What was the strangest interaction you ever had with a character?

Back in 97, my best friend and I were at MK, and at a Character meeting with Minnie, and after we had each taken a photo of the other with Minnie, we got autographs from her, and she wrote on mine "your finger was covering the lens" , so I had to retake the picture of the two of them. I STILL have that picture of my finger covering the lens, it's too funny! I wish I still had that autograph, that was priceless!

I forgot about this one. During MVMCP this year, The Mayor of Main Street USA was talking to me and my Dh. I forgot who he has walking around with him--some woman character. Well we were all joking around and he said that she was his mistress. Now I know that at WDW none of the characters are supposed to have mistresses! He tried to "cover" it up, but we all had a big laugh about it.
On the 1994 trip, my DH (then DBF) and I were walking in Epcot, maybe France? Suddenly, I felt this really hard blow to my head. It knocked my head down onto my chest--it really hurt! I thought something had dropped on my head. I turned around, and there was one of the dwarfs (I don't remember his name--the one with the shirt with blue stripes on it). It was the dwarf, he pounded me on the head! I could not believe it. I asked him why he hit me on the head, and he just stood there. DH took my picture with him anyway--I do not look pleased in the photo, let me tell you. Stupid dwarf.
Back when I was teenager, (maybe around 14) we were at a character breakfast at the Polynesian. My brother was only 3 or 4 then. Minnie came up to the table to give autographs. When she was walking away, he turned to my mom and said She is not the real Minnie and mom asked why he said she has sneakers on....apparently her costume shoes didn't cover sneakers (we have this on video too)

On that same trip we were having dinner and the Country Bears were going around to all the tables. Well this 1 bear would not leave me alone! He kept covering my eyes while I was eating, then he left and came back during dessert and did the same thing. It was quite annoying!
My parents tell me about this story. I was 8 months old on my first trip to WDW. I loved Pooh, still do in fact. We were at a show and I was sitting on Mom's lap. Pooh walked by to go up on stage and I reached for him. He came over to me and let me rub his belly until I fell asleep. He never went up on stage.

The next story took place about 16-17 years ago. I was 13 years old and in a wheelchair because my heel bone hadn't hardened the way it was supposed to. The Dr. gave me a choice a cast or a wheelchair. We were going to WDW in July, no way did I want a cast. Anyways I was in the wheelchair and Minnie came up to us and pointed at my Dad's shirt. He was wearing a shirt that said Lefty on it. It turns out the Minnie is a lefty (or at least the person playing her was). Now whenever we go to Disney Dad looks to see what hand Minnie is signing her autographs with.

I also had an interaction about 17 years ago with the Dream Maker and Figament in the original Journey into Imagination. I had hair down to my waist and it was in a braid and put through the baseball cap. Well Dream Maker had a Figament puppet, and Figament kept eating my hair and knocking my hat off my head. I was so young and didn't realize that Dream Maker had a fake arm. I thought Figament was a real dragon. To this day I still love dragons especially cute purple ones.

We went to WDW every summer from the time I was 8 months old until I was 15. There are probably more funny character stories I just don't rememeber all of them. Usually the characters are very good with little kids, but sometimes the kids aren't very good with the characters. We saw a couple of little kids pulling Goofy's ears and stepping on the lion-king from Robin Hood's robe. Their parents were taking pictures and laughing.
chip from chip and dale punched me in the face!

lol by accident, it was an e-ride night at MK and chip and dale were out, with no line to see them. My two sisters and I went running up (i was 18 at the time, i want to add lol) and my sister Kasey got to them first. chip went to hug her and didn't notice that i was was running up right behind her (we are the same height), so i got a punch to the nose. it was really funny, i was temporarily stunned, holding my nose, and my eyes were watering like crazy. chip (who punched me) didn't even notice, but dale did and was making holding his fists up behind chip's back pretending to fight him.
TAKitty said:
I forgot about this one. During MVMCP this year, The Mayor of Main Street USA was talking to me and my Dh. I forgot who he has walking around with him--some woman character. Well we were all joking around and he said that she was his mistress. Now I know that at WDW none of the characters are supposed to have mistresses! He tried to "cover" it up, but we all had a big laugh about it.
I was at MVMCP this year, and I also saw the Mayor out greeting. I love chatting with him! The day I was there, he was with a character named Hildegard, who is running against him in the next election (as so her character's story goes!). So maybe that is who you saw? I am sure you been dying to know, right??? :teeth:

I never sensed there was anything going on between them, maybe next time I will probe further ..... :scratchin :teeth:
Not really strange, but Kermit hit me in the mouth with his giant eyeball! Ouch! I had a bump on my lip for a while after that.
My girlfriend just about lost it when Pooh made the kissy kissy noise at her. She said it creeped her out. I laughed so hard about that one.
We went to MK in November. I made autograph albums for my DD to use and I planned to take her pic and put the pic on the page opposite of the autograph. She was SO excited about going to Disney, but since she is 2, I was concerned she would be scred of the characters. I let her take her favorite stuffed kitty because this cat has to go everywhere with us. It was so funny. She would walk up to the characters and hand them kitty. If they were nice to kitty, she assumed they would be nice to her. All of the characters played along so well. They would hug kitty and then hug her. All of the pics are of her, the character, and the kitty. Baloo was the best though. He sat and played with her and kitty for a LONG time on Main Street. She was in heaven. :love:

