Welcome to WISH-topia! March 2017 WISH Lifestyle/Weight Challenge

What song just makes you have to get up and dance? What's your favorite type of music?

Take You at Your Word by Avalon (In a Different Light)
Live Out Loud by Steven Curtis Chapman (Declaration)
The Happy Song by Delirious (Cutting Edge)
Why Should The Devil Have All The Music by Geoff Moore and The Distance (Evolution)
Trading My Sorrows by Darrell Evans ( Freedom)
People Just Like US by Hillsong (People Just Like US)

I like various kinds of music depending on my mood as long as it is sung not screamed that type of music hurts my poor ears.
Hey all! Not keeping up this month as well as I thought I might! My kids are on "spring" break right now, but the 24 inches of snow expected here in my town today doesn't really look much like SPRING! :sad2:

No school today and no WW meeting tonight, so I actually have an entire day off..... no online work scheduled (although to be honest I'll be checking later to see if there is any work available), no need to go anywhere, everyone home and cozy! Kind of a dream-come-true kind of day for me (if it weren't for the snow shoveling and snow blowing that will need to happen later).

I plan to relax and watch some movies with the kids when they get up later.... I'll make light popcorn in the microwave and we'll drink tea and it will be a wonderful day with my kids.

I am not going to try to play catch up on the chatter right now.... I have a hot cup of coffee and a warm kitty on my feet, so I'm going to read for a while until the sleepy heads decide to rise. TTYL...............P
Question of the Day: March 14


Judy totally idealizes the town of Zootopia.

In some ways, she is correct. But it turns out there was a lot more to Zootopia than she thought.

Even still, that wonder and appreciation of a place is something we all can identify with on some level.

Where is your favorite place in the whole world?
Doesn't have to be foreign or even too far from home-- just some place that inspires you or makes you happy.
Where do you just love to go?

What have you learned or what are you researching to change about your lifestyle?

I have been researching a few different recipes that I think my family will actually eat. 9 year old has feeding issues among her other disabilities so short of being a short order cook and fixing her a different meal from the rest of us I try and find something that she will at least eat the main course using what we have on hand each day. Forget planning out meals more than a day or at most 2 a head of time because I can plan something and someone will eat the ingredients on me. I can plan to fix macaroni and cheese with burger mixed in and the dry pasta will be eaten or the cheese. Two items that someone seems to want to eat.
QOTD: Where would I love to go... omg, of late I am totally possessed of Scotland and the Swedish Faro Islands. This is all due to the wool/yarn community I follow on IG. The Edinburgh Yarn Festival just happened this past weekend and probably a dozen people I follow were there, including two gals who have a yarn company here locally. They are now touring Edinburgh and their pictures are just so yummy, like a dark rich cup of coffee. Back in January several people located in Lerwick posted about the Up Hella Aa celebration, which is a Viking festival. Now that's on my list. And I've long been intrigued by the Faro Islands, in particular the town of Visby. I'm thinking of a long trip to that area of the world in 2018.

I have a new goal for this week... I am going to focus on getting in to the habit of taking my thyroid meds twice a day. Did this yesterday and what a difference... mid-day I wanted to curl up in a ball and go back to sleep and couldn't wait to get out of here. But once I got home I had enough energy to get more odds and ends done than I'd accomplished all weekend. Not only is this going to help with my general energy level, but getting my metabolism going again is going to help with weight loss as well.

Love the time change and adding an hour of sunlight to the end of the day, but in the morning I am back to coming to work in the dead of night, plus this morning it was a very heavy wet rain so felt like the middle of winter not the cusp of spring. But the forecast is for some clearing and warmer temps early next week. At least we're not getting the snow.
What about you? Do you struggle to keep fruits and veggies a big part of your diet/lifestyle?

Does your town offer any farmers markets so that you can eat more locally?

Bonus: What is your favorite vegetable heavy dish/meal?

This is a struggle because I try and stick to what is in season and I get bored with having the same thing over and over so then I quite eating fruits and vegetables.
We have farmers markets in the summer months but I rarely go as you have to be there too early in the morning for me if you want to get a parking spot that is not a mile walk away.

My favorite heavy vegetable dish is a chicken and cheesy mac dish cooked in the crockpot. Surprise my picky eater will actually eat this. I also like an apple and sausage stuffed acorn squash but both girls won't even touch it.
This made me LOL - This is my husband... It can be annoying at times being that I am not a morning person (unless we are at Disney :rotfl2:)

That is how I am. I should get up for work at about 6:30 but I push it to 6:45 and then run around the house. If I am in Disney I have no problem getting up at 6. My husband hated that I sleep in. He gets up and starts cleaning in the weekend and most of it is done before I even wake up. It drives him nuts. He says I am sleeping away the day.

Question of the Day: March 14

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Judy totally idealizes the town of Zootopia.

In some ways, she is correct. But it turns out there was a lot more to Zootopia than she thought.

Even still, that wonder and appreciation of a place is something we all can identify with on some level.

