We are Soarin' to Disney;We're back! TR started! LINK pg 127

When would you visit WDW? and Where would you stay?

  • September 26, 2010

  • November 28, 2010

  • December 05, 2010

  • January 30, 2010

  • Port of Orleans French Quarter

  • Carribean Beach Resort

  • Coranodo Springs Resort

  • POP--we may need to do the value!!

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Danny & Dayne went to the car races Sat. nite. I stayed home pouting and watched "High School Musical 1 & 2" --I had never seen them before. Danny & Dayne did not get home until 1:30 am so needless to say I was not happy all day Sunday either.

I warned him that is two weekends in a row and he BETTER plan to do something with ME this coming weekend!!!! :( He seemed to celebrate his b-day two weekends in a row. He needs to find something for both of us, to do!!! I was going to go to the movies and just felt funny going alone. I would have gone with them if a few of the women would have gone but they all had other plans. Oh Well!!!


Hey! Ginny remember this conversation!
well, Danny comes home today and says Hey Jay called and wanted to know if I wanted to go to the GULFPORT DDRAGWAY tomorrow night!:headache:

sounds like I need to find a new outlet; look up some old friends and leave Ashton with him. Sounds like a good dacquari might be coming my way:rotfl2:

THE NERVE!!!! if it was during the same time the outlets were open I would say go for it!!!

Hey! that gives me an idea:idea: I might do that than go to one of the casino's and later pass by and pick him up on the way home!!!:rotfl:
I am coming down there. I can see it now. You and I will go to the casino together. We'll teach him. You have a daquari and I will have a Baileys and coffee. And play penny slots. I'm such a gambler.

What a day I had. I see I missed so much. I swear it was the longest day I ever had. It ended well. Thank goodness. No computer or internet all day. I came home so tired. Don fixed dinner and I took a nap.

I hope you managed to give my little man a hug and kiss for me without my daily reminder. Love that picture so much. We will hope for a better day tomorrow.

that would be so much fun! Ginny

my probem is that of a typical start over again mom! All my friends are finishing up with their families and I'm starting over. Danny is able to maintain his friends cause he is hanging out with Dayne and his friends. Which I really am grateful for... I just feel left out and three weeks in a row is really a bit too much. Esp. when I'm pinching pennies and he is blowing $30 a night and not to mention his smokes; it just gets to me. And it does not help that its our b-day and it just does not seem exciting. Oh! well one more tight month and look out... I'll be out shopping and what not when he hears the track call. (And I NEVER EVER LET HIM TAKE OUR CAR! AND everyone always drills him why he does not have it!) :laughing: that's what you get when you drive a performance car as a family car! mom just won't let it go :laughing:

Everyone have a great day! tomorrow...I think DS3 and I are hitting the road; no extra little one's tomorrow. Danny is doing a crane job about 7 mi down the road (setting up concrete houses) might have to go take a look and hit a local playground!
MEN! They don't even realize that while they are out having fun, we wives are sitting at home, taking care of business. I'm positive they just don't see how "much" they go out and do their own thing w/out us. And if we complain about it, we're just making a big deal out of nothing!

I know exactly how you feel, Connie. :hug:
that would be so much fun! Ginny

my probem is that of a typical start over again mom! All my friends are finishing up with their families and I'm starting over. Danny is able to maintain his friends cause he is hanging out with Dayne and his friends. Which I really am grateful for... I just feel left out and three weeks in a row is really a bit too much. Esp. when I'm pinching pennies and he is blowing $30 a night and not to mention his smokes; it just gets to me. And it does not help that its our b-day and it just does not seem exciting. Oh! well one more tight month and look out... I'll be out shopping and what not when he hears the track call. (And I NEVER EVER LET HIM TAKE OUR CAR! AND everyone always drills him why he does not have it!) :laughing: that's what you get when you drive a performance car as a family car! mom just won't let it go :laughing:

Everyone have a great day! tomorrow...I think DS3 and I are hitting the road; no extra little one's tomorrow. Danny is doing a crane job about 7 mi down the road (setting up concrete houses) might have to go take a look and hit a local playground!

I do understand even though I don't have that issue. It's not that he is selfish they just don't stop and think. And I know you are outspoken enough that he should have learned by now. Naughty Danny.:(

Have a good day with my little guy and :drive: but be sure to be back for your BIG BIRTHDAY tomorrow. Wish I could throw you a surprise party. Give my main squeeze a hug and a kis.

MEN! They don't even realize that while they are out having fun, we wives are sitting at home, taking care of business. I'm positive they just don't see how "much" they go out and do their own thing w/out us. And if we complain about it, we're just making a big deal out of nothing!

I know exactly how you feel, Connie. :hug:

I don't think men have a clue. They get so involved in what they are doing they tend to forget us who stand by them and fume.

