What would you like to see in the new era?

Maybe it's because Pete drove the content. They may have also shared the same opinions as Pete per his direction. We may see a shift in that now.
One can only hope, however given the nature of some of the
Maybe it's because Pete drove the content. They may have also shared the same opinions as Pete per his direction. We may see a shift in that now.
Doubtful. One can always hold out hope, but given the nature of the discourse surrounding the Mouse in the current cultural climate any discussion about it is fraught with pitfalls.
Political discussions aren't discourse. You may choose to watch Fox News over CNN or vice versa because that channel may lean more towards your views. Same thing. You may disagree with their political takes. Why would you watch something that's not enjoyable?
I watch NEITHER, nice assumption (not fooling anyone with the "if you choose" caveat). Political discussions ARE discourse.......
Political discussions aren't discourse. You may choose to watch Fox News over CNN or vice versa because that channel may lean more towards your views. Same thing. You may disagree with their political takes. Why would you watch something that's not enjoyable?
Perhaps to understand another viewpoint and not get so siloed in your own belief system that you mistake your viewpoint for fact and truth, in my experience, it has helped me grow.
I watch NEITHER, nice assumption (not fooling anyone with the "if you choose" caveat). Political discussions ARE discourse.......
I was speaking in generalities. And no, political conversation can cause discourse. At the same time, it's their content. If you want something different, then make your own to counter.
Perhaps to understand another viewpoint and not get so siloed in your own belief system that you mistake your viewpoint for fact and truth, in my experience, it has helped me grow.
Correct, but that's not the crux of the argument. I may not like what the other political channel has to say, but I am well aware they're allowed to exist as they cater to their audience. I have a choice, like all of us do.
I think you mean disagree. I'm saying the politics can stay. I want the politics. I want to hear what people think about the politics that will be affecting Disney and the surrounding area.

Also the idea that it should be 'fair' discussions for politics is impossible. Politics are deeply personal and by nature often unfair to someone. I don't want watered down mentions when it comes to people's livlihoods. As a queer person I want to know, most especially, what the queer people on the panel have to say about the politics going on locally.
I agree... though people don't seem to be able to talk about politics in a respectful way these days, so it all goes downhill quickly.
I would love to see someone on the show who really knows Disneyland. Just to offer perspective and share a news item. I know its a DW show, but the multiple times I hear them get something wrong about DL makes me yell at the speaker. Plus, as a west coaster who recently visited DW for the first time it would have been nice to have that input for planning.
I agree. It's also odd that, from photos on social media, Craig has taken his son to the parks several times, but he has never talked about his experience there with his baby. Why not? I mean, I understand wanting to keep your baby out of the spotlight, per se, but you can certainly talk about how the experience is different with a baby in tow and talk about how that is. It isn't helpful if the one panelist with an infant never talks about his experience with the child in the parks.
Rory was mentioned several times during the California podcast in relation to what he did and didn’t like. This is the first podcast under new management.
I agree. It's also odd that, from photos on social media, Craig has taken his son to the parks several times, but he has never talked about his experience there with his baby. Why not? I mean, I understand wanting to keep your baby out of the spotlight, per se, but you can certainly talk about how the experience is different with a baby in tow and talk about how that is. It isn't helpful if the one panelist with an infant never talks about his experience with the child in the parks.
It all goes back to who the majority of Dreams clients are. Hopefully that changes
Agree. Craig is great. It's amazing to me that he manages his job and is still a good husband/father.
I'll take it one step further. @WebmasterCorey is a stand up dude. He addressed something private with me and he didn't have to. I ask that all of us show him some grace and give him time to make necessary changes. I'm not saying it to kiss up, I'm saying it because I truly believe it.
I'll take it one step further. @WebmasterCorey is a stand up dude. He addressed something private with me and he didn't have to. I ask that all of us show him some grace and give him time to make necessary changes. I'm not saying it to kiss up, I'm saying it because I truly believe it.
Also, as I shared in another thread, his daughter had major surgery today. All went well but she has some recovery and therapy and all ahead of her. Obviously he will be focused on that at the same time he's trying to pick up the pieces around here so go easy on him.
I would love to see someone on the show who really knows Disneyland. Just to offer perspective and share a news item. I know its a DW show, but the multiple times I hear them get something wrong about DL makes me yell at the speaker. Plus, as a west coaster who recently visited DW for the first time it would have been nice to have that input for planning.

