"We seem to be made to suffer. It’s our lot in life" - Feb/April 2017 - 5/9 Half/Grand Floridian Ca

Enjoyed your report once again! I think we'll just miss you on your next trip, we're there until 8/31.
I think your surgery is this Friday if I'm remembering correctly, so I wish you well and a quick recovery :flower3:
Great dining report! Thanks for sharing!

Thank you for reading along!

Yes we don't have problem spending $$$$ at signatures but we don't like buffet. We feel like we get mediocre food for what we pay and with that we could get better food else where.

Hopefully your ankle is healing at this point? You are a trooper for getting that much done! Not much of a runner other than I do put in at least 3~5 miles every other day on tread mills. I've never ran that much outside though. Now that I've read some of the details about those runs at Disney, I wonder if I could run that much outside.

My ankle is shot. Surgery is in 2 days! (The recent injury isn't the reason for the surgery but rather 18 years of continued injuries)

If you do 3 to 5 on the treadmill, you could totally handle a 10K or train up to a half marathon. The races are early in the morning so the temperatures aren't too bad (over the years they've personally ranged for me from the 30s to 60s) RunDisney is also such a great place for a first outside race!

I'll keep you posted!

I'd love to try V&A! Maybe yachtsman or Cali Grill. We're flying home Monday.

V&A is wonderful! The only thing I would worry about is eating that much rich food 6 to 8 hours after a marathon. I'm not sure my stomach could handle that! Yachtsman or California Grill would probably be better choices since if your stomach is dead, they have more options to accommodate!

Enjoyed your report once again! I think we'll just miss you on your next trip, we're there until 8/31.
I think your surgery is this Friday if I'm remembering correctly, so I wish you well and a quick recovery :flower3:

Aww! Too bad we're just missing each other! I won't get in until late on the 8/31.

It is Friday! Thank you! I'm mentally prepared and I got the bedroom set up last night so I can just lay down in bed and watch tv. I just need to do laundry tonight/tomorrow so that I have all my lazy clothes cleaned.
My ankle is shot. Surgery is in 2 days! (The recent injury isn't the reason for the surgery but rather 18 years of continued injuries)
It is Friday! Thank you! I'm mentally prepared and I got the bedroom set up last night so I can just lay down in bed and watch tv. I just need to do laundry tonight/tomorrow so that I have all my lazy clothes cleaned.

:hug: well wishes! I hope and pray that surgery goes well and also the recovery. I know that those type of surgeries require recovery and the physical therapy that follows.
I'm amazed that you were able to do as much as you did in that much pain. Good luck on the surgery, I hope it all goes well.

I can't believe you won't be back until the end of August! I guess you'll have some recovery time in there. Good luck and be sure to post a link when you start your next TR!
Yay on Casey getting her first 5k! The .5K is the Kid's Dash ;) I think you outgrown that one though!
I think I've only outgrown it horizontally and not vertically :-)

Truffle risottos so often have mushrooms! You can understand my thrill of them not being in there!
I'm totally with you. I make it at home fairly often only cause I know there is no chance those nasty little mushrooms get in there.

Grand Floridian Café

We woke up at 2:45AM for the Half and got ready. We left the room a little after 3:00AM and headed to the buses. We had a goal to get a photo with Jabba the Hut this morning before the corrals opened! The line was still really reasonable so it didn’t take too long to get through.

Had to laugh at the juxtaposition of your Grand Floridian Cafe title and then Jabba right below. I did a double take for a minute.

After Mile 4, we entered Animal Kingdom which is a great park to run through!

You look oh so thrilled. I can only imagine the pain you must have been in.

I asked the nurse if she could pop my ankle (it felt it was way out of alignment) but she said she isn’t allowed to do that but she did give wrap my ankle for me with ice and gave me water and I headed to the ‘parade’ bus to wait. I would have to pop my own ankle later on. Apparently there was going to be a sweep point coming up in about 15 minutes. At least my slow walking was helpful that I didn’t have to wait too long!

You go! I can't believe you even made it as far as you did. Good you stopped though and even better you're getting surgery so you'll be all healed by wine and dine time.

I went with what I know I loved and I ordered it correctly this time sans ham as why ruin the sandwich with ham? I know I’ve posted this earlier in the thread but really - you can’t go wrong with turkey, focaccia bread, bacon, cheese sauce and fried onion straws. It is the perfect indulgent balance. I had zero problems cleaning my plate!

Any chance you could have one of these sent to Virginia right about now???? This looks so good. I worked late tonight, came home to a house with barely any food in it, so I sit here drinking wine (of course) and having some cheese slices for dinner. i'd totally kill for that sandwich right now

t makes me feel better that at least when my husband and I aren’t happy with one another, we go about it the silent treatment way so that others can’t judge it! We can hold back the fight until we are in a more private setting!
We are the exact same way. Though usually silence combined with middle age turns into not remembering and we forget we're supposed to be fighting :-)
:hug: well wishes! I hope and pray that surgery goes well and also the recovery. I know that those type of surgeries require recovery and the physical therapy that follows.

I hope it all goes well too! I'll find out more about physical therapy at my Post-Op on Monday. Should be about a 6 to 8 week recovery in all!

I was worried about this! Maybe we can swing V&A Friday night?! VN Saturday, and Yachtsman or Cali Sunday!