The only character that wouldn't play along was Rafiki. He must not have realized what she wanted because he took kitty before she handed it to him and she reused to get near him. It was pretty funny. I have 1 pic of just Rafiki and the kitty.
During our dd's first trip to WDW(she was 5 at the time) we were in Adventureland and ran into Timon at an out of the way spot and actually had him all to ourselves for about 15 minutes. He and my dd layed down on the ground on their bellies and played tic tac toe in her autograph book for quite a while.

When my dd was about 10 were in the garden area of the UK pavilion in Epcot and she was sitting at a picnic table making her mask when Captain Hook sat down right beside of her.....and preceded to ignore her(actually turned his back to her) for about 15 minutes. He interacted with the other kids, helped them with their masks, ect. but completely ignored her no matter how hard she tried to get his attention. Finally when she finished her mask he turned around, acknowledged her and signed her autograph book. I have no idea why he was so pointedly ignoring her the whole time.

I have 2. On my very first trip to Disney we had dinner at the Liberty Tree Tavern. When Tigger came by, I wanted a hug. So not only does he hug me, he sticks his face in my neck and makes kissing noises. We have a great picture of me laughing hysterically while Tigger is getting fresh! :rotfl: My second one happened when I was on a trip with my sis. We were walking thru the Japan pavillion and the big scary guy from Mulan came out. Well, he made a bee-line for me and chased me around a bit. Now I'm a grown woman, and I know he really won't hurt me, but it did freak me out! But not so much as the little kid he went up to after I ran away. I thought that poor boy was going to pee his pants he was so scared! I was torn between laughter and feeling sorry for him. The child was probably traumatized at Disney! :lmao:
We were standing with Capt'n Hook at the Grand Gathering Pirate Cruise and I was trying to interact with him b/c they hang out with you so it's not a quick picture then leave.

I wanted to say how nicley dressed he was but it kept coming out wrong. I said he looked very fancy which was not something a pirate wants to hear. My family and friends were killing themselves laughing as I'm trying to get my foot out of my mouth then Hook puts his arm around me. I'm thinking to let me know it's alright when he takes my hand as if to kiss it and starts to try and take off my wedding rings.
My kids were histerical "Mom, Mom he's trying to steal your jewels!"
angel's momma said:
Not exactly strange, more a funny coincidence -

DD has very long hair - she can sit on it. Every day on our last trip I braided it in 2 braids high on each side of her head. Practically every single one of the characters (and we got over 50) held her braids out when posing for the picture.

DD didn't see the humor in it. :) Why do they keep doing that???
LOL! The day I did that with my daughter's hair most of the characters did that, too!

Yeah. I had that happen to me too. I have to find the pictures.
My dd met Jafar about 7 years ago at the Polynesian during a costume contest (she won for Shirley Temple) Well I took this picture and she has a big smile on her face, but Jafar is just a little too creepy for me!
Having Goofy blow me kisses seemed pretty strange and out of character to me.
Right before our trip to WDW my sister had fallen and broken her ankle. Not wanting to postpone the trip, she travelled in a wheelchair for the week.

I was pushing her in the wheelchair out of Buzz Lightyear, and was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around and saw Pluto, but my sister had no clue what was going on. He motioned that he would push the chair for me. Well he didn't just push the chair..he sprinted off across Tomorrowland at a dead run to Space Mountain. All I could hear was my sister screaming at me to slow down and stop being a (bleep bleep expletive bleep) jerk. She about died when she turned around and saw it wasn't me at the "wheel".

It was a hoot....
mine really isn't strange but it was very funny!! at GF character breakfast, i spotted a cupcake that was being brought out for a birthday. at that same moment, the mad hatter visited to our table. i said that it was my unbirthday (and i am sure that i am not the first and only person to ever say that to him). the mad hatter said he would see what he could find in the back. after a few minutes he came back out with a cupcake and said something about it was laying out so it might be stale. so i should smell it to see if it was still good. well being a naive teenager i agreed and sure enough i got my nose shoved into the cupcake.
the pictures are priceless and my family still gets a good laugh about it :rotfl2:
This past Dec., we went to AK on a very rainy day. We went to Rafiki's Planet Watch and had the place practically to ourselves. The kids were very excited to see Stanley and Rafiki there and they got their pictures taken with them. After the pictures were taken, Stanley came up to me, grabbed my hand, and brought me over to this window-type thing with a hologram of a spider (I HATE spiders!). After that, he dragged me over to where some CM's were holding a snake and letting people touch it. Stanley put me in the line to touch the snake. I actually had no problem doing this, but he stood there pointing to me, the snake, and then to his eyes as if to say that he's watching me so I better do it. It was weird but funny. My kids got a really big kick out of it!


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