What if I can't finish???


Jun 21, 2011
I know it sounds ridiculous, but I'm not entirely sure that I'll be able to finish the DLP half next Sunday....

I've been through about 3 stages since I signed up for the race:
1) Of course I can run a half marathon. I have like 8 months to train, so that is so doable.... And I also have time to lose the 20kgs that I have gained due to illness. (January)

2) Okay.... I haven't trained as much as I had planned and hoped - and I have not lost that much weight either. So now I have to figure out the best and the fastest way to get to the finish line with walking breaks. (June)

3) Crap... I haven't been well, so I haven't trained or lost any weight. I will do my very very best, but I'm not sure if I will be able to stay under the magic mile. (Now!)

In all three stages I have been very excited and I am so looking forward to it! My bff and I will spend a week in Paris, staying at Disney hotels, have fun in the parks and do some sightseeing in Paris. We have our costumes and are so excited to leave on Friday!!!

I'm just not sure how to feel about not finishing.... I know it is a possibility, and I kinda feel ok about it. I'm just not sure if the best strategy is to try my hardest, not stop for photos and just try and fight my way through it. OR if I should prepare myself for not getting to the finishline and stop for a lot of photos and almost wait to get swept? I would love to have all those photos, but I would also love to FINISH! And wear my medal proud - because I might not have trained for the race as hard as I should, but I have dealt with some other stuff and it is a victory for me to just go-ahead and try.

Right now I walk/run and have an average pace of 9min/km (14:29/mile) in my practise 15 km. Tomorrow I'll try 18 km and see what happens. But already at 15k I'm TIRED and my feet and legs hurt real bad!!

I guess my question is:
Has any of you attended a runDisney race you weren't sure you could finish? Any of you who didn't finish - got swept, stopped or was taken out? Any of you finished against all odds?

Any advice for an overweight girl in very bad shape hoping and doing her best to finish DLP half??

And a genereal question: does the balloon ladies stop at somepoint? Are you save at somepoint? After a certain mile?

Really looking forward to hear your feedback and stories! :thanks:
- Rebekka
Well in the last couple of years I've done Goofy in 2015,about 15+ half marathons and the Space Coast full and the Disney full in 2016.Problem is that I moved in July this year and since my last races in April (Står Wars darkside challenge)I dont think I've run anywhere near what I should be running since I have a similar schedule for this running season,two fulls and about 5 halves,the first one in like 5 weeks!!I will say that the moving next to Disney and going to the parks often has impaired my running schedule,I am walking more than other years at the parks if theres something positive from it.I Know the halves will be fine even if I walk more but the fulls worry me some,especially Space Coast just two months away.
Go for it, see how far you can come and enjoy it. I also not trained like I had hoped, but I hope I will make it. If not, I had never thought I would ever get past 10k, I always hated sports, slightly overweight, already doing this is a great achievement for me. If I finish it, I will feel great and if not... too bad, better luck next time!

(As some have warned on this board, running is addictive and I am already looking at other non-disney runs)
I think you're sufficiently close that you should give it your best to finish the race. There will be plenty of time for medal photos after the race and those will feel so much better than any photos you might get during the race.

I trained on a treadmill at 15 minutes per mile in advance of my first 1/2. I was terrified that I would not finish and allowed my fear to get the better of me to start the race and I went out way too fast and nearly injured myself. Fortunately, I listened to my body, slowed down, and determined to run that race until I either crossed the finish line or they dragged me off the course against my will.

And honestly, I still have yet to see the balloon ladies on the course.

You will never regret giving it your best effort.
I guess my question is:
Has any of you attended a runDisney race you weren't sure you could finish? Any of you who didn't finish - got swept, stopped or was taken out? Any of you finished against all odds?

Any advice for an overweight girl in very bad shape hoping and doing her best to finish DLP half??

I think that my first experience signing up for a half marathon was very similar to yours with the caveat that, for me, being overweight had nothing to do with illness and my lack of training was entirely my own laziness which later became a hardened resolve to prove that I could finish a half marathon without really training. Going into the race my lack of preparation (and full knowledge that I had no base of fitness to begin with) had me very concerned about my ability to finish. My longest training run/walk had been ~10km and I knew it was going to be a really long and difficult day if I was going to finish.

Well, when the race rolled around I did a lot of walking and didn't stop for anything (I was worried that if I stopped I wouldn't want to get going again). I'm pretty sure I walked the last 10 miles until I decided to break into (what felt like) a brisk jog for the last 50 meters. It wasn't pretty, but I finished in 3:22 and I was so glad that I did it. The race really motivated me to sign up for more races and actually do the training.