Where is your favorite place in the whole world?
Doesn't have to be foreign or even too far from home-- just some place that inspires you or makes you happy.
Where do you just love to go?

Disney. I have been trying to get my husband to move to Orlando. She has shot me down every time. I am still working on trying to go to WDW this year. I almost got him to agree to going over Thanksgiving. Still working on the cruise too but that is looking like it won't be Disney :(


I did get to the rec last night a head of the storm. We only have about 2 inches of snow when I woke up to the call that school was closed. We might have about 3 or so now. My work ended up closing too so I went back to bed until 10. My poor husband is working from home with all of us off. He might be taking a half day and taking the kids sledding. It is really not bad here and I was shocked that schools and my worked closed. I think they are worried about what will happen later today. Lake affect will kick in at some point today and may make this afternoon rush hour a mess.

I better get going. I have been playing war with my daughter for about an hour already. I took a break now she is bugging me to play.
Is exercise a big part of your journey?
What have you found that you like or don't like to do to get moving?

Do you have any long term physical fitness goals?

Exercise is starting to become a bigger part of my getting healthier journey. I like to go to the pool the best but can tolerate walking. My long term goal right now is to get in a habit of regular exercise and as I get my size down smaller I would like to add doing more. Maybe even if finances allow a Disney 5K some day down the road.
Where do you just love to go?

I'm not really sure if this counts but I love going to the movie theater. I don't even watch many movies at home; there is just something about going to the theater that just makes me happy. I would say I go probably a couple times a month and a lot of times I just go by myself. I think my love of movie theaters started when I moved away from home at 19 and didn't really know anyone outside of work so I would go to the movies almost every weekend by myself and it just sort of became my thing. As I made friends I would go less but it stuck with me as one of my favorite things.
QOTD: Where would I love to go... omg, of late I am totally possessed of Scotland and the Swedish Faro Islands. This is all due to the wool/yarn community I follow on IG. The Edinburgh Yarn Festival just happened this past weekend and probably a dozen people I follow were there, including two gals who have a yarn company here locally. They are now touring Edinburgh and their pictures are just so yummy, like a dark rich cup of coffee. Back in January several people located in Lerwick posted about the Up Hella Aa celebration, which is a Viking festival. Now that's on my list. And I've long been intrigued by the Faro Islands, in particular the town of Visby. I'm thinking of a long trip to that area of the world in 2018.

That sounds phenomenal! I like the show Outlander (set in Scotland) and OMG the scenery looks awesome!

My favorite heavy vegetable dish is a chicken and cheesy mac dish cooked in the crockpot

That sounds yummy!!!

He gets up and starts cleaning in the weekend and most of it is done before I even wake up. It drives him nuts. He says I am sleeping away the day.

HAHA! Mine too. Then I feel lazy but I just love my sleep on Sunday mornings!

I'm not really sure if this counts but I love going to the movie theater. I don't even watch many movies at home; there is just something about going to the theater that just makes me happy. I would say I go probably a couple times a month and a lot of times I just go by myself. I think my love of movie theaters started when I moved away from home at 19 and didn't really know anyone outside of work so I would go to the movies almost every weekend by myself and it just sort of became my thing. As I made friends I would go less but it stuck with me as one of my favorite things.

That absolutely counts! I can totally relate. I have long been into foreign and indy sort of films, and so far, not too many people in my life have also been into them, so I go alone when I want to see those things. And it's not lonely at all - it's nice :)
What do you do when you feel like giving up?
What keeps you motivated when the going gets tough?

Knowing that I have a goal of time to meet each month. What keeps me motivated is doing a little bit each day, though yesterday I did not get anything in unless you count rushing to the rest room from having a lot more vegetables in a short period of time after over 2 weeks eating a diet heavy in cheap pasta dishes.

Plan is to do a bit more today in order to make up the time missed, working around getting posters done for communication day tonight, getting most of dinner in the crock pot (We are having macaroni and cheese though I am browning some burger to go along with it after it is done) plus having to drop DH off at work at 4:30 and then going and picking up something for me to eat at the 4-H meeting ( the kids are having pizza with tomato sauce which I am allergic to tomatoes), getting some letters so that 12 year old can finish her poster for tonight (nothing like waiting till the last minute and driving her mother batty. I bought the stuff on Friday it should have been done by Sunday Night) and some straight pins, before getting to the meeting 90 minutes early. Plan is to pin and sew 9 year old's tie edge blanket before the set up crew gets there between 5:30 and 5:45.
I am honestly thinking that since we can eat before 3 that either we are going to need to leave early enough so that we can stop at a store in the larger town and get some of the items before DH goes to work or he is going to have to be dropped off early so we can go to the one in the smaller town where the meeting is and get the few items.
I keep in the back of my mind that this date is blank % of the way through the month so I should be at blank % towards my goal and then I push to get there.
Where is your favorite place in the whole world?
Doesn't have to be foreign or even too far from home-- just some place that inspires you or makes you happy.
Where do you just love to go?

