"We survived Spring Break at Disney and lived to write a dining review" Complete 5/22


DIS Veteran
Mar 23, 2015
Hi Everyone! I’m usually more of a lurker than a poster here on the boards but since I enjoy reading Dining reviews and trip reports so much, I thought I might as well share my recent experiences with everyone here. We returned Monday (3/21) from a 12 night/ 13 day spring break trip and it was a blast!

Included in our trip were myself- Karen, DH- Michael, My Mom- Granny, DD- Lauren (6), and DS- Alex (4). The dining plan doesn’t work for us so all meals were paid out of pocket. I tried to take as many pics as I could… I forgot a few… and remembered a few after we had already started eating.

Here’s a pic of our family (minus Granny who dislikes Animal Kingdom)-

Eating line up-

Wednesday 3/9
Dinner- Beach Club Market Place

Thursday 3/10-
Lunch- BOG
Dinner- Liberty Inn
Karamell- Kuche

Friday 3/11-
Lunch- ABC Commissary
Dinner- Boardwalk Pizza Window

Saturday 3/12-
Lunch- Yorkshire Fish Shop
Snacks- Les Halles

Sunday 3/13-
Breakfast- CRT
Dinner- Morimoto Asia

Monday 3/14-
Dole Whips
Contempo Café- cupcake

Tuesday 3/15
DVC Tour Day
Lunch- WPE
Snacks- Goofy

Wednesday 3/16
Breakfast- Tusker House
Dinner- Pecos bill

Thursday 3/17
Breakfast- Gaston’s Tavern
Lunch- Friar’s Nook
Dinner- BOG

Friday 3/18
Lunch- Sunshine Seasons
Dinner- 1900PF

Saturday 3/19
Breakfast- Crystal Palace
Drinks- Trader Sam's
Dinner- Cosmic Ray's

Sunday 3/20
Breakfast- Ohana

Monday 3/21
Lunch- Mara
Last edited:
Date: 3/9/2016
Restaurant: Beach Club Market Place
Location: Beach Club
Meal Type: Late Dinner

We arrived at MCO after a very bumpy 2.5hr flight from Austin at around 815pm and not long after that we were on our magical bus headed to the Beach Club. Before we left Austin, I received a text with our room number so once we got to the resort, we were able to go straight up to our room- magic bands worked- no issues!! Once, we got in and settled it was approaching 11pm so we decided to head down to the Market Place to grab a late dinner. The options here are very limited-

DH got the roast beef sandwich which he said was OK but nothing special. Granny got the Ham sandwich which she really enjoyed. They both also had the handmade chips with their sandwiches which were pretty tasty. Sorry- I don't have pics of the sandwiches or chips :(

Myself and the kids shared a pepperoni flatbread which left a lot to be desired (I did not take this pic but I found it online and it looks exactly like what we had). The flatbread crust was very soggy- I think it should've been cooked a little longer. The cheese could have been melted a bit more as well.

We grabbed our rapid refill mugs and food and headed outside to eat which was very nice. There is a nice patio with a few tables across from the Market Place. At 11pm, it was very quiet and peaceful.

I wasn’t a fan of the food at the Market Place and I probably wouldn’t eat here again. The CM’s here were amazing though- we talked to the CM’s making the food for over 20mins.

Next up- Lunch at Be Our Guest on our first Magic Kingdom day of the trip...
Off to a great start. Can't go wrong with late night pizza!!!!! Looking forward to "eating" more
Joining in! We were there the same time as you although sadly not for as long. We were staying over at Yacht side so probably saw each other at SAB some days. Looking forward to hearing all about your dining experiences and the fun you had along the way!
Joining! How was it getting reservations during a busy season? I ask as my entire family is going over Christmas. I've been a few times duringthe off seasons but never during the peak times.
The Beach Club was by far my favourite resort but the BC marketplace was by far my least favourite resort cs. Looking forward to the rest :)
Off to a great start. Can't go wrong with late night pizza!!!!! Looking forward to "eating" more

Thanks! Late night pizza is always the best!

Will be looking for more reviews.

Thanks for following!

Joining in! We were there the same time as you although sadly not for as long. We were staying over at Yacht side so probably saw each other at SAB some days. Looking forward to hearing all about your dining experiences and the fun you had along the way!

Oh cool, isn't SAB awesome? We only stayed at BC for 3 nights before moving to BLT but we loved it!

Joining! How was it getting reservations during a busy season? I ask as my entire family is going over Christmas. I've been a few times duringthe off seasons but never during the peak times.

Actually getting the reservations were very easy. I was up booking online at 5am 180 days out but honestly I didn't need to do that. I was changing things and moving things around for the whole 180 days I think. I've never gone during Christmas... I'm sure it's amazing!

