wish it had been a little longer than the 4 days. I feel like we tried to cram so much in that it was hard to enjoy it and we were exhausted by the last day. I'm really glad that I got to take Carys away, if even for those few days, and being with Katie was a blast! I wish there were more pictures of me and Carys. Katie took a few with her phone, but I wish I had some on my camera. I loved the resort and we are planning on staying there next year, in the Cars section, for DS's first trip. I will love being able to walk around the resort some more and take pictures of the Little Mermaid section. I liked the Magic Bands and we didn't have any problems with them until the last day when we tried to use up the rest of our snack credits and they were unable to scan them. We had great meals and great service. As for the weather, I certainly wish it hadn't rained, but what can you do. The heat wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great. And it made for me being a little cranky in the crowds. All in all, a great trip and I can't wait to go again!

Thanks for reading!!



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