We Moved to Disneyland!! Now What…? Stories from New DLR Locals - Updated 1/15

Thanks for the update, Taylor. Good luck to you and Tracy and I hope you're all settled in Boulder again.
This was exactly what I was curious about! :rotfl2:

I'm glad you're both ok and I'm looking forward to reading the final entries into this TR and also your new one on the cruise. popcorn::

Thanks for taking the time to write about your adventures, I sure have enjoyed the ride! :goodvibes

On a side note, I have just finished watching the first season of Nashville and loved it ... I always enjoyed hearing what you and Tracy were watching. :happytv:

:lmao: I knew I wasn't too far off base thinking people would be wondering about the cat! He's sleeping at my feet as I write these responses. :)

I'm glad that you're joining us over on the cruise trip report thread! Hopefully you'll enjoy it too!

We've heard lots of good things about Nashville! It might need to go on the list of upcoming shows. And don't worry, I plan to keep up my running commentary about what we're watching/reading/etc on the new blog. I have no idea if it's interesting to the majority of people, but I always have fun sharing!

So glad things are working out for you both, well 3 of you including Crookshanks :). It's great you will still be able to visit Disney on a fairly regular basis. Whatever happens you had a great experience of having Disney as a neighbour for 18 months and made some amazing memories there. Best of luck with this new chapter in your lives xx

I think it's a good way for everything to work out. Hopefully we'll still get plenty of Disney fixes while enjoying our lovely hometown! And living in OC was certainly an experience we'll never forget! :cool1:

I'm so glad to hear you're both happy and all is well and so excited you got to take Crookshanks with you!

:goodvibes We're glad things are going well too. And we're glad to have the kitty!

I'm so glad things are looking up for you both, and fantastic news about Crookshanks!!
I'm heading straight over to your cruise thread :)

Yay! :banana:

Sorry to hear that you had a rough start to your year! I'm glad you are settling into your new life and still have Disneyland trips to look forward to.

I look forward to your Disney adventures on your new blog! :thumbsup2

Sometimes that's just how things go... :confused3 I'm glad we're back on track for a better second half of the year. Hope you enjoy reading the new blog! :thumbsup2

Good luck to you and Tracy back in Colorado. Glad you will still be going to Disneyland once in awhile. Thanks for your blog on Disneyland. It made our first trip to Disneyland more enjoyable because of what I learned from it.

I'm so glad that our experiences were able to make your first Disneyland trip as magical as possible! And I'm glad that we'll still have access to the parks fairly often, even if they're not right next door! :)

Taylor --

I'm so glad you checked in here with us! It's good to know that you and Tracy are happy with the Colorado move and feel that it was the right decision (despite being excited about "moving to Disneyland," not so very long ago). I think that we would all hate to imagine that you had to move against your wishes. The fact that you guys are okay with the move is a relief!

I also think it's wonderful that you will still be able to come out to Disneyland fairly often throughout the year, and that it will remain a big part of your lives. Just in case you don't get here during Halloween Time or the holidays again this year, at least you were able to experience both seasons during your time in Anaheim, and you will again at some point in the future.

I know you were planning on ending this TR thread with your December 2013 adventures (and I can't wait to read about your DLR holiday experiences), but I wouldn't be at all opposed to seeing a few Disneyland Springtime Roundup/Easter 2014 photos -- if you and Tracy were able to go to DLR for the Springtime/Easter festivities before getting caught up in moving and your cruise and all of that. I don't know if you saw it, but back in April I posted here that your 2013 Easter egg hunt photos inspired me to take on the egg hunts in both DL and DCA this year, and I loved them! I also spent a bit of time at the Springtime Roundup and gazed in awe at the "egg art," but I feel like I also didn't get to see as much of the Roundup and the egg art as I would have liked to see, so hopefully you went there and took photos!

In the meantime, I will bookmark your Wordpress blog and I will subscribe to your Disney Cruise TR thread!

Yep, things ended up working out for the best, I think! The fact that we can still enjoy heading to the parks often while feeling more "at home" here is definitely nice. And I think we'll definitely make it a goal to head out for both the Halloween and Christmas decorations!

Once I get to the end of 2013 on here, I think I'll just post a random array of pictures from the beginning of 2014, and I'll be sure to include some Easter ones. We didn't get to do the egg hunt ourselves this year, but I'm glad you enjoyed it!!

I'm glad you'll be joining us over on the cruise TR/blog. Hopefully you'll enjoy hearing about those adventures as well :)

Glad to hear from you! What are your Instagram names? I want to see your pics!