That's a hard question. I guess maybe the beach would be my favorite place (and unfortunately for me, it's far from home). We've gotten somewhat lazy in our vacation planning the last few years and just done cruises. You can always go to new places and each day you wake up to another destination! I find them so relaxing because you can do as much or as little planning as you want. You can plan an excursion for each day, or you can just wake up and go to the beach, stay on the boat, etc...so relaxing to me!
What good habits have you had create to get healthier?
What bad ones have you had to or are you trying to kick?

I am trying to walk at least 10 minutes a day allowing no more than 2 missed days every quarter and never in a row.

Not drinking as much soda and my coffee drinks. This one is hard when I have a child who decides who needs sleep and is up until really late and then rearing to go at the crack of dawn. It is a little easier now that 12 year old is able to take on more responsibility as she is able to watch her sister more while I get some rest.
On days when your sloth-slow and feeling unmotivated, how do you deal?

Try and figure out what is going on and deal with it.

Are my allergies bothering me or am I coming down with something consider taking something

Am I exhausted from raising a special needs child see if I can get some rest.

If really desperate a big amount of caffine to get me by.

Mentally for me motivation is not a struggle. My problem is more of a my mind says YES and my body says HELL NO.
Where is your favorite place in the whole world?
Doesn't have to be foreign or even too far from home-- just some place that inspires you or makes you happy.
Where do you just love to go?

I love being able to go to the Black Hills. If I don't end up spending 60-90 minutes hanging around visiting with people I know or even people who know people I know who know people I know in Lame Deer it is about 3 hours to be in the hills. I love making the drive through Spearfish Canyon and heading into the Hill City and Custer areas. Spending time driving around Custer State Park, going to Mount Rushmore, and so much more. I still haven't seen or done everything that there is to do in the Hills even after several trips growing up and a few as an adult.

I got 20 minutes of walking though since someone didn't pick up the Little People toys in the area between the couch and entertainment center I did a shortened loop so while I got 36.5 laps done it is not accurate compared to my normal numbers. I got 7 minutes of toning and strengthening exercises done for a daily total of 27 minutes and a running total of 296 minutes.
Question of the Day: March 14

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Where is your favorite place in the whole world?
Doesn't have to be foreign or even too far from home-- just some place that inspires you or makes you happy.
Where do you just love to go?

Honestly.... I know this is a Disney board and as such we all love Disney... but that is TRULY my answer! DISNEY! It is HONESTLY and TRULY my happy place! I've analyzed a bit about WHY Disney makes me so happy and there are a few reasons, but I am just RELAXED and HAPPY at Disney!

If I had to name a second (non-Disney) place, I'd say the lake here in NH where we go on our family vacation every summer.



Hey all! So we are dug out of the 18+ inches of snow we received yesterday. :cold: I went out about 7:15 pm to snow blow so that DD could get out early this morning. It took me 90 minutes and I didn't even completely finish.... but I was mostly done and the snowblower ran out of gas, so I took that as a sign to call it a day! :thumbsup2 That being said, I exceeded my step goal by over 1000 steps without even hitting the treadmill!

School has a 2 hour delay today, but I've already driven over 2 hours to take DD to the nearest train station. I was really concerned about her driving in the snow this morning.... so I drove her and DH will pick her up this evening (I have to work online). I don't want to "baby" her and I know she can drive, but she doesn't have much snow driving experience and I had NO idea what the roads would be like at 4:30 am. But she definitely could have done it.... the roads weren't bad.... even the rural back roads.

I made shepherd's pie last night for our "Pi" day dinner. :goodvibes I don't bake and obviously between 2 Weight Watchers and one Atkins follower in the house, we don't really want to have pie around here! So a healthy sheperd's pie seemed like the best alternative! It was really yummy and it is something I can customize for everyone's particular needs. I make an individual casserole for every person.... beef, a teeny-tiny bit of corn, and mashed cauliflower for DH, weighed portion of beef, measured portion of corn, mashed cauliflower/potato combo for DD and I, and a traditional shepherd's pie (meat, corn, potatoes) for DS. It really isn't at all difficulty and makes it easy for everyone to enjoy the same meal without going to nutty with different dishes. Sometimes I make an extra for the freezer if I have enough ingredients, but I didn't this time.

Okay..... I have ONE hour left. I won't be hitting the TM because I am already dressed for work (I didn't know about the 2 hour delay when I left at 4:30 am to drop off DD, so I had to be ready for work then). I think I will indulge in "wasting" some time on Pinterest! TTYL............P
Question of the Day: March 14

View attachment 225357

Judy totally idealizes the town of Zootopia.

In some ways, she is correct. But it turns out there was a lot more to Zootopia than she thought.

Even still, that wonder and appreciation of a place is something we all can identify with on some level.

Where is your favorite place in the whole world?
Doesn't have to be foreign or even too far from home-- just some place that inspires you or makes you happy.
Where do you just love to go?

I'm going to agree with @pjlla and say Disney. I love that it is a place for my family to be together away from real life.


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