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Karen...I do planner checks in my class. The kids that need the most assitance with writing things down are required to show me their planner before they leave class. They get one "Dembitz' dollar for filling their planner out correctly and then if they have mom or dad sign it they get another one the next morning. This allows me to stay on top of them and the parents to keep up. Now I admit I have a terrible memory when it comes to checking planners but the kids want the reward so they do it themselves. By the end of the year they have it down to a science. For the kids that I don't require they show me their planners after they write their homework they get a dollar if their parents sign the planner. The catch is they have to have copied their homework correctly, if they omit something or don't write it correctly they don't get the dollar. It works for most kids, but then again there are those that it wouldn't matter if I followed them home, they still wouldn't get it all done and turned in.

I like your attitude towards the ADHD. it is something they have to live with but it is also something that we, as teachers and parents, need to stress to them is also their responsibility. I have had many kids tell me that they couldn't behave or pay attention because they "didn't have" their medicne. I tell them "too bad, you need to learn to control yourself" and then they recieve whatever consequences are necssary. I do make exceptions for extreme circumstances but the kids aren't told it is because of their medical issues. Even with Jar, when I know his behavior is related to the ADHD I don't give him that excuse. I'm probably a little harder on him because I'm a teacher...poor kid doesn't stand a chance!!

more later,
Tara this conversation is just too kewl. Its so nice to have someone who understands it both from a personal level and a scholastic level.

We have always told our oldest that the meds he takes are HELPERS ONLY but that ultimately it is his responsibility to maintain control of himself and to get done what needs to be done. I never ever want to hear him say he CANT do something because he hasnt had his meds or because he is ADHD. That's just a cop out. Sure it may be harder for him, and he might need a little extra help with things but ultimately he CAN do it. This actually goes for both my boys because they are both ADHD and both on meds for it.

We did the thing with the planner check last year but last years teacher gave me a hard time on it because she said that it wasnt working. We had it tied to game time for him. If she checked it and he got a smiley he got game time. If there was no smiley or a frown he got no game time. I still to this day dont understand why she said it wasnt working....I think because the work wasnt getting turned in, he was doing it just not turning it in....but she never really was clear on it. I think I will suggest a planner check at his IEP meeting or maybe even before to the teacher. Of course this doesnt mean mommy wont check the planner too. I am a really involved parent and the teachers either love it or they hate it LOL.
:wave2: Hi all... glad y'all enjoy this new home... I figured after all that was going on some of us needed it ;)

Just rewired some CAT 5 cable for the desk top... wireless isn't going to cut it for me with it. Now I've gotta build a desk... see y'all later :)
Elaine, sorry you aren't going to be going wireless. We aren't wireless and I wish we were. I think that is kewl.

Karen, glad you are feeling better and that you have found a happy place. Good luck with your son and all that you must go through for the IEP. It sounds like you have a great school system working with you on this.

Tara, it also sounds like you are a caring teacher to go the extra mile for your students. Yup, sounds like Jar doesn't have a chance.

I wish we had you Tara, or your school system Karen for our DS when he was in school. He was/is LD and it was always a struggle to get the school system to work with us all. It was like we were fighting a union who said "not my job, not my problem" and caring tutors who tried so much to get through this. Our son has a decent IQ over 130 and worked so very much for his C grades. It just breaks my heart to hear your struggle and remember how hard we worked to help our DS. We had to fight the system every inch, and we have one of the best systems in our state...go figure.
:earseek: (They didn't like it that we insisted on his getting help I guess.) It warms me to hear that there really are systems that work for the students in need and teachers who do it willingly.

Tina, glad you made it through ok. Sounds like you managed a good time.

RM, hope it all goes well. I know it was difficult for you during the Charley mess.

It was a busy and beautiful day here. My brother was over for the first part of the day visiting with my Mom. DH and I went for a ride to get some fresh picked corn and I was treated to a ride through the national park here. I love it. We had the top down on our ride and enjoyed it muchly. When we got back I went for a 4 mile walk and my borther and his 2 dog babies went with me. We had a most enjoyable walk and it couldn't have been better. Our neighbors came over for dinner and we enjoyed time with them. They just left and I now have some time to unwind.

