We're here at last!!

Sounds like a fab time. Yes weather here is super cold been told it could be -2 tonight heating has been on and off since last weekend.
Busch Gardens....

We spent about an hour last night desperately trying to figure out where to go today. Busch was on the planner but it was predicted 50% chance of rain and dodgy down Tampa. Just before we went to sleep we decided to bite the bullet and set the alarm for 7am with the intention of being out by 8am and get on our way.

Well plan went fairly well, got in the car around 8am and started off down the I4. Weather looked distinctly dodgy, just grey with no break in the sky. We carried on, just making a stop for petrol along the way and got to the park gates around 9.20am. This was our first mistake - realised that it didn't open until 10! We had to wait in the queue with the other cars until the gates opened at 9.30 and we all filed in. Caught the tram over and waited inside the park until it opened.

When the gates opened we headed over to Cheetah Hunt as it looked like this was one of the two "big" coasters that DD1 could get on. I don't know if I have mentioned this before but she absolutely loves all the rides - the bigger the better! I haven't seen her pass up one yet! She went to get measured at the gates and just missed the 54" cut-off so was already gutted about missing some of the bigger rides.

Most of the crowd there seemed to be heading in the same direction and DH and DD1 went in to queue while I stayed out with DD2. We went into the shop next to the ride to pass away the wait when the next thing I know, DD1 was walking towards me! It turns out the ride was broken before they could even get one car going! DD was gutted despite assurances we would come back later in the day.

We started to walk up towards the Africa part and decided to catch the train around to see the animals. The weather had started to break now and the sun was visible. I thought the train through the safari part was great and I much preferred it to the Animal Kingdom one. The variety and number of animals was better and it seemed much easier to see the animals up close. We got out at the next stop and were all distinctly cheered up after this ride.

We were now in Congo where we all decided to go on Congo River Rapids. DH and I weren't feeling like getting soaked as I wasn't sure whether it was the sort of day you would dry out from so bought some ponchos (cost around $8/each for the adult ones which I didn't think was that bad, girls already had their own). We all enjoyed the ride and went around for a second go without getting off as no-one was in the queue. Did the bumper cars - again we were the only three cars on the ride so had a pretty long turn chasing each other!

We then headed down to Jungala section. Here DD1 and I went on a trip-wire ride high in the sky called Jungle Flyers - was really good for a small ride! We all went in Wild Surge which is a small version of the up-and-down drops in the Tower of Terror. I don't know whether it was because we were the only ones on the ride with no queue but the ride was a really good length and we were all giggling after coming off it. The girls then spent 10mins in the Treetop Trails which is a play thing with climbing nets, bridges etc. On the way out we visited some of the animal attractions, I think it was the orangutans here. One thing I did notice today was that the animal encounters were amazing - really close opportunities with good spaces.

Stanleyville was next on the list where we all did the flume - really good drop at the end! The tidal wave ride was closed so DH took the girls back onto the flume while I sneaked off to do SheiKra. OMG this ride was awesome! It's the first time that I have ridden this and it was amazing. I loved the hanging over the vertical drops and the smoothness of the ride. I love quick rides but hate the jiggling around in the headrest that so many of them have - a side effect of getting older, I get headaches now if it's too jerky! This was the perfect ride for me and I think it's great. After I came off I convinced DH to give it a try and he loved it too.

We thought it was about time DD2 had some fun so headed down to the Sesame Part. Most of these were a bit small for her but would be perfect for 2-4yr olds. We did go on Air Grover which was a coaster suitable for over 38" tall. Was impressed that DD2 liked it though!

The next part was full of animal habitats including the bird gardens (really lovely) and the kangaroos (very cute). The girls loved that you could see these up close and were impressed you could see the joeys in the pouches.

A bit of unwanted excitement then - the girls went on a small flight ride just before Gwazi. While they were on it, my eldest shouted out she could see a snake and she was right - one was crawling really quickly on the ground and went under the fence into the undergrowth. Luckily the attendant saw it too and stopped anyone else getting onto the ride and called someone. He escorted the girls away from the ride and we quickly moved on!

DH and DD1 then went onto Gwazi and guess what....as soon as the train they were on pulled off, they broke down! It took about 10mins to get them off safely and they were both given 2 front of the line passes valid at any ride.

We decided to move on and went back to Cheetah Hunt - DD went on with both DH and I and we all thought it was great. The queue was so quiet that we didn't need to use the passes either time! Very quick coaster which again went on for a decent length of time which was great.

