what is the most annoying thing on a flight

people onbioard wearing Man utd football shirts :lmao:

Attractive women wearing clothes on flights - come on, what's that about?

*ducks to avoid flames*

All joking (honest) aside, you can often get quite a laugh out of what people are wearing on the plane - i just go for comfortable trousers and t-shirt, i've seen some people wearing their 'hottest day of the year' gear in november, often forgetting that airports are air-conditioned and there's a good chance it will be stone cold by the time you get to your accommodation...
Attractive women wearing clothes on flights - come on, what's that about?

*ducks to avoid flames*

All joking (honest) aside, you can often get quite a laugh out of what people are wearing on the plane - i just go for comfortable trousers and t-shirt, i've seen some people wearing their 'hottest day of the year' gear in november, often forgetting that airports are air-conditioned and there's a good chance it will be stone cold by the time you get to your accommodation...

Or the ones that wear their holiday clothes for the trip back - forgetting that the UK doesn't have Florida sun, especially at 7am.
Last trip home a guy was sat in the row next to us in the skimpiest pair of shorts you can imagine - think the guys from the 118 advert but 3 times the size. Thankfully it was a night flight so the lights were off for most of it. He looked a right one going through Manchester airport though
Or the ones that wear their holiday clothes for the trip back - forgetting that the UK doesn't have Florida sun, especially at 7am.
Last trip home a guy was sat in the row next to us in the skimpiest pair of shorts you can imagine - think the guys from the 118 advert but 3 times the size. Thankfully it was a night flight so the lights were off for most of it. He looked a right one going through Manchester airport though

I flew to Spain last month in jeans, a tshirt, a large scarf and a jacket and the plane was FREEZING. Half the plane had dressed for the Spanish weather and so were in shorts, tank tops and flip flops - they all looked miserable and frozen solid.
Or the ones that wear their holiday clothes for the trip back - forgetting that the UK doesn't have Florida sun, especially at 7am.
Last trip home a guy was sat in the row next to us in the skimpiest pair of shorts you can imagine - think the guys from the 118 advert but 3 times the size. Thankfully it was a night flight so the lights were off for most of it. He looked a right one going through Manchester airport though

I usually fly back with shorts, t-shirt and a jumper.
i have a confession to make, the person in the shorts and t shirt was me:rotfl2:
Last year on the way back from turkey in october, dd threw up all over me, as me had already handed in our luggage- all iad in my hand luggage was the t shirt and shorts i had been wearing that day:scared1:, they wernt dirty, but we did land it was 5', you should have see me unpacking the case as soon as it came round on teh carousel, even i thought it was funny by then!!
i learnt a very valuable lesson that day, haha :rolleyes1
Saw a family of four in matching Liverpool kits last July flying out of Manchester.

Guess who got pulled and taken aside for additional checking as we were boarding the bus out to Pretty woman ? Must have made the security teams day....:rotfl:
When they make an announcement over the PA calling for a doctor and someone with a pilot's licence'.

LOL.... I once flew to Paris on 'Dan Dare Airlines' and watched a bolt pop in and out of the engine for the full duration of the flight...... scary.
Or the ones that wear their holiday clothes for the trip back - forgetting that the UK doesn't have Florida sun, especially at 7am.

that always cracks me up - when we fly to the UK to see family in the winter (November and Dec) you cant believe how many Brits are boarding at Barbados dressed in their holiday gear ..... and staying in it all the way! We get out at LGW and you see them running to the car parks. I am guessing this has much to do with showing off tans as much off their clothing is also white - and then in reverse on the way out - heavy jeans and tops for landing into Barbados :confused3

us - we find the plane freezing and always have jeans and a fleece to change into in our carry on.
The eight year old accompanied the other two to the bathroom because they were scared of the flush (what child isn't?!).
After 20 trips, the flush still scares the be-jesus out of me!

