We don't need no stinkin' pixie dust...Universal here we come!

Remember the time I typed up the first entry for my trip report, only to have my computer shut down on me? :furious: I had even typed it in Word but didn't get a chance to save it so I am extra :furious::badpc:

Anyway...the good news is I had to get my pics into photobucket, which should be done. The bad news is I have inadvertently gotten myself into a side business of creating character centerpieces for birthday parties and I have two orders that I need to get done tonight! I am going to try to do both, but for now, here is a pic I took of the dragon at Gringotts :)
Day 1 – Monday, July 14th

I went back and realized I did a little bit of an update while we were in Universal, so I am going to keep Day 1 brief and add pictures.

At 6am we checked out of OKW at Disney and headed over to check in at RPR. Our room was ready, it took all of 2 minutes to grab our FOTL passes and we were off to walk over to USO.

I have to say…the walk from RPR to USO/IOA/CityWalk is one of the few perks I found staying at RPR, so much so that I am desperate to stay at a monorail or EPCOT resort when we head to Disney in 2015. You just can’t beat being a short walk or boat ride from the parks.

When we got to USO around 7ish we were concerned about having to wait just to get into Diagon Alley but we walked in without a problem. Diagon Alley…what can I say? It is breathtaking. I mean, it is literal perfection. I’m not even a little bit ashamed to admit that I got all choked up and might have had some tears in my eyes.

The wait for Gringotts was up to 3 hours so we decided to get up at 5am the next day to try our luck then. After that we decided to have ice cream (breakfast of champions!) and then we went into all of the shops. I purchased the Gryffindor lanyard that I had been coveting and intend to wear it with my school ID come September. I also bought a Gryffindor tank top because I am just that nerdy.

Once we had our fill of DA (for one day!) we headed for Kings Cross Station and took the ride to Hogsmeade. I made sure to not spoil myself on the special effects of platform 9 ¾ and it was well worth the surprise.

I really have to hand it to Universal – DA, Gringotts and HE completely blow anything new at Disney out of the water, and this is coming from a Disney lover who also is part of the vacation club.

Over in Hogsmeade DD got her wand! I think I may have been as excited as she was. I teach English, love to read, am an aspiring writer and the fact that I have somehow passed some of my passion onto her is thrilling. When we got home she even asked me to start reading her the HP books at night before bed.

After procuring DD’s wand, we jumped on the 45 minute line for Forbidden Journey, which is my hands down favorite ride at Universal. The technology and detail is just on a whole other level.

I need to comment here (again) on what an awesome job Universal does with child swap. I love that DD can move through the que with us (because she loved it at FJ) and the fact that each room has something as silly as cartoons for her to watch made her day. Big thumbs up!

At this point we were all thirsty and the obvious answer to that is butterbeer!

DBFF and I waited with DD with DH and my DBFF’s hubby did the 10 minute wait for Dragon Challenge. The logical next move was to ride the HE to London, which was DD’s favorite route. We again dragged ourselves out of HP mania and went to do all of the obligatory rides – MIB, Curious George Playland for DD and The Mummy. Plus a visit with one of mommy's childhood faves!

By this point we were all exhausted and starving so we left the parks and went to Hot Dog City. It was hot, so I was bummed they only had outdoor seating, but the hot dogs were good and it is a nice option for a quick meal.

Alright, I think I have hit my limit for the night and I don’t want my computer to bum out on me again.

Next up – RPR pool time and Antojito’s!
Sign me up, can't wait to see the photos and hear about your trip. :goodvibes


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