So, poor Danny has to work late; can't go to the track :( tonight!
but, because I'm being so whiny about it he may have to work late tomorrow night as well! :sad2:

I brought DS3 watch Danny operate the crane the concrete house is iteresting:idea: they hook these 10ft X 8ft slabs to the crane Danny swings them into place and two guys brace it up. The complete shell of the house will be complete by dark!

We than FOUND this awesome playground at the rec park (I thought it was all baseball fields--it has a walking track and awesome playground, sorry said that already). Well, DS3 loved it!! we will def. be using that one again!!!:yay:
close to home:yay: and one of the best we have been to! It also helped him to finally have a BM; potty training is so hard with that part--he was in soooo much pain last night that he cried himself to sleep. Danny said give him prune juice --eeewwww!!! So, I guess the climbing up and down helped!!!

TMI I know sorry.... I just can't wait till he realizes how easy it all is...

I took a few pics will have to share after I load them!
So, poor Danny has to work late; can't go to the track :( tonight!
but, because I'm being so whiny about it he may have to work late tomorrow night as well! :sad2:

I brought DS3 watch Danny operate the crane the concrete house is iteresting:idea: they hook these 10ft X 8ft slabs to the crane Danny swings them into place and two guys brace it up. The complete shell of the house will be complete by dark!

We than FOUND this awesome playground at the rec park (I thought it was all baseball fields--it has a walking track and awesome playground, sorry said that already). Well, DS3 loved it!! we will def. be using that one again!!!:yay:
close to home:yay: and one of the best we have been to! It also helped him to finally have a BM; potty training is so hard with that part--he was in soooo much pain last night that he cried himself to sleep. Danny said give him prune juice --eeewwww!!! So, I guess the climbing up and down helped!!!

TMI I know sorry.... I just can't wait till he realizes how easy it all is...

I took a few pics will have to share after I load them!

Am I sorry Danny has to work late?

Love the park. What fun for my little guy. Sandi had one real close to her home that Alex loved. Now that he is in middle school it is right next door and he's to old to care.

My poor guy. I remember those days so well and activity and lots of water is your best answer for sure. Or Starbucks.

Glad you had a good day. What are you going to do for your birthday?
Now, to thoughts of Disney!!!
this will make me crazy or I will have planned out the best trip I could possibly come up with:rotfl2:

So, I have been thinking (I opened another thread on Disney tips yesterday asking for the least busiest, prettiest weather time of year--not many replies but almost all agree'd the week after Thanksgiving or the first week of Dec.)

So, that being said I have been thinking
we drive Friday after Thanksgiving
Sat, Sun, & Mon - Seaworld, Universal, & Islands of Adventures
Tue - Sat WDW
that Sat plan for Danny & Dayne to do the Richard Petty experience; Ashton & I can chekc out the pool for the last time if the air is not to cold/do MK and if Gwendolyn & Joe come along they can make their own plans for the day. Check out of the resort at the last possible minute and than maybe drive that evening about 3/4 hrs worth
Sunday - drive home!!!

or do the driving experience that Saturday we get there to try and avoid the last of the holiday crowds!

Like I said I'm going to overthink this for a year and a few months!!!
also, thinking of checking into renting DVC points--on the thread it was suggested. If I go that route she said I would need to do it by the beginning of Jan. I still need to pass all this pass Danny. I'm just waiting until I pay off the car. he does not want to hear about anything until than!:confused3

and I promise AGAIN that we will go to FWB for a week in June!!!:beach:

My birthday tomorrow. I have to watch Chloe, maybe I will take the to the above park, pick up lunch before we go and picnic under the oaks. We are suppose to be going to the casino for the buffet; but, it will all depend on Danny now. He said to go without him; but, that WILL NOT HAPPEN!!! So, just a regular day!! maybe he'll be nice a take me to the show or something this weekend:confused3
How totally wonderful is that? I'm thinking he had a swell time. Looks like Mickey enjoyed it too. Does he take Mickey everywhere? I bet he does. Love that face. My boy's not Mickeys. Ok, I love Mickeys too.

Now, to thoughts of Disney!!!
this will make me crazy or I will have planned out the best trip I could possibly come up with:rotfl2:

So, I have been thinking (I opened another thread on Disney tips yesterday asking for the least busiest, prettiest weather time of year--not many replies but almost all agree'd the week after Thanksgiving or the first week of Dec.)

So, that being said I have been thinking
we drive Friday after Thanksgiving
Sat, Sun, & Mon - Seaworld, Universal, & Islands of Adventures
Tue - Sat WDW
that Sat plan for Danny & Dayne to do the Richard Petty experience; Ashton & I can chekc out the pool for the last time if the air is not to cold/do MK and if Gwendolyn & Joe come along they can make their own plans for the day. Check out of the resort at the last possible minute and than maybe drive that evening about 3/4 hrs worth
Sunday - drive home!!!

or do the driving experience that Saturday we get there to try and avoid the last of the holiday crowds!