I ended up wearing my Bose QC2's to reduce the noise!
I keep my noise-reduction headphones in for much of the flight. Keeps out all sorts of unwanted interference.

We are very mindful of having well behaved children. I would never dream of letting them misbehave.

I am sorry but that reads as you have to explain and apologise for a disability. No one should ever have to apologise for a disability.

So my son gets distressed, he cries and cries and takes ages for him to stop. By you reasoning, I would be expected to tell you he is disabled, just for your piece of mind? You see how offensive that sounds?

Maybe a bit of tolerance is required? Not all children can help their behaviour. Lord forbid when or if you have children, that you have to discover this for yourself.

As the parents of an autistic son we do explain to people, normally if our son does something that could be misunderstood as naughty, the reason why it has just happened. Without fail this always calms the situation and makes it a more pleasant environment all round - especially in such an enclosed area as an aircraft.

I didn't think the comment sounded offensive at all - especially as autism and other conditions like it are often seen as 'invisible' disabilities.
No-one should ever have to explain or apologize for any disability, but how can people be expected to be tolerant if they aren't aware of what the problem may be.
These opposing points of view both make sense to me. It just goes to show that it's very difficult to have a meaningful debate on a discussion forum. Things are easily misconstrued and it's tricky to express yourself in the same way you would in a real conversation.

I always try to remember that the person behind me probably doesn't mean to give me whiplash everytime they need a loo break and probably doesn't even realise what they are doing, the parents of the screaming child are probably as upset as me and likely they are more embarrassed - and for those that do know that I now need a neck brace and don't care what their kids are doing, well me stressing about it won't change it - more wine please:drinking1
Well said! I like to think that the older I get, the less judgemental I am. Live and let live was my Dad's motto, and I think he got that about right.

that always cracks me up - when we fly to the UK to see family in the winter (November and Dec) you cant believe how many Brits are boarding at Barbados dressed in their holiday gear ..... and staying in it all the way! We get out at LGW and you see them running to the car parks. I am guessing this has much to do with showing off tans as much off their clothing is also white - and then in reverse on the way out - heavy jeans and tops for landing into Barbados :confused3

us - we find the plane freezing and always have jeans and a fleece to change into in our carry on.
Hmmm. Goes to show that we all see things from our own reference point. I would rather dress in my holiday gear for the return trip and spend half an hour braving the weather back in the UK before I can get into a heated car, than lug around a change of winter clothes on the last day of my holiday in Barbados. Dh doesn't feel the cold and lives in shorts and t-shirt year round. Glad to know that we are unwittingly providing some entertainment! :laughing:
I have to say the worst thing I have ever experienced was this year we were first onto the plane as my son has aspergers and as we expected he had a meltdown as soon as we got boarded. Another family joined us with another autistic chap and he too joined in the screaming it was dire !!
The stewardess was fantastic and she halted boarding until they had calmed down!! Now a family of 2 adults and 1 toddler joined us in the bit behind PE she put all her stuff in the overheads and while shewas doing this her little man touched my ds special toy he hsd bought on with him prompt meltdown - i quickly apologised and sd give him a few minutes and he will be ok - she then found a stewardess really loudly said she couldnt cope with the noise and seated herself in PE !!
I was fuming as by the time she had stopped moaning ds had calmed down noone moved here!!
However revenge is sweet and in Pe was a tiny baby that screamed for the whole flight - we however had nomore meltdowns in our little cabin lol
Just annoys me that peiple look down there nose at us without knowing the facts x
I really do not like to disturb or annoy others on flights. With regards to putting the chair back, I really wouldn't be comfortable if the person in front of me did it and kept it there for 9 hours....its annoying. I like to use my table for drinks, snacks or to rest my hands on when I'm holding a book. However, it's the persons prerogative. It's the airlines problems though! They want as much profit as possible so they sqeeze as many people onto a plane as their can and we have no room to move or any leg room. Then they install recliner button on the chairs so we can have less room? Sorry but it just doesn't work with me. I wouldn't say anything to the person in front but it is terribly uncomfortable (especially getting up and down if you are in a window seat).

