Weight loss to Disney

Hi There, lost 2 pounds thus week x

Time to 'D' Day: 35 weeks
Weight lost: 7 pounds (19 from Jan '12)
Weight still to lose: 42 pounds

Hope everyone doing ok in the run up to Christmas xxx
great to see how well everyone has been doing on here. It's really motivating to see so many people doing so well. :)

Sorry i Haven't been on for a while. Been trialing some new medication and it's been pretty hit and miss and been making me feel pretty rubbish :sad2:.

My weightloss over the last few weeks has been ok, either no change or a pound so I've been happy with that. just weighed in today and this week was a 2 pound loss so that was good. If I can keep that up for the next six months I'll be happy, but gotta feeling these tablets im taking will keep making me feel rough and with that hungry so well see if I can keep the weight off.

I'll try and keep posting in more and look forward to seeing how you are all doing :thumbsup2 .
Posted about 3 weeks ago about the 5:2 eating plan I'm doing , just to let everyone no I've lost 11lbs in 3 weeks on this - delighted with the results so far :-)
sovietsong said:
Posted about 3 weeks ago about the 5:2 eating plan I'm doing , just to let everyone no I've lost 11lbs in 3 weeks on this - delighted with the results so far :-)

Not heard of this one, well done with your weight loss xxx How does this one work?
Magic Megadegs said:
Not heard of this one, well done with your weight loss xxx How does this one work?

In short it's eat normal for 5 days and on 2 days(cant be consecutive)your only allowed 600 calories , there's tons of info on the net if you search for "eat fast and live longer or 5:2 durkan diet , so far it suits me down to the ground as am not denying myself anything especially at the weekend :-)
I'm also trying the 5:2 - just completed 1st week & have lost 3lb :-)
I cannot believe how easy it was - boy I love my food and I hate the being hungry feeling!!! However I can honestly say I did not miss my breakfast at all & didn't feel hungry for more than 5 minutes!!!
I had a crumpet & vlfat cheese triangle mid afternoon with a few tomatoes carrot sticks & then a Sainsburys be good to yourself evening meal with some extra green veg (only because the calories were already counted & I couldn't be bothered!!)
I shopped at the weekend for my dinners so I didn't have to wander hungry round the shop - plus you just think - that's it that's dinner. It's strange but you just accept that's all your going to have.

After the first day I couldn't believe it but I was actually looking forward to day 2!!!
Here is something i never thought id say - You really don't feel deprived as you chose the days that suit you & it's not 2 days.

Katie x
I was convinced I had put on loads of weight because I'd been eating badly and I'd not weighed myself in ages but checked yesterday and I actually lost 2 pounds :woohoo: Almost 11 stone now down from 11st 11 a few weeks ago, and I've not really done much other than not eat as much junk food, can't be bothered with diets as with most of them as soon as you stop you'll pile the weight back on.
Ooh, love the sound of this! I have many pounds to lose *whispers* 100 :rolleyes1. Don't expect to have all of that gone by the time of our trip at the end of August next year, but am planning to have the bulk of it done away with.
Best of luck everyone! :yay:
I've got a bit to lose now too.

It would be fair to say I definitely ate for two this pregnancy and put far too much weight on (though I did enjoy every minute of it lol). Two days After Charlie was born in October I had ended up seriously ill with Sepsis. I spent time in Intensive Care and then a high dependency ward. Overall I was in for 2 weeks being pumped full of all sorts of weird and wonderful drugs and in the 13nights I was in I managed to gain a whopping 20lbs on top of the weight I was 2 days after birth.

So all in all I have around 3stone to lose. I'm going to centre parcs for my birthday in March so i would like to have lost a good amount by then.
I have rejoined Weight Watchers as I managed to lose 3.5 stone on this after the birth of my daughter. I rejoined on Wednesday 28th November after I got the all clear at my 6 week checkup. It is quite soon after having a baby but I plan to just take it slowly for the first few weeks and have a few days (maybe a week) over Xmas lol.

I lost 5lbs in my first week (I always lose a lot on my first week lol). I'm aiming for 1lb to 2lbs a week :)
I've got a bit to lose now too.

