What do you mean? There’s more to the US East Coast than NYC '07 TR? Homeward bound

Hey, I can see my house from there!

Just kidding...but too bad we didn't know eachother back then. Niagara Falls is about 20 minutes from our house....we could have shown you around.

Anyways...I'm joining along....


20 minutes? WOW!

Well....given that we missed out in Niagara, we must do that DisMeet in Melbourne! My turn to show you round. :thumbsup2

I have not been to Toronto and so I'm enjoying seeing it through your eyes. Love the photo of you and DH! And how you managed to get to the Chinatown! :thumbsup2

You know....it was my MUM who mentioned that Toronto had one of the larger Chinatowns in North America! :lmao:

I'm told there's a sixth sense with 'you lot' :lmao:

PIO....me thinks you have a a*** man in your DS :rolleyes1 . Not that it's rare :rotfl2:

We didn't go to the top of CN tower. Interesting photos. :thumbsup2

I think you might be right about DS. He definitely takes after his mum in this regard....:rolleyes:

I'm following along too and looking forward to the rest.

Glad to have you here!

Joining in! Looking forward to reading along.

:wave2: Nice to see you Jade!
Niagara Falls – Smoke on the Water!

We’d had a pretty good day’s Fast Pass through Toronto and it was definitely time for us to move on the main reason we’d come to Toronto. DH and I had been to Niagara once before when we were backpacking round the world, but we hadn’t spent any time there other than to see the Falls, grab our tourist pictures and head on out with the people we were with. So, we were looking forward to being able to spend a couple of days in the area.

The drive from Toronto to Niagara Falls didn’t take that long….all up, it probably was only about 1.5 hours on a Sunday. But the traffic?? It reminded me of driving between Los Angeles and San Diego...pretty much flowing bumper to bumper.

We had chosen to stay at the Hampton Inn, which was in the Clifton Hill area of Niagara Falls. We chose to stay there for two reason – price of the room, which included breakfast, and free parking.

We seriously did debate staying at one of the hotels with a view of the Falls towards Lundy Lane but in the end, given the amount of time we actually spent in the hotel room, this turned out to be a good decision. From memory, I think we paid CAN$120 for the room. The hotel was nice and we were provided with a room in the older part of the hotel. I only had one complaint…and that was that the hot water would suddenly turn cold if someone else was using the water elsewhere in the hotel.

Once we had settled into our room, we headed out to catch a glimpse of the main attraction. It was an easy 10-minute walk from the hotel down Clifton Hill…


… towards Niagara Parkway and the Rainbow Bridge, where we could see the American Falls.


(Check out the Rainbow!)

We were another 10 minutes from the Horseshoe Falls. This picture was taken along Rainbow Bridge.


(Smoke on the Water….)

We opted for dinner first.


We’d timed our arrival for a Sunday night, where there was a 15-minute firework show planned.


(…and fire in the sky)

The Falls are lit up at night; and the more intense colour can be seen on the American Falls.


I’d done enough research on the various attractions and activities in Niagara to know that I needed to buy an Adventure Pass, which at this time was about CAN$45 for an adult. It got us entry to Behind the Falls, Maid of the Mist, Whitewater Boardwalk, the Butterfly enclosure at the Niagara gardens and unlimited travel (for 2 days) on the People Mover Bus. And that is exactly what we planned to do the next day!

It was a beautiful sunny day the next day and we headed on down towards what turned out to be an incredibly full jammed-pack day. Last night when we were orientating ourselves, DS saw a number of things to interest him in Clifton Hill.

For anyone that has not been in the area, Clifton Hill is one of those major money pits for tourists in the world. It’s not many areas that can boast the likes of 3 or 4 wax museums, 3 video arcades, 2 miniature golf and 5 haunted houses in a 1 mile square radius. And this does not include the indoor water park, the skywheel, Ripley’s Believe it or Not, the Guiness World Records museum nor the big chain restaurants or the souvenir shops that line the streets!


DS had decided that he wanted a ride in the SkyWheel.


When we checked out ticket prices, it turned out that for a couple more dollars, we could buy a bundled deal. It is definitely a case of right vs left where the bundle tickets are concerned. So, we bought the tickets to about 5 attractions on this side of the street and got on for the views.



The American side of Niagara....


And if I’d realized when I bought them what those bundle tickets meant to our timetable, I probably wouldn’t have been so ready to part with my money!

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The Maid of the Mist

There’s the original Canadian Maid and there’s the Maid-come-lately on the American side. Whichever one you choose to go on, you’re gonna to get W-E-T.


