We Need Your Input! Tell Us What You Want!

What format would you like to see the most? Please read thread first!

  • Option 1 - one board, no off topic

  • Option 2 - one board, small community sub board

  • Option 3 - One subject as main board - sub boards for others - on topic only

  • Option 4 - one board as main, subs for others including a small community

  • Option 5 - Main board small community, topic boards branching off into sub boards from top of main

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To clarify the thread that I was referencing, the thread was "I do such-and-such...does anyone else do this?" I'm pretty sure that just about everyone could answer that question. But like I said, I don't think anyone was intentionally trying to alienate anyone, but it's just rather disheartening when you're brand new to a board and you don't seem to get any responses to your posts.
Um ok, I'm a tad bit offended by the tshirt post saying that "we weren't welcomed". I don't think that's true at all. I'm sorry if that's the impression that y'all got though. I thought you were pretty cool.

I think right now we all need to take a deep breath and ask the "in charge" person exactly what they are trying to accomplish. Personally, I have no idea at this point.

If for some insane reason, the boards have to be messed with, I think that Patty T's idea is the best. Have all the home stuff together and have all the crafting stuff together (and yes, that would include the T shirt gang :) )

My issue with this whole thing is that I don't feel that everyone is being treated fairly. I don't see how you can keep the photography board as it's own entity and yet lump the flower/garden board into the cooking/crafting/etc board. And I'm not saying that to be a #$#%%. (or not being welcoming) I just think that if you are lumping one, it's only fair to lump all. (of course I was a socialist on that morality axis pole that was on the cb boards...).

I'm trying very hard not to just post "bite me" (cause that wouldn't be nice, warm and fuzzy now would it? :) ) But I just don't understand why we can't just leave it as is.

I'm going to go eat lunch now, go back to school for veteran's day stuff and hopefully everyone will be playing nicely again when I get back. (or y'all should all be putting out the stockings for coal) (that was a joke by the way people) :rotfl2: :rotfl2: maggie
kelleigh1 said:
To clarify the thread that I was referencing, the thread was "I do such-and-such...does anyone else do this?" I'm pretty sure that just about everyone could answer that question. But like I said, I don't think anyone was intentionally trying to alienate anyone, but it's just rather disheartening when you're brand new to a board and you don't seem to get any responses to your posts.

I apologize for missing such a thread -
I try to keep up on the boards here regularly...
I can understand being disheartened - I had this happen a few times and I found it helped to just bump it up...
I know a lot of times I willlog on - read two threads - have to go do something with the kids or whatever... log back on and it shows all the threads as being read and i don't take the time to go back through....

I COMPLETELY agree with Maggie that is should be set up FAIRLY (and I am a Liberal on that dang thing ;) )
I too did not mind the T-shirt threads. I really liked having them here and I really liked the ideas, and I will miss them here. I will be checking out their new home, but probably not as much as when I am in a rush I do not go to a lot of other sites. I didn't really post on any because I didn't have any immediate questions as I will not be making any T-shirts right now. I used to do a lot of T-shirts when DS's were younger. And I learned a lot from those new threads, (I didn't even know they made transfer paper for dark fabrics). I do plan to make some shirts before my next Disney trip. When I first saw those threads, I kept wishing I knew about them before my last trip when we went with friends so we could all have special T's. I think like Patty said it was more like where did they come from because they weren't new threads, but already established ones.

As for not responding to a thread, I usually try to respond to all threads when I know an answer. I never look to see if it is someone I know first or not. So I either didn't know the answer to her question or I didn't see it because it got pushed down. I am not used to this board moving so quickly and only recently started to keep scrollng down to see if there was something new. A year and a half ago when I was new to the Dis, and to this forum (and new to scrapping), I was a little reluctant to post because it seemed like everyone was tight, but after asking one question and getting more advice than I ever expected, I asked a lot of questions and I really learned so much, and I try to give back what I learned. So to ever who said her friends post was ignored, tell her to bump it up or try again. I'm sure it wasn't because she wasn't "in the loop".
pattyT said:
I apologize for missing such a thread -
I try to keep up on the boards here regularly...
I can understand being disheartened - I had this happen a few times and I found it helped to just bump it up...
I know a lot of times I willlog on - read two threads - have to go do something with the kids or whatever... log back on and it shows all the threads as being read and i don't take the time to go back through....

I understand that. I'll check in from work and then need to answer the phone or go do something and I forget what thread I was looking at or miss a response to something.

But of course, we don't always think about things rationally. On any given day we could think: 'they don't like me', 'it's a clique' or 'oh well, try again'...it just depends on the mood of the day. Everything else going on around us does affect us. I've been the outsider looking in and if I'm having a bad day and nobody answers me about something, my first instinct might be "jerks!" and then I leave. But another day, I might make a joke about not getting a response. (That's actually how I met my husband.)