I love to hear what advice and tips Teresa and Kathy (or another DU agent) are giving their clients who travel to WDW from afar. As a DVC owner and nearly all my trips are on points, I don't have a TA to help me plan, and things change in the parks. Rapidly!
I honestly quit listening to the show because it got way too negative. I get it doesn’t have to be all roses and sunshine all the time, but the conversations made me feel like “if you don’t even like Disney why are you doing a show/selling this product?” I agree more parent perspectives to balance out the adults only perspective, and more female/minority representation. I also think more content related to what’s going on in the parks/resorts and less news/discussing of the news.
The "how are we doing" emotional wellness check ins need to stop, as well as any political talk. We are all dealing with stuff, and we are not tuning into the Dis to hear about other people's stuff.

I like the “wellness check”, I watch because I love Disney but also because I like and care about the team. If I didn’t like the team I could watch any other different channel for Disney info and updates. And because I know we all deal with stuff I like keeping up and hearing about them as well.

As far as politics goes I don’t want to hear general politic talk but if it has to do with Disney I think it’s relevant. And to be far any political talk recently has been because it’s impacts Disney and travel to Orlando.

There are times they are talking about stuff that doesn’t interest or impact me and if I wanted to I have the option to tune out briefly or fast forward.

Not to pick on you @BigEeyore I do agree with many of your other points and suggestions.
I'm fine with the hour-long format and always get annoyed when they cut off a conversation or skip a topic because they're "running long". Keep talking. I don't care if the show is 3 hours long."

This! I can’t even count the times the conversation was getting really good or interesting and they just cut it short for time. If its a natural stopping point fine but if you’re having a good conversation, I’m sure most people would like it to keep going.
Honestly, a one month (at least) moratorium for reflection/healing/processing.

Beyond that- get back into the parks (the true stars of Disney overall now), and back to basics. One of the best segments in recent years IMHO was Deni/Ryno simply walking around the parks and rating areas/countries (Epcot). Far less snide/cynical commentary- and much more joyful escapism.
First, I think that Craig and Ryno have been producing great content despite the various challenges that have been faced by many members of the team.

I understand individuals wanting to hear more about their particular perspectives: international travelers, etc.

But because this is a show/channel geared toward a general Walt Disney World audience, too much attention to any specific niche topics would make the show less relevant to the general audience. I'm from the Midwest, so obviously I would be happy to see loads of content about optimizing travel from the Midwest. But I recognize that that won't fit the format. If there's an audience for your niche, that's probably something for someone else to tackle. And while I don't know this for a fact, I suspect that Dreams Unlimited travel may not even be able to sell WDW packages to the international market, so dedicating content to that on the main show might not be strategic from a business standpoint, either.

I do enjoy the in-park videos as well as the weekly, in-studio shows.

I think there is a wide gap - not just a fine line - between sharing honest opinions and going overboard with self- indulgent rants.

I only mention that because though I've been on the boards since very early on, started listening to The DISUnplugged at the beginning, and have enjoyed listening to most everyone to some extent, I've also sought other podcasts that were intentionally objective without being obnoxious. When questions come up in those groups about other podcasts that people listen to, There's a common theme of people who used to listen to the DISUnplugged, but tired of all of the negative rants.

So I'm just saying that from my perspective, continue to keep it real, but please don't appoint someone to be the new "designated ranter"! We don't want it, we don't need it.

I think it will be super important, coming out of these difficult times, for the company behind the boards and the shows to provide some transparency in terms of changes to company culture. Consumers want to work with people/companies that have values similar to theirs. I love the work that Craig and Ryno (and the rest of the team... don't forget that!) have produced. But I would honestly prefer to know that they've got an opportunity for work life balance than to have daily content pushed out at the expense of that balance.

I also think that in this new era of the company, humility will win over arrogance. I won't go back in time to provide examples, but they were on almost every show. I think that by the very nature of the changes that have already occurred, there won't be that same problem anymore.

Though it may now be more difficult than ever, I miss hearing from Kevin and John on a regular basis. When I think back to some of the funniest things I've heard on the show, I think of Kevin's review many years ago of the "sad little crab cakes" at the Coral Reef. The thought still cracks me up.

I'm sad about what has come to light that brought the company to this point. However, I really believe that the uninvolved "survivors" can put this in the rear view mirror, build upon the community that they've created, and evolve into something better (at a company and channel level, but more importantly at a personal level) for all.
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