Once upon a time, they handed you big heavy SMELLY re-used blue oilskin sou’westers to wear. Now, you get these to use and keep.


(That’s Rainbow Bridge in the background).

Check out the soupy suds in this picture! Sure isn’t a very appealing view, is it?


We were heading in there…


…past the American Falls first…


…and a (foggy) glimpse of where we were heading to next.


Even the camera got W-E-T.


(more gratuitous bahookie shots)

Anyone for Singing in the Rain?


And this is going to be such a fashion statement shot sometime in the future!


We finally got to the destination and held stationary there for about 5 minutes.


…before it was time for someone else to have their turn.


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Behind the Falls and more

The Behind the Falls attraction is located at the Lundy Lane end of Niagara, or nearer the Fallsview hotels. We caught the bus over to this end…yes, we could have walked.

It was then our turn at yellow; and again we got another souvenir to wear and keep.


This time, we were heading underneath in long tunnels….


…to behind the falls…



(I don’t think the cleaners have been doing a good job here. Look at that slime!)

We headed out on the platform to check out the view.


…and to take a corresponding shot of the Maid from the platform.


DH decided that he would brave his head to the elements.


(I don’t think his ‘hair’ got w-e-t….much)

We emerged from the tunnels and took the chance to get up close and personal with the Horseshoe.


(There really is a significant amount of smoke on the water!)


The funicular is located at the Lundy Lane end of town. I cannot remember if this was part of our Adventure Pass ticket or not but we did end up catching it up to the top and back down again. I suspect that it must have been included in the Adventure Pass…because I don’t want to believe that I forked out MORE money to do this attraction!



(More views of the falls!!)

And it was time to head towards the Butterfly enclosure.
We caught the bus to the Niagara gardens, which are located about 15 minutes down the road.


Moving from the heat of the outside to the humid heat of the inside was a challenge that we all managed to bear...particularly when such pretty butterflies were flittering around for us to enjoy.




And I am pleased to say that we have the opportunity at another rare species here…


…a glimpse of food porn!

Time for our next exciting destination…


You go down this really old elevator….and come out in another tunnel…


…keep on walking and eventually, you get out to the Niagara River….


….and Boardwalk.


The scenery is stunning!



Feel like a swim?


(You first!)

By the time we finished all these activities, it was late afternoon. We came out and caught the bus transport back to Clifton Hill.


Our day was not over….not by a long shot!

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Somewhere over the Rainbow…bridge, that is

We decided that we needed to head over to the American side of Niagara. You’ll need your passports for this! And we moseyed on down to Rainbow Bridge.


On Rainbow Bridge, you’ll cross the border. DS decided he needed to camp on both sides.


Father and Son in different counties!


We made our way to the viewing platform



For yet more breathtaking views....




And got up close and personal again…this time with the American Falls.



Before heading back across the border crossing (which cost 25 cents) towards Canada.


But wait….there’s more!

Remember that bundle ticket of attractions that we bought earlier in the day? It might have been way past 9 pm at this stage but we were all determined to use the tickets to the fullest.



(I’ve always thought that she was gorgeous…just a little bit too plastic for my tastes.)


(Do you see the Light? It’s Dark and we’re wearing sunglasses!)




(I’ve been frozen for 30 years. I’ve got to see if my bits and pieces are still working.)


(Look Ma! I sooo blend into this set!)

We headed into one of the video arcades where DS had a whale of a time. And then it was time for this.




It was close on 2 am in the morning when we finally got back to the hotel room!

The next day, we took a slow…very slow…and out of the way detour past Niagara-On-The-Lake. It is where the Niagara River empties out to Lake Ontario. This is one pretty little town but we were all too tired to spend any time here.



Besides, we had a plane to catch in Toronto to our next destination!

Love the shots from "above" behind the falls and from the viewing platform and rainbow bridge. :goodvibes

Thanks :wave:
Man it's been ages since I've been to Niagara Falls...let's me think, when was it...oh yeah...Tuesday! :lmao:

Actually DD had a 1/2 day on Tuesday, and we went across the border to the Bird Kingdom of Niagara. We bought season passes there so we've gone over quite a bit. It also gives us free parking there. DD loves eating at that Rainforest Cafe!

Funny thing is, on the way back over the rainbow bridge the other day, we were talking about the Maid Of The Mist...turns out my wife's never been on it! Neither has DD - so I said this summer we have to rectify that. We actually haven't done most of the things you showed (the Skywheel, the "Behind the falls"). I've really been waiting for DD to get a bit older to try some of them.