Before returning to Gwazi, we quickly headed to Timbuktu which was the only part we had missed so far. There was a coaster here called Scorpion which had a height restriction of 42" meaning that my youngest could ride this. I thought it couldn't be that bad if a 5-yr old could ride it......when we got on I realised that it was a lap-bar restraint which concerned me a little....especially when I realised that there was a loop-the-loop! Anyway it all worked out fine and DD2 loved her first experience upside down! She went on the carousel while I took DD1 on the sand serpant. This reminded me of Primeval Whirl in Disney, only shorter!

We quickly nipped back to Gwazi and then decided to call it quits. The girls bought a few things with their money and we headed home. The weather had been fantastic all day and the wait times tiny - most was about 10mins. Even though we were doubtful whether it would be worth the drive, we all agreed it had been and that we must return next year when DD1 can make the 54" restriction!

As we drove back, the weather took a distinct turn for the worse and it started to pour down about 20miles out from home. We decided to eat food local and went to the Bahama Breeze which is pretty much opposite the site. We both had a cocktail to celebrate....and the girls had a lemonade and apple juice! I had the Mahi Mahi off the chefs specials while DH had the curry bowl with coconut milk. Both meals were excellent and the girls chicken was lovely too. We felt like a dessert so I had the pineapple upside down chocolate cake and DH had the home-made key lime pie. He loves this dessert but thought this one was one of the best he had ever tasted! Mine was great too and the girls had a healthy portion of vanilla ice cream. The plan had been to go to the pool but the weather was still rubbish so we headed home and cuddled up to watch some tv before bed.....bliss!

A great day, everyone else is in bed now so I will join them! We are off to Seaworld tomorrow with a surprise Dine with Shamu booked - the girls don't know about this so can't wait to see their faces when they find out! I had looked to do this a few months ago but on seeing the price thought better of it, then when I looked the day before we came there was a deal on so the girls were free and we paid $25 each - a bargain meal for $50 I thought so booked it! We went a few years ago when it was on and liked it so hoping tomorrow doesn't disappoint. See you tomorrow x
Sounds like a great day, Busch is my Favourite park, something for all ages.:goodvibes
Seaworld ....

Off to Seaworld today - the girls really love the shows here and DH loves the sharks and killer whales!

We got up and out by the gates at around 8.45am - late for us LOL.. The weather was fine - not much sun but very humid. TBH that was pretty much the order for the day but it meant I didn't have to worry too much about reapplying the suncream for the girls! We headed over to feed the dolphins for the first show at 9.30am. Again the routine is pretty much set up for this park - its always the first dolphin feed so it's done and we don't have to worry about getting back to this part of the park. The girls go and examine the stingray while I queue. I decide not to feed this year so I can take some photos of the family - the girls have some photos from a few years ago feeding the dolphins that need updating!

I headed over to the overlook while DH took the girls to the feeding part. I took lots of pictures and luckily managed to get a few of the girls that were suitable! I look at the park map and tried to work out how to fit in the shows the girls wanted to see - it felt like a military exercise! We had to get over to the dolphin show by 10am which we made quite easily. I had forgotten how much I love this show - it was great and the girls loved it. There were a few subtle changes like extra dancers at some points which helped to add to the show and it definitely set the day up well.

After this had finished, we headed over to Clyde and Seamore - this is one I could definitely miss but the girls think its great so off we go! The mime artist was doing a mimic behind DH as we walked to our seats before the show started but none of us were brave enough to look! The walrus were well behaved and comical to watch. The set has been newly painted which was good and it ended up not being too bad - the girls giggled throughout especially when things went wrong! After it finished we decided to try out the new attraction, turtle trek. This was a gentle interaction with a few sections of fish and turtles to start and ended with us all filing through to a huge dome at the end where we were instructed to put on our glasses. There was a 4-D show which was great showing the journey of a turtle from birth and on to adulthood. I thought this was pretty good and a nice updated attraction. Even though I like Seaworld I do think a few of the animal exhibits are a little dated, so it was also nice to see that the penguin exhibit is being totally overhauled and should be ready for Spring 2013. The current penguin attraction is closed but it was always one part that I felt was inappropriate, as the penguins just looked too many for the size of the enclosure. Here's to hoping the new part is a good update.

