What's in YOUR backpack?


<font color=teal>Knows how to wave like a madwoman
Dec 17, 2002
What are the absolute, must-have items in your purse/fanny pack/back pack in WDW? :smooth:
Ponchos or small mini travel size umbrellas, snacks, water bottle, hat, shades, sunscreen, and face cloth are tucked inside a backpack. I keep money/credit card and personal i.d. info on my person in a small fannypack.:D
Let's see:
Extra Film
Autograph Book
Park Map(s)
Park Ticket
Room Key
Rain Poncho
Light Chaser
let's see...most of above and

and more film (i leave for the day with roll in camera and 4 more new rolls with me) I never know when I will go picture crazy :rolleyes:
Too much stuff! :rolleyes:

I'm starting to pack for this weekend and I can't believe all the stuff I always lug around at the parks.
I am envious when I see people walking around not carrying anything!
I tried that once though, and I felt lost without all my STUFF.

I guess I feel better knowing I'm ready for anything but I sure do get tired of carrying all that weight around.
We just got back yesterday and DH lugged our backpack around every day with a sore shoulder from his separated shoulder surgery he had last year!! we (he) carried:

ponchos - 1 for each person
sunscreen - spf 15 and spf 8
water bottles with insulated holders - 1 for each person
a small mirror (compact)
a comb (for water parks to comb wet hair or after water rides)
chapstick with sunscreen
park maps
camera and case with extra batteries and film
fruit (apples and an orange)

I carried a mister fan and had a fanny pack I kept my park ticket, makeup, tissues, sunglasses, sunscreen, gum and mints in!
First aid kit
two way radio
quarters and pennies for pressed pennies
pressed pennies
extra compact flash cards for digital camera
Let's see...

extra film
ziplock baggies for camera
water bottle

I think that's about it.

Canon A70 (3mp digital camera)
Extra batteries for camera
Extra memory card for camera
2 autograph books for the kids
2 pens
room keys/park passes
4 disposable ponchos (sometimes)

That's it.....I refuse to lug around any more STUFF!! LOL
Backpack items:
Camera in ziolock
digital camcorder in ziplock
film, tapes & extra batteries in ziplock
small first-aid kit in ziplock
3-4 diapers
whipes in ziplock
changing pad
extra change of clothes for DD in ziplock
Britta water bottles (2)
important info. in ziplock(recent pics of kids,birth certifs.)
park maps
disposable rain ponchos

We use our DS's L.L. Bean school backpack as it has two water bottle holders on it. As you can tell I use a lot of ziplocks ! They really help to keep things seperate, organized and dry .
In my compact but multi-compartment bum bag (OK fanny pack - but we Brits NEVER call them that!!)

driving licence
ibuprofen tablets
sticking plasters (for sore feet)
little packet of wet wipes (essential)
nail file
villa keys
car keys
park map
sun glasses (if not on cord round neck)

Yes, I'm the control freak!:) :) :) but it makes me happy!

In DH's bum bag:

camcorder & spare battery
camera & film
sunglasses (as above)

In back pack in locker:

rain ponchos x 3
pullovers x 3
trousers x 3 if it's chilly (we visit in October)
Spare T shirt and shorts if there are water rides!!

In DS's bum bag

autograph book
sunglasses (as above)

We've learned to take the kitchen sink just in case, but to leave it in the locker. Sometimes I don't go back to the locker til closing time, other times we use everything.

At least NOW we carry tissues. Originally we didn't think of it.
We had waited about 45 min to get to see A Bug's Life. We were almost to the entrance when DD gets a nose bleed.
(She gets them once in awhile...not a big deal but can be messy)
I run to the closest CM who tells me that she doesn't have anything and I'll have to leave and take DD to the nearest restroom.
I'm surprised that they don't have access to a first aid kit or have some sort of protocol for dealing with biohazard (blood) situations.
Anyway.......I turn to the line and bellow, "Does anyone have a tissue?"
From 5 different people waiting in line come handfuls of tissues.
People in line at Disney can be really cool.

Lesson learned.
We pack TISSUES!!!!!
Camera and film in ziplock bag, sunscreen, case for sunglass clips for when it turns dark,
frozen water bottles wrapped in ponchos to stay cool,
sandwiches, apples in ziplock bag, granola bars.

Everyone carries their own water bottle with strap, wears their hat and sunglasses, DH and I carry room key/cc.

That's it for us..
Originally posted by edie w
In my compact but multi-compartment bum bag (OK fanny pack - but we Brits NEVER call them that!!)

Butt Pack is acceptable in the states, but to an American ear, fanny pack probably sounds more refined...

Totally off topic, but our British cousins can probably appreciate the horror an ex-coworker of mine (who is English) experienced when she first went clothes shopping after moving to the States and the sales lady wanted her to try something on to see how her fanny looked in them. Of course, it's funny now. :D

On topic, our Nextel Phones will always go with us...much better than the 2 way radios with about 2000 people on the same channel as your group. We also carry a number of frozen water bottles and some kinda of light carbohydrate rich snacks. Wifeypoo carries all of the medicinal stuff in her backpack purse.

We take turns carrying a very little backpack. It sounds like a lot of stuff but I get travel size everything.
  • tylenol and rolaids
  • wipies
  • ponchos (from WalMart about the size of a credit card)
  • camera and film
  • sunscreen and chapstick with sunscreen
  • kleenex
  • moleskin
  • sunglasses case with regular glasses in it
The only other thing we need is our room key/charge card in our lanyard with a $5 bill behind it for stands.
In addition to all of the regular stuff, I make sure I have a couple of tubes of glucose tablets. (I have diabetes.) Works great for the lows.
in my black leather knapsack:

cell phone
extra pins
hair clip
mini fan(water mister)

A good way to tell your bag apart:I have a black bag and put my Austin Powers(talking head) on it to tell it apart in a sea:)
I carried a Gap slingpack which has one arm loop instead of two and is easy to take on and off. Very comfortable even in 95 degree heat.



Wal-Mart ponchos, one each, in their cases
autograph books
pressed penny collection book
two Brita bottles, half filled and frozen the night before, then topped off in the morning, one water, one lemonade (filter removed)
mister fan
umbrella to share
two-way radio (the other with my wife)
park map for the day
times guide for the day
CC guide/GAC/PHP/ID/Visa/receipts
fat pens
mini mag lite (great for late nights and dining at The SAI)
suntan lotion spray
bug repellent
adding my camera and spare change(sometimes hard to break bills for something like a drink from a cart)


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