The Beach Club was by far my favourite resort but the BC marketplace was by far my least favourite resort cs. Looking forward to the rest :)

Yes, the beach club was awesome but the marketplace left a lot to be desired. I was surprised at how small it is.

joining! We love the BC resort!

Hi! Thanks for joining!!

Joining in:-) More BC fans:cheer2: and looking forward to your reviews. :wave2:

Hi, :welcome:
We're eating at quite a few of the same places in May. Anxious to hear what you have to say about them!
Off to a great start, I can't wait to read more. Glad to see you lived to tell the tale of your Spring break dining adventures! ;)
Date: 3/10/2016
Restaurant: Be Our Guest
Location: Magic Kingdom
Meal Type: Lunch

After prying myself away from this beautiful view,


We were off to spend our first day of the trip at the Magic Kingdom (of course).


It was a beautiful day and before the spring break crowds!! We slowly made our way to Be Our Guest for an 1130am reservation. We’ve had dinner there a few times and love it but this was our first time for lunch. We had preordered online which I’d highly recommend!! We had just one family in front of us to review our order and pay but the lines to order there were pretty long.

The restaurant is absolutely gorgeous! This was our first time sitting in the Ballroom. On all of our dinner visits, we’ve been seated in the West Wing which is awesome but a little dark- the change of scenery was nice.


Now for the food-

I'm not sure If I was too excited or what but somehow I didn't get many pics of our food... I did find the ones I was missing online and they look about right.


Carved Turkey Sandwich- served on a warm baguette with Dijon mayonnaise and pomme frites.

I had my heart set on this sandwich from the first time I looked at the menu. It did not disappoint. The bread was great- a little crispy and the turkey was excellent. Definitely not lunch meat turkey. It was sliced very thick. It came with fries- nothing special there- I prefer the thicker fries that are served at dinner.

DH went with this-

Carved Prime Chuck Roast Beef Sandwich- served warm on a baguette with horseradish sour cream and pomme frites.

He really enjoyed it but did not think it was any special. He said my turkey tasted better.

Granny had this-

Croque Monsieur- Grilled sandwich of carved ham, gruyere cheese, and béchamel with pomme frites.

She really enjoyed this and said she would definitely get it again. Like my turkey, her ham was sliced very thick.

This kids shared “Les Macaronis Maurice”

Whole-grain macaroni with marinara sauce and mozzarella, served with peach apple sauce and fries.

The pasta, sauce, and cheese were all separate- the kids loved that they got to make their own pasta. They ate every bit of it… if I would’ve order them each their own, they probably would not have eaten any of it but because we decided to let them split it- they were both asking for more. DD had the fries and DS was licking the bowl clean of peach apple sauce. According to him, it was the best apple sauce on the planet.

And now, the desserts-
We decided to all split three cupcakes- Strawberry Cream Cheese, The Master’s Cupcake, and Lemon Meringue.


Strawberry Cream Cheese Cupcake- vanilla sponge cake, strawberry mousse filling, and cream cheese icing.

The Master’s Cupcake- chocolate sponge cake topped with Lumiere’s special grey stuff.

Somehow I missed a pic of the lemon cupcake.

The Strawberry Cupcake was immediately taken by the boy child who loves all things strawberry- we got a little taste but he managed to destroy the majority of it on his own. This was probably my fav of the 3- the cake was moist, the filling had a good flavor and of course how can you mess up cream cheese icing?

DH and Granny ate most of the Lemon cupcake as myself and the kids did not really care for it (I’m not a lemon fan). They enjoyed it.

I was looking forward to the Master’s Cupcake for a long time as it’s not served for dinner. I wanted to really like it but I was a little disappointed- it really did not taste much at all. There was no filling inside the cupcake like the other two.

Overall, we enjoyed lunch and if you are on the DDP, I believe it’s a good deal. We will probably just stick to BOG for dinner though.

Obligatory picture before walking outside-


We took a train ride around the park, a spin on the barnstormer, and ended up in tomorrowland with 15mins to kill before our Buzz FP. What do you do when there’s time to kill?? Get a snack of course!!!

We stopped at the Lunching Pad for a couple of frozen lemonades and I noticed the Sweet Cream Cheese Pretzel on the menu and HAD to try it and boy was it good!! It was hot and gooey and now I’m just depressed that they no longer sell these :sad::sad::sad:

I’ll leave you with this beauty-

Following along! Thanks for sharing!

We are staying at Beach Club for the first time in September, and my only worry is about the Marketplace and the options there. I wish they had more on the menu. But we can go over to Boardwalk, and being so close to Epcot will be great if we want something different. We usually stay at POR, and the food court there is so awesome and our favorite, so I already know I'm going to miss that part of it.
Joining in! We stayed at the YC last trip and it was great. The CS is not ideal there but the location and views more than made up for it in my opinion.
Can't wait to hear more!


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