We've been to Japan....Now a TR!

Thanks for this great report. I see a lot of familiar places from my two visits to Japan on your photos. How I love that country! Only wish my parents were as cool as you and took me to Japan when I was a teenager. :)
Day 7. Kyoto

I'd read so much about Kyoto and was disappointed when originally I had planned to stay just in Tokyo, that I was going to miss it. When I changed plans to add a couple of days and add universal, of course I added a day in Kyoto. I think I did it a disservice to just go for the day. We saw some nice places, but it didn't jump out at me and say 'wow'. There's just so much to see there that I think it would be best to give it a miss if you didn't have more time to spend there than just one day.

So we caught the Shinkansen from Shin Osaka to Kyoto station which only took about 15 mins. We then changed trains to get to Inari station, where Fushimi Inari is. The shrine is literally just across the road from the train station, so it was really easy to get to. Again, most of Japan had decided to see Fushimi Inari today. It was packed. There were more people dressed in Kimono and male traditional dress (not sure what this is called) Today there were showers on and off. Our first rain for the trip. We headed off through the Tori gates and up the hill. There was no chance getting a photo by yourself at the lower gates, but as we ascended there were less and less people. The gates are stunning and the shrines along the way are gorgeous. Lots of fox statues along the way. The boys and I got to about the 5th level and decided to turn around and wait at the bottom for hubby. He went to about the 7th or 8th level and said there was a stunning view from up there. It was here that I had my one and only experience of a squat toilet. No other choice, so I had to go!

Thousands of paper cranes

We then caught the train to Kiyomizudera station. We stopped by a nice shrine on the way.

Loving the photos, aussie shaz! Japan looks beautiful in all its urban glory, especially with the cherry blossoms!
Day 7 cont.

We then walked the rest of the way, heading to Kiyomizudera temple. It's up on a hill, so there's a nice long uphill road to walk to get there. I'd heard of the street that leads up to it and looked forward to seeing all of the shops etc. going up, I was a little disappointed. There were shops on one side, but not much on the other. Cars were driving up this very skinny road, so we, along with the rest of Japan, were squashed onto the one side footpath.
Anyway, we got to the top. It was beautiful, but again difficult to really appreciate because of all of the people. The view from the top was lovely.

When we got up the top, we realised we had come up the wrong street! So, we walked down the correct street. It was nice, but just more shops and so many more people.

We then walked to Maruyama Park, which is a well know Sakura spot. I'm trying not to sound negative because it was lovely, but again, the number of people, together with the blue leisure mats everywhere and the food and fun vendors everywhere, it was so difficult to see the real beauty in it. There were some beautiful trees, but it was really too comercialised for me.

We then decided we'd had enough of Kyoto. I'm sure it's fabulously beautiful, but I just found it difficult to appreciate due to the vast number of visitors.

We walked down through what I believe was the Gion area, and headed back to Kyoto station. Seeing it was the 15yr olds birthday today, and we hadn't done too much that he loved today, we stopped in at an arcade for them to have a play before returning to Osaka.
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Day 8. Universal

We'd all been looking forward to today, especially the 12yr old. He loves Harry Potter, has read the books, and watched the movies about 3 times each. This was his day!

I'd bought entry tickets and Express tickets online. You can only buy them through the Japanese website, so it was a bit difficult, but with lots of research and a bit of luck, I was able to buy the tickets. I printed them in both Japanese and Google Translated English so I knew which rides were at which time.

We arrived about 8.20am. The gates were scheduled to open at 9am. There were hundreds of people ahead of us, but I wasn't too worried seeing we had Express Passes, which also gave us a timed entry to Harry Potter, and also the new Flying Dinosaur ride. I wouldn't have to compete running with the masses ahead of me. I got chatting to an American lady who lived in Japan and had an annual pass. It was nice to chat, but she didn't give me any more information than I'd already researched.