It would be fair to say I definitely ate for two this pregnancy and put far too much weight on (though I did enjoy every minute of it lol). Two days After Charlie was born in October I had ended up seriously ill with Sepsis. I spent time in Intensive Care and then a high dependency ward. Overall I was in for 2 weeks being pumped full of all sorts of weird and wonderful drugs and in the 13nights I was in I managed to gain a whopping 20lbs on top of the weight I was 2 days after birth.

So all in all I have around 3stone to lose. I'm going to centre parcs for my birthday in March so i would like to have lost a good amount by then.
I have rejoined Weight Watchers as I managed to lose 3.5 stone on this after the birth of my daughter. I rejoined on Wednesday 28th November after I got the all clear at my 6 week checkup. It is quite soon after having a baby but I plan to just take it slowly for the first few weeks and have a few days (maybe a week) over Xmas lol.

I lost 5lbs in my first week (I always lose a lot on my first week lol). I'm aiming for 1lb to 2lbs a week :)

Laura, I'm doing Weight Watchers too :littleangel: I won't say how many times I've rejoined but my head seems to be in the right place this time! Best of luck, hope you're feeling well :goodvibes
ok so i started watching what I eat again. I weighed myself yesterday and hadn't realised i had gained ALOT. So back to green smoothie mornings, tropical smoothies afternoons and chicken nd veg dinners lol xD... I know i still have 1 yr 6 months to go to disney but i really want to look and feel mt best :)... Hope u all are having a great day :)
How is everyone getting on? Weighed myself today and lost 1lb!!

A bit disheartening but we will all get there :)
Ciorsdah said:
How is everyone getting on? Weighed myself today and lost 1lb!!

A bit disheartening but we will all get there :)

1lb is good. Slow and steady gives you more chance of keeping it all off.

I lost 2lbs this week bringing my total to 7lbs. Only another 2.5stone to go LOL :)
4th week in for me on the 5:2 diet and lost another 2lbs this week -13lbs in total in 4 weeks - my jeans are finally back to fitting me :-)) just another 14 to go for my holiday goal in April
Lost 5lbs this week :cool1: Not too shabby..only 95 to go :rotfl2: Hope everyone else who weighed in today is happy!
I'm trying to lose weight for my hols. I'm starting jan and probably have around 4 stone to lose. We go in August si I haven't got a chance but I'm going to try and do my best.
Will definitely subscribe to this thread.
Good Luck everyone :)
kellea04 said:
I'm trying to lose weight for my hols. I'm starting jan and probably have around 4 stone to lose. We go in August si I haven't got a chance but I'm going to try and do my best.
Will definitely subscribe to this thread.
Good Luck everyone :)

I used to think exactly the same but last time when I decided to lose weight it just "clicked" and I got to my goal weight. Took me a while but I think slowly is the best way to go as its more likely to stay off.

I really enjoyed being pregnant this year it i think I possibly took the eating for 2 think a little too seriously. Lol!

However I have lost 10lbs since I rejoined WW so I have made a good start. I have no intention of dieting of Xmas but am going to np be sensible and tr not to gain back too much.

Have a good Christmas everyone!!
I used to think exactly the same but last time when I decided to lose weight it just "clicked" and I got to my goal weight. Took me a while but I think slowly is the best way to go as its more likely to stay off.

I really enjoyed being pregnant this year it i think I possibly took the eating for 2 think a little too seriously. Lol!

However I have lost 10lbs since I rejoined WW so I have made a good start. I have no intention of dieting of Xmas but am going to np be sensible and tr not to gain back too much.

Have a good Christmas everyone!!

That's exactly what I plan to do, slowly :)
Well done on your weight loss x
Crikey, a weight loss thread! Planning to the n'th degree.

Every time I plan to go to Orlando with my family I say 'THIS TIME i'm gonna get to my ideal weight' It never seems to pan out. However, I was there on a work trip in 2007 and actually was at my goal weight. Going to Abercrombie and Fitch and looking good in decent fitting clothes was such a buzz. I was over there again as part of work last May and trying on those same clothes was a little disheartening to say the least ;-) A big part of going there for me was always to go out with a semi-empty suitcase and coming back with a full case of new clothes.

So...the race is on for August 2013... 50lbs to lose....i'm gonna do it...

There, i've said it on a public forum...there's no going back now ;-)

Wish me luck :cool1:

Good luck, I think I have around the same :) xx


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