I'm @tayalltheway87 and Tracy is @troberts8. Neither of us are GREAT at posting photos often, but we try :rotfl:

Well, I'm glad to know that you and Tracy are happy and safe back in Boulder, but I'm sorry that I never got to meet you out at DL. I'll look forward to hearing about the rest of 2013 in your reports.

I know!! We tried so hard too!! Oh well, maybe one of our trips out to CA will match up with one of your visits to the parks and we can finally make it happen. Hope you enjoy hearing about the rest of our adventures! :thumbsup2

Taylor, so glad you came and updated. It's good to hear that you and Tracy are well. It's been a great ride living out your adventures with you and I hope you continue to update every once on a while. Can you post your instagram again?

I'm so glad you've enjoyed hearing about everything, and I hope you'll continue to read along as I continue recounting our recent adventures. Our Instagram names are @tayalltheway87 and @troberts8. Hopefully you'll enjoy the pictures over there :)

I'm glad you and Tracy are happy with your decision to move back to Colorado, and that you got a pet kitty out of all of this. ;) I'm sure it was hard to move away from Disneyland, but I'm sure it is nice to back with friends and family again. I know I miss my mom and her dog in Oregon. Hopefully your next Disneyland visit wont be too far in the future. You two still have valid AP's?

Honestly, I think the move would have been a lot more difficult if we hadn't been able to bring the cat :rotfl2: As is, we're pretty happy with it, and it sounds like you can definitely understand the appeal of being back home. Our APs are valid thru February, so we've still got plenty of time to enjoy them!

I'll admit that I had some idea of this as I follow you on Twitter. And while I'll miss your regular DL updates, I'm glad that you are both happy. I'll be following along on whatever adventures you post, both here and on your blog. Take care!

I'm glad we're happy with the move too haha. We didn't know how it would pan out while we planned it, but it's ended up feeling like the right choice! I hope you enjoy reading along on the new blog! Just because we don't live at Disneyland anymore, you can't expect our shenanigans to come to an end! :cool1:

Thanks for the update, Taylor. Good luck to you and Tracy and I hope you're all settled in Boulder again.

Thanks! Things are going well here in Boulder, and we're already planning our next trip out to OC (hopefully within the month). I'm thinking it'll be the best of both worlds!
SO glad to hear it wasn't something awful and that life is just taking you guys in a different direction.

I know it must have been amazing to be DL locals. But I have to say, doing the good neighbor hotel thing is not bad at all ;)

I'll head over to your blog :)
Hello I just started reading your report and I am only to NYE 2012 at this point but by looking at this last page it seems you have since moved back to CO. I haven't read the whole report so I am sure it will all make sense when I get to that point but I just wanted to say I think you two are the cutest and I think that you will make awesome parents someday if that is in your plans. But either way you seem so fun and such a great match.

I just love reading your reports and it is like reading a book and am so enjoying it but the main reason I wanted to post is to remark that we too were there during NYE of 12 and I was so tickled to read that you were freezing. Being form CO and also NY and to hear that even YOU thought it was cold made me feel good. NYE is my daughter's birthday and that year was her 13th bday. We had ALWAYS had a bucket list of things to do on her birthday to make her feel special as ever since she was small it was impossible to plan a party on her actual day. So we said that as she aged she would like having a birthday on that day and on the "big" ones we would make sure and do something amazing. So for her turning into a teen we said we would brave the crowds to do Disney.

We got to the parks practically at opening because we were told it would get to capacity. We didn't do a whole lot all day because of course everything was packed and a few hours before midnight we found a spot by IASW to watch. However it got SO freezing that even with coats and blankets we couldn't hold out. We ended up leaving around 11 much to my daughter's chagrin but made it back to our room by midnight to watch the fireworks on tv. And it was probably for the best as we were headed to the rose parade the next day.

But I was so glad to hear that you were also freezing because everyone said we were crazy and I don't think they believed us that it was that cold LOL.

Anywho really enjoying your report and looking forward to continued reading.
WHEW you are an amazing story teller and it took me almost 2 days but I just finished. I must say I am sad that it is "over" because I have so enjoyed reading along but it sounds like everything worked out for the best. I am so glad you took the kitty as I am the mom of 2 kitties that are my best buds. I also agree that probably being home near your families esp with your health issues must be very comforting. As they say there is no place like home. As much as you loved Disney there is nothing like family and being home where you grew up.

