Week of July 10, 2004: Flyfly spends 5 days at the GYR and GB Show...


<font color=green>Manager of the DISBoard Ghostbus
May 18, 2003
The past week I have gone to Universal Studios for 5 days. A weekend trip: Saturday/Sunday, and a Wednesday/Thursday/Friday trip, with the two day resting period in between (which ended up being much needed!).

As I warn with my previous trip reports, 99.9% of my trip is either at the Ghostbusters Show or Beetlejuice's Graveyard Revue. So, if you are tired of hearing my personal 'reviews of each show' then this report will not be very fun to read...lol

Although, I do have a couple exceptions: a Street Breakz show, "Extreme Air Hockey", the "Ball Factory", Popeyes, and some random stuff.


FYI - on my website's messageboard, I have a GYR Thread, which is like the "Drool Over the GBs Thread" over on the DISboards, thus why GYR performers have codenames as well...check out the thread, if you wish to see who the performers are that I'm talking about:

Let's Talk about the Universal Monsters of the Graveyard Revue

Also, Tabitha, Amber, and Keriann are three friends I made at Universal. Cindy is Tabi and Amber's mom. "Bob" aka "Buckshot Poopstain" is my friend, the sound guy at the Ghostbusters Show.

One last thing: You will notice I call a Street Breakz dancer "Kyle" it's an inside joke..."Kyle" is the chauffeur in Shrek 2 for the Fairy Godmother (thus the whip sound...lol). Don't ask...but we also call Drac6 "Prince Charming" lol

Any questions, feel free to ask!!

Week Trip Part 1:


I got to Universal for about park opening. My parents went to IOA to hit Spiderman and a few water rides. I went to get my Express passes for Beetlejuice GYR. Because of the first show being at 11AM, I didn't have much time to meet up with my parents and do anything after I got my passes, so I was hurrying the best I could. I walked past Earthquake from the Express machines; Past the GYR theater; past The Mummy, and Jimmy Nuetron; through the exit (saying "hello" to Dick on the way out), and into CityWalk, towards Hard Rock Cafe.

Once I reached Hard Rock Cafe, I heard somebody behind me say, "Man! You're a fast walker!" I turned around to see my locker buddy! Ironically, when I past by The Mummy, I thought how I hadn't seen him in over a month. Go figure. :) So I decided not worrying about meeting up with my parents right away, and I talked to my locker buddy for a good 15 minutes or so. We talked about various things, including the 'MIB fan club' consisiting of David and Michael (Bev's [aka phamton] sons) and how David, and his father now work at the parks (was I next to 'join the team'?? Not until next summer....).

After a little while, he went to go back to work, and I continued my journey to IOA to meet up with my parents. They had decided to go on Popeyes a couple times. I ended up leaving IOA about right away, the only thing ever doing, was buying a Mountain Blast Powerade.

I saw the first GYR and was quite pleased with the cast. It was my first time ever seeing Wolfy3 and I thought he did a very good job *I like that! I like that!* Haha..... Alongside him was BJ2, FRANK1, and others (all of them talented, of course). Of course, BJ cracked a joke against the Ghostbusters...
And then, during "YMCA", BJ was "singing his solo." :
"Get yourself off the ground... --- Like an angel!" Oh man, my jaw dropped to the ground, eyes bugged out, and then I started laughing sooooo hard.

I saw the first Ghostbusters Show. I about died laughing when BJ was doing the booty-smacking motion. One of these days I'm going to smack GIO2 for the whole smoking motion he does during "I'm Too Sexy" because it just reminds me of the whole Woodstock comment he made. Ack!!!

After the show, I talked to "Bob" aka "Buckshot Poopstain."
He 'autographed' my notebook, and was teasing Tabitha about her Wolfy4. And "Bob" also demonstrated some of the lovely sound effects that never made it into the Ghostbusters Show.
I had heard them all before, and made a request or two...it was absolutely hysterical. My eyes were watering from laughing so hard...lol

I watched more GYR. BJ kept teasing the Dracula and everything. Funny funny.