After Turtle Trek, we headed back over to the Seaport Theatre to see Pets Ahoy, a show with everyday pets. DD2 lose this so we had to fit it in - same show with a chance to interact with some of the pets after the show had finished. We had a bit of a breather then, as the next show was One Ocean with the killer whales which was at 2.30pm, around 90 mins away. We went to see the shark encounter which includes the walkway through the large aquarium all around you - great sight as always. We then headed over to Shamu's play area to let the girls burn off some energy! They spent a while on the cargo nets and tunnels, fitting in a few rides such as the junior rollercoaster before we had to leave to sit down for the killer whale show.

All of us loved this....apart from DD2 who for some reason wasn't that interested. Maybe she was just tired but she lay down for most of the show. We then had a few hours until the surprise Dine with Shamu. We crossed back over to the main park, taking in the sky tower along the way. This was a new one for us, but a lovely way to see the park from an aerial view and figure out how the park was laid out.

We did head over to try and fit in the water ride but there was a posted 30mins wait which would have put us too close to our dining reservation. It was at this point that we had to tell the girls about our Dine with Shamu reservation as they couldn't figure out why we just didn't wait. They were really excited and pleased and couldn't wait until it came.

We went over to the underwater viewing station and waited for the reservation to start. We checked in and had a fantastic table next to the glass about 3/4 way around. Our server was great and told us about the food layout and general rules of the interaction. Nothing too heavy, just sensible stuff!! The buffet was fantastic - lots of great options for both adults and children which tasted lovely. I started with red potatoes, spiced rice, chicken and pork. The girls had pasta and meatballs, hot dogs and the chicken. Beverage options were numerous - we all had a soft drink and DH also had a Bud Light. After the main course, we went back to the dessert table - lots of options here..key lime cheesecake, chocolate cake, create your own strawberry shortcake, fruit, cookies and a few more....awesome!!

In the middle of the food, one of the trainers spoke to us and provided some info about the different whales. At one point there were several trainers in the arena and up to six whales. We got some great pictures and it was so amazing eating our food with the whales swimming a few feet away. At the end of the meal we were asked to complete a survey about the interaction and left a tip for our server. We left the park around 7 pm and were the only ones left!

We decided to go to the hotel swimming pool for an hour or so and the girls enjoyed the end of the day. DH and I had a few drinks while we were watching the girls.... Great end to the day!

Back to AK tomorrow to fit in the few bits we missed and then maybe up to Mall of Millenia to the Apple shop.....
We love SW but can never get the shows to work for timings, usually have to go in a couple of times to do them all although we never spend a ful day there. Dine with Shamu sounds great, hope it stays at the lower price til next year and we will consider it. Enjoy AK
Wayne - the show was great, good value for the buffet alone let alone the experience.

Animal Kingdom today, had a reservation for Tusker House at 8.20am. Got there bang on time - was definitely a sleepy day today! Didn't realise how huge this restaurant was until today, it's massive. Had our photo taken with Donald and went inside. Was very impressed with the huge array of food on offer, would give even the fussiest eater a run for their money! We had a table for four in the main room, could see Daisy, Goofy and Mickey in the distance. Took the girls up to pick and they came back laden with bacon and a few token gesture potatoes - these two are serious carnivores! There was the usual bacon, scrambled eggs, toast, waffles, cereals, fruit and so on, to the not-so-usual rice and cooked ham! There was also a pretty wicked table of pastries and doughnuts.

The food was great, the wait for the characters not so much. The problem being that all three characters were working in the same room so it was all-or-nothing with a long wait in between. We had totally finished our meal and paid and were still waiting to get our photos. The photographer then came around with our Donald photo which we could buy for the stately sum of $30.....maybe not.....

Well we managed to leave at around 9.40am and headed over to EE. There was a plan to leave around lunchtime as we only had a few things left to do from our previous visit, but who can pass on a ride on EE?! We sneaked in two rides and then made our way over to Nemo which DD2 had been begging us to see since we left on our previous visit. Sat down for the 11am show which was great as usual, the girls really do seem to love it.

After we got out headed down to Dinoland to fit in Dinosaur. We all went on but I very quickly realised it was too much for my youngest, she spent the entire ride clinging on to me with her eyes closed. Bless....after we got out I took her on the little dinosaur ride instead which seemed to suit much better while DD1 went on Primeval Whirl with DH. We then visited a few shops, picking up a few things ready for Christmas and did a meet and greet with a few Up characters before deciding it was too hot and the pool was calling!