I hope that someday you continue with the rest of the year as I have so enjoyed reading along and I think you should keep a regular blog of your adventures. I love your pictures and your writing and have so enjoyed following along.

Good luck to you and Tracy and I hope all is well!!
Hello, Taylor. I just finished reading all of your trip reports! I originally found the cruise report and work my way back from there. We also took a trip on the Wonder, the first week of June. I'm debating whether or not to publicly publish my own "trip report" (which was a blog set up for family to see our photos), even if it's not nearly as detailed as more traditional reports.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts and blog, and while I did enjoy all of the Disney, of course, I have to say that I really enjoyed reading about your trips to other places, as well. I hope you will continue to do so via your blog. I have put the animal sanctuary in Colorado on my list of things to visit when I'm there to visit my sister (Denver area).

Anyway, just wanted to give a shout out to say thanks for the detailed reports and keep it up, please! :D
Glad to hear things are working out for you guys. And glad to hear Crookshanks got to tag along as I was becoming very fond on him via your posts (particularly after having just made 20 different wands for DD's Harry Potter-themed bday party -- you become more enamored with HP stuff after the 5th or 6th wand). And who knows -- maybe we'll see you around here sometime! Hope all continues to go well!
Since we never met up as "locals", give me a heads up when you will be in the park. One of my biggest fun times of getting out the parks is when DISers come to town and I can plan a trip to the park. Fran usually doesn't come with me for those trips and I can be much more flexible. Depending on the demands of the day, I sometimes bring the scooter or not. Like if we're just planning coffee, a meal or drinks, I'll walk. Anything more and I need it so that I can walk for the next day and week.

I have a meet planned with some folks from Visalia tomorrow and folks from Delaware in two weeks. Since I don't have a "real job" and my life is flexible I can usually meet up with people when I have advance notice. It does help that I will be in town. Fran's health has been better this year and she has planned a rigorous travel schedule for us, but you never know what our dates might be like and they may match up!

Best to both of you!
SO glad to hear it wasn't something awful and that life is just taking you guys in a different direction.

I know it must have been amazing to be DL locals. But I have to say, doing the good neighbor hotel thing is not bad at all ;)

I'll head over to your blog :)

I think what we've learned through the experience is that we don't have to be locals to enjoy the parks the way we want to. It was a great experience to be able to immerse ourselves in Disney, but now we're glad to be able to look forward to frequent trips out instead. :thumbsup2

I'm glad that you are checking out the blog. Hopefully you've been enjoying reading along about Alaska!

Hello I just started reading your report and I am only to NYE 2012 at this point but by looking at this last page it seems you have since moved back to CO. I haven't read the whole report so I am sure it will all make sense when I get to that point but I just wanted to say I think you two are the cutest and I think that you will make awesome parents someday if that is in your plans. But either way you seem so fun and such a great match.

I just love reading your reports and it is like reading a book and am so enjoying it but the main reason I wanted to post is to remark that we too were there during NYE of 12 and I was so tickled to read that you were freezing. Being form CO and also NY and to hear that even YOU thought it was cold made me feel good. NYE is my daughter's birthday and that year was her 13th bday. We had ALWAYS had a bucket list of things to do on her birthday to make her feel special as ever since she was small it was impossible to plan a party on her actual day. So we said that as she aged she would like having a birthday on that day and on the "big" ones we would make sure and do something amazing. So for her turning into a teen we said we would brave the crowds to do Disney.

We got to the parks practically at opening because we were told it would get to capacity. We didn't do a whole lot all day because of course everything was packed and a few hours before midnight we found a spot by IASW to watch. However it got SO freezing that even with coats and blankets we couldn't hold out. We ended up leaving around 11 much to my daughter's chagrin but made it back to our room by midnight to watch the fireworks on tv. And it was probably for the best as we were headed to the rose parade the next day.

But I was so glad to hear that you were also freezing because everyone said we were crazy and I don't think they believed us that it was that cold LOL.

Anywho really enjoying your report and looking forward to continued reading.

WHEW you are an amazing story teller and it took me almost 2 days but I just finished. I must say I am sad that it is "over" because I have so enjoyed reading along but it sounds like everything worked out for the best. I am so glad you took the kitty as I am the mom of 2 kitties that are my best buds. I also agree that probably being home near your families esp with your health issues must be very comforting. As they say there is no place like home. As much as you loved Disney there is nothing like family and being home where you grew up.