I always comment that we should be more impressed that people come from all over the globe to visit something that's in our backyard. That's why we do try to get up there a lot. We actually spent the night before our wedding in Niagara Falls, Canada. We had the rehearsal dinner in Niagara Falls USA and the Hard Rock Cafe (in the Elvis Room) and then a bunch of us walked across the border to check out Clifton Hill. Niagara Falls is historically a big honeymoon destination - not so much anymore, but it still is to a degree - and it tickled my funnybone to spend the night BEFORE our wedding in Niagara Falls....yes, I have a pretty weird sense of humor!

You missed out on spending some time at Niagara-On-The-Lake. A beautiful little town with some cute little shops. Our favorite - Greave's Jams and Jellies. We travel up there once a year to pick up their relish. Not sure if you have what we call "relish" in AUS -> a condiment involving finely chopped pickles and various spices that is typically spread on Hamburgers and Hot dogs here in the US. Greave's relish is FANTASTIC compared to what we get in the supermarket here.

Enough hyjacking of your TR...can't wait to hear more.
Cool, I'm all caught up now. Niagara is a fun place, been there once in winter once in summer. Needless to say it was our Summer trip we rode the Maid of the Mist! :lmao:
I'm curious, does Melbourne have things like wax museums and Rain Forest cafes?
Princess, what an awesome day! Love it how you pack so much in! I am wondering how I am going to take photos when we do get to Niagara Falls...Did your camera survive? There's something about North American puttputt golf that DH loves. We always go when we visit!

I always comment that we should be more impressed that people come from all over the globe to visit something that's in our backyard. That's why we do try to get up there a lot. We actually spent the night before our wedding in Niagara Falls, Canada. We had the rehearsal dinner in Niagara Falls USA and the Hard Rock Cafe (in the Elvis Room) and then a bunch of us walked across the border to check out Clifton Hill. Niagara Falls is historically a big honeymoon destination - not so much anymore, but it still is to a degree - and it tickled my funnybone to spend the night BEFORE our wedding in Niagara Falls....yes, I have a pretty weird sense of humor!

You missed out on spending some time at Niagara-On-The-Lake. A beautiful little town with some cute little shops. Our favorite - Greave's Jams and Jellies. We travel up there once a year to pick up their relish. Not sure if you have what we call "relish" in AUS -> a condiment involving finely chopped pickles and various spices that is typically spread on Hamburgers and Hot dogs here in the US. Greave's relish is FANTASTIC compared to what we get in the supermarket here.

Enough hyjacking of your TR...can't wait to hear more.

You know, I think many Australians are also guilty of this. They travel the world not having seen the great landmarks in their own backyard! Probably because its so much cheaper going overseas...:rotfl: I have never been to WA at all, and I've not been to Kakadu.

Mental note to stop at Niagara-on-the-lake and try the relish for when we go.
I am thoroughly enjoying this TR PIO, keep em coming.

And your photos are exactly what they should be, happy images of amazing scenery and your smiling family. Please don't ever think you need to make apologies for that. They are perfect.
I've never been to those falls, but those are just beautiful... :lovestruc

I just love waterfalls myself. A friend of mine went to Iguazu last year...and it is now so high on my bucket list!

Love the shots from "above" behind the falls and from the viewing platform and rainbow bridge. :goodvibes

Thanks :wave:

That viewing platform wasn't there the last time we were in Niagara; so it was really cool being able to stand out there and take in the view.

All that in one day? Amazing!

I have to credit my DS for having incredible stamina. :goodvibes

Man it's been ages since I've been to Niagara Falls...let's me think, when was it...oh yeah...Tuesday! :lmao:

Actually DD had a 1/2 day on Tuesday, and we went across the border to the Bird Kingdom of Niagara. We bought season passes there so we've gone over quite a bit. It also gives us free parking there. DD loves eating at that Rainforest Cafe!

Funny thing is, on the way back over the rainbow bridge the other day, we were talking about the Maid Of The Mist...turns out my wife's never been on it! Neither has DD - so I said this summer we have to rectify that. We actually haven't done most of the things you showed (the Skywheel, the "Behind the falls"). I've really been waiting for DD to get a bit older to try some of them.

I always comment that we should be more impressed that people come from all over the globe to visit something that's in our backyard. That's why we do try to get up there a lot. We actually spent the night before our wedding in Niagara Falls, Canada. We had the rehearsal dinner in Niagara Falls USA and the Hard Rock Cafe (in the Elvis Room) and then a bunch of us walked across the border to check out Clifton Hill. Niagara Falls is historically a big honeymoon destination - not so much anymore, but it still is to a degree - and it tickled my funnybone to spend the night BEFORE our wedding in Niagara Falls....yes, I have a pretty weird sense of humor!

