We Hopped All The Way To Disneyland Just For Some Dis Meets. Ch. 10. Added-7/14/14

Where is everyone? :confused3 I have been MIA from a lot of threads, sadly. Just can't keep up.

For Mr and Mrs. Bunny - I saw this and don't know how true it is, except your conversations about chile(s) but I thought of you so thought I'd share:


Some of these are true of Texans, too - but don't tell 'em, they'll be REALLY cofused. :lmao:

That was a funny list.

Being born and raised in NM, I can say many of them are pretty darn accurate, some not so much. #10 (They are picky about their tortillas, and if you ever make them enchiladas with flour tortillas…you can kiss your friendship goodbye) & 11 (They designate half of their freezer for their chile. Some even have an extra freezer just for it) are the most accurate. Lady H and I bought an extra freezer to stock up on green chile and yup, corn tortillas in the enchiladas. Flour tortillas are used to wipe the plate clean at the end.

The least accurate are probably #3 (They don’t like snow or anything affiliated with snow) & #16 (They don’t recognize regular temperatures. “Too hot” for them is anything above 110, and “too cold” is anything below 80).

Right now we need the snow to help relieve the drought we've been in and give us time off from work. But this mostly depends on which part of NM you live in. Southern part of the state hardly sees snow. They're mostly desert so I can imagine they don't like the snow much. Northern part is mostly mountains with many ski resorts. So they love the snow. Now if people would only learn to drive in the snow around here.

The "too hot and too cold" again may vary by what part of the state you live in.

The saying may be true for the South. They see those temps quite often. The North very rarely sees triple digit heat. Hottest temps may get into the mid 90's. Too cold is anything possibly below 30 degrees. Once it gets to the 40's we may start to break out a hoodie or light jacket.
Who turned out the lights? This party isn't over.

Sorry everyone. I keep promising we'll get through this one of these days. If you've been reading Ponzi's TR, you know we were on vacation in Cancun. Lady H landed up hospitalized from this trip. Then I was out hunting. Nope, my friend Bambi lives to tell the tale. At least I think.

Now Lady H and I are hoping, and praying, that we get to keep our jobs. Being we work for an elected official, we have a new person coming in this year. The current person has already served 2 terms and isn't allowed to run for a 3rd.

The new person has been cleaning house and we're hoping we're more the adorable bunnies he wants to keep around, and not a dust bunny that needs to be cleaned up and thrown out. So far, we're safe. Pray that it stays that way.

Anyways. Over on Ponzi's TR, I said I would post some pictures of Lady H's accident. No, they're not gruesome (leave them alone Ponzi). They actually show how much fun we were having.

If you've been keeping up with Ponzi's TR, some of you know what happened to Lady H over there. Some of you who follow her on Facebook know; for all the others here's a quick explanation of what happened.

Lady H and I went to Cancun for vacation this year. During vacation, we booked a dolphin swim. During the swim, we were also given the option of being pulled by the dolphins (Dorsal Pull), or being pushed by dolphins (Foot Push). Both Lady H and I did the foot push. During the foot push Lady H inhaled some water into her lungs at the end of her foot push. She had trouble catching her breath almost immediately afterwards. The trainers helped her out and she was fine for the rest of vacation. Little did we know it would come back to haunt her when we got back home. The day we were returning home, Lady H developed a cough. Since we all had a slight cough, we thought maybe it was because we were used to the humidity and coming back to a dry climate was making us cough. Lady H's cough was a little more persistent than the rest of ours though. We got home late, went to bed and early that morning, Lady H had trouble catching her breath again. Just like right after the dolphin swim, but only much worse this time. I called the ambulance for her, they took her to the ER, she was diagnosed with pneumonia and hospitalized for about 2 1/2 days. Even though it's sad that this had to happen, we are thankful it happened when we returned home and not while we were still in Cancun.

Since I last reported on Ponzi's TR, Lady H is doing much better. I do believe all her strength has returned and she's ready to go back to Cancun.

But most of you already knew that. So now on with the pictures.

Here's a group photo we took before our swim. There's Lady H, myself and our friends F & C. I don't know if they mind us posting their real names so for now I'll just use their first initial.


Next 2 pictures are Lady H and I in the water with the dolphins. The dolphins would swim by and we would get to touch them as they swam by.



After being in the water, we would stand in a more shallow area and pose for some pictures.

Here are some of mine.



And now Lady H.



Now during our swim, we got to work with 2 dolphins. While one would pose for pictures in the shallow water, another would pose with another person in the actual pool itself. Once you finished posing with the dolphin in the pool, you would have to swim out to get ready for the foot push or dorsal pull. This helped to make the process go faster since we only had about an hour to an hour and a half with the dolphins.

Just thought I would explain that real quick so you can understand how we took pictures which leads me to the next pictures I'm going to show you.

This is me in the pool with the dolphins now.



So once I finished taking these pictures, I had to swim to the corner of the pool. While I was doing that, Lady H was taking the pictures I just showed you of her.

Here's Lady H in the pool now.



Now over on Ponzi's TR, I tried explaining the difference between the dorsal pull and the foot push. I posted some pictures I found off the internet, but now I have pictures of our adventure I can post. They're pretty self explanatory, but I'll do it again here.

Dorsal pull. The 2 dolphins will swim by you (one on each side of you) and as they pass you, you grab on to their dorsal fins and they pull you. Just like F & C are doing in these pics.



Foot Push: Here you are required to float on the water with both your legs and feet spread apart. Almost like doing the dead man's float except you gotta make sure to keep your feet perpendicular to your legs. Once you are in position, the dolphins will swim up from behind, put their nose in the arch of your feet and push you.

