What is your not so normal item to pack, which is helpful while at WDW ?

One more tip to add - while packing we make a list of what is in each suitcase (we fly to MCO).

We use 2 gallon bags to pack our items and label them (1/3 of suit case 1, 2/3of suit case 1, 3/3 of suit case 1....1/3 of suit case 3, 2/3 of suit case 3, 3/3 of suit case 3.... and the list goes on).

So if a bag is missing, we know which bag and what is missing to report it to the airline.

Our mistake from years ago :scared1:- Our DD then age 5 insisted on having her own bag for her socks. They all fit neatly in a 1 gallon bag.
Well the suit case containing her small 1 gallon bag was opened by the TSA security and was lost when they repacked our suitcase.

The airline reimbursed us $20 for her socks - at least it was something.

My DD, then age 5, was so upset. We called our resort fron desk and they suggested in WDW where we could get her some new socks.
A trip to the Disney store in DTD was just the thing to perk her up.
:woohoo:Not only did she get 7 pairs of new Disney themed socks, she also acquired some new t-shirts too.
She was dressed to the hilt in Disney themed clothes our whole time we were in WDW :rotfl:

By the way - our DD will be celebrating her 16th birthday this year and she does still remember her little shopping spree when she was 5. She has never lost the need to shop for clothes, even if it just a want and not a need :rotfl:
I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this already so my apologies if it has already been posted. If not then read away.. :)
My daughter will be turning 2yrs old when we will be going to WDW July 2012. I was really looking forward to taking her for her first BBB experience but that won't be happening any time soon. :sad1: But then I thought about it, :idea: i'll take my own glitter hairspray and pretty girly rhinestones so she can still feel "dolled up." The can is about $1 after Halloween and rhinestones are very inexpensive. :dance3: So if anyone asks? Why yes! She got it done @ BBB. :rotfl: :rolleyes1 jk princess:
I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this already so my apologies if it has already been posted. If not then read away.. :)
My daughter will be turning 2yrs old when we will be going to WDW July 2012. I was really looking forward to taking her for her first BBB experience but that won't be happening any time soon. :sad1: But then I thought about it, :idea: i'll take my own glitter hairspray and pretty girly rhinestones so she can still feel "dolled up." The can is about $1 after Halloween and rhinestones are very inexpensive. :dance3: So if anyone asks? Why yes! She got it done @ BBB. :rotfl: :rolleyes1 jk princess:

I am right there with you on the Do It Yourself BBB.

In our group going this July there are 5 children - all girls - 4, 6, 6, 8 & 9.

We are surprising them with dinner at 1900 Park Fare on the first Sunday we are there and decided to do an at home BBB before our ADR at 7:10pm.

Taking 5 girls to the boutique could get pricey. :scared1: Plus to of the "adults" going are licensed hair dressers.

We are staying off-site and figured we can make an entire afternoon of primping for dinner with the girls!!!:cutie: :cutie:
I am right there with you on the Do It Yourself BBB.

In our group going this July there are 5 children - all girls - 4, 6, 6, 8 & 9.

We are surprising them with dinner at 1900 Park Fare on the first Sunday we are there and decided to do an at home BBB before our ADR at 7:10pm.

Taking 5 girls to the boutique could get pricey. :scared1: Plus to of the "adults" going are licensed hair dressers.

We are staying off-site and figured we can make an entire afternoon of primping for dinner with the girls!!!:cutie: :cutie:

That sounds like so much fun! I bet they will probably even enjoy it more. Good luck to you and make sure you post lots of pictures of you and all of the little ones having fun! :)
I take a stack of lids from take-out drinks. If you turn it upside down and insert a popsicle or mickey bar through the straw x-cut, then the lid will catch any drips! :mickeybar

OH MY GOSH! I *LOVE* this! I've got some lids and I'm going right this second to pack them!!!!
I finally made it through the entire thread and will be re-reading it again tomorrow! :dancer:

Let's see... I am just now planning out our trip, but I just found these side storage bags that attach to your stroller. Yay! No more fumbling under my kids to get to the bottom basket! I'm going to do what the previous poster suggested about putting a diaper, wipe, etc. into individual ziploks... I'll do that and put the ziploks into one of the side pouches... now when one of us has to go change a diaper we'll just snatch one out and go instead of fumbling for the diaper bag and having to move stuff.


I've also started cleaning and keeping the small rectangle plastic baby food containers. I figure they can serve a multitude of purposes...