I'm gonna look around this club a bit more and find another restful spot. There are plenty at our Club Med for sure!
Tina I am glad the tests went okay for you and that the Vallium helped. I have to take it also when I have an MRI. Im also glad you got some fun time in!

Okay this is freaky. It's 8:10 PM and my kids are in bed going to sleep...... Mommy and Daddy set some new rules and regimens today and so far so good they are following them without complaining. Before they went to bed I told each of them what I expected them to do in the morning when they got up. I thought there would be a bit of whining and complaining but there wasnt. It was Okay Mom.....I almost fell over.....I said No hassels?? and there was a resounding NO HASSELS. Pleeeeeeeeeeease let it work out this way.
Wires are crimped ;) and desk is built... I am much happier up here now. The wiring is kind of "hillbilly" at the moment, but I was impatient so it will have to do for now ;)
I just have to get the sound hooked up to this... totally forgot it :p

Lily, I will remain wireless for my laptop, just all desktops will be wired up. Sounds like you all had an absolutely wonderful day too!!!!

Karen, glad that the boys are in bed already. I hope tomorrow is a good one.

Nancy, sorry that the wedding was so cold :(

Beccy & Beanie, I love seeing you both here... do stop in as I always have fun when you are around :teeth:

Tina, glad that the tests went well. I haven't been to a Sea World in years!!! Glad you enjoyed!

Tara, so cool that you'll be down there when I am! I cannot wait to meet you :)

Okay I've totally forgotten the rest... off to get my sound system up here :)
Lily I am so sorry you had so much trouble with the school system when your son was in school. Like you I am my sons biggest advocate. The teachers and the school either love it or hate it. I have run into both since my eldest was in K. They have either been very helpful or they dont wanna do a thing except try and change him by punishment tactics....like flipping his card....etc.... It's just since the middle of last year that the school has gotten involved and thats because I pushed that after his teacher called this big ole meeting with every Tom, Dick and Harry in the school because we asked her to help us help him and we werent doing it HER way and because of some of the things our ped neuologist was suggesting to make some of his habits easier to deal with. It has actually taken quite a long time to get to the actual IEP meeting which is on the 28th. We have been at this since the middle of last school year. Right now Im actually antsy about it because I just want it done and over with now. This is gonna be one loooooooooooooong week.
Karen, thanks. My best advice to you is to not stress too much; it sounds as if you are doing your best there. Put everyting in the IEP that you can, even if you want certain test consideration. Be strong in knowing that you are doing whatever it is that you are able. My son has said now (he is 24)...don't worry Mom, I will make it. You know, somehow we all do. Enjoy whatever it is you have with your young 'uns the best way you can. It does go quickly.

Elaine, you have really flown through your computer set up! It is nice to have it done I'm sure.

John, I bet it was an absolutely gorgeous Yankee Peddler weekend! Hope you enjoyed it.

Todd and Amanda, have you booked your cruise yet? What dates are you planning to go?

Liz, GET a JOB! I wanna see you December! (You think your new employer will let you off in December when you get this new job I know you will find?)
What a wise sounding son you have there, Lily! And you had me laughing... yep quick to set up computer stuff... I guess when it is such a hobby of yours, it is easy to want to do. Got my sound system hooked up and listened to the soundtrack to "The Last Samurai"... good stuff!

Heading to bed soon... anyone want to work for me tomorrow? :p
Nice place here..not bringing a cabana man, nor am i getting one...:p ..

Liz--Survivor...why didn't they vote Chris off?? guess they wanted to try & trick everyone...I got the official blessing to book the cruise...gonna call my 3 places and see who's offer looks best...

Still a little pumped that the Bengals didn't blow their 10 point lead & the game...won on a last second field goal...:bounce:

oh yeah...page 2 save here also...:earseek:
:wave2: RM......love that movie ;) Deep Blue Sea. :teeth: I am a sucker for that type of movie.

We went and saw Sky Captain today. Two thumbs up! Great movie. Sci Fi fans a must see....reminded me of the old sci-fi movies from the 30s.

Todd is booking a cruise!! :bounce: Way to go. When are you looking to go?