On our way home we did a detour to pick up an iPad from the Apple shop. Bought the 32gb wifi version for $599, was absolutely mad in the shop but according to the sales assistant it was better than first thing in the morning when everyone was there to pick up the new iPhone 5. The store had sold out its shipment in a few hours everyday since they had been released.....

Picked up some cheesecakes to go from the Cheesescake Factory on the way out and then headed home for the pool. We popped into the Welcome Centre on the way through as had received a phone call regarding the timeshare pitch and although I have never been to one or intended to go, was tempted by the promise of $125. Spoke to a very nice lady called Liz, who explained the set-up and turns out we could book an 8am session which includes breakfast and only have to stay for total 90mins. Tomorrow is a water park day so the 8am slot wouldn't affect our plans (you could also go at 10 or 12). Well after a quick negotiation we decided to go for it as $125 was a decent amount of money. Just to note the starting payout was $75 so if you do go don't take the first offer! Will let everyone know tomorrow if it is worth the pain! Got given the money up front and two light sabres for the girls so at least we know there is no way of not getting the money.

We went to our pool for a few hours, where we got the girls a snack from KFC, DH and I were still full from breakfast! We then got changed and headed to Downtown Disney. It was quite busy as to be expected from a Sunday night but there was a good atmosphere and there was a guy on the stage getting the kids up to dance and teaching them new routines. My two love this so we sat here for half an hour before moving on. We bought another few Christmas presents before picking up an ice cream and heading home - tip....weather is too warm for ice creams to survive long and so after bitter experience we now order the ice cream in a cup to make sure it survives. If you like the cone, just ask for an extra cup when you pick the ice cream up from the counter.

So tomorrow plans...timeshare presentation and breakfast, off to a water park (give girls the choice in the morning of which one) and then off to MK in the evening to watch the parade and Wishes - one of my favourite parts so here's hoping it goes well!
Be interesting to hear about the timeshare presentation. I always imagine there to be a bit of pressure put on you... Almost bullying like tactics!!
Loving your report!

Its getting me all excited for our trip in 2wks! Im pleased to see your having SOME good weather!!

We are thinking of doing the dine with Shamu! ive read alot of good & bad reviews which have put me off a little so im really pleased to hear that you loved it!
We have not been to sea world with the boys & so that means that Dh has never been either! Ive been at least 20 odd times (well actually double that as ive been a t least 3 or 4 times each trip i went on up to the age of 18!

we just never thought about doing it as a family till now! I think the boys will like it so much more now that they are older.
Plus we are getting to go in free due to the Military day ticket they give to forces and dependents :woohoo:
Tinkerpea: don't worry about the weather, honestly we have only lost one afternoon since we have been here and we used it to go shopping! The rest of the days have been clear or just an odd afternoon shower and the last 3 days have been very hot! We have done Dine with Shamu twice - first time when my two girls were 3&6, and this year when they were 5&8. They were so captivated this year it was lovely to watch - I has to remind them to eat and with my two that's saying something! I was really pleased with the buffet selection too, one of the better meals we have been to "on-site". Kudos to your military tickets - hope you really enjoy your day :)

Thestevied: was a mix TBH, okay for 90% of the time, bit more pushy at the end but polite all the way through.

So today did start with our early timeshare presentation or as we were continuously reminded "ownership" package. We went to the allocated room where there was a selection of drinks, yoghurts, fruit cups and muffins and were given time to eat these. After this was finished we signed the girls into the kids club they lay on and they were wrist-tagged and matched to mine so only I could sign them out. There was room of video games, toys and a tv as well as colouring etc so mine were happy enough. We then had a one-to-one spiel off our representative who was a pleasant enough guy. I'm not going to go into the detail as I am sure you will all be bored but in some ways it was a good, informative pitch and we were shown around example rooms etc. This section lasted around 80mins and then eventually got taken to the end room where we were given all the figures. This was when it got a little pitchy, there was a kind of double-act going on with the rep and the "international manager" who came up with some returned lots that were cheaper than the usual price. The figures were actually very good but I am just not the sort of person who would sign up to something that important after an hour or so of thinking about it. When we said no, it was still okay but the manager person tried as a second wave. Apparently the 10-day cooling off period would be enough for us to consider this properly....we politely said no again and were then allowed to sign out and meet the customer experience agent to fill in a survey. This turned out to be a last step of offering us an option of buying a two-week stay directly with Sheraton for next year and paying monthly but again without pricing this all up independently I wasn't prepared to commit. After this we were let loose, picked the girls up (who had a lovely time) and went on our way to Aquatica.

