What do they do at Fort Wilderness in the case of a hurricane?

because of Irma and ended up living in our MH in the driveway for 7 days until we got power back at the house.

We got hit hard by Irma over on the west coast of FL. Went over a week without power, and no generator until the last day. It was so HOT! The last day we were without power, someone loaned us a generator and we all slept in my son's big travel trailer with a/c. It was the best night sleep I ever had after a week of yuk.
Is Ft Wilderness still closing today?

Even if FW remains open and we could change back to a campsite instead of staying at PO, we're sticking with PO. No hassle driving AWD Jeep in windy conditions compared to breadbox motorhome and 25+mpg is much-MUCH better than 7mpg.
Official word on closures:
Here's a curiousity question for those who went thru Hurricane Irma at DW. Resort dining reservations are only honored until 5:30 today. What happens after 5:30? Are the Dining Rooms closed and if so what food was available for guests. What really happened during an actual weather event. Food/water availability during a hurricane is a reality for Florida residents just wondering how Disney handled it in the past.
Official word on closures:
Here's a curiousity question for those who went thru Hurricane Irma at DW. Resort dining reservations are only honored until 5:30 today. What happens after 5:30? Are the Dining Rooms closed and if so what food was available for guests. What really happened during an actual weather event. Food/water availability during a hurricane is a reality for Florida residents just wondering how Disney handled it in the past.
I’m thinking- if I remember correctly- there were lots of bag lunches. I’m sure someone else will be able to provide more details. We weren’t there during Irma- we arrived about 1 month afterwards. I pray the Fort doesn’t have damage like they did then :sad1:
Resort dining reservations are only honored until 5:30 today. What happens after 5:30? Are the Dining Rooms closed and if so what food was available for guests. What really happened during an actual weather event.
I arrived 5 days after Irma (along with PA Hunter) and was following the threads here very closely. The 5:30 dining referenced in the notice is for parks restaurants. I think the resort restaurants are staying open into this afternoon/evening before closing. TE at the Fort being an exception since the Fort will be evacuated by this afternoon.

During Irma, resorts had "bag lunch" type of options for all 3 meals. Buffets were open at many of the resorts and were a set price- $15. (I just went back through the Irma thread from 2 years ago) They also had lots of "activities" in the main buildings to keep kids (and adults) occupied. Some of the pics and comments about the CMs were incredible. (in a good way). During the worst (remember, Irma went directly over WDW as a Cat 3), there were adorable pictures of kids sitting on the floor in the laps of costumed characters.

Despite the CMs worrying about their own families and personal things, the reports were of everyone pulling together. Dorian doesn't look like it will have nearly the same impact as Irma, but I expect the activities and meal plans will be similar.

Below are a couple of pics from the Irma closures and how things were managed.




Reservations only honored up until such and such an hour:

After that time the menu may be changed to faster prepared items and it becomes first come first served "quick service" (QS). No maitre d'. No waiters coming out to the tables paced to families' and parties' dining.

Some restaurants may close early completely.

Several years ago I heard of an incident were guests (at Rainforest Cafe at Animal Kingdom) were told to vacate "in 15 minutes." Hopefully they took the remaining food "home" with them.
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