Okay...not catching up on all the school stuff :p But....I wish I could get one to go back to school ;)

Nighty-night everyone
Nancy--hoping to go 2nd week in June...It will be week with Amanda's birthday in it & shortly beofre Cassie's...

Will post tomorrow when it's officially booked...

Nighty Nite..

Nice new place here. :)

No time for a ketchup......had a fun, busy weekend.

Gotta go wake up the boys!

Morning all!!!

Todd, I caught some of the Bengals game... glad they won! Have fun booking the cruise!!!!!

LOL, Nancy, glad I am not the only one not catching up on all the school stuff :p From my point of view, I am glad I don't have to deal with it... if we have kids, I am sure it will all change (in the mean time I will enjoy knowing *my* school days are long gone!)

Hi Sherry, glad you had a good weekend!
Todd--I think they voted him off because the older guys want to get rid of some of the younger guys so they arent that much a of a threat later. Guess I'll be watching it this season since I joined a Lodge tribe on the website--I better know who Im picking.
Are you guys gonna spend any nights at WDW when you go on your cruise? If so we may be there around the same time. We are going May 26 (or could be 27) whatever Matthews last day of school is through June 5.
Sherry-you gotta wake the boys? My girls woke me...I gotta take a nap...but yet i have to mow grass, do laundry, book a cruise..:hyper:

Elaine--is there something we should know?:hyper:

deena--Gotta love Survivor..good to have another to discuss it with..:teeth: ..we actually are thinking about the 12th of June since we don't want to conflict with Mandy's last day of school and I think we would be staying at AKL and I think we'd be there June 12,13,14,15 and going to the cruise the 16th...gotta get more details later when the travel agency opens...a meet would be nice..::yes::
Morning all! Very rainy and blah here today in what is suppose to be sunny West Palm Beach. And guess where they say this rain is coming from? Ivan :confused: I don't think Ivan the terrible is ever going away.

Tara/Karen I'm enjoying your ADHD/teaching/planner conversation. My DS is ADHD. Took me 2 yrs + just to get him diagnosed and on the meds. He is doing really great most of the time now. I must brag his 1st mid-terms all A's and B's. His world history teacher gave him 106 and says he had the highest grade of all her classes, including the advanced class :Pinkbounc .

Elaine-I'm so jealous you can do all that electronic/computer/wiring stuff. I'm still trying to grasp the wireless internet concept :eek:

Nancy-I think we are long lost sisters ;)

Shep-Looking forward to hearing about the cruise deal. I think I have spent my overtime/catastrophe pay about 10 times over now but, a cruise w/DS was one of my thoughts.

:( Missed the first episode of Survivor. Came in at tribal council so have no idea what the heck went up.

Better get to work.

:hug: puckerup:
Originally posted by shep
Elaine--is there something we should know?:hyper:
Ahem, I said *IF* we have kids... the only pitter patter we hear in the house are the two cats ;)
Trust me, if that happened, y'all would know :p

Sounds like good plans you have there so far, Todd. I am envious of you staying at the AKL... that's the only resort I've wanted to stay at, that I probably won't get to.

Rose Mary, I hope the sun comes out for y'all soon! We had some really dreary (and ugly) days late last week due to Ivan as well. Oh and the wiring stuff, that's pretty easy. I learned a lot of it when I was at OSU, working for the university and the department that kept the school's internet running. Of course the best part of my time there was running around in golf carts ;)
Rosemary--work that ovetime and book a cruise when we do...
We're gonna use tax refund money to pay for most of our trip...:D

Elaine--this trip is gonna cost a fortune so we're gonna all out..verandah, savannah..what the heck..:D
Oh wow!!! I say if you want to spend the money, do go all out!!! I don't do it often, but I have fond memories of trips when I didn't hold back.

Speaking of trips, Todd... how is it to fly into/out of CVG? We are looking to fly to Mobile, however, the cost of flying out of Columbus has skyrocketed again. We found direct flights to Mobile out of CVG and figured that it would save us money and time if we did that (no layovers in ATL) Hopefully roads wouldn't be bad during that time, but at least we would only have to drive down 71.
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