Slice the lid as one of the original posters suggested for ice cream drips. Deeper portion can be used for condiments. Entire container can hold quarters and pennies... my mind is racing thinking about uses for these things that I usually just toss. :lmao:

I'll be decorating my stroller w/ the battery operated LED lights, laminating and hanging my free Disney customizable maps from my stroller's handle, and pretty much turning my stroller into a house on wheels. :banana:

Love this thread! A MUST read!
1. My big one is Tide for the sink. They sell them in tiny packs. I refuse to do real laundry on vacation, but for the one or 2 things that get a few drips, the tide in the sink works perfectly. Hang the clothes up (clothespins!!) and they're great.
2. We have water bottles that have a filter built in to make the water taste better.
3. My own coffee. Hate the coffee in the rooms!
4. The color magic coloring books, for meals when the service is taking too long, or we're waited to be sat at the crystal palace!
5. snacks. We bring bars and goldfish, etc. for the kids (and us) to munch. We stopped the dining plan, so now we don't always even buy lunch, if we're happy snacking instead.
6. alcohol. I buy drinks in the parks, but once the kids are asleep, it's nice to have a cheap and convenient nightcap!
7. Glow necklaces for the kids. Dollar store. way better than buying in parks!
8. ziplock bags. kids meals always have leftovers..oh, and a big one to seal the remote in, so no one gets sick!
9. lysol wipes. I use them on everything important in the room to save us from getting sick.
don't know if any of these are "normal" or not!:cool2:
My Name is nicole and I have a dis board addiction. I have seriously been on this board non stop for about 3 days now. My eyes are bleeding - but there is so much info...
New here and planning my first DW trip in October. I started reading this thread... who knows if I'll ever make it to the end.....

Hey, don't worry- I'm planning my 20-something trip in November, and I'm on here every other day! :rotfl:
I haven't seen the "hydration" Crystal Lite yet, but that sounds even better...

My fave- 4H makes "Energy Rush-totally light 2 go"
it has caffeeine, eletrolytes, and taurine- keeps you powered up or treks through the park, PLUS, it's sweetened with splenda, as opposed to aspartame (which doesn't sit well with me)
My Name is nicole and I have a dis board addiction. I have seriously been on this board non stop for about 3 days now. My eyes are bleeding - but there is so much info...
New here and planning my first DW trip in October. I started reading this thread... who knows if I'll ever make it to the end.....

I am right there with you. I have been addicted to the computer ever since we decided to plan our trip to Disney. My head is swimming with Disney info! I feel like the word disney is permanently tattooed on my eyeballs!!
All great ideas! We aren't going until December, but I've already started a list on my phone. I really like using a clear or mesh backpack for our stuff at the parks as it checks more quickly through security and my DH can locate items more easily.
as an EMT I feel you can never be to prepared. So when I go to Disney, or any vacation, I bring a very overstocked "mini" first aid kit. I also pack EXTRA gloves wich have come in handy on more than one occasion. If you have fake nails and don't want them to turn yellow, wearing gloves while applying sun screen is a "life saver"
i read somewhere before about bringing an over the door shoe organizer and use it to keep the make up, toothpaste, deoderant, etc. organized and off the counter. we did that last trip and it worked out very well! :)
I don't know if anyone has mentioned...but I freeze a couple bottle waters in the hotels minifridge/freezer. Put in backpack...they slowly melt, and you can hold them on your pulse points for intant heat relief. As they melt, you have cold water to drink.

Take extra kids socks for putting the frozen bottles in and then put in backpack. The bottles won't get drippy wet and will stay cold longer. Sports socks work best.
All of these tips are so useful! I only have a couple to add, and they may not be that bizarre, but I do it anyway.

Technically its not packed, but I always leave the phone number and address of the vet & emergency clinic for our cat sitter. (I also leave copies of vaccinations) Useful; we recently went on vacation and one cat got sick, luckily sitter had all the information necessary!

When in the parks or at home, I also won't post what I'm doing or where I am on facebook or twitter; I also turned off the geo-tagging feature that is the standard setting on most smartphone images. No reason to advertise to anyone who knows where you live that you're enjoying the magic far from home, right?

Old-fashioned film canisters are the perfect size for pills; allergy, ibuprofen, acetaminophen-I always keep some on me just in case.

I also carry eye drops since somehow I always wind up with something in my eye and I don't want to scratch my lenses. Can't enjoy the Disney magic if my eye's squinched shut all day!

I always carry lubricating eye drops because my eyes get dry and blurry when I am out all day and evening. Fans and air conditioners also dry them out.
WOW I can't believe all of the ideas I have gotten after reading this entire thread for the past 2.5 hours. My list is really long but so many great ideas. The only thing that I wish now was that we were camping in our own camper with our own bed and tv remote ( ooh gross).. anyway we leave in a week and I will have to figure out how to carry all this stuff around in the park.
No great ideas from me, but a HUGE thank you for your ideas.

Tin Foil... I use it to reheat food such as a left over sandwich or a slice of pizza which would otherwise get soggy in the microwave. I lay the tin foil across the top of the toaster and then lay the food on top of that and turn on the toaster.
I can't believe I made it through the whole thread!!!
It took me a few days but I made it :banana:

Someone mentioned the hole punch for the photopass but I take a hole punch for my room key. ( I am an Annual Passholder so my ticket is separate ). I am also a pin trader so I put my room key at the bottom of the lanyard on the ring. I can pull my room key off my lanyard when I want to charge something to the room AND I can whip out my key to get into the room quickly. I hate standing there fumbling around looking for my key in my draw string backpack. Just make sure you punch the right end :) and not the "strip".
My hole punch lives in my suitcase so it is always there for any trip.
Great thread!! As I've been reading, I stop & grab things for the packing pile that I had not thought of yet. I need to pick up some bandaids for our trip along w/some other items that sound handy.

Wish I hadn't read a few tips about hotel rooms - ick! I will be adding Lysol to the grocery trip when we get there.


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