As for advice, go out there and do your best. I think when you actually get out there and see the mile markers passing by it can really lift your spirits and give you adrenaline to achieve more than you thought possible. If something happens and you are unable to finish I don't think you will regret the decision to bypass pictures and go for it. Conversely, I don't think I could advocate the "wait to get swept" plan.

Whatever you choose to do I hope you have a ton of fun. Good luck!
my wife got swept on the goofy challenge full marathon at roughly mile 15, they gave her the marathon medal, and not the goofy one.

she got hearded on to the 1.5hr buss ride to get back to the hotel.

usually the baloon ladies will leave after a certain point
Thank you so so much for your replies! :D it is so motivating to hear that some of you have been where I am now and gotten to the finish line! So thank you! I am so ready to give it my very best!

I think that my first experience signing up for a half marathon was very similar to yours with the caveat that, for me, being overweight had nothing to do with illness and my lack of training was entirely my own laziness which later became a hardened resolve to prove that I could finish a half marathon without really training. Going into the race my lack of preparation (and full knowledge that I had no base of fitness to begin with) had me very concerned about my ability to finish. My longest training run/walk had been ~10km and I knew it was going to be a really long and difficult day if I was going to finish.

Well, when the race rolled around I did a lot of walking and didn't stop for anything (I was worried that if I stopped I wouldn't want to get going again). I'm pretty sure I walked the last 10 miles until I decided to break into (what felt like) a brisk jog for the last 50 meters. It wasn't pretty, but I finished in 3:22 and I was so glad that I did it. The race really motivated me to sign up for more races and actually do the training.

As for advice, go out there and do your best. I think when you actually get out there and see the mile markers passing by it can really lift your spirits and give you adrenaline to achieve more than you thought possible. If something happens and you are unable to finish I don't think you will regret the decision to bypass pictures and go for it. Conversely, I don't think I could advocate the "wait to get swept" plan.

Whatever you choose to do I hope you have a ton of fun. Good luck!

This really made my day - thank you!
I've decided to try my hardest to get to the finishline before the balloon ladies ;)
This is not really true. The balloon ladies are volunteers who run the entire race at a 16 min/mile pace, and they don't leave. They cross the line and finish just like everyone else.

maybe I said that wrong, maybe I should of wrote at a certain point you're safe, and the balloon ladies wont pull you from the race?

I've just read this mostly from others since I'm more in the 7-8min mile group. isnt that the case there is a safe point? If i remember right when I did dopey, once I hit the boardwalk I was told I was safe.
maybe I said that wrong, maybe I should of wrote at a certain point you're safe, and the balloon ladies wont pull you from the race?

I've just read this mostly from others since I'm more in the 7-8min mile group. isnt that the case there is a safe point? If i remember right when I did dopey, once I hit the boardwalk I was told I was safe.
I believe that you are correct - for every race there is a point at which runners are allowed to finish as long as they keep moving. I am not sure what those points are, though.
The "safe points" differ. People have said that you're safe in the marathon if you make it to the Studios, yet I've read accounts of people getting swept in the Studios parking lot...
I'm just not sure how to feel about not finishing.... I know it is a possibility, and I kinda feel ok about it. I'm just not sure if the best strategy is to try my hardest, not stop for photos and just try and fight my way through it. OR if I should prepare myself for not getting to the finishline and stop for a lot of photos and almost wait to get swept?
I don't think anyone can answer this for you - the "best" strategy is whatever you decide it is FOR YOU. Running is very personal.

If it were me, I would do whatever it took to get across the finish line. Good luck!
Given that DL Paris is a whole new ball game there's no guaranteed "safe points". Also on the subject of the balloon ladies, they are volunteers who act more as a timer for Disney employees to pull you. From what I've heard from others if you're close to the balloon ladies you will often get warnings to go on ahead.

That being said, I'm glad you decided to do your best and go for it. I think that no matter what happens you won't regret having tried. Honestly though even if you can maintain the pace you're talking about for a 15k even if you had to walk the rest you will probably make it. I would say don't let your fear that you may not finish stop you from enjoying it (that's what rD events are all about after all) I will say as someone who is slow and had fears about not finishing my first rD race that even if you don't take pictures with characters you will have a great time. The overall experience is amazing and you won't regret giving it your all when you make it to the finish.


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