You missed out on spending some time at Niagara-On-The-Lake. A beautiful little town with some cute little shops. Our favorite - Greave's Jams and Jellies. We travel up there once a year to pick up their relish. Not sure if you have what we call "relish" in AUS -> a condiment involving finely chopped pickles and various spices that is typically spread on Hamburgers and Hot dogs here in the US. Greave's relish is FANTASTIC compared to what we get in the supermarket here.

Enough hyjacking of your TR...can't wait to hear more.

Thanks Pete. I'm really sorry we didn't have enough time at Niagara on the Lake. Next time, I might be tempted to stay at Niagara on the Lake and at Wolf Lodge....and go visit the locks as well.

And yes, we do have relish in Oz, typically made with onions, pickles and spices. We rarely have the green relish that you find on burgers or hot dogs in the US because burgers and hot dogs are not typical fare for Australians. The relish you find here is more an onion brown colour.

You're going to have to take DW and DD on Maid of Mist and the other attractions....

Cool, I'm all caught up now. Niagara is a fun place, been there once in winter once in summer. Needless to say it was our Summer trip we rode the Maid of the Mist! :lmao:

I know that some of the attractions in Clifton Hill are incredibly touristy...but it was fun to do them, particularly with DS. Still, all the Niagara Falls activities - Maid of the Mist, Behind the Falls, the Whitewater - were just so spectacular!

I've seen some winter pictures of Niagara...I'm going to have to try to get out there in winter some time. So many things and places to see...so little money!

I'm curious, does Melbourne have things like wax museums and Rain Forest cafes?

We have museums and cafe....but not necessarily a wax museum and Rainforest cafe hasn't made it out here (yet). Hard Rock is here.

Princess, what an awesome day! Love it how you pack so much in! I am wondering how I am going to take photos when we do get to Niagara Falls...Did your camera survive? There's something about North American puttputt golf that DH loves. We always go when we visit!

You know, I think many Australians are also guilty of this. They travel the world not having seen the great landmarks in their own backyard! Probably because its so much cheaper going overseas...:rotfl: I have never been to WA at all, and I've not been to Kakadu.

Mental note to stop at Niagara-on-the-lake and try the relish for when we go.

This trip was in 2007, before we had the dSLR. We took two Point and Shoots with us. One of them was waterproof to 9m and that was the one we used to take the pictures. We didn't risk the other one and kept it in the bag, underneath the plastic coats.

I am thoroughly enjoying this TR PIO, keep em coming.

And your photos are exactly what they should be, happy images of amazing scenery and your smiling family. Please don't ever think you need to make apologies for that. They are perfect.

Thanks! :goodvibes
Quebec City – La Vie en Rose

We flew out of Toronto on an Air Canada Jazz plane. The service was fantastic and I would have no hesitation flying them again.


We landed in a different world! The airport at Quebec City is not large, so we were off the plane and out in a matter of minutes. And then …it dawned on me….it was all French Canadian!

Founded by Samuel de Champlain in 1608, Quebec City is one of the oldest European settlements in North America. It’s been fought over by the English and the French and is distinctively and proudly French!

We had booked accommodation in the heart of the Old Town and needed to make our way there. I had figured that we would catch a shuttle bus or something but hadn’t really done a heap of research on what.

One of the airport staff must have realized that we were nearly clueless and came up to help us. He advised that the best way in to the Old Town was by taxi. And the taxi industry there had a flat rate from the airport to anywhere in Quebec City and/or Old Town. It was going to cost us CAN $30. So CIVILISED!

I don’t have any pictures of the drive in…but I remember wide boulevards and Northern European/French architecture everywhere. Sure felt a lot like Europe to me.

I had booked accommodation for Le Champlain Hotel, which is located at one end of Rue St Anne. It was located within the Old City and had been highly regarded on Trip Adviser. The room tariff included continental breakfast and compared with the other hotels in Quebec City, it seemed to be within the ballpark.

The exterior of this hotel is pretty modest and unassuming. It certainly is one of the buildings that seem rather out of place in the Old Town as it is a little bit more modern looking. But I have no complaints!


This is the sitting room downstairs....some sitting more than others.


Our room..



And the very pretty sink…


The view from our room was priceless! The Chateau Frontenac dominates the skyline.



One of the most unexpected things about this trip was how much DH and I LOVED Quebec City. In the entire trip, the time we spent at Quebec rates as the highlight or one of the highlights of the trip. It also certainly topped the list for best food….not cheap….but great French style food. For 3 adults and 1 child, we were regularly spending about CAN $120 - $150 for dinner (4 mains and dessert). Despite the cost, it was definitely the best food on this trip.

