What is the best souvenir in the World????

I think the best souvenir in the world are pictures, especially if you have an absolute wonderful vacation. I look at the pictures we took last year while at WDW and I get warm fuzzies all over again.

I think this year my best souvenir's will be again our pictures as well as, I'm pregnant and my baby is not due until 5 December so I want to buy WDW PJ's and slippers specifically to put into my hospital overnight bag. The PJ's would be one of my hospital comfort items as well as the joy of our new baby girl or boy :)
My fav is also pictures. But one thing that surprised me when we went for our 2nd time (Feb03) was my 5 yr old DD had her own spending money and she insisted on buying two coloring books. I let her but thought to myself what a waste since you can get coloring books anywhere with Disney characters. Well they turned out to be great they are much better quality than most and they have pictures of all the great rides from the parks. We love to spend time together by coloring in these. My DD and I don't usually care for coloring in most books but these are special we talk about our trips and we don't tear out any pages so she can still look at the books after they are done. As a matter of fact I just called to order her some more!
The 2'x3' print of my niece and Cindella, both in their princess gowns curtseying to one another is our favorite. So far I think we've made about 20 prints (at a more 'reasonable' size) for family, friends of the family, and even co-workers of F-i-L.

My second favorite is my Grumpy Miners hockey sweater...for a whole number of reasons that would take too long to explain. Otherwise, none of the 'things' we can buy can come close to our photos and scrapbooks.

1. The photos of course
2. The refrigerator magnets that each resort sells that you see every time you open the door.
Originally posted by winniedapooh
A memory.....when leaving MK last January after taking the ferry back to the parking lot, 10 yo DS began to cry. We had had an absolutely wonderful vacation and celebrated his birthday down there and he was sad thinking that this would probably be the last trip all 7 of us took together to Disney. Kids school schedules, my ending Grad. School and starting a FT job outside the home. kids starting work, sports, etc. Anyhow, the rest of the family pushed ahead to the car and I stopped with him and we turned around and watched the castle changing colors. As it went from orange to blue/purple I asked him to close his eyes with me and told him that we had just made a memory. From then on whenever he was having a bad day or just wanted to visit MK all he had to do was close his and eyes and remember. When he wanted to share it with me all he had to do was say "Mom remember" None of the other kids know about this and at least once a week he will say "Mom remember" to me.....some things are priceless!

Winniedapooh, you made me cry with this story! Thank you so much, that was heartwarming to read!! :)
I try to buy something I will use daily or at least frequently. I have cereal bowls and towels with mouse ear design as well as soap dispenser and tooth paste holder that resemble Mickey. These are tasteful items and rather subtle but using them makes me remember and smile.
When my DD was 18 months we bought her a minney mouse plate, bowl, fork and spoon. She was too young at the time, but when she turned 2 she started using some of the pieces, now she is 4 and we still use the entire set almost everyday. We are going back this summer and we plan on buying a mickey mouse set for my 10 month old son for when he gets a little older.
Originally posted by winniedapooh
Anyhow, the rest of the family pushed ahead to the car and I stopped with him and we turned around and watched the castle changing colors. As it went from orange to blue/purple I asked him to close his eyes with me and told him that we had just made a memory. From then on whenever he was having a bad day or just wanted to visit MK all he had to do was close his and eyes and remember. When he wanted to share it with me all he had to do was say "Mom remember" None of the other kids know about this and at least once a week he will say "Mom remember" to me.....some things are priceless!

I have tears streaming down my face, you are exactly right some things are priceless. Thanks for sharing winniedapooh!
Our family's favorite souveniers are the family portrait taken when you get into the park, our own photographs, of course (each DD gets their own disposable camera and takes pictures of whatever they choose) and lastly, each time we go we visit one of the Christmas shops and purchase at least one (sometimes more!) Christmas ornaments. It is really great to be able to relive our visits when we decorate our Christmas trees!
I have to put another vote in for pictures and albums. Although my kids might disagree and might enjoy other souvenirs much more than I do- those are just toys/trinkets that are fun for awhile and such..... the albums with pictures are my favorite souvenirs.... because their fun even when we get back home. :)
Originally posted by s&k'smom
My son is the best souviner we ever got. Two years of trying nothing. One week at WDW and shazaam!

I got mine on our honeymoon at Disney....
Couldn't leave home without him... oops, wrong card now isn't it...
But I'm so glad the little package we brought home has grown into the strapping lad of 5 ,, my DS and I will be going back to celebrate his 6th birthday in Nov.
The second best souvinier we got was a beautiful picture of my ex and I in front of Cindy's castle.. even though he and I aren't together it reinforces why we are still friends.
Two years ago when my boys were 5 and 7 they started two collections that have been a hit :smashed pennies and autographs. We went West last year and they found the penny machines again and purchased books to keep them in. They also enjoyed getting signatures even though we didn't go out of our way to collect a lot of them. I take instant miniphotos as the character signs, then stick them on the signature page. As our trip continues, I add a few more photos with funny captions. Both boys, now 7 and 9 reminded me that we would be adding to both collections this year! Neither one is very pricey and they can be enjoyed over and over again.

I also thought the sun visor that my son picked was a great idea as was the waterspray fan that the other chose. (We tried to talk him out of it as it ate up his whole amount of spending cash), but he loved it, and we've used it at ball games, the zoo, and other places, too.
My husband and I went to MK on our honeymoon and got silhouettes made of ourselves. We are in profile and asked the lady to make them so that we're facing each other. I just love them because they are handcrafted and unique, it's amazing how she cut them out freehand with no tracing at all. I have them hanging above our fireplace on either side of a big painting and whenever I see them it brings back so many wonderful memories.
Besides that, I always like to get magnets because they're so inexpensive and I get to see them all the time too! (Probably too often, diving in and out of the fridge!:jester: )


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