I hope that someday you continue with the rest of the year as I have so enjoyed reading along and I think you should keep a regular blog of your adventures. I love your pictures and your writing and have so enjoyed following along.

Good luck to you and Tracy and I hope all is well!!

Thanks so much for reading all about our great adventure! I'm glad that we weren't the only ones who felt like NYE 2012-13 was crazy cold too. It was borderline miserable at times!

We are certainly glad to be back home near family and old friends. That was the element that was always missing from SoCal, and we'd just gotten to the point in our lives where we were ready to get back to the place and people we know and love.

I certainly still plan on picking back up and finishing off our 2013 stories sometime soon. In the meantime, I have been trying to keep up with what we're currently up to over on my blog, so I recommend checking it out. Thanks again for reading :)

Hello, Taylor. I just finished reading all of your trip reports! I originally found the cruise report and work my way back from there. We also took a trip on the Wonder, the first week of June. I'm debating whether or not to publicly publish my own "trip report" (which was a blog set up for family to see our photos), even if it's not nearly as detailed as more traditional reports.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts and blog, and while I did enjoy all of the Disney, of course, I have to say that I really enjoyed reading about your trips to other places, as well. I hope you will continue to do so via your blog. I have put the animal sanctuary in Colorado on my list of things to visit when I'm there to visit my sister (Denver area).

Anyway, just wanted to give a shout out to say thanks for the detailed reports and keep it up, please! :D

I'm so glad that you found this report from our cruise adventure! :wave2: Thanks so much for reading along! I'm always a proponent of sharing vacation adventures, so I'd say go for it and put up your June trip report!

I'm certainly planning to keep up with posting about our non-Disney-related adventures as well as our Disney travels on the blog. Hopefully you'll enjoy reading about all of those. And I'm so glad to hear that we were able to put the Wild Animal Sanctuary on your radar. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

Glad to hear things are working out for you guys. And glad to hear Crookshanks got to tag along as I was becoming very fond on him via your posts (particularly after having just made 20 different wands for DD's Harry Potter-themed bday party -- you become more enamored with HP stuff after the 5th or 6th wand). And who knows -- maybe we'll see you around here sometime! Hope all continues to go well!

:rotfl: I think we all started to become enamored with Crookshanks. He has a way of weaseling into one's heart. Hopefully we'll get to see you around in the parks when we're out there sometime! Thanks for continuing to read along with all these reports :cool1:

Since we never met up as "locals", give me a heads up when you will be in the park. One of my biggest fun times of getting out the parks is when DISers come to town and I can plan a trip to the park. Fran usually doesn't come with me for those trips and I can be much more flexible. Depending on the demands of the day, I sometimes bring the scooter or not. Like if we're just planning coffee, a meal or drinks, I'll walk. Anything more and I need it so that I can walk for the next day and week.

I have a meet planned with some folks from Visalia tomorrow and folks from Delaware in two weeks. Since I don't have a "real job" and my life is flexible I can usually meet up with people when I have advance notice. It does help that I will be in town. Fran's health has been better this year and she has planned a rigorous travel schedule for us, but you never know what our dates might be like and they may match up!

Best to both of you!

I'd love that. Tracy and I will be in town next week, but I'm not 100% sure what our park schedule is going to be because it's more of a work trip. If you happen to be around, though, we'd love to say hi. Otherwise we're planning to at least be back in October and December (if not more often), so we should still have plenty of opportunities. I'm glad to hear that Fran's health is doing well this year and you're getting out and about as much as possible! :thumbsup2
Hi all! I just posted an update over on my blog that sums up some of what Tracy and I (and the cat) have been up to for the last couple months. Check it out if you're interested!

I also really am planning to pick this report back up and see it through till the end of 2013 sometime in the near future. Thanks for sticking with me :)
Just had a quick read of your update, I'm really glad to see you both settled and happy and the new place looks great! I don't think I ever told you I've been keeping my dad (who I care for) updated with your reports, especially with the pictures and news about the different cats, so he was really happy to see Crooky looking very contented in his new home. I'll have to make sure I set aside a little more time after dinner tonight to read the rest of the blog, and I'm very much looking forward to the rest of this trip report when you get a chance to finish it. :)
Thanks for the update. I subscribed to your blog and have gotten a few of the updates about your cruise and such. Sometimes I wonder if I get them all but I am def following along. Yay :)
Yep sure enough I clicked on your link and not only did I see your life update but also a BUNCH of stuff on the cruise thread I missed. So frustrating. I don't always get emails with updates about the Dis either. Well glad I checked and loved the life update. What a cute place you have and looks so cozy with nice views. Loved seeing Cruikshanks and Stupey.

