what kind of fanny pack do you use?


<img src=http://photopost.wdwinfo.com/data/500/sw.
Feb 4, 2001
i detest these things but after doing disney last year without one...well i have come to the realization that i just need one. so now the question is what kind? and how big should it be? i dont carry alot. hand sanitzer, camera, film, money, room key, and passes. any advice???

I went throught the same dilemma last year!!! Weel, now I have a great fanny pack that has been through 3 trips and has worked great!!!

I found it at Target. I basically carry the same things: passes, room keys, credit card, cash, hand wipes, disposable camera. I also carry my autograph book and pen, some gum and lipstick. Maybe a small sunscreen stick...

Two things I would look for (mine has these)
- a "wallet like" compartment , where you can put your cards, without having to have a wallet or have the cards loose and floating around.
- a large compartment for your camera, etc.

Mine also has a few zipper compartments where I keep cash,etc.
I can also carry a small , dollar store poncho, BUT our big Mickey ponchos we keep in a small backpack that we hang on the stroller.
The best one I found I purchased at WDW and it has Mickey on the front. It has 2 compartments, a large one for camera, etc. and a small one for $$, cards, etc. I use it whenever I don't want to carry a purse and have taken it on every vacation since I bought it. The waist strap is sturdy enough to hang my cell phone and walkie-talkie from.
I like to kind of pre-plan my purchases at WDW in order to stay in budget, but this was an emergency buy. The bag I intended to use in the parks got too heavy in the flap compartment (where I would put all my paperwork) and wouldn't hang right. I then purchased a one shoulder backpack with the same problem. I finally resorted to the fanny pack out of desperation and it's been WONDERFUL!!
thank you! i will check out the one at target. how much did it cost??

pwoodham-thanks for the advice. i cant wait to go to disney to buy one though. maybe i will check the disney store! and then i can use my DC card and get a discount!!:bounce:
Hi as I sat here reading your post I was printing my all ears newsletter. Lo and behold the tip of the week talks about fanny packs. Lori uses the Mini Sidekick by eagle creek her list says it can hold: theme park pass, roomkey, photo id and cc, DC card, mini flashlight, pen, sm. notpad for trip notes, PDA, cash, pain reliever, imodium ad, band aid travel pack, shout wipes, wet ones, hand sanitizer, sunblock,lipbalm, lg tooth comb, aps camera, rain poncho,pins that aren't on lanyard,park map, autograph book, saftey pins, moleskin. All first aid items are travel size, and has room to put pin lanyard and sunglasses when needs to.
Hope this helps.
My smaller fanny pack is columbia or northern something and it has 2 holders for water bottles. that is the one I plan on carrying the other huge one I use as a diaper bag and it buckles to the bottem of the strollers It was put out by LL Bean but they don't have it any more. I used it snowmobiling to carry 1st aid and what not but it's so big I swear I don't know how I stayed on the sled. Oh well it works great now and I don't have to carry the huge thing. Good luck If you want the exact name of the other pm or email me and I'll go out to the camper and get it (yes it's already packed, I'm miles ahead and I'll still forget something)
.......and I just ordered ANOTHER ONE!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: I have every Shape/ various Size's/ X- Amount Pockets imagainable...I just ordered a 7 Pocket Fanny pack with Carol Wright and I am waiting for it to be delivered.:rolleyes: I am Ill, very very Ill, as this IS an OBSESSION Of mine----FANNY PACKS!:rolleyes:
I love the idea of a fanny pack but am wondering - since I am a Pooh sized lady (even with a recent loss of almost 60 pounds) will I still be able to fit on rides with the pack?

Just wondering, Slightly Goofy
I too am Pooh sized and found a fanny pack uncomfortable, esp. on rides. I use a small purse/bag that I hang across my body. That way my hands are free and I still can carry my essentials. I use one that has a built in wallet feature, has room for stuff (contact solution,bandaids,tylenol,handwash, wipes...) yet is light so it doesn't drag me down. Just my personal preference.
Peachy, t hank you for sharing your experience. You have saved me some shopping time as well as money. I already have a small purse that I use so I will keep on doing that.

Slightly Goofy
I too am a Pooh sized woman (size 22 pants), and I wear a fanny pack religiously at WDW or when I travel.

I like the Eagle Creek Sidekick (or something like that); I use the small one as a fanny pack around the parks, or put a strap on it to use it as a purse when I want to.

On the rides, I just slide it around my body to the side, so if there is a shoulder harness or anythihg that goes near the waist, it won't get caught on the bag.

The Eagle Creek fits me just fine (with some space left over on the belt).

So, go with what you like - some like the fanny packs, and some like the over the shoulder pocket books. Don't let your size dictate your choice, it should be what YOU are comfortable with.

One other tip - I always wear a hat at WDW; I was leaving it behind on rides and shows until I got a small caribiner, hooked it through the waist strap of my fanny pack. Whenever I take my hot off, it gets hooked into the caribiner, and I don't lose my hat!
I'm sort of Piglet sized I guess, but I still slide my pack around to my lap for comfort and security on rides, especially if it's a two seater. One thing I have some trouble with is lower back pain, which even a fairly lightweight pack can aggravate on long days of walking and standing. Turning the pack around backwards so it hangs down my back helps, but then I feel more vulnerable to theft.

Still...I have a pack I bought a couple of years ago at the Bass Store for our first trip in many years. It's a great pack with one big pocket and several small ones, plus a net bag for a water bottle, provided you can stand the extra weight.
Received my latest Fanny Pack today, and it has 5 main pockets, and 2 little pockets on the straps, to hold a roll of film.:p My camera, & phone have their own pockets, and I also have a Wallet type section to hold 6 credit cards, check book etc. It only cost me 11.50 with shipping and handling, and I will use it in Nov. for my SSW trip!:o :p
I found 2 great things to put all my stuff in!! at Nuztogo.com!!
they have a few different types; one "tote carry all" that opens up on one side and show's everthing....so you can zip right through security!!! and 2 different fanny pouchs.....not to mention the great water proof neck wallet! a must for the water parks!!

Nutztogo.com :bounce: :Pinkbounc :jester:
go under "products" then "to go travel gear"
I refused to wear a fanny pack for several years until I went to WDW again in 1998 and my wife had convinced me to wear one. I
would not go without one now. They are one of those things that is needed when doing the parks and like me you don't have 6 hands to carry everyyhing in(I assume most people don't have 6 hands, right?)...smjj
Poohbear123, where did you get your fanny pack???? Does it have a website???? Thanks Ann
I found the coolest fanny pack where I work. (Home improvement store). It's from Glaciar Gear. It's rectangular, with a water bottle on the side. It's insulated and came with gel ice for the inside. It has a velcro-closing flap in the front and a zippered compartment on the side.
I bought them for me and my husband. My daughter's didn't want to wear fanny packs, so one got a soft lunch box with a long shoulder strap and the other one got a soft-backpack style lunchbox. My two boys will be carriing just water bottles with long straps. We also have 3 mister-fans to share.
I use a fanny pack all the time, not just at WDW. I got mine at EMS - paid a bit more for it but the straps are much wider & therefore much more comfortable. You can buy extras for it too - I have a holster to carry water in. I also attach my radio to it so I won't lose it. It will hold a lot of stuff, but I still try to carry just the essentials.

They have about 6 to choose from & they are very well made. I've had mine for about 5-6 years & it shows no sign of wear.

206bones, I bought the same one to use on our upcoming trip (2 weeks from today!). I've used small packs on day trips, and thought this one was huge! However, it should hold just about everything we might need, without the hassle of a backpack. The Brita filter bottles fit nicely in the sides. :)



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