It was the start of the 15th Anniversary Rebooooooooorn celebration a few weeks before we arrived.

The gates opened at 8.45. We wandered in and passed the line to the Flying Dinosaur, which already showed a wait time of about 3 hours. I believe it got to 5 hours later in the day. Our first ride was Back to the Future. With our Express pass, we waited maybe 5 mins. The wait time showed 90 mins (at 8.55am).
Next was Spider-Man ride. Again, about a 5 min wait with the Express pass. 120 min wait when we exited. Then we went on Hollywood Dream (forward version). Don't think there was any wait here with the Express Pass. 180min wait at about 10am. When we got to Jurassic Park at 10.25, they were only allowing timed entry tickets in. Not sure why. Maybe there was a lineup earlier that gave out timed tickets. Anyway, we had our Express passes. We got straight on and were out by 10.40.

Gorgeous Easter decorations

Cookie Monster!!!

We decided to have an early lunch. Firstly to avoid lineups at the food places, but also because our timed entry to Harry Potter was at 11.50. We had burgers and turkey legs.

We then headed to Harry Potter world. (WWOHP). They allowed us in 10 mins before our set time. It was magnificent. The Harry Potter music played as you walked through the forest. Hogsmead was all there with all of the shops from the movies. The Three Broomsticks Pub, the Owl Post, Zonkos Magic Shop, Olivanders wand shop. The main ride in this area is Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. It's 3D and was fantastic. It has you flying over Hogwarts and playing Quiddich. A great ride, but not quite my favourite. Maybe a 15 min wait. Standby 180mins
We then did the small coaster, the only other ride in this area. No wait, 70 mins standby. We also watched the wand show. The cast member was an Aussie. He spoke in both English and Japanese, so we understood this more than any of the other rides! It was cute, but not worth much of a wait. The kids got some butterbeer. One cold and one hot.
Once we'd seen enough here, we headed back to do more rides in the main part of the park.

Hagrids Hut

We finally went on the Flying Dinosaur ride. It had opened about 2 weeks before we were there. It is now our families favourite ride....ever....anywhere! It is the best coaster we have ever been on. I just wish we could have done it again. We waited about 15mins with our passes. Standby was 180mins.

You basically lie facing the ground. It feels like you're really flying!

We debated what else to do. We ended up doing Backdraft, which wasn't on our pass. We waited the longest for this ride, and it was the biggest snore. I'd seen it back in 1997 in LA, but forgot how boring it was. Oh well, we had plenty of time on our hands.
We then got some afternoon tea. I had a chocolate, banana and marshmallow Minions pizza. The kids got ice cream and popcorn. We sat watching all of the young girls taking selfies, seemingly endlessly. So many of them were dressed the same. Some very unusual too. It was quite entertaining.

My Minions pizza

A special 15th Anniversary vending machine. You had to pay, and hope you could jump high enough to press the button! Lucky my boy plays basketball.

We wandered around the park waiting for WWOHP to open back up without a timed entry.

It opened up at about 7.40, so we went in to see it in the dark. It was lovely.

Heading out of here, the Starlite parade was about to start. It was quite nice, but nothing on the Disney Electrical Parade. It was quite weird seeing 20something boys/men waving at the princesses and getting excited if they thought the princess looked at them!

We headed out before the end of the parade. We had dinner at Hard Rock, then took the train back to our hotel.

Sorry if there's a bit too much info, but I thought anyone planning a visit may want some info on the difference in times with and without an Express Pass. I would never want to visit without the pass.

We'd done Universal in LA in 2013, but did the VIP pass. It was similar in many ways, but USJ doesn't have the backlot, and USLA doesn't have Harry Potter....yet.
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Great trip report! Thank you for sharing so much info :) if you watch the whirlpool forums thread on travel to Japan, they had some stats on numbers of tourists, and it really is quite incredible the amount of growth they've had over the last few years. Your pictures are beautiful, but I can totally understand the frustration when dealing with large crowds everywhere you go.