Would I do it again? Not sure - it wasn't that painful looking at it now, but felt a long time while we were there! The $125 paid for everything we did and bought today so probably not a bad deal but not sure I could sit through it again! The other thing that bugged me was that the rep guy assumed I was the SAHM and that DH must be the big earner and so did address the dynamic around that - he asked DH about his job but didn't even bother asking me if I had one! Not dissing anyone who does stay at home with the kids (I would love to but just can't afford it!), but I am the chief earner and felt a little patronised! DH thought it was hysterical and just kept laughing when the guy would speak to me about cooking etc......

Anyway we got to Aquatica by around 10.45 and pretty much followed our usual time here. It was very quiet again and lovely weather. We left around 3.30 and had a lovely relaxing time while we here. We came back to the apartment, got changed with the idea of picking up some lunch/tea on the way through to MK to watch the parade/fireworks.

The girls voted for Olive Garden which was fine so headed here. DD1 loves having the zuppa Toscana soup that DH and I have, and DD2 eats them out of bread! We were boring and had the same meal as last time - girls had pepperoni pizza, I had chicken scampi and DH had the chicken and shrimp carbonara. We all ate our fill, all plates empty which must be a good sign! The funniest thing that happened was that I ordered an alcoholic drink and got asked for ID which I stopped carrying 15 years ago....typically I didn't have any which DH again found hysterical as I am 35.....just think we had a keen server who was trying to do everything right as he then told me not to worry, that he was just following policy and then gave it to me anyway! Gave us all a laugh anyway.....

Headed off to MK and got there around 6pm. It seemed really busy and people were already starting to pitch for spaces for the parade. I refused to try two hours out so we went over to Pirates and rode this as we still hadn't done this yet which was good as usual, was a walk-on. Most of the other character queues seemed long - I noticed a 40min wait for the Princesses, 55mins for the fairies and 30mins for Mickey. It was then about an hour and 15 mins out and as we walked over to Main Street there was no apparent seats on the kerb. We carried on and eagle-eyed DH saw a space and dived in. We then spent time going back and for in turns to get ice cream etc before the parade started. The electrical parade always makes me smile and watching the girls faces, it's apparent they love it too! Even my eldest who is too cool for most parades whispered to me that she liked this one :)

We waited for Wishes which I absolutely love and watched it on the street before the Castle. Tinkerbell flew which made DD2 happy too! The park felt really busy at that time - I can't imagine what it would be like in peak season! After it finished we headed with the hoardes to the monorail and then walked to the car - got home by 9.45 which wasn't too bad.

Tomorrow is the spare day in the planner - left this in case we needed to reschedule anything. Have decided to have a lie-in as we have had a few early mornings and then let the girls decide what to do!
I'm enjoying your reports :)

I once took advantage of a Marriott offer (4 days in one of their Spanish resorts, 2-bed, 2-bath, including car for £99) but went for advice on the TUG first (Timeshare Users' group) so knew what to expect. The best tip I was given was to establish the time immediately I arrived and tell them I had an appointment in 90 minutes' time. It worked just fine ;)

You would think that in 2012 salespeople would be on their guard about making assumptions about the roles/earning capacity of partners/spouses! You seemed to do well out of the presentation though :thumbsup2
We used to replace our car every 2 years. It is Karen's car so she wanted equal amount of attention when looking around the showrooms. I remember going into Mercedes Wakefield and walking out after 5 mins, rep totally blanking Karen, we bought a BMW instead, their loss.

I couldn't go thru a presentation for anything, I tried once in Spain, walked out after 10 mins bored stiff.:rotfl:
Wayne, I had that same problem earlier this year buying my first car. I took my Dad and BF along and I was ignored at first and then when the sales assistant addressed me, all he did was talk down to me. Needless to say I moved on to another dealership also.
but I am the chief earner and felt a little patronised! DH thought it was hysterical and just kept laughing when the guy would speak to me about cooking etc......


We have just come back after 3 weeks there. Impressed you are doing a TR as we were just too tired at the end of the day to do a thing.
Loving reading your TR enjoy the rest of your time there:goodvibes
Hi all, apologies for not managing to write last night -was just too busy and then tired at the end of the night! Not holding out much hope for tonight's either as it is really late after trying to finish packing tonight.....