But, it is hard to follow along sometimes, especially when you don't know anyone and some of these threads getting taken away on some random tangent and while a new person might be trying to figure out how to use their sizzex (I don't know what that is and probably spelled it wrong), it could require searching through pages of dialogue and before they even get to some sort of information, they've given up.

You guys are the experts on scrapping...and I know that when you've been doing something for so long and have such a good rapport with other scrappers, it's tough to put yourselves back in the shoes of being the new person just trying to learn.

I wouldn't say that I've felt unwelcome, but just reading...I've felt pretty lost and out of the loop. (Note: I've hardly ever posted over here, so I'm primarily a lurker, but just reading some of the threads can be overwhelming. I leave thinking WHAT????)
I was joking with something Lauri said but the more I think of it the better it sounds. Please bear with me since it seems to make more sense in my head than on paper, but what else is new, my head has a mind of it's own! :teeth:
If this move were to happen we should set it up like a house if they go the route of using sub boards. The kitchen is cooking, the living room is the community board, the garden is well the garden, the scrap room, the craft room, etc..... If they threw in the photography it could be the dark room or the photo studio.
Think about it, your bedroom doesn't have much to do with your living room but they are under the same roof. I do feel though that the gardening does have a bit to do with the kitchen since we need to do something with the harvest of our fruits of labor.
I honestly didn't even notice that there was a photography forum but I would be interested in looking at it. I'm also not a gardener(ya know, no patience) but I also never used to be a scrapper and the DIS changed things.
I found this forum to be very friendly and never felt like an outsider. I do know some DIS'ers personally so we can seem tighter with others but not to long ago I was a newbie and was welcome with open arms.

Ok I'm going to go hide in the basement again. No throwing tomatoes at me we need them to make spaghetti sauce. :teeth: :duck:

P.S. Blame the insanity on me being Preggo!
I am like Maggie and would like to know what the mods are trying to accomplish. I guess I am wondering what started all this change? Are we trying to downsize or what? I think Patty has a wonderful plan! Of course I love Buffy's idea too because it sounds like Chatterbox paper. LOL!!!
mommie2angels said:
I am like Maggie and would like to know what the mods are trying to accomplish. I guess I am wondering what started all this change? Are we trying to downsize or what? I think Patty has a wonderful plan! Of course I love Buffy's idea too because it sounds like Chatterbox paper. LOL!!!

Oh you scrapper, you!
Does this mean I can come out of hiding? LOL!!!!
I really don't understand any or all of this....
I wish at this point the powers at be do what it is they plan to do so we can get over it!
At this point I don't care.

So if we get a board with sub forums and then the main forum is general stuff does that mean we can talk about our kids? stuff that is totally non scrapping/crafting/cooking/planting/picture take/tshirts and anything else I left out?
If that is the case why have a community board?

As for someone not responding to someones post, happens all the time. Heck I am like a big time thread killer on the community board. I can start one and nothing...2 weeks later someone else starts one same topic and tons of people respond. SOme times people miss threads or like me I will say no time right now and plan to come back and never do.

I really don't get the entire tshirt thing. I loved looking at those threads and at times I posted if I had a question. But at this point I haven't made a shirt.

And for the person who posted if it wasn't on the theme park board they never would have found it. Well guess what I only go to that board maybe once a year and skim it. So I would never see any post about tshirts. That is a problem no matter where anything is placed. We have so many crafty people come here and say I had no idea this board existed and they had been on the DIS for years.

Now I am reading on the tshirt post to have all tshirt threads that were started here moved to there! What is that all about? It sounds more like one of the mod wanted to keep her position and this was a way to do it. Which is fine I don't blame someone for wanted to be incharge of something they are interested in and have developed a bond. But please don't make it out that we the scrappers don't want them. Because if you read out post I think everyone here felt it is a craft and belonged with the crafters/scrappers

I say just move on.....This is a blink in a life. I dont' care if it is all sub boards anymore. I will look where I want to. If I can't find what I am looking for then oh well.
well said spinning, I think that's exactly what happened. It has nothing to do with "us" it's all about the mods. Grow up! We have seen the "I'm so happy" post on the "new" tshirt boards, heck I even posted on it. No one was unwelcoming at all here, it just wasn't what the mod wanted. Life isn't fair, get a grip and move on. I resent the post about if the tshirt people want other posts moved from the craft board just to let the mod know. Talk about creating division! Making tshirts is a CRAFT! If you mods can't work it out amongst yourselves, please go out in the alley (behind the house lined with chatterbox paper) and duke it out. Personally I don't care, but leave the cookers, crafters, scrappers alone. maggie
BernardandMissBianca said:
Oh you scrapper, you!
Does this mean I can come out of hiding? LOL!!!!