I was looking at Universal tickets the other day and debating which express pass to pick. I love the idea of the flying dinosaur, but don't know if it would be comfortable laying down with my chest pressing into the restraint. Do you have any feedback on this?
Thanks Fi. The flying dinosaur was amazing. The restraint is very similar to normal coaster restraints. It kind of just adds a leg rest so when you're facing the ground, your legs are leaning on a support. I didn't feel any pressure on my chest at all. Maybe that's because I was freaking out about the ride!!

More report coming soon. I'll finally get to Disneyland.
Day 9

Today we took the Shinkansen back to the Disney resort. We didn't book seats, but had no trouble getting seats together. We put our luggage in the luggage racks above the seats.
The most exciting part of this trip was that we saw Mt Fuji! It was so exciting. I'd read that a lot of times you can't see it, so wasn't expecting it, especially how clear it actually was.

We arrived into Tokyo station at about 12.30 and transferred to a JR train to Maihama station. We bought our 3 day Monorail passes. They are very cute, with Disney Easter on them. We then headed to to Disney Welcome Centre. Here we were able to check-in to the Hilton Tokyo Bay, get our room key and leave our luggage. They would transfer it to our room. What service! The bags would be at the hotel by 4pm, and if we were happy to not be in our room until 5pm, we could get our key. We had Disneyland to do, so we were more than happy with that.

We had lunch at the foodcourt at Ikspiari, then took the monorail to Disneyland. I had bought 3 day tickets, so we had 1/2 a day at Disneyland, then a full day at Disney Sea, and then our last day we could hop. I only had vouchers and wanted real tickets, so we headed to the ticket counter and exchanged our vouchers for real tickets. Very much the same as Disneyland California. It cost us 200 yen each to swap.

Disney Easter at the monorail

We headed in and found lots and lots of characters just at the front. It was amazing to see so many characters all at once. What a great greeting to Disneyland! I tried to get photos, without having to line up.

I loved all of the Easter decorations too.

We headed in to World Bazaar which is the same as Main Street. It's covered, so is great for wet weather, but it's just not Disneyland. You can see the castle as you're walking through which is nice. The castle is huge and so is the hub.

We wandered around a bit, knowing that 3pm wasn't the best time to arrive at a Disney Park. We headed to the Swiss Family Treehouse, which has a lovely view over the castle and park.

The kids wanted to head to their favourite ride, so off we headed to Splash. The area is amazing, so many gorgeous features.

Grandma Saras kitchen

My boys are never too old to play at Disneyland!

Splash was closed, but we thought we'd wait and see how long until it started again. We saw some boats going down the drop so got a bit excited. Lots of people were hanging around. They kept telling us to leave and come back later, but no way! It eventually opened after about an hour, but of course they let Fast Pass holders on first. Well, I have no idea how the Fast pass holders knew it was open, but they just flooded in. I think our wait was probably about an hour, which is the longest we have ever waited for any ride, ever!

We love our ride photos

The ride was better than ever. The animatronics were amazing, their fur was so nice and shiny (unlike Disneyland). I think there was a couple of extra drops, so it was fun.

We then wandered a bit more before heading back to the hotel.

The back side of the castle. Beautiful

Sunset from the monorail
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Day 9 cont.

We arrived at our room at the Hilton Tokyo Bay. I had booked a Happy Magic room as I thought that was the only room that had 4 beds. It was very unusual, although I had seen it on the internet obviously. It would be great for anyone with little kids. Mine thought it was a bit trippy but it suited us fine. The room was huge with 4 beds. The view was out to the bay which was beautiful. We could even see O'Daiba and the Tokyo Skytree.

The hotel is directly across the road from the monorail station. They do have a courtesy bus to take you there. We used it a few times when it was raining and when it just happened to be there when we got off the monorail. It wasn't worth waiting if it wasn't already there.

