What Disney Tip Are you really glad you listened to?

I can't remember and don't feel like browsing every thread here so can anyone tell me for washing mugs tip? I remember something about a sponge and dish detergent but can't find it? Is it just squirting dish detergent on the sponge and cutting into pieces to take to be able to wash your mugs out?


That's pretty much it. Buy a sponge from the dollar store or whatever store you desire. Wet it just enough so that when you apply dish soap, the sponge will soak it up. Helps if you work the dish soap in a little. Let the sponge dry with the soap in it then cut. You can also cut before adding the dish soap. Depending on the size of the sponge, you can cut in half or into quarters. It's been suggested to cut it into quarters that way you get multiple uses out of one sponge. When ready to use, just wet the sponge and wash your mugs.
Buy stamps before you leave and each night write a post card to yourself. When we got back from a two week trip all the days seemed to blend together my post card reminders were a big help when making our trip scrapbook and it a bonus souvenir that doesn't cost much.

That's pretty much it. Buy a sponge from the dollar store or whatever store you desire. Wet it just enough so that when you apply dish soap, the sponge will soak it up. Helps if you work the dish soap in a little. Let the sponge dry with the soap in it then cut. You can also cut before adding the dish soap. Depending on the size of the sponge, you can cut in half or into quarters. It's been suggested to cut it into quarters that way you get multiple uses out of one sponge. When ready to use, just wet the sponge and wash your mugs.

Love these two!!!

Bringing more extra clothes (undies/shorts/pants) for DS than I thought I'd need each day was a tip I was glad I followed. He was potty trained for our trip last year but all that Disney Magic kept him from remembering to go to the potty to do his business!!! EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Even though we'd take him (kicking and screaming) to the potty he still managed to wet/poop (UGH) his pants! He will be almost 5 this year. I'm still going to pack extras because he still has slip ups. Disney will make it worse!!

Definitely bringing a pop up laundry hamper too, as well as the 3-in-1 laundry sheets we have left over from a previous trip. Love not having to lug a bunch of stuff (we are flying) that can burst or get all over everything.

For DS's autograph book last year, I went on the cheap. I bought a couple of inexpensive 4x6 photo albums (brag books) for $1 each. I got some 4x6 note cards and found Disney clip art online to print a character on each corner. I then used craft scissors to bevel the edges. Slipped each card into the book and let DS decorate the back with stickers on our flight (the card in the back and front slid out- we printed out something someone on the DISigns board made for the cover). They were easy to carry around and I'd just slip the card out of the pocket for the character to sign and slid it right back in when they were finished. DS loved looking at the books while we had downtime. I plan on putting the cards with the corresponding picture we took in an album for him. We'll probably do something similar this year, especially for the ones we missed last time.

17 days to go for us!!
Best tip I got... Bring Baby wipes! Even if you don't have a baby with you. DH and I just got back from an adult only trip and there were plenty of times we were grateful for them.

