What Disney Tip Are you really glad you listened to?

kyra's mommy said:
Hi Guys-

New to this board (which is so wonderful). I was wondering why no one else mentioned renting a car. We're going 4/23- 4/30 staying at the PO Riverside and we decided to rent a car this time. The car is only $100 for the entire 7 days which isn't that much more then Mears. I thought that it would make it easier to stop for groceries to stock in the now free fridge Disney gives you. Plus, it would make it alot quicker when we go to the other resorts for dinner ( I read in the Unofficial Guide that it can take up to 1 1/2 hours to travel from one resort to the other on Disney transp.) and should we decide to eat outside of Disney it would allow us to. Lastly, there are all the cheap offsite shopping sites for Disney souveniers. To me it just seemed worth it. Anyone else in agreement?

Erica :earsgirl:

I've been there both with and without a car. Some people swear by it, but it's more a convenience than a necessity for me. We don't go offsite at all while down there, which is a big reason why we don't really need a car. Normally I enjoy riding WDW transportation and make it part of the experience, giving myself plenty of time and watch the scenery. However, it was nice to drive to Boatwright's for breakfast last time.
Following touringplans.com list of "best days" at the parks to plan when to vacation and which park to visit. It worked!

Bringing our own strollers. Even the resorts are huge at Disney, and it saved us carrying a sleeping 45lb. toddler through the resort each night.

Stopping at the babycare stations to change/rest/feed our infant. Cool, quiet, a small place to entertain the toddler while the infant got some extra TLC.
So many good tips!!!
But I have to say my favorites tips are:
-The goody bags for the children( I made one for each day of the trip and my kids looked foward to get their "disney bag" ; It saved
me also a lot of money because my children did not ask me to buy them "toys" at the parks.

-The polaroid picture every morning ( It came in handy when my older boy got lost, I panic and could not tell the castmember what my son was wearing until I remember the picture in my bag)

-The Unofficial Guide

-The mouse saver newsletter

-Hand Sanitizer

-The little boxes for Laundry Detergent

-Grocery stop to get snacks

Linnette :)

PS*****Brita Bottles****** ;)
The best tip I have would be to take the individual kool-aid type drink packets and add them to water in the parks. You can get the water for free and you can buy a box of the drink mixes for less than $2. It saved me a lot of money my last trip.
Taking a time out from the parks to eat a No Way Jose at Beaches & Cream, yum!!!!!! :sunny:
Man, now I'm craving a No Way Jose-- and I have to wait 2 weeks to get it!

Renting points from a DVC member was the best tip I ever got! Now we own at DVC and get to go every year!
Most of the best tips have been mentioned already. I am so glad that I found this forum in 2000--right before my family and I took our first trip to WDW. Some of the things that were beneficial to my family and I were as follows:

1) Riding in the front car of the monorail.
2) Spraying deodorant on your feet.
3) Staying offsite in a 2bd villa. It's not for everyone, but this has served my family well in our three trips. Maybe one day we'll stay onsite at one of the villas, but it's not financially feasible for us.
4) The phone tips for CRT. I talked to someone who has been to WDW at least seven times, but has never had breakfast at the castle. She mentioned that she didn't even know that you could.
5) Placing everyone's clothes in Ziploc bags. This is a major time saver in the mornings.
6) Dressing in matching shirts or colors. It makes the pictures look nicer.

1)Best advice-Take at least 2 pair of really good walking shoes. By alternating pairs, my knees, legs and feet were not nearly as sore. Also, if one pair gets soaked, you have a backup.

2)Purchase the passporter. IMO, the best, most comprehensive guide to WDW

3)Allow LOTS of time to use the WDW transportation to get from point A to point B, especially if you have ps's at a resort.

4)Purchase a small, inexpensive wallet and keep only the necessities for your trip, like credit cards, cash, insurance card, passes, etc. It fits better in the fanny pack than my big over-stuffed everyday wallet.
Well, we're just back and I'm already homesick for WDW! I guess that it's time to plan our next trip in a few years.

Here's a list of the things I did right, followed by a list of those things I wished I would have done. I think I would have done better with the latter if I had only found out about the DIS sooner than a few days before our trip!