View of the hotel from the monorail station

Courtesy bus. So cute

At about 7pm we headed back to Disneyland. The monorail is just so cute. They have Mickey Monorails, or Duffy Monorails. The interiors are so cute. The Duffy one has furry seats and Duffy handrails.

It was about dinner time so we stopped at Refreshment Corner for hotdogs and chips. We sat outside to eat, and as we were eating the Electrical Parade went past. This is something I'd wanted to see for ages. I was disappointed that Disneyland didn't have it when I went. I was happy to see it from a distance, and didn't have to worry about timing, waiting, pushing in etc.
The photos aren't great as they were taken on my iPhone, as were all the others. It's not the best for night shots.

We wandered some more and decided to try Monsters Inc Ride and Go Seek. This is one ride we really wanted to ride as its not at any of the other parks. I'd heard it was one to get on early morning, but if we could do it tonight, that's one less fastpass rush we'd have to do on Friday morning.
We got in line at 8.10. The wait time said 60mins. Turned out it was only 50. Still a long wait for us. We really enjoyed it. You ride in little cars through the Monsters sets and you shine a torch on the M's. This makes other things pop up. Kind of similar to Toy Story but without the scores.

We then went on Star Tours at 9.15 with no wait. Same as Disneyland but better graphics and newer storyline than when we were there a few years ago.

We decided we could fit in one last ride for the night. We got in the line to Space Mountain at 9.35. At 9.40 they closed the line. We were on at about 10.05. As I said earlier, this Space is great still, but Disneyland California wins out because of the music. We all still love this ride.

The park closed at 10pm, so we headed out after Space.
I didn't know that they had updated the monorails to Mickey and Duffy...! I'm so checking that out :)

Did you notice the reverse lights and indicators on the courtesy buses are Mickey shaped? Such attention to detail!
Day 10 Disney Sea

It started raining during the night and didn't stop.
We were up and at the park entrance of Disney Sea by 7.55am. The park was due to open at 9am.
We were very close to the front of the line, but there were people with their leisure sheets down and they were having a great time, under the cover, out of the rain. Our feet were soaked from just the layer of water on the ground, and we were getting soaked. We had 2 umberellas, but they didn't do a lot. We decided to make our way into a little gap under the cover that would allow us to keep dry. Well, this didn't do down well with the locals. Someone must have complained that we jumped the queue and a CM came to ask use where we had come from. We were literally about 2 people from under the cover and told the CM this. We told her we'd been there since 7.55am and didn't feel it was fair that there was so much room being taken up by the picnicers and everyone else was getting soaked. We told her we had no intention of going in ahead of anyone else who was ahead of us, we just wanted to be dry.
After this, I assume she asked everyone to pack up their leisure sheets and stand. They did. Hopefully those behind us were also pretty happy to be a bit dryer. It was about 8.45 by this time anyway, so it was time for them to stand.

The gates were opened for the Disney hotel guests at 8.45am and everyone else was allowed in at 9am on the dot. I sent hubby and son 2 to get Journey to the Centre of the Earth fastpasses, while son 1 and I headed to 20,000 leagues under the sea. We met up and were the first ones on 20,000 leagues. It's a great ride. Similar to Nemo I guess, but I loved this ride, and really don't like Nemo.

We then headed to Sindbads Adventure and had no wait. It's a very cute ride with great animatronics. Similar to Small World but very cute.

The queue

Our fastpasses to Journey were for 9.45 am so we headed back there. The standby at 10am was 50 mins, we waited maybe 10 mins. We loved this ride. I had no idea what it was about and had not looked into it too much prior to going because I wanted a surprise. It was so much fun, but would have loved the fast bit to go for longer.

At 10.25 we got fastpasses for Tower of Terror. They were for 11.30am. We then went to Indy and did single rider. We got in line at 10.43 and all 4 of us were off by 10.57. We each literally walked onto the ride. I think it's the same as the Disneyland version. Maybe a few extra little bits.