Also Buy a handheld fan from target for cheap. They work well and were handy to have the few times my motion sickness flared.
The anti chaffing stick worked wonders for me. I ended up getting gold bond anti friction stick at Walgreens in Wi. DS8 ended up with a raw spot day one. Never thought to put it on him, cleared up in a day or two. I never had a problem.
I use empty Altoids tins for several different things! I use the mini-tins for things like OTC meds or a couple of pairs of foam earplugs. I use the larger, regular-size Altoid tins to hold things like band-aids, cut-up pieces of moleskin, a mini-dental floss, etc. You could also use them to corral earbuds and other small items.
An over the door shoe holder to hang in the bathroom. We used it to hold everyone's deodorant, makeup, lotions, meds, toothbrushes, razors etc etc. kept the bathroom much more organized.
You can't do it any more because of the accident, but we heard that if you asked and the driver didn't mind, you could ride in the cab of the monorail. The monorail used to be our sons favorite thing to ride at WDW. We rode in the cab, got monorail pilot licenses, and our son got to honk the horn.
Not a tip that I got... but something I thought of. I hate to wear the poncho... but never stay dry enough with the little umbrella I leave hanging from my bag. Our last trip it poured and we knew we'd get soaked with just the umbrella. So we bought the ponchos and I asked a cast member for a pair of scissors and I cut them down the middle in the front so we could just slip them on and off as we pleased. Worked out great for us. :thumbsup2
Nancy princess:
My best tips:
1. And most important tip I've ever gotten (and given!) is to have a plan! Don't spend time with the rest of your groups saying to each other, "What do you want to do?" "I don't know, what do you want to do?" It wastes so much time. Make a plan for every day and know what you are doing each day.
2. Having said that - be flexible. If kids (or adults) are having a melt down, just leave and go back to the resort. Remember - it's vacation and you want to enjoy it. So what if you don't get to see everything. The point is that you are having a good time.
3. Pack food for breakfast. We always do one character breakfast, but for the rest of the days, we bring granola bars, instant oatmeal, apples and oranges, cereal, etc. That way we hit the park at rope drop and we're ready!
4. Enjoy the planning and enlist the help of everyone!
5. Share the magic! This is my favorite tip. Bring extra glow sticks to share with other kids at the night time parade. We bring stickers to play with in line and share with other kids. We always make lots of friends. Give away extra FP if you have them and are leaving the park. I love this.
1. Bring a stroller even if your child has already outgrown a stroller at home. Our first trip our son was almost 4, and there is no way he could have walked that much every day.
2. Bring Ziploc baggies in every size. I used them for everything!
3. Plan, plan, plan!
4. Schedule breakfast ADRs before the parks open... We are breakfast people, and this worked out great for us. We got amazing pics before the parks were opened so it looked like we were in the park all alone.
5. Stay on monorail if at all possible. The convenience can't be beat, especially when toting a stroller.
You can have packages shipped to your resort and held up to 2 weeks before your arrival.

Amazon prime = snack time! I only drink iced coffee, and the price at the parks is stupid expensive, so I had some iced coffee drinks, granola, and snack nuts shipped down ahead of time to save money and keep me from being hangry in the parks (hungry+angry=hangry)

Premade postcard labels: I bought a bunch of all purpose white labels and some mickey stickers. THen you write out the addresses of the people you want to send postcards to on the labels, decorate with mickey stickers, stick a book of postcard stamps in the container along with the filled out labels and it makes sending postcards SO MUC EASIER.

mini-first aid kit with blister bandaids, blister block, inhaler, regular bandaids, hand sanitizer, and advil

Roll up vapor water bottle, with the wide mouth so you can put ice cubes in it.
Thank you all for the wonderful tips! I've been reading this all week and recording all the tips for my husbands first Disney trip (it has been 8 years since my last trip!).
Reading through posts but it will take me ..a long time. Going Dec 30th to Jan 3rd. Going to hit all 4 parks and then an extra day to pick. Any tips? 2 adults and a 7 year old girl and 16 year old boy.

Can we bring snacks and/or drinks into parks? Monorail included? Will we still need sunscreen than? Do they have lockers at all parks? I been a long time ago don't remember much.

Thanks :)
Reading through posts but it will take me ..a long time. Going Dec 30th to Jan 3rd. Going to hit all 4 parks and then an extra day to pick. Any tips? 2 adults and a 7 year old girl and 16 year old boy.

Can we bring snacks and/or drinks into parks? Monorail included? Will we still need sunscreen than? Do they have lockers at all parks? I been a long time ago don't remember much.

Thanks :)

Snacks and non-alcoholic drinks are allowed. I bring them in. Sandwiches and other food, too. Yes, monorail transport to the parks is included if you are staying on-site. Even if you're not staying on site, it's either the monorail or boat from parking to Magic Kingdom anyway.
Sunscreen . . . well, doctors recommend it now for all seasons. But when you're going, it takes a while to get a "tan."
Snacks and non-alcoholic drinks are allowed. I bring them in. Sandwiches and other food, too. Yes, monorail transport to the parks is included if you are staying on-site. Even if you're not staying on site, it's either the monorail or boat from parking to Magic Kingdom anyway.
Sunscreen . . . well, doctors recommend it now for all seasons. But when you're going, it takes a while to get a "tan."