Ended up seeing 4 GB Shows. Missed the 5:00 one so I could eat dinner at Finnegan's before the next GYR (figuring I hadn't had time to eat *anything* earlier in the day). I was walking to the GYR when I heard somebody talking. To me? I turned and saw Matt (T-10X) at the little shop next to the Blues Brothers stage. Whoa! That's new...lol

I got to the GYR to find that all the shows were cancelled due to being short a performer. I was bummed because the past couple times that there have been Meet and Greets, I hadn't had a camera with me (and Meet and Greets are rare in the summer time due to either the heat or large number of shows). Dang! I was talking to Tabitha on the cell phone, and was trying to figure out...should I then at least ask for an autograph? I mean, I felt silly getting autographs from characters since I'm 1) Not an average everyday tourist and 2) I'm not a kid. But Tabitha told me to go ahead, especially since I didn't have a camera.

So I went up to Wolfman and Dracula (DRAC7). Both of them I had seen in the show [only once] before. Wolfman autographed my notebook, and then Dracula asked my name, and personalized an autograph for me. Wolfman looked at me and said, "I've seen you here before...." I responded, "Yeah..." Drac and Wolfy looked at me, almost as though they were expecting me to say something else. LOL But to be honest, I didn't know what to say. I knew where he had seen me before, but I didn't want to bring it up in front of a bunch of tourists...I mean, it's no big deal, but still. But I had seen them both in the BJGYR before, so I just told them that they did a great job, the one time I saw them. Drac asked me to return for a show, but it ended up the BOF never made it, and all shows were cancelled, so I just left early. My mom and I took my dad to see Spiderman 2 (we had already seen it, but my dad hadn't...and I wasn't able to concentrate the first time I saw the movie......heh...).


I took off running...moving as quickly as I could through the turnstiles, bag check, and dodging various tourists. It was about 10:30AM or so, and I needed to hurry to get my Express pass for the 11:00AM show (Express is let in, and everyone else is let in around 15 minutes prior to the show starting, so if I wanted to make Express, I had to be quick). So I ran over to the Express machines over by Earthquake, and got back to the GYR with time to spare. Woohoo! I just wanted to make sure to get my spot...lol...I'm very picky.

The GYR cast was great........DRAC6...need I say more?
WOLFY1 as well... :) I was really happy to see DRAC6 again though...noticed he got a haircut - very nice. lol.

After the show, I went to the first GB Show....the crowd was already there. Crudoli - ESPECIALLY when I saw the cast! GIR5 was there! OMG he was great! What an adorable dork. lol. I also saw GIO3 who saw me and recognized me, and then the GICBH...we don't have a number for..........as the cowboy...but he did a really good job as well! It was such a fun cast!

I ran into Keriann and her mom, and they joined me for the second GYR. I sat in my spot, and Keriann sat beside me...and her mom beside her. Well, let's just say.......it was a great show :teeth: ........and.........Keriann yelled at me.
Well, so I was getting into the show -- errr -- yeah...the show........ and when she noticed, she yelled, "CLARE!!!!!!!!!!" Really loud, freaking me out, and causing me to scream. LOL If any of the performers heard (which I'd be slightly surprised if they didn't, figuring we were in the front row and all...), they'd probably wonder what the heck was going on......except for one or two of them...
It was probably the most exciting show...especially since I was being quite daring

I stood near the sound booth with Keriann and her mom. We were cracking up as GIR5 purposely talked with a fake lisp. I quickly pulled out my camcorder and videotaped some of it, but because I was laughing, the camera shook quite a bit....and you hear us laughing in the background...lol!

The last 2 GYR were a bit on the boring side...normal shows...I mean, not 'boring' per se, but yeah...nothing extra special or different. Except, during one, did BJ call DRAC6 "Blondie"?? lol I call him that on these boards sometimes...so I found it funny.

But what made the 5th show absolutely horrible, was not the performances or anything, but prior to the show, it was pouring. Storms. Eeeek! I had gotten drenched...and at the time I didn't care, until I felt a breeze......NOT fun....so during the entire show (bad enough that we couldn't sit in the first 4 rows, so I was stuck in "my spot" only in the 5th row. Aargh!! lol) I was cold and miserable. On the verge of being completely grumpy. I found myself not even watching the show at some points because I couldn't focus. I couldn't even clap because my hands were basically glued to my arms, and I probably annoyed the people sitting in the same row as me, by shaking the bench...but they ended up leaving in the middle of the show anyway (cutting in front of me -- thanks people...oi...).