We had a wander, as much as we could in the rain.

Caramel popcorn. Yummm!

American waterfront area

New York City Waterworks!

Toy Story. We didn't bother with this

We couldn't keep dry, even with 2 umberellas LOL

At 11.30 we went on TOT. The was no wait in the outside line, and just the usual one out out of the elevator. It was obviously in Japanese, so no real idea of the storyline, but we just love the drops anyway. The theming inside was also amazing.

Notice the puddles, raincoats and umberellas

We decided to have lunch nearby at New York Deli. I wasn't too keen on my sandwich, but the others enjoyed theirs.

After a bit of shopping, we left the park for a break back at the hotel.

They didn't have Ear hats. Mostly these very weird plush hats, and headbands

I would have loved one of these if they were in my size! I think they were little wooly ponchos for kids

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Day 10 cont.

We arrived back at the hotel absolutely drenched. Wetter than I think I've ever been. Every piece of clothing we had on was wet. So for the next couple of hours I ironed our clothes while hubby had the hairdryer in each shoe to try and dry them. We wanted to be able to re-wear our same clothes seeing as we were sure to get wet again and didn't have lots of spares. We were also heading home in another day, so didn't want to take lots of wet clothes with us. Hubby and one son only had one pair of shoes each with them too, so there was no other choice for them. (Yes, I told them they should take more than one pair, but No, they didn't listen)

After a rest and a dry-out we headed back to Ikspiari around 6ish for some dinner. We had dinner at a Hawaiian burger place. Can't remember the name, but it was nice.

When we got back to the park, the rain had finally stopped. The ground was still soaked but at least it wasn't raining. I was planning to buy a plastic rain poncho, but seeing it had stopped raining, I'm glad I didn't.

Tokyo Disney Sea was celebrating their 15th Anniversary

The architecture was beautiful

Venice area

Hotel Miracosta. If you are staying here, please be aware that guests At the park can see right into your window while you're in your underwear if you don't close the curtains!

By this time it was about 8pm and Hubby and the boys went on Raging Spirit. I do like a good coaster, but just wasn't in the mood for one that looked scary and that I hadn't been on before. They all loved it. I had a wander and took some photos of the area.

Raging Spirits

Sindbads Adventures

We then rode Indy again. No wait

Hubby and son 1 went on TOT again while son2 and I tried not to get blown over by gale force winds LOL

The top window lights up green when there's a group up there about to drop

Very cute "scared Mickeys" in the TOT shop

The TOT shop design was amazing. The paintings were brilliant

After this we did Journey with a 13 minute wait. We then had a look around the park, some last minute shopping and headed back to the hotel.

McDucks Department Store

Earlier in the day we were going to go and have a look in McDucks. There was a huge line-up and people were having to show their tickets to get in. I can only guess that there must have been a new release of Duffy merchandise?

Not a great photo, but I had to get it. In the Disney parks and in Universal, all of the girls would dress the same. Sometimes in pairs, sometimes in groups. Very entertaining!

Toy Story was listed at a 40 min wait when we went at the end of the night. We weren't interested in going on it as we'd been in California, so can't say if it was correct or not.

So, I would love to be able to say that Disney Sea is my favourite ever park, but I just can't. In a way it was disappointing that it wasn't beautiful and sunny and we could really appreciate it, but I'm sure my kids preferred it being wet so we could go on rides without awfully long lines. I had read so much about how busy it gets and how long the lines are, I was prepared to only go on a few, but it was nice to be able to go on whatever we wanted and not have long lines.

Saying that, I'm sure we missed a lot of the atmosphere. All of the outdoor shows were cancelled and there wasn't the usual snack carts etc that make the ambience of the park. Luckily I hadn't planned to see any of the shows. Yes, I'd like to go back and see it in all of its glory, but I'm happy we've seen and done it now.
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