Sure! We'll come out together! Don't worry I still have preggo brain and my baby is 3. At least that's the excuse I use! We'll get along just fine. I am so encouraging aren't I.
Well I just visited the "friendly T-shirt people..."
and I am not a big fan of the Bragging about getting moved out of here - and the ability to "get anything anyone else wants moved over there too :rolleyes: "
the division of the forums should be by catagory - not a frikin popularity contest...
I LIKE the rooms idea cuz I get it - but I was a fraid that a newbie wouldn't
ALSO I have come to find with MB's if youdon't "get it" you have to ask -
Poor SPinning, Nicurn, Grover, and the others all had to deal with me asking a MILLION stupid questions when I first stumbled in here...
pattyT said:
Well I just visited the "friendly T-shirt people..."
and I am not a big fan of the Bragging about getting moved out of here - and the ability to "get anything anyone else wants moved over there too :rolleyes: "
the division of the forums should be by catagory - not a frikin popularity contest...
I LIKE the rooms idea cuz I get it - but I was a fraid that a newbie wouldn't
ALSO I have come to find with MB's if youdon't "get it" you have to ask -
Poor SPinning, Nicurn, Grover, and the others all had to deal with me asking a MILLION stupid questions when I first stumbled in here...

For the rooms idea as long as there is a note under the title with a short explanation a newbie should be able to figure it out.
As for the million stupid questions, I'm sure I asked a lot of the same questions you did when you were new, So thank you everyone for your patience.

Preggo Brain :earboy2:
pattyT said:
Well I just visited the "friendly T-shirt people..."
and I am not a big fan of the Bragging about getting moved out of here - and the ability to "get anything anyone else wants moved over there QUOTE]

baloo was referring to t-shirt threads that did not get moved - for example - I have a t-shirt trip report thread that did not get moved and there is a finsihed shirt gallery that did not get moved - that is all she is referring to
you know, unfortunantly that is not how it came across. maggie
julia & nicks mom said:
As one of those t-shirt people - I would like to explain to you what happened -

We did not complain about being here - actually I believe it was you guys that complained about us being here. We posted on one thread and pretty much kept to ourselves - some scrappers actually joined in and if you ever read our thread - you would see that we are a pretty welcoming group and have a lot of fun.

Baloo has been our moderator from the beginning and has put a lot of sweat and tears into our thread and was very sad when she was no longer our moderator and so she got permission from the powers to be to move us back to the TPAS board - we actually had a lot more traffic when we were over there than when we were here

why are we there? You might be amazed at how many people ask over there - has anyone ever made a homemade shirt for your trip - and no offense to you all but most people don't even know there is a crafting board so they ask on the trip planning board - so yes - that was taken into consideration

it seems to me that you are all being offered the exact same chance over here - you may each have your own subboard under a main crafting community board -

we are really enjoying our new board and you might notice have started a lot of new threads which we did not feel we had the freedom to do here b/c we did not want to clog up what we considered to be your board - we were trying to be considerate as the new kids on the block - we didn't want to step on any toes - but now see that it didn't matter how hard we tried to stay out of your way - you still were annoyed by us -actually confirming the decision to make us our own board

our move was 100% about Baloo wanting to be our MOD - she is part of our family - so it wasn't a slam against you all - MeanLaureen is trying to help you all make your board what you want it to be - instead of being irritated that the gardenig info will be moved over here = why not embrace them - I believe in the more the merrier philosophy -

ML and Kayla will pour there heart and soul into this place - if you know anything about WPASADI - you know that they don't do anything half-way - give them a chance - embrace the change - you might just like it!!!!

I'm offended (yes I know again). Y'all got your own board by complaining that we weren't welcoming. I fail to see how asking where y'all suddenly appeared from is being un-welcoming. As for not embracing the garden people, I don't think anyone has any problem with them at all. However, I don't think y'all were all that "embracing" of us. but whatever right, y'all got your way and got your own board even though you are a craft and should be playing in the chatterbox house with the rest of the garden, craft, scrapping, etc peeps. maggie
I think what is going on here is a lot of confusion, not whining, (like I read on the T-shirt thread today). We were told this is how it is going to be, and then all of a sudden things changed, without an explanation. I think I will just sit back and wait to see what will be. I don't like all this confusion!
I am whining :)

I think it is ridiculous that the 'squeaky wheel always gets the oil' :rolleyes:
We scrappers have been here for years - doing our thing - we get name changes, and roll with it, new things added, no big, then all of a sudden everything is a big deal and chaos about who what where...
none of the decisions are based on common sense but on what so and so wants...
we never asked for anything...
besides an occassional Sticky...
I will still stand on my ORGANIZE IT RIGHT
home = cooking, cleaning, gardening, homeimprovement - whatever...
crafts = scrapbooking, photography, t-shirts, embroidery, quilting - whatever
DO the right thing - not just what a few individuals want...
I like the room idea "if" we have to change.

Living room - community
gardening - garden
craft -craft room
cooking - kitchen

But I have to ask....

What are we going to talk about in the bedroom????


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