Thanks! No we are not staying onsite most reasonable priced onsite was gone. :(
Snacks and non-alcoholic drinks are allowed. I bring them in. Sandwiches and other food, too. Yes, monorail transport to the parks is included if you are staying on-site. Even if you're not staying on site, it's either the monorail or boat from parking to Magic Kingdom anyway.
Sunscreen . . . well, doctors recommend it now for all seasons. But when you're going, it takes a while to get a "tan."

Actually, Monorail transport isn't just for on-site guests. Monorail goes between MK and EPCOT only, DHS/AK aren't on the Monorail. Monorail also goes to Poly, Contemporary and Grand Floridian resorts. There is bus or boat transportation for the other parks.

OP....my suggestion on picking the park for the last day.....wait until you've done the first round of parks and then choose your favorite. Which park is a favorite is an extremely individual thing....and with the age spread of your kids, I'm guessing it's going to be a bit of a debate for your family, lol. Each park has it's own personality plus of course the rides and attractions that you did on the first day that you MUST repeat again will help choose the last day's destination.

And yes, each park has lockers. MK has them inside the park under the train station, EPCOT they are to the ride of Spaceship Earth near the restrooms, DHS are next to Oscar's Super Service or outside by the Bus Info booth; AK by Guest Services or outside the park on the right of turnstiles near restrooms. Large lockers (17Hx12Wx22D) are $9 per day, Small (11H9Wx16D)$7. There is a $5 refundable key deposit. If you use a locker in one park and want to hop to another park, return your key to get your refund, keep your receipt and at the next park you can show your receipt and the locker rental is already paid....you do still have to give the $5 refundable deposit.
MK only has large lockers, and the other parks have other sizes, like luggage size etc.

Since you're staying off site, let me also mention that if you park your car at one park you can move to another park's lot without paying again, just show your receipt. Personally, when changing parks I prefer to go back to my car and move it to another park. The transportation between parks (except MK/EPCOT which has the Monorail), tends to be a bit slow...and remember you'll have to reverse it to get back to your car at the end of the night. To me, taking the time to hop with my car once means a quicker time getting home at the end of the night when I'm feeling the crash coming on, lol. I can go like an Energizer Bunny until someone tells me it's time to go home....and then the crash happens quick, so I want to get home quick, not have to do the cattle call to another park and then still walk out to my car, lol.

Enjoy your trip...that's a very very busy time to go, but quite exciting to be there for the New Year.

I am literally typing this at the airport gate waiting for them to call my flight to Orlando....I'll be in MK by this time tomorrow! YIPEE!!!
Thanks! No we are not staying onsite most reasonable priced onsite was gone. :(

Yeah, there are very very few reasonably priced onsite rooms any more. :sad2:

I know many people on DIS simply can't imagine having a good time if you're not staying onsite.....but I disagree. We have done the onsite, and the free dining, but we have found that off site is better for our family ....

We are at the airport right now and will be in our 3 bedroom Condo tonight. Loads of space, privacy as everyone gets their own room. A full kitchen (I know again many can't imagine cooking on vacation, but we enjoy cooking but we do simple meals and a lot of crockpot to save money and eat healthier). A pool....yes we have to share it with others, but honestly even on our August trip I don't think we ever had more than 3 or 4 other families in the pool area with us....so no crowded pool and plenty of lounge chairs to relax in.

Cheaper means we can stay more days. I know that's not always an option for everyone, many have a set number of vacation days and that's it, but for us, since we homeschool, we can afford to go for literally 3 times as long when we stay off site.
Amazon prime = snack time! I only drink iced coffee, and the price at the parks is stupid expensive, so I had some iced coffee drinks, granola, and snack nuts shipped down ahead of time to save money and keep me from being hangry in the parks (hungry+angry=hangry)

Genius! Thank you!


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