It also appeared that BJ stole some of my dance moves -- not cool. lol!! Geez....it's sad when various performers start using my dorky dance moves (no clue where they would have seen them, or how ironic since some of them I practically made up on my own just acting silly).

After the show, I hung out in the GYR theater. It was still raining, and I didn't want to go back in it. I decided to call Tabi and Amber, and talk to them to pass time. I ended up staying in the theater until the Meet and Greet (for some reason, the last shows, after cast change were cancelled. I think they were missing a performer again...). One of the show attendants started talking to me for a while.

Out comes the cast.....and I see...the Dracula from the day before and WOLFY4! I go up to them, with a *hangs head in shame* ...disposable camera... in my hand. I went up to the Dracula, and said "hi" and told him I had a camera this time. We were then joking that maybe sometime I'll see him in a show. I then went to say "hi" to WOLFY4. I talked to him for a while about various things. I called Tabi to tell her he was there (she always wants me to call in case he is, lol). He talked to her on my cell phone in between pictures and autographs (when they was a break in the crowds, of course). While he was on the cell, I got my picture with the Dracula. Wolfy4 later handed me the cellphone since he was having such a hard time hearing. Then, the Beetlejuice ran over, took the cell phone from me, and started talking to Tabitha. One of the Hip/Hop girls apologized on behalf of BJ, but I just laughed about it. Poor Tabitha! LOL It was funny because, BJ would get pictures with tourists, and would be posing with the cellphone held up to his ear...so some random tourists will have pictures of BJ on my cell. lol okay...

While he was on my cellphone, I noticed WOLFY4 ran up the bleachers alongside my dad, asking what he was doing (my dad was just peering over, looking at the weather lol). I ran up as well, and got my dad to take a picture of me with WOLFY4. :) The show attendant I had talked to before the M&G ran up, and gave me my cellphone back from BJ. I then went down and got my picture with BJ, Hip and Hop. I then said "bye" to Dracula, and as I was leaving, I saw my mom was talking to WOLFY4 just outside the theater. I went up, and we talked for a short while. Since I had asked him when he'd be working the upcoming week (for Tabi), I told him I'd see him Wednesday and Thursday. We said "Good-bye" and left to go home.

Had a nice 2 day break to sleep, post on my messageboard, etc. La-dee-dah...but I was ready to go back..............

Week Trip Part 2: (Girl's Trip: Mom, Aunt Mary, and myself only)


- Went on Popeyes 3 times in the morning. Which I have come to regret......
Spent $2 on a stupid locker, and had to go to the bathroom to get a paper towel in order to dry my hands, and the fingerprint scanner, in order to get my things out

- saw GIO4, who was acting all silly. He was nice and waved to me a couple times.

- I videotaped the last GB Show, and GIO4 ran up to me, and yelled into my camcorder. He then shook Keriann's hand, and then went to shake mine. I was holding my camcorder, yet he still was standing there as though waiting for me to shake his hand. lol!!!

- The Beetlejuice in the GYR was one I hadn't seen in MONTHS. He came up to me during the first show, and did the "IS this too close? Is this too personal?" Thankfully, unlike a few months ago, he burped instead of sticking his butt in my face. LOL

- During the last Beetlejuice Show, when WOLFY1 "humps the Mummy" the Mummy started shaking, which caused WOLFY1 to jump. Keriann and I were laughing *so* hard as Beetlejuice joked, "You made the Mummy come alive!"

- Second GYR BJ told me to pull his finger so he could "Give a gift to the kids" (I was sitting next to two little boys.) So I did...lol.

- The very first GYR after the cast change, I was greatly impressed with WOLFY4's performance...he changed a few small things, which made a HUGE difference...and in a very good way. Of course, he was very silly and added "Gonna get dirty" to his "Who let the dogs out?" bit, but then he was holding his notes longer, which was really dramatic and awesome.

- DRAC7 was back, and so I finally got to see him in the show again. I also saw a Frankenstein I did not recognize...he was pretty dang good!


I got to Universal earlier than Sunday, so I could relax before getting my Express Pass for Beetlejuice's GYR. But I got it, and got in line. My aunt stayed back at the Howard Johnson hotel while my mom and I started off at the park (my mom would leave later to pick my aunt up).