You have such a great writing style and love the pics so def will enjoy hearing more updates!!
Hi, Taylor! I had been quietly following along this thread. I had discovered it 2-3 weeks ago. I was probably on page 50 (or was it 30's)...sorry, but I really don't remember. Today I peeked to the last page and was sooooo shocked that you moved back to Colorado.

I read your entire TR on DCL in one hour!!!! (maybe less). I thoroughly enjoyed it. I posted a comment on it for you to see.

Hope you and Tracy are doing well. Thank you for sharing your experiences with everyone! :flower3:
I haven't commented for ages but I am still reading and glad to hear that you are both well and enjoying being home with friends and family
I shall be checking out your Alaska TR!
Just had a quick read of your update, I'm really glad to see you both settled and happy and the new place looks great! I don't think I ever told you I've been keeping my dad (who I care for) updated with your reports, especially with the pictures and news about the different cats, so he was really happy to see Crooky looking very contented in his new home. I'll have to make sure I set aside a little more time after dinner tonight to read the rest of the blog, and I'm very much looking forward to the rest of this trip report when you get a chance to finish it. :)

Thanks for continuing to read along, and that's great that you can share news of our shenanigans with your dad. I'm glad to hear he's gotten invested in the story of our little kitty. :cat:

Thanks for the update. I subscribed to your blog and have gotten a few of the updates about your cruise and such. Sometimes I wonder if I get them all but I am def following along. Yay :)

Yep sure enough I clicked on your link and not only did I see your life update but also a BUNCH of stuff on the cruise thread I missed. So frustrating. I don't always get emails with updates about the Dis either. Well glad I checked and loved the life update. What a cute place you have and looks so cozy with nice views. Loved seeing Cruikshanks and Stupey.

You have such a great writing style and love the pics so def will enjoy hearing more updates!!

No idea why you aren't getting updates about the cruise, but I'm glad you were able to catch up! We're big fans of our new place (and our new cat) too. Thanks so much for continuing to read along :)

Hi, Taylor! I had been quietly following along this thread. I had discovered it 2-3 weeks ago. I was probably on page 50 (or was it 30's)...sorry, but I really don't remember. Today I peeked to the last page and was sooooo shocked that you moved back to Colorado.

I read your entire TR on DCL in one hour!!!! (maybe less). I thoroughly enjoyed it. I posted a comment on it for you to see.

Hope you and Tracy are doing well. Thank you for sharing your experiences with everyone! :flower3:

:rotfl: I'm sure our move back to CO seemed to come out of nowhere for most of our readers, but it's seemed like a good decision so far. Thanks so much for migrating over to the DCL trip report. I'm glad you've been enjoying that one as well :thumbsup2

I haven't commented for ages but I am still reading and glad to hear that you are both well and enjoying being home with friends and family
I shall be checking out your Alaska TR!

Hi Linda! :wave2: I'm so glad to hear you're still reading along. Hopefully you'll enjoy hearing about our Alaska adventure as well! :cool1:
Oh my... :( I'm so sorry about the medical issues. I can sympathize, I've been in and out with doctors myself lately.

I heard about the fruit being recalled, and had a moment of panic. But ours weren't from that batch. So sorry Tracy went through that.

Glad they figured out what your rash was before any serious treatment took place.
I know that you don't like the DIS and I can respect that. I checked out your blog and it is better than most in that the pictures are actually a size that I could see them and actually look at your pictures. However, I tried to find a beginning and everything was out of order. Unfortunately, this Old Fogie can't seem to navigate your blog well enough to figure out where I want to start reading from and got totally frustrated and lost.

I'm sorry the DIS doesn't work for you young whippersnappers, us old folks seem to navigate it quite well. I guess that is another thing that will eventually go by the wayside as well.....

Also unfortunately we are gone this next week and are in Cleveland until Sat the 16th. Maybe on your trip in Oct and if you plan your cards right maybe even PIO as well!
Thanks for sharing your news Taylor. Looks like ups and downs in real life. Hope you are both over your mystery sicknesses.
So sorry to hear about your illnesses. I too was worried about the affected fruit when I heard that and was afraid we had eaten some but none of us got sick that I know of although after we came back from Mexico beginning of June we were all sick like that for almost a month and we were fine the entire time we were on vacay and were very careful of what we ate while there so wondered if it might have somehow been the fruit.

As always anxious for your next report. :)


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