What is the MUST NOT MISS thing at MNSSHP?


DIS Veteran
May 4, 2003
Hi! We're headed to WDW for Halloween this year and have our tickets to MNSSHP for Oct. 31st. Our DD4 is a huge villain fan - so she's very excited :p We are aware of the crowds with the tickets being on Halloween - so what should we be absolutely sure to do since it will be crowded? We've never gone before - not sure what to look for or wait for - Help!! Thanks:earsboy:
At this point in our lives...(2 MVMCPs and 1 MNSSHP done with a MVMCP this year, and MNSSHP next year!!!) we focus on the party stuff and not so much the rides. Maybe when our kids are older we'll focus more on the rides...

Anyway, what I plan for is this:

The photo. I like getting it out of the way ASAP. I ate at LTT last year and there was a photo station right outside of it so we were first in line!! The line can get very long for awhile so get it over with right away or you could wait till the end of the night when it dies down again if you can hold out that long.

The parade!!!! I always shoot for the second parade as the first one is VERY crowded. Don't miss the "Headless Horseman" at the beginning and your DD will LOVE this parade! It's all villian floats with all the regular characters mixed in.

The trick or treating! I planned on doing mostly trick or treating since it was Halloween night. That was our 'main' focus. Although some of the trick or treat lines were long....they went VERY fast. They have great (name brand) candy, too, and each station has something different. I've heard that the lines die down very late and you can get plenty of candy then too!

The Haunted Mansion! It's wonderful to say you rode the Haunted Mansion on Halloween night!!!! We did this first (it was very near LTT) and there was no line. It was great. The CM's are all decked out for it too. I've heard that there are real people hiding in the ride but I don't think they do that anymore...

Cinderella's Carriage behind the Castle is there and decorated with pumpkins and Princesses!!! Great photo and autograph op but can be very crowded.

The fireworks!!! The fireworks are extra special for the party and not to be missed and don't miss the witch flying down from the Castle!!!

Last year Toontown was open. It was really decked out! It was great to see it like that at night! We rode Barnstormer several times in a row. There were trick or treat stations at Mickey's and Minnie's house and at Goofy's Barnstormer.

That's about all I can think of!

Have Fun!;)
They had a dance party at a stage next to Space Mountain in tomorrowland last year. It was really neat. They had a ton of characters out dancing with the kids, and a hula hoop contest. Definately a must do!!
Do NOT miss the Headless Horseman!

Also, in Toontown, in the big store there (the circus tent store) there is a man in there making balloon Disney characters. My DS sat there for over an hour waiting for a Pluto balloon. Make sure you stop there! The kids will love him, and his balloons!


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