On my holiday (On the return journey) just past my boyfriend and I were sitting in window and middle seat and Random Dave was sitting in the aisle seat. Now, as I said I don't like to be a nuisance so I didn't bother getting up the whole flight so as he wouldn't have to move but towards the end (maybe an hour left?) I really needed to use the loo so I had to get out. Well the look I got! If looks could kill! Then when I was coming out my boyfriend was in the toilet queue so I went back to near where our seats were and just waited in the aisle talking to my brother. Random Dave then gives me a dirty look and says 'I suppose you'll be wanting back in then?' and I said 'No thanks, might as well wait for my boyfriend to come out of the toilet so we can get in at the same time' and he huffed and puffed over that to!? I was trying to be nice so he would only have to move once. I must say for 9 hours me and boyf spent the whole time reading books/magazines or watching the movies...he could have gotten a lot worse people to sit beside.

Different flight (same holiday, outward journey) I had an aisle seat and a woman had two kids with her (sitting across the aisle). Well these girls just ran everywhere banging into me everytime they ran past. It was uber-annoying! The mum just kept telling them to run around as she had a magazine to read/form to fill out/movie to watch. She really didn't care about anyone else. This is what got me....they girls made friends with another girl on the flight and this mum told her two girls to go visit the other girls family and stay there! umm no-one wants to look after your children!? Oh and get this....the older girls name?......DISNEY! So all we heard was 'no disney you can sit down', 'no disney go visit your friends family' etc.
Oh and get this....the older girls name?......DISNEY! So all we heard was 'no disney you can sit down', 'no disney go visit your friends family' etc.

Better than being called 'Universal Islands of Adventure' I guess hehe. :lmao:
Wow, am I glad I'm flying indirect now!

Hopefully Detroit isn't too much of a child friendly destination!

Urgh, I'd forgotten all these horrible long haul traumas.

I totally agree with the stinky feet peeve!

What also made me dread a 13 hour flight to Vegas once was as I got on, the man next to me (he was by the window, me middle and Jack on the aisle) said 'hi' we were chatting, and he proceeded to tell me before we were even moving how ill he had been on the last flight he was on!!

Oh and flying back from Dubai once a lady (who I felt so sorry for) was travelling with her two children, one a baby and one maybe 2 years old. Well she got up to take the baby to the loo, and the 2 year old was asleep. But she woke up while her mum was gone and staterd screaming for her, but couldn't speak english so we were trying to calm her to no avail. Poor little thing, and the poor Mum, such an awkward flight for her. Not annoying at all, but it still makes me sad how scared the little girl must have been. :(
On my holiday (On the return journey) just past my boyfriend and I were sitting in window and middle seat and Random Dave was sitting in the aisle seat. Now, as I said I don't like to be a nuisance so I didn't bother getting up the whole flight so as he wouldn't have to move but towards the end (maybe an hour left?) I really needed to use the loo so I had to get out. Well the look I got! If looks could kill! Then when I was coming out my boyfriend was in the toilet queue so I went back to near where our seats were and just waited in the aisle talking to my brother. Random Dave then gives me a dirty look and says 'I suppose you'll be wanting back in then?' and I said 'No thanks, might as well wait for my boyfriend to come out of the toilet so we can get in at the same time' and he huffed and puffed over that to!? I was trying to be nice so he would only have to move once. I must say for 9 hours me and boyf spent the whole time reading books/magazines or watching the movies...he could have gotten a lot worse people to sit beside.

We had a similar experience on our first flight out except someone decided to place a little old disabled lady next to us who slept most of the way. We felt awful having to wake her up and get her to move (which took a long time) but it was more annoying that the flight was no where near full and there was an entire row behind us that she could have sat in without needing to be disturbed by anyone.


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