1. Had a mini-flashlight for DD for the dark rides
2. Brought earplugs DD & DS for the loud stuff (the rubber kind from Home Depot that have a string attaching them)
3. Had pre-made autograph albums for the characters we knew we would see at meals
4. Purchased an extra media disc before leaving home
5. Brought an extra suitcase, although I didn't use it
6. Had a detailed itinerary that we used as a guide
7. Got up early for the EMH's -- it was well worth the lack of sleep
8. Packed things (purchases, used items) away every night so I wouldn't have to do it the night before and miss out on a lot of fun!
9. Just went with the flow when we got there
10. Made a list of things that I needed to buy or do so I wouldn't forget to do them!!!!
11. Brought one backpack per child to hold personal autograph albums, hats, pressed pennies, wallets, etc., and a fanny pack for me, with a small camera bag that I could slip onto the strap
12. Bought things when I first saw them
13. Had mini m&m tubes for pressed penny coins

1. Had organized outfits per day (and weather type) in those large Hefty zip lock bags
2. Not packed as many clothes and either use the laundry service or make sure there's time in our schedule to do laundry (there wasn't time on this trip)
3. Pre-measured powdered Gatorade into the snack size zip lock bags for easy use in the parks
4. Not brought any extra toys or books other than what was needed for a 2 hour flight. The kids didn't play with them. They were too interested in the resort TV channels and storytime channel.
5. Not brought a backup camera AND disposable cameras for the kids to use (they never used them)
6. Bring only ONE sippy/sport cup per child and one to share for me & DH
7. Didn't buy things when I first saw them
8. Send down a box of snack food, etc. ahead of time so we won't have to make a grocery store run.
My favorite tips:

1. Tying a scraf on the rented stroller. I bought a cheap bright yellow scraf with big white circles on it, I tye it to the handle of the rental stroller, we never have a problem finding our stroller, even when the CMs move it! That scraf has made 4 trips with us!

2. Bring 2 pair of sneakers for each of us.

3. When booking the trip telling CRO that it was my DS's birthday during our trip. Every PS we had that day treated my DS to something special and there was even a cake, card and balloons in our room!
bump, I haven't been in like 20 years but I'm going in late November to early December this year and will use all these wonderful tips and add my own:)I've heard its a good idea to bring warm layered cloths and gloves just in case..
I don't think anyone's mentioned the Disney Dining Experience. If you will be doing sit-down meals, character dining, etc, and will be staying for more than a few days, it will quickly pay for itself. It's not a dining plan, just a discount off your check (up to 10 people).
KAG Mom said:
I'm new here. What is Mears?
If you stay on property starting in May they offer Magical Express. They meet you at the airport and pick up your luggage for you so no baggage claim and take you right to your hotel. You get one tag per person but my DH and I are playing golf and I called and asked for 2 extra tags for the clubs and there ya go. I guess you can check in and if you don't go up to your room or something your bags will be in your room when you get back. I thought that would be cool so I'm doing the Magical Express in June. Good luck!

The really really excited mom!
To the person who wrote about renting a car, we usually make our first stop the disney outlet store since we found out about it. We buy all of the gifts/souveniers we intend to bring back for family/friends there, then we're done with that! Our first time there I bought over $350 worth of things for $84, I found something great for everyone I wanted to bring something to, and spent way less than I thought I would! The money I saved would have covered the cost of car rental, if we would have needed one.

My best tips I've learned:

1.Buy souveniers from outlet store
2.make a first seating PS for Crystal Palace, then hit FantasyLand first thing before it gets crowded
3. bring moleskin in case of blisters & don't forget scissors to cut it (but every time I think of that, I remember the Dis poster who wrote about putting it on her thighs over irritated skin...then trying to get it off!...ouch!)
4.ride in front of monorail to or from EPCOT


PS: I almost forgot...renting DVC points! We stayed in a 2BR for less than half rack rate and LOVED IT!!! OKW! Now we own our own DVC points at SSR!
This may not be a priority for a lot of folks but I don't like getting a numb tushie from sitting on hard surfaces for a long time! :crazy:

I bought a bath pillow at Dollar Tree. It doesn't take up much room in a backpack & is lightweight. The one I got is velour covered & since it's small it doesn't take long to inflate. It sure helps keep me more comfy & I don't walk funny when I get up after a long sit on a hard curb! :rotfl2:
I asked the ladies in my local mommies group where to take my DS first hair cut. Someone told me to wait until I get to WDW and get it done there. I can't wait for this. His hair is not that long so I can wait 29 more days until I get there.
All the tips I read here are great ones.

Jennifer :sunny:
Tamar said:
I don't think anyone's mentioned the Disney Dining Experience. If you will be doing sit-down meals, character dining, etc, and will be staying for more than a few days, it will quickly pay for itself. It's not a dining plan, just a discount off your check (up to 10 people).

Is the Dining Experience available for me even though i am not staying at a Disney Resort?? :confused3


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