I sat in my spot for the GYR, and was pleased to *finally* see WOLFY5 (but I don't have his pic up in GYR Thread yet)...the past couple weeks, Tabitha would call me on my cell phone telling me "He's here" and I'd go a little crazy...just a little....lol j/k As soon as I saw WOLFY5, I quickly text messaged Tabi on my cell phone. The show was excellent, and I was tempted to hollar during "Who let the dogs out?" bit, but contained myself.
I love his voice though...wow...

I saw a show attendant that I saw on Sunday (not the dude I was talking to, but another one who recognized me from that day).

I saw the first Ghostbusters show, and then returned for the next GYR. I got my spot. Cindy and Tabitha joined me...Cindy sitting beside me, and Tabitha directly behind me. They told me of a funny incident. Cindy had asked Tabi if WOLFY5 was working today, and Tabitha told her she did know because I hadn't called her yet. That exact moment, Tabitha received a text message, and said to Cindy, "Yep. He's there." LOL Ironic... We enjoyed the show a lot (of course). I had my mom videotaping it from the row behind VIP for me.

We went to Finnegan's and shared 2 orders of Chicken Stingers amongst the 4 of us (Amber joined us after the show). After eating...one piece(?) I went back to save us all a spot at the GYR...it was getting late, and Express AND general public were already let in. Thankfully, however, my spot was still available.

I sat in my spot, and Tabitha joined me. She was going to leave to go to the car, but I told her I wanted her to stay for the show. She did. Her mom then joined us. Excellent show again. I crack up when WOLFY5 "hides" during the beginning of "Livin la vida loca"...very cute!! And the facial expressions... awww!! lol

In between shows, Tabitha and I decided to go to the Ball Factory in KidZone.....lol!! This one guy who worked there was our opponent for the day. Tabitha and myself versus him.He pegged me right in the nose, which actually sort of hurt.....(LOL my mom said it herself...I’m a wimp because I’m not used to pain...thanks Mom...) I’d throw balls at the guy, but because of the dang fans, they would blow away from him...therefore, I’d miss hitting him by like three yards. D’oh!! Of course, he was laughing, and not at all threatned...I did better when I shot them through the cannon-like thing...so, if I *did* have to throw them, I’d sneak up behind him and peg him. Of course, I got payback...LOL. We also picked on this little boy. A couple ladies got completely pissed at Tabitha, when she accidentally (or not-accidentally...you choose lol) hit them. Hey, you are in the ball factory, do you REALLY think you don’t have the risk of getting hit, yourself?? I mean, come on! Of course, the employee applauded Tabitha for her great aim (something which I obviously don’t have in there....LOL!!!).

I saw the next show, and Amber sat next to me. Cindy and Tabitha decided to sit front and center because Amber wouldn't scoot over since Tabi wanted to sit next to me. lol oh well. Another good show.

The last show, I sat front and center with Tabi. She videotaped the show for me. Let's just say, playing the video back, she got some major butt shots for me...
(and what surprised me, Tabi...was it was more than 3 times! lmao). Well, we talked to the one show attendant that recognized me. She is hilarious. She likes the GB Show as well, and is friends with some of them, so we were talking about the GBs, and everything. She knows better than to call me an angel...hahaha!!! I'd use my hands to form a halo above my head, and she'd shake her head and use her fingers and devil horns. But she realized Tabi wasn't much better...lol! We had such a funny conversation before each show.

Tabi and I got a Frozen Lemonade to share (those things are HUGE, people!!). We saw the last Ghostbusters show with Amber, my mom, and Mary. Great show...and Tabi, Amber, and I were about to die laughing from the things that were shouted out by the GBs themselves during the show. Funny funny!

*go turtles???* What???? Oh, I don't know.....

We then saw the first GYR after the cast change. WOLFY4 was performing great as always. I jokingly held Tabitha down by her shoulders whenever WOLFY4 shook his butt. LOL

After the show, we hurried over to Street Breakz...it was over, and they were already driving away...shucks, so we decided to go by where they parked their truck, and I got a picture with Kyle (*whip sound*) ---- I mean, Prism.
We talked for a short while with Flip, and then later on caught a show.

