Weird-Odd-Strange-Disturbing Photo Thread...

Slightly off-topic:

Speaking of japanese candy, too bad they don't sell the seasonal KitKat flavours from Japan. There is so many of them and some are quite crazy as well, like Cheese-flavoured KitKat:

I had no idea Disney had Port O Johns anywhere. Hm? :confused3 They aren't even the fancy trailer ones with the running water that our town rents for the 4th of July Festival.

I just thought that the "sink" thingy was so cute I had to have a picture of it. :lmao:
While I was taking a shower ds fell asleep. Look at both of his hands, I can't believe he slept like that.
I don't know that I could have gotten my oldest to walk past that window with that baby doll.

After he watched the first Toy Story we had a little toy set with some of the toys that were modified by Sid and one was the spider legged baby doll head. Whenever there was something that we didn't want him to touch we'd put that little toy in front of it. :)

My DS14 called that baby "Crab Baby." We thought that was clever!
I have a disturbing picture to add. This is from last year at the ASM, my brother is strange. haha Trying to look up Bo Peeps dress

We saw this by the bathrooms by the Hoop De Doo Review:


Maybe not disturbing to some, but it was too me! :scared1:
Oh my LORD ... I would have died! How fast did it take you to get out of there??? I'd have been "a blur" flying out of that place!!! :scared1::scared1::scared1: :tink:
WHAT KIND OF SNAKE IS THAT!?!?!?!?!? You should post that on the snakes at resorts thread.

Nevermind, to put myself at ease I had to look it up. Looks like it is an Eastern Corn Snake. Non-venomous but I still would want to run across it.
" Posted by carebee21
We saw this in the bathrooms by the Hoop De Doo Review:"

That's the scariest picture yet!!! Poisonous or not!:scared1::scared1::scared1:
" Posted by carebee21
We saw this in the bathrooms by the Hoop De Doo Review:"

That's the scariest picture yet!!! Poisonous or not!:scared1::scared1::scared1:
Looks like this picture was taken outside the restroom. Better than if the snake would have been inside.
We saw this in the bathrooms by the Hoop De Doo Review:


Maybe not disturbing to some, but it was too me! :scared1:

now THAT is disturbing!!!! I don't mind snakes in cages but if I saw that at Disneyworld I think it would have me guarding myself for the rest of my trip!!!
Looks like this picture was taken outside the restroom. Better than if the snake would have been inside.

Yes, you're right. I mistyped that. I meant by the bathroom. It was taken on the wall where you sit and wait for your family in the bathroom. My son and I were standing there while we were waiting for DH. All of a sudden my son screamed and yelled. He's not scared of anything (or so I thought) but then he started pointing at the snake. DH came out and started taking lots of pics while I stayed far, far away!!!!!!
That's a Corn Snake - my sister has over a dozen as pets. They are not poisonous and very rarely bite (ours have never bitten). They are really placid and the best to have as a starter pet snake.

I'm glad we didn't see that at WDW otherwise my sister would have wanted to keep it! :rolleyes1

I would have been there fighting with your sister over who gets to keep it :blush: :laughing: ....such a pretty snake :lovestruc (though, not as pretty as the one I already have :rolleyes1)


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