After settling into our room, we needed to make a beeline for the railway station. We had decided to catch a train from Quebec City to our next destination, Montreal, and we needed to make sure we bought our tickets on the train.

The walk from the hotel to the main railway station just showed us a glimpse into why Quebec City Old Town had been listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Treasure. Life is just all roses here!


I think these were the gardens near the train station.


And after getting our tickets, we were all starving.

We decided to have dinner here…



…within spitting distance of that Chateau.


We waited for a table to be available..



DS saw a sign that he was interested in…


We eventually got our table, was outside…



I’ve already raved about the food but don't have any food porn to back it up....so we’ll move right along.

Looking at the snappy pictures, I think I’ll just try and group them to the various attractions…we did go back and forward a lot over the 3 or 4 days that we were in Quebec City.

We walked EVERYWHERE and didn’t need to take any public transport in this time. Admittedly, we stayed in the Old Town area…but we didn’t feel the need to go anywhere else.

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Walking Around the Chateau and Dufferin Terrace

Without a doubt, the Chateau Frontenac dominates the skyline of Quebec City.



We walked through the Chateau and were amazed by the architecture…



…and smelly socks, which we still don’t know why they were there.


Dufferin Terrace is the beautiful boardwalk that is on the St Lawrence River side of the Chateau.





You get beautiful views of the River from here…


And there were loads of street entertainers out and about.


At one end of the Terrace is the Funicular, which takes you back up to Rue St Anne. It is certainly better than WALKING back up the stairs!


The view from the Funicular…


Petit Champlain

At the other side of the Terrace, is a wonderful old world area of Quebec called Petit Champlain. Petit Champlain is one part of the Lower Town of Quebec city that is completely...well..... charming.

You walk down the stairs to get to this area full of touristy shops, handcraft artist shops and eating places.



We came back to this area a couple of times during our stay…purely for ambience and also for window shopping.





(I'm hungry and I wanna eat NOW!)

Another rare food porn shot…this time of Canadian waffle that we had at one of the restaurants in Petit Champlain.



We found street entertainers everywhere we went…and everyone of them of a very high calibre.


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Lower Town (Basse-Ville)

Lower Town is the original settlement of Quebec City. Whilst Petit Champlain is one of the prime areas of lower town, on the other side of the funicular is the Old Port area.


Like everywhere is the Old Town, the views are spectacular.



(I was rather annoyed when this guy ran into my shot...)


(..until he volunteered to take a picture of me!)

There are some killer stairs that take you from around the Old Port to another part of Lower Town.


(DS trying to look tired after the climb up)

There were shops in this part of Lower Town…..


and I remember buying some Christmas decorations from this shop.


....and everywhere there is just stinkin’ gorgeous European architecture; particularly in Place Royale. Place Royale was the main square in the Old Town and is now an area where shopping and museums ring the square.


The building behind me is the French American Museum…I was keen to go in; but DS nixed the idea.


I can’t even remember what this building was…but it could have been significant…


We wandered along the town, heading back towards our hotel.


Perhaps we might have even got ourselves lost along the way….


..and our progress was slow, particularly when DS needed to take a few stops along the way.


But when everything is no more than 20 minutes from anywhere…


You’ll eventually come across some street sign you can’t decipher into English.


...Or stumble across the street where your hotel is.


And another building that seems significant and I can’t remember why…


And yes, there really is a working Port of Quebec….

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The view from the St Lawrence

Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale...


A tale of a fateful trip...


That started from this (not so) tropic port..


Aboard this tiny ship....


The mate was a mighty sailin' man....


The Skipper brave and sure...


Five passengers set sail that day....


For a three hour tour....


A three hour tour!


It wasn’t quite a 3 hour tour…2 hours was more like it. But the views from the St Lawrence were excellent!



The Old City Walls

The old city fortifications are impressive. There is about 4.6 kms of wall around Old Town and we just kept stumbling over them…

These were on the way to the train station…


These were in Lower Town…



Two of the Gates that lead in or out of Old Town.




The horse-drawn carriages make it seem so romantic.




Briefly Outside Old Town

We went in search of Place D’Youville and briefly headed out of the city through one of those gates. There were heaps of marquees set up and so we missed taking a shot.


But we did find the bus terminus outside Old Town.



Outside the city walls, the city seemed much like any other city.



So, we headed back in to the Old City in search of more history and culture...

(Continued in Next Post)


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