OMG. Okay, so we headed over to wait for the next Street Breakz show. Because of the earlier rain, there was like one or two small puddles on the ground. Tabi told me to dry it up...lol...what?? I bent over and pretended to blow on the puddle. lol yes...in the middle of the street, hunched over, blowing at a small puddle...okay, so I was getting a couple weird looks....LOL. An older man joined us waiting for the show. Soon the Street Breakz crew came for the show, and the crowd built up quickly. While Street Breakz was setting up, a group of 3 adults (in their thirties) stood right in front of me and Tabitha, holding their huge glasses of beer in their hand. The two women eventually moved to stand beside Tabi, but the guy all of a sudden started dancing and pelvic thrusting and crap in front of me and Tabitha. What in the world?!?!?!?!? Not too uncommon, I got scared. LOL I didn't know WHAT to think of this guy, but I was ready to say something about him moving out of our way, since we had been waiting for a while. Thankfully, he moved, but unfortunately, right next to Tabitha.

The drunks were hollaring like crazy...random spurts of cheers, which gave the opporunity from weird looks from the break dancers, and spectators of the show.

The show was good, and I was glad to see Kyle -- errr Prism, in the show again (had been a while).
I felt VERY embarrassed though when they announced the head spin....I all of a sudden started cracking up, while everyone else was still silent. Well, we (Tabi and myself) sort of have an inside joke with that, and well...totally embarrassing...LOL.

Tabi and I hurried to catch the next GYR...we got their late, and our show attendant friend shamed us (jokingly, of course...lol).

After the shows were over and done with, Tabi and I stayed and talked to a couple show attendants. We saw the break dancers leave, and said "bye" to them. Well, Tabi said "bye" to Josh, and he said "bye" back to her. Both Prism and I just looked. lol...and it looked as though one other dude that was with them, tripped over a trashcan??

Tabi and I joined Amber, Cindy, and Becky over at Finnegan's. Tabi got some shrimp, and I got the Stingers again (this time getting to eat more than one piece). After we finished, and Amber marked all over my napkins, Amber and I headed over to the arcade to play Air Hockey. The downside? I had to use the bathroom. I drank lots of sodas and powerades throughout the day, and hadn't made a bathroom trip...hadn't needed to until the laughing from the Air Hockey games started. I was overtired at that point, and laughing hysterically. Amber and I were playing it rough, and well, I couldn't focus or anything BECAUSE I felt liked I'd burst. I never did though. We played three games, twice Amber beat me.

Fireworks started going off, and we joined Tabi, Becky, and Cindy to watch them. We then talked for a while...the conversations were quite...interesting, to say the least!! (I'm not even going to GO there...LOL)

I ended up heading back with Tabitha and Amber, making a quick stop at the Howard Johnson to get my things.


We hurried over to the GYR...it was after 10:15AM, and we had a show to catch. We saw our show attendant friend, and got our seats. We were **very** surprised to see WOLFY4 come on stage, especially since he had told me just the Sunday before that was his day off. Tabitha was thrilled, but I was...shall we say, a tad bit disappointed? Nah, I love seeing WOLFY4...he’s awesome...one of the most entertaining Wolfman...but would have liked to see WOLFY5 again....oh well!! Nonetheless, I saw all 5 GYR with WOLFY4 in it, with Tabitha.

After the show, Tabi and her mom went to get lunch at Finnegan’s. Amber and I went to the first Ghostbusters Show to see who was there, before we joined them for lunch. Waiting to see who the cast was, we stood at our new spot, against the garage door-like door leading to the sound stage in which The ROTM is located in. The GICBH and GIO run out on stage. They stopped, and looked around. Pause. They looked at each other. Pause. They run back behind the stage. Long pause. They then run back out on stage. Another pause. GIG runs out from the opposite side. Then the GIR run out from where the GICBH and GIO ran out from. Ahh! That was quite odd...Amber and I were laughing so hard. We then had to hurry and leave to get lunch.

I didn’t even have time to eat. By the time I got my food, I needed to go join Tabitha for the next GYR. Ugh...oh well lol.

We all saw the 12:45 GB Show, and noticed the GIG changed...the guy looked like he had *just* jumped into the jumpsuit because his shoes were completely untied (where he almost fell out of them throughout the entire show...but made for a better moonwalk from him...lol I started clapping at that part).

