Weight Loss 2009

:wave2: Hi Everyone!! Sorry for not posting in a while, went to WW WI late this week - down .4 lbs AGAIN. :rotfl2:
That's 3 weeks of the same weight loss.

Going to have to bump up my workouts a bit b/c I really would like to lose an entire pound next week! :laughing:

How is everyone doing? It's been so quiet, will try to post more, it def. does help me. Here's to a good weekend!
The diet is..... no dairy, red meat, or white of any kind, and most important no refined sugar, and only organic veggies and organic or free range chicken. I start the day off with two glasses of water with the juice on one lemon. Then 15 minutes later I drink a glass of fresh juice made from carrots, celery, apple, and parsley.

Today for breakfast I had 3 whole wheat pancakes with blueberries. No syrup or butter. You must use cold pressed olive oil to cook. For lunch I am going to have whole wheat pasta with a can of tuna and organic vinaigrette on top.
Dinner will be a piece of chicken baked in the oven with a whole lot of salad and fresh veggies on the side.

I do get headaches all the time. This one I am sure is caused by the fact that my body is detoxing itself. I am a big sugar eater. So far I have managed to curve my sugar habit with grapes. Very sweet and crunchy right now.

I forgot one more important ingredient .... Flax seed, Almonds and sunflower seeds all chopped up and sprinkled on things you eat like the salad or on the pancakes.

I do believe that the weight loss is because of the diet.:thumbsup2
My head is ok right now. Just got back from a great walk.

Hi guys, I would love to join your group, this is just what I need:goodvibes I have just moved from New Brunswick to Nova Scotia exactly a month ago, and I have gained 8 pounds since moving, I'm obviously an emotional eater, it was DH's transfer. We are liking it here, but I do miss home as well, the good news is we're going back home for 2 wks, leaving on Sunday, but the bad news is we'll be in a hotel for the 2 wks, so we'll be doing restaurants for most of that time.

Disney Mama I've always wanted to try a cleansing diet, I hear that you feel so much better after detoxing. Perhaps I will try it when I get back in 2 weeks.

At least I do have until Sept to get the weight off for our Disney trip. We're celebrating my husbands 40th birthday and 15 year anniversary this year, this will be our 8th trip to Disney.

I like all the support you give each other:lovestruc
jules94.... Moving is hard but give it time. I moved from Ontario to Fredericton 3 years ago and am soooooo happy.

I am in week 3 of my cleanse and it's going great. First week I lost 6 lbs and then at some point put back 2 and then lost 1. So a total lost of 5 lbs and I feel great.

The book I am following is by Dr. Sandra Cabot and called The Liver Cleansing Diet. Tons of recipes if you need. I have used some but mostly just follow the rules. Now i have had a couple of cheats but that just means that I need to tack on a day for each day I have cheated. The first 4 days of the diet I had a steady headache. Thought I was going to have to give up. But on the evening of the 4th day I was in bed and wondering what was different..... Surprise No headache. and have not had one since and I am a migraine sufferer.

I think the best rule for any one on a diet is to remember that it's OK to have a cheat day once and a while. Just don't let yourself go overboard. Plus drink lots of water and get your :scared1: off the couch.

Good luck everyone.
I also havn't been on the WL board for a few weeks as I've been away at the mouse. Came back last Sat, and am still trying to get caught up on things. I gained 12 lbs on the trip:scared1: . I've had a feeling that our scale was not working properly just before leaving for vacation. And had this confirmed when I bought a new scale this week. My old scale was showing 7 to 10 lbs lighter than it should have. I haven't gotten discouraged by this, and have lost 1 lb this week since I've gotten back into the good eating habits I started before the trip. I've also gone meatless, which I'm sure will also help with the weightloss (although that's not the reason that I went vegetarian). Hope everyone has good luck with their weightloss. Have a great day!:grouphug:
I also havn't been on the WL board for a few weeks as I've been away at the mouse. Came back last Sat, and am still trying to get caught up on things. I gained 12 lbs on the trip:scared1: . I've had a feeling that our scale was not working properly just before leaving for vacation. And had this confirmed when I bought a new scale this week. My old scale was showing 7 to 10 lbs lighter than it should have. I haven't gotten discouraged by this, and have lost 1 lb this week since I've gotten back into the good eating habits I started before the trip. I've also gone meatless, which I'm sure will also help with the weightloss (although that's not the reason that I went vegetarian). Hope everyone has good luck with their weightloss. Have a great day!:grouphug:

How was the World??

When I went meatless, it forced me to find healthier ways to get protein. Never knew until recently that cottage cheese has 15g/protein per 1/2 cup, that's a LOT of protein for 90 calories.

Great to hear from everyone, we can do this together!:cheer2:
We drove down to DL and spent 15 days stateside. It took us 3 1/2 days driving there, and stayed at HOJO's which definitely lived up to it's good reviews. Had a great time, despite it rained for most of our time in Anaheim. We took the long way home, and drove up the California coast. We stopped in Monterey CA to see the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and it was well worth the detour, and the time to see it. Loved views on the coastal route, but hated the hairpin turns with out guardrails for safety. Even our GPS system got lost a couple of times when we were navigating our way through the redwood forests. I've been planning on going veggie for quite some time, as I just feel alot better, and tend to take alot better care of myself when I'm off the meat. I also eat alot heathier when I'm off the meat too. I'm what would be considered a Ovo-vegetarian. Which basically means that I only eat veggies and eggs. No dairy for me. Cutting off the dairy is not a big deal for me, as I didn't eat that much of it before, and factor in hubby and my younger son are severelly allergic to dairy, there is not that much dairy in the house anyway. The only person that eats it is my older son. Have a great day!