Just like I'm doing here.


As you can see the outward waves get bigger the faster the dolphins start to push you.


Now it's Lady H's turn.

Lady H in the ready position as she starts off.


Dolphins have picked up the speed. Notice how she screaming from excitement.


This was the photo taken when the dolphins retreated and Lady H was about to enter the water. Right as she hit the water is when she inhaled the water.


As I said, not gruesome. We had a blast. The video shows it a little more than what the pictures do. That I can't post unfortunately. You can see how it's almost just an abrupt stop and a second or 2 later, splash, you're in the water. Would've been nice to know when the dolphins would actually stop pushing you so we could better prepare ourselves. We'll know for next time.

Like I said, she is doing much better now. When I asked her if she would do it again, she said most definitely. This time she'll make sure to keep her mouth closed. :rotfl:
Hey! Welcome back. Just in time for a little Christmas reading as I'm sitting in the office not working very hard today.

Glad to hear that Lady H is feeling better, and that you are (hopefully) escaping the "new broom sweeps clean" phenomenon. I had a pneumonia once a few years ago after a bad cold. Felt better for about a day after the cold and then plunged right back down that cliff. Not fun at all, and mine wasn't nearly as bad as Lady H since I didn't need hospitalization. I can only imaging how lousy she must have felt!

The dolphin swim does look like a lot of fun, although I guess you found it more dangerous than expected in an unexpected way. We've done Mexico several times, but always the Pacific side. May have to try Cancun some time, it's actually a lot shorter trip than Cabo or Vallarta. Not sure if I'll miss those great sunsets into the Ocean...
Looking forward to reading this report. I really enjoyed the last one.

Welcome and thank you.

As you can see, we started the report, we just haven't finished it yet. Our intentions are to finish, just life has gotten in the way.

It's been over a year since we took the trip. Now lets see if we can remember all that happened. Do you know what we did? :confused3 :laughing:

I think we have notes somewhere. Hopefully that will trigger the memories.
Will comment on last update soon!
Busy baking... And wrapping... And cleaning... And cooking...

Will comment on last update soon!
Busy baking... And wrapping... And cleaning... And cooking...


I didn't know you were capable of doing all those things. Can I hire you to come and do all that for us next year? Still got that $100 you sent us.
I didn't know you were capable of doing all those things. Can I hire you to come and do all that for us next year? Still got that $100 you sent us.

I gotta tell ya, by the time everyone left on the 25th, I was pretty much wiped out.
But I'm pretty good now, so I can finally comment on your last post.
Hope to get to it a little later tonight.

But first it's left-over turkey and everything else to eat!
(I'm at work... oops! forgot to pack vegetables... :rolleyes1)
Who turned out the lights? This party isn't over.

Got it!
Pat Travers: Boom Boom (Out Go The Lights); and
Pink: Get The Party Started

Sorry everyone.

(He said as he rubbed his hands with glee.... the emotion, not the TV show)

If you've been reading Ponzi's TR, you know we were on vacation in Cancun.

What??? No way!

Lady H landed up hospitalized from this trip. Then I was out hunting. Nope, my friend Bambi lives to tell the tale. At least I think.

Gotcha. Heather was in the hospital so you went out looking for a new woman. Her name's Bambi.

Gotta admit, now that Mrs. T is better, I'm surprised you posted that.

You're going to be in so much trouble.....

Now Lady H and I are hoping, and praying, that we get to keep our jobs. Being we work for an elected official, we have a new person coming in this year. The current person has already served 2 terms and isn't allowed to run for a 3rd.

The new person has been cleaning house and we're hoping we're more the adorable bunnies he wants to keep around, and not a dust bunny that needs to be cleaned up and thrown out. So far, we're safe. Pray that it stays that way.

Fingers crossed. When will you know if you'll be out looking for work or breathing a sigh of relief?

Over on Ponzi's TR, I said I would post some pictures of Lady H's accident. No, they're not gruesome (leave them alone Ponzi).

Who, me?
I have no idea what you could be referring to.

Since I last reported on Ponzi's TR, Lady H is doing much better. I do believe all her strength has returned and she's ready to go back to Cancun.

And try to inhale the ocean again?

Here's a group photo we took before our swim. There's Lady H, myself and our friends F & C. I don't know if they mind us posting their real names so for now I'll just use their first initial.

Love that shot, you all look pretty excited.
And Lady H's hair is getting long again!

Dolphins have picked up the speed. Notice how she screaming from excitement.

:rotfl2: Someone's having just way too much fun! :thumbsup2

This was the photo taken when the dolphins retreated and Lady H was about to enter the water. Right as she hit the water is when she inhaled the water.

Now I get it.
Lady H looks like she was taken completely by surprise there.

Would've been nice to know when the dolphins would actually stop pushing you so we could better prepare ourselves.

They should train them to tap you on the ankle or mention it to you.
"Stopping now, human!"

When I asked her if she would do it again, she said most definitely. This time she'll make sure to keep her mouth closed. :rotfl:

I'm surprised... but good for her!

Happy New Year Bunnies!
Happy New Year! I'm glad to hear Lady H is doing better. Scarey stuff. I see how that could happen in the excitement of swimming with dolphins - exactly the kind of thing I might do. I must make a mental note for the future. :goodvibes
Happy New Year! I'm glad to hear Lady H is doing better. Scarey stuff. I see how that could happen in the excitement of swimming with dolphins - exactly the kind of thing I might do. I must make a mental note for the future. :goodvibes

Gotcha. Making a mental note to inhale (I said inhale, Heather) sea water.


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