I then saw the 1:30 GYR. Tabitha wanted to go see her friend in KidZone, but ended up hanging with her mom at the Starbucks in Louie’s Pizza. I headed for a quick bathroom break, and Amber went to the GB Show. I decided to go over to the GB Show after I couldn’t reach Tabitha (I had thought she went to KidZone, and I was calling to meet up with her). Since she didn’t answer her phone, I didn’t worry about it. I got to the GB Show just in time for the “I’m Too Sexy” song, and I joined Amber at our spot.

After the show, Tabitha called, and we met her at Louie’s. It was raining, and we headed back to the Arcade to play more “Extreme Air Hockey.” I used to be *really* good at air hockey, but I hadn’t played it in a while, and so...I’m ‘okay’...lol. We played about 3 or 4 games, and then left. Tabitha and I huddled under a dinky umbrella, and then hung out in the area by where Street Breakz parked. We made a phone call, and then Amber met up with us.

We then saw the 3:00 BJGYR. Tabitha and I did *something* while Amber saw the 3:45 show. I didn’t want to, so...Tabi and I walked around for a while. We talked to our GYR show attendant friend for a while, got some Dippin Dots to share, and then waited for the next, and last show that WOLFY4 would be in for the day.

After the last GYR, we watched the last Ghostbusters Show. We sat in our spot, and two other people were sitting there. Every so often, the door would shake slightly, or dent inward a bit. So whenever that happened, Tabi, Amber, and I would look at each other like, “what the heck??

After the last show, the GBs actually had a meet and greet. Coolness. Tabi and I got our picture with the Gbs...which was in a way, a tad bit awkward, if I must say.......well, I wasn’t quite sure what was going on, and Tabitha wasn’t either...was somebody cracking jokes earlier? A funny incident during one of the pictures being taken during the M&G? But for some reason, the GBs were in a silly and/or extremely good mood. Hmm....
I briefly asked GIO2 how he was doing, but didn’t want to hold him up since there were still people waiting for a picture. I said “hi” to GIG4 and then we left.

We saw the cast change at the GYR, and then met my mom and my aunt at the ice cream shop in Hollywood. (Schwab’s Pharmacy or whatever). Tabi, Amber, and their mom left, and I went to the parking garage to get my things, and transfer them to my car. My mom later joined me, since she had forgotten exactly where she had parked. They all left, and my mom and I went back in the park, since my aunt Mary was going on BTTF a couple times, with Express passes she had gotten earlier in the day.

While waiting on my aunt, my mom and I saw a GYR. I saw my other show attendant friend (the one who started randomly talking to me on Sunday...he’s very nice). We saw the show, then went looking for my aunt...we waited outside of BTTF for about 20 minutes or so...somehow we had JUST missed her, while walking to BTTF from the GYR (she had gone to the GYR from BTTF). We found her at the GYR, and I talked briefly to the show attendant buddy again, and then we left.

It was a fun trip indeed. Although a bit tiring, I’m ready to go back!
We talked about various things, including the 'MIB fan club' consisiting of David and Michael (Bev's [aka phamton] sons) and how David, and his father now work at the parks

I knew my ears were burning. :tongue:

Now my youngest is working there. Michael works at the Spiderman gift shop. He couldn't work as a ride Op because he is just 16. So now I have one son at Mummy, one at Spiderman, and husband at MIB.

Love your trip report.
Thanx for your report. Having neither seen either show your reports provide insight into the shows, Thanx.
Great report! Thanks for sharing! You are such a good writer.:D
You are too funny. I see another obsession forming for you....;) :p
That, my dear SpideyHulk, is who I've been "cheating on the Ghostbusters" with :laughing: Well, that's what Keriann (gbluvr2886) and "Bob" (Ghostbusters Sound Guy) say...LOL!!! :crazy:
great post

i guess next time i go i will really have to make a point of seeing these shows

::yes:: :wave2:
You deserve a V.I.P. pass (if there was one) for your shows. I doubt they have a bigger fan than you.
You'd actually be quite surprised. :) I've finally earned a a lfietime express pass since I have an express pass for every show anyway. :p :p


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