Welcome aboard, Belledozer!

This is a journey we're all in together ... I had a discouraging weigh-in this week (up 1 pound) but it had been a bad week with meals at inconsistent times. I was usually under my daily points limit, which apparently is a bad thing! :confused3

Back on track now - and going to keep on moving forward!

Have a great week, everyone!

I know how you feel in regards to the weightloss. Before I left on the trip, I got used to eating small portions of food throughout the day, and eating better and lighter foods in general. But when you are travelling by vehicle it's really hard to stick to this kind of diet, and we ended up eating 3 large meals a day. I really did try to eat lighter, but with being on vacation made it an uphill battle. Now I've gotten refocused on losing the weight, and hope to continue to feel lighter weight wise in the coming weeks and months ahead. Hubby has promised me a $400.00CDN shopping spree when I hit my target weight, so it's something to work towards. Have a great day everyone!

Lost another 3 lbs last week, but this week had a bad couple of days keeping to the diet, but am back on track with it (back had to remind me why I was losing the weight). Hope that everyone is doing better with their weightloss than I am at the moment. Have a great day everyone!!

Well I'm still on my cleanse. Have had a couple of cheats.....:sad2: But i am not beating myself up about it.:thumbsup2 I'm still holding strong to 5lbs lost.:cool1: in 3weeks. They where all lost in the first but the main thing is that I have not put them back on. I have stopped weighing my self everyday. Once a week and that's it.

Keep up the good work......:woohoo:
When I cheat I don't make a big deal out of it, I just get back on track and keep going. I do weigh myself everyday, but don't make that big deal out of the numbers I see, so long as I'm not gaining, and seeing a slow but steady decrease in my weight. I have lost a total of 8 lbs since I started my diet in Jan, and now that my vacation is over, am more serious than ever about losing the weight. I have no choice in the matter, and have to lose the weight or face major back problems in the near future. I've had 2 docs tell me to lose the weight, which is what I remind myself when I fall off the wagon. No excuses not to lose the weight this time. All of us fall of the wagon once in a while when dieting. The most important thing is to jump back on afterwards. Have a great day!!

Great work everyone!!! :cool1: :cool1:

I'm down another 1.8 lbs this week ~ 12.5 since mid-January when I joined Weight Watchers.

This week could be very challenging ~ I'm flying to Orlando for the weekend (to attend a memorial service; not going the parks) and I'm fighting a cold as well. Since there's no nutritional info/calorie counts for Disney restaurants, I'll have to just guess at point values.

Keep up the good work!

Was down 2 lbs at ww wi, finally! it was nice to see more than .4 for a change. we had a big family party last night so tons of food, will have to be more careful w/ choices for the rest of the weekend.
~ hope everyone has a nice weekend ~
I stalled too. I had to do an apple day this week and I finally lost another decade! Gone are the days I was in the 60's - here come the 150's - well I'm 159 to be exact. My hubby thinks I'm disappearing. But after being 25lbs overweight from my twins for years and then to have another baby where I was pushing over 200lbs - I'm happy that I've lost the weight which could now be considered the weight of a small child :scared1:. That's one child that I DON'T want to see again! :rotfl: So I pray that I can keep losing at this pace and keep dropping decades like flies. What's next? I'm hoping for the 140s but with a Universal March Break trip coming up, I'm planning for a stall. But that's okay, I know what I need to do once I get back from Universal so I won't be so devastated as to begin emotionally eating my way to huge weight gains.

Good luck to everyone on their journey!

Well I'm still holding steady at the 5lbs lost in 4weeks.... What is hard to believe is that my darling husband who is doing the same cleanse as me has lost 17lbs:scared1: While I am very happy for him..... I am not happy that I have not seen the same results. I know men and women loose weight differently.... but common:confused3 :goodvibes
I stalled out too last week for some reason. But despite that I still managed to lose 1 lb. I want to lose more weight this week, so am more determined to lose a couple more lbs. Have a great day everyone!

Down 1.4 at WW. Yay!! With two weeks to go until our trip, determined to up my walking totals, am definitely seeing a difference in my legs being more toned.
Still on the cleanse.... Taking a week off from weighing myself. Hoping to see a big change soon. Everyone says that I look thinner but I can't see it myself. I did just buy a new bathing suit and it's a size smaller :cool1:
Just bought the Wii fit. Hoping that that will add to the weight loss.
:cheer2: :cheer2: CONGRATS, DAISY!!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

Good for you getting your legs in walking shape BEFORE heading to the World!

I also managed a 1.4 lb loss this week ... not bad considering I sampled from FOUR different desserts at Kona Cafe last Friday! :flower3:

:cheer2: :cheer2: CONGRATS, DAISY!!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

Good for you getting your legs in walking shape BEFORE heading to the World!

I also managed a 1.4 lb loss this week ... not bad considering I sampled from FOUR different desserts at Kona Cafe last Friday! :flower3:


thanks Arlene!! :rainbow: CONGRATS to you too!!! Oh, I can't wait :jumping1: to be at Kona!! :love:


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