Well yesterday was the girls choice and Hollywood Studios got the vote. We decided to just do a morning here and then leave early afternoon to go to the pool to recover! We got there at just after 9am and it was already busy. Headed over to TSM and got a fastpass for 12.30-1.30! We decided to take things easy and maybe just do a few things that we had missed first time round. We went to the animation studio and drew with the artist. This was really good fun and the girls really enjoyed. We went to see the Indiana show, did ToT, looked in a few shops and then headed over to TSM for our fastpass - fab as usual although DH broke my winning streak and robbed me at the end! :-)

We then left and went back to the hotel pool. We went to the Cascades pool which is lovely - two ends, a "usual" pool end and then a shooting fountains part which is great for the younger ones. We stayed for a few hours and then changed and headed down to Downtown Disney to eat in T-Rex. It was madly busy even though it was only 6ish. Waited around 20mins and then got seated in the Ice Room. I love eating in this room, it's really impressive. We decided to splash out a bit as it was so close to the end of the holiday. I had a Typhoon Punch which was lovely while DH had a corona-Rita which was a margarita with a corona bottle balanced in. He said it was amazing and would have loved to stay and have some more! The food was very good too - we both had the pulled pork sandwich while DDs had the rotisserie chicken. We definitely outdid our meal value from the other night - it came to $90!

Today was our last lazy day. We decided to try a breakfast out as we had eaten mainly in our villa this holiday. We went to Sizzler and I thought it was a total waste of $25. The food was really average and limited...there is no way I would spend that again...have I missed something :confused3 or did I just go to the wrong place?

We then went back to Aquatica - as you will have gathered, we have really enjoyed being in this park. Today was no different, had a lovely day and it was really, really hot! Came back and changed around 4pm, then headed out to the Cheesecake Factory for our last evening meal. This didn't disappoint - we had an amazing meal - I think probably the best meal of the trip for me. I had the chicken jambalaya pasta which was fantastic, really spicy but lovely. DH had a couple of appetisers instead and had the stuffed mushrooms and crab bites which he loved. We both had a piece of cheesecake to finish -I had the white raspberry and DH had a coconut one - both of which were lovely.....a fitting end to our time here!

We stopped off in Downtown on the way home to say goodbye....just walked around and had fun for a few hours. Then off home to finish off packing - I have done a last minute wash so there are clothes out drying everywhere now that I need to finish and pack away first thing in the morning.

Off to Downtown for the early morning check-in and then off to MK for a few hours before hearing to the airport.

Just to say thanks for everyone who has commented and read - its been my first TR and I really had no idea how hard work it was to keep up the writing every night! So I will have a new found respect, reading everyone else's from now on! Will try to update when we land..hopefully with no drama to add!
Well done on the live TR!! I always wonder how Disers manage it, I'm always too tired to do anything by days end! Sounds like a lovely trip, I will agree about Sizzlers, we've been to several and found them lacking so we don't go anymore. I really must try the Cheesecake Factory on my next trip - and Aquatica too for that matter! Shame on me for never having visited that park! I'll get there some day!
Safe flight home and enjoy the last few hours in MK :goodvibes
Great TR. As for the breakfast, we haven't been to Sizzler in about 10 years and we go now to Golden Corral instead. It's not a patch on the breakfast buffets onsite (but then it is about 1/3 of the price! There's lots of choice and much of it is freshly cooked in front of you. If you haven't been I'd recommend you try it next time. I hope you had a safe (and uneventful) journey home :)
Well home to rainy Wales! Had a uneventful last day, used Downtown Disney check-in at 9am - no queue at all so only took 5mins and we were on our way! Went to MK and did the things we hadn't managed to fit in....queued for the fairies for DD2, went and used the interactive queue for Dumbo - great! We stayed until lunchtime and then went out of the park to the Olive Garden to fill up before the plane.

All uneventful - security fine, plane boarded on time. Girls fell asleep straight after food which was good, both DH and I struggled this year - I had a noisy person in front of me who kept ordering duty free and so on which made it hard to fall asleep but never mind. Landed and met the meet and greet Maple Parking who were prompt as usual. Started on our journey home - got home around 1ish which wasn't too bad.

Weirdly we are struggling with jet lag at the moment - waking up in the middle of the night, struggling to stay awake in the middle of the day....the joys of coming home......

Already pricing up next year :)

Anyone know if Virgin price match?


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