Friday Night would be ok as you have all of Saturday for the richness to get through your system!

I'm amazed that you were able to do as much as you did in that much pain. Good luck on the surgery, I hope it all goes well.

I can't believe you won't be back until the end of August! I guess you'll have some recovery time in there. Good luck and be sure to post a link when you start your next TR!

I'm not sure your should be amazed or flabbergasted that I'm well stupid and stubborn. Thanks :) I'm ready to get this fix for good!

Yeah - it is a long break for me to have no Disney trips planned until Labor Day Weekend. The surgery kinda stole my extra money for these couple of months + I want to recovery correctly!

I think I've only outgrown it horizontally and not vertically :-)
Probably both ;)

I'm totally with you. I make it at home fairly often only cause I know there is no chance those nasty little mushrooms get in there.
Smart move there! I haven't made risotto in a while...think I can convince my husband he should make me risotto next week?

Had to laugh at the juxtaposition of your Grand Floridian Cafe title and then Jabba right below. I did a double take for a minute.
After all the food I ate, I probably felt like Jabba!

You look oh so thrilled. I can only imagine the pain you must have been in.
Pain...Stupidity...At least the scenery was pretty!

You go! I can't believe you even made it as far as you did. Good you stopped though and even better you're getting surgery so you'll be all healed by wine and dine time.
I will be healed by wine and dine! I"m hoping I may actually not be super slow again! I've gained weight over the last few months because of my lack of good exercise.

Any chance you could have one of these sent to Virginia right about now???? This looks so good. I worked late tonight, came home to a house with barely any food in it, so I sit here drinking wine (of course) and having some cheese slices for dinner. i'd totally kill for that sandwich right now

I would love to have it too right now! At least you can have wine! I've been forced to have no alcohol since May 2nd because of the surgery! The hospital I'm getting my surgery at has insane rules but I think its because Naples is such an old person's town that they have to make the rules super stringent for them and thus us youngins suffer! I miss my whiskey and wine! I've done cheese slices for dinner...its better than nothing! Panera delivery has been a life saver lately along with Naples Dine Home Delivery!

We are the exact same way. Though usually silence combined with middle age turns into not remembering and we forget we're supposed to be fighting :-)

Oh, we forget too sometimes. I usually just attribute that to the fact that obviously the fight wasn't important! At least it made for some interesting people watching!
Thank you! All went well and I'm all set up in bed for elevation and Netflix. I'm keeping up with the pain meds every 4ish hours so hopefully I can keep the pain at bay!
Glad to hear all went well and that you're resting comfortably!
Thank you! All went well and I'm all set up in bed for elevation and Netflix. I'm keeping up with the pain meds every 4ish hours so hopefully I can keep the pain at bay!

Glad to hear you are all set up and well medicated! :thumbsup2
Glad to hear all went well and that you're resting comfortably!

I think any sleep deficient I had is now gone! Its been a constant mix of sleep and tv. I slept for 12 hours straight last night and for every hour I'm up - I'm taking another nap. I'm ok with this as I know the body heals better during sleep than being awake. My dogs are loving it though as they are getting tons of attention from me. One of them is scared of the crutches though.

Glad to hear you are all set up and well medicated! :thumbsup2

Yup! Medication is awesome! The only thing I'm not liking is having long hair. This is going to be a mess trying to keep it from getting knotted. I'm now Pollyanna with braids to attempt it from getting worse!
Happy to hear your surgery went well. Enjoy the medicated rest and Netflix binges. Your ankle will appreciate it and probley your sanity too with the break from everything. :tilt:
Glad the surgery went well. Hope you're feeling better!!!!
Happy to hear your surgery went well. Enjoy the medicated rest and Netflix binges. Your ankle will appreciate it and probley your sanity too with the break from everything. :tilt:

The medicated rest and Netflix was well needed! I'm doing it again this weekend without the medication (I really want to be able to have a beer or glass of wine!). My sanity well, thats questionable!

How are things going 1 week post-op?

1 Week Post Op - I'm tired of not being able to walk! I'm hoping my appointment on Monday will clear me to walk with the boot rather than the crutches since thats when the stitches come out!

Glad the surgery went well. Hope you're feeling better!!!!

Thanks! I'm glad it went well too! Now I can hopefully run in a few months without issues!
Good to hear that the surgery went well and you are getting tons of rest! Hopefully you could run and delight us with more Disney trips.
Good to hear that the surgery went well and you are getting tons of rest! Hopefully you could run and delight us with more Disney trips.

My next trip is in September with my mother so no running there! It will be opening weekend of F&W so lots of drinks and food are on the list! We do have the following run trips at WDW: Wine & Dine, Marathon Weekend, Princess Weekend and Dark Side Weekend! I'm just running the 10K for 3 of those weekends. I'm cheering for Marathon Weekend since my husband is running the full. My mother is joining us for that trip - I'm wondering how she is going to keep up with the early morning cheering!

How are you feeling 2 weeks post-op? I hope things are getting better for you!

I'm feeling better some. I'm still getting random bouts of nausea every couple of days which is really annoying. I do not handle nausea well! I won't feel better until I make myself sick. Google tells me this is normal for up to a month post surgery depending on your body - especially with the additional stress that I'll talk about in my WISH journal after tomorrow's race for my husband - so I'm sticking with that. At least Im catching up with my naps and tv binges.


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