What is your favorite Disney movie?

I always forget that Nightmare Before Christmas is Disney affiliated, so that definitely goes on my list of favourites (or almost anything by TB).
Alice in Wonderland has always been a favourite of mine too,
and last night I watched Ratatouille which was pretty cute.
I love the Silly Symphonies!

In no order;
Cars (1)
Toy Story (1)
Monster's Inc
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Tower of Terror ( But I wish Steve Guttenberg had toned the acting down a little :rotfl2:)
The Little Mermaid is my all time favorite. It was the first movie I ever went to a theatre to watch. Just my daddy and I went and I sat on his lap through the entire thing.

I LOVE Tangled. My boys even love it. The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast are definitely high up on the list too. Pirates of the Carribean (all of them) are amazing. Jack Sparrow may be my very favorite Disney character ever!
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, especially since I've gotten older I can appreciate it more. I also love Enchanted, Lady and the Tramp and Cinderella.
My top favorite Disney movie was Aladdin. But, a decade later, after viewing Pirates of the Caribbean, that bumped Aladdin out of the "top favorite" spot for me. Reason is due to this flick being geared more towards adults and perhaps tweens for violence and gore. Regardless, Aladdin would always be my favorite. I'd recommend it to anyone, as it delivers entertainment to anyone of any age.
It would be a toss up between Beauty and the Beast, Tangled, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, and The Lion King.
Mary Poppins, especially from the moment they jump into the chalk pavement picture and the whole "Jolly Holiday" sequence.
mine has to be who framed roger rabbit followed closly by 20000 leagues and toy story
I have two favorite Disney movies, Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King.

Alice In Wonderland, the 1951 version is probably my favorite Disney movie, but The Rescuers and Monsters Inc are up there too.
I like to watch Snow White this is great movie and my most favorite movies...
Disney movies are all the best but this one is very great movie
My favourite movie always used to be Aladdin because my favourite princess is Jasmine. Then it became The Little Mermaid and now its Tarzan. Its always changing!!
If Pixar is included - then I have to go with the Toy Story series just because of how well-developed the characters are.

If they aren't, then I'm going with Fantasia, just because of how awestruck it left me as a kid. I was mesmerized by the dancing broom/Mickey scene and would watch it ad nauseam.
Beauty and the Beast! Belle inspired me to teach myself to read and that movie is just a masterpiece!


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