Like I said I'm going to overthink this for a year and a few months!!!
also, thinking of checking into renting DVC points--on the thread it was suggested. If I go that route she said I would need to do it by the beginning of Jan. I still need to pass all this pass Danny. I'm just waiting until I pay off the car. he does not want to hear about anything until than!:confused3

and I promise AGAIN that we will go to FWB for a week in June!!!:beach:


I want to do FWB too. You really have a good plan going. That will be changed 183 times.

My birthday tomorrow. I have to watch Chloe, maybe I will take the to the above park, pick up lunch before we go and picnic under the oaks. We are suppose to be going to the casino for the buffet; but, it will all depend on Danny now. He said to go without him; but, that WILL NOT HAPPEN!!! So, just a regular day!! maybe he'll be nice a take me to the show or something this weekend:confused3

He should devote his whole weekend to you for sure but ????? There are lots of good movies out right now. I hope you get to do something special. You know me. Birthdays are special cause it is all yours. But of course we celebrate for one whole week till your 60 then you get a month.


Woo Hoo!!!!

Hope hubby helps make it a happy one.

Second, on the Disney topic when we went the week after Thanksgiving in 2006, we used the pool a couple of times. It wasn't really too cool for it! I think my parents even use it in December, to be quite honest!

In the past we would take the weekend between our b-days and go down to FWB or the MS gulf coast to celebrate our b-days. And on each our own bday we would have dinner at my mom's or something of that sort. this year and last year we just did not have the money to do it! we went to the casino for my bday last year and dinner at my mom's for his bday and a dinner out just the three of us on the weekend in between last year. Danny WILL probably have to work late, Dayne just said he wants to go to the jamboree...so maybe we might just push it to Friday! make it easier and less stressful for all!!!

Mel, thank you for the well wishes!!!!
I will just make a great weekend out of my b-day; starting in the morning!!!
party: :dancer: :dancer: party:

In the past we would take the weekend between our b-days and go down to FWB or the MS gulf coast to celebrate our b-days. And on each our own bday we would have dinner at my mom's or something of that sort. this year and last year we just did not have the money to do it! we went to the casino for my bday last year and dinner at my mom's for his bday and a dinner out just the three of us on the weekend in between last year. Danny WILL probably have to work late, Dayne just said he wants to go to the jamboree...so maybe we might just push it to Friday! make it easier and less stressful for all!!!

Mel, thank you for the well wishes!!!!
I will just make a great weekend out of my b-day; starting in the morning!!!
party: :dancer: :dancer: party:

Way to go. Make it last as long as you can. That really sounds like a good idea.

On our birthdays you get to pick your meal either cooked or out and dessert. On Andrews this year he picked fried chicken, mashed taters, biscuits and gravy. Mike happens to make this better than anyone I know and we don't get it often because of the calories. Sheri is picking some po dunk place in Parsons Kansas. We ate there on my birthday last year. Really good onion rings. Then of course she will pick something else in Kansas City. She is the picker all weekend. Of course we all like the same foods. Cheesecake Factory, PF Changs, California Pizza Kitchen. I guess the diet will wait till Labor Day. I haven't done well this week. Don just made toffee popcorn. He sure knows how to do it. Have a super duper day tomorrow with the youngins.
OK, so sorry I have been MIA. I have been kidnapped by Farm Town :scared1:. We have been stressed at work because Joint Commission is at the hospital.

I am now caught up and I LOVE the pictures of Ashton, he is such a cutie and he looks so happy. It would be great to have just 1/1000th of a kids' enthusiasm.

:cake:HAPPY BIRTHDAY:bday:party::dancer::bday:
Today is Connie's Birthday. :bday: I am so ready to party: I hope you have a wonderful day and weekend since you will celebrate from now on. Have my boy give you a special Birthday Kiss.

OK, so sorry I have been MIA. I have been kidnapped by Farm Town :scared1:. We have been stressed at work because Joint Commission is at the hospital.

I am now caught up and I LOVE the pictures of Ashton, he is such a cutie and he looks so happy. It would be great to have just 1/1000th of a kids' enthusiasm.

:cake:HAPPY BIRTHDAY:bday:party::dancer::bday:
WELCOME BACK!!! i had noticed JC on FB! hope things went well:thumbsup2

:thanks: I wish I had just a bit of his energy, enthusiasm, and innocense every day I look at him!!!:wizard:

Today is Connie's Birthday. :bday: I am so ready to party: I hope you have a wonderful day and weekend since you will celebrate from now on. Have my boy give you a special Birthday Kiss.


:thanks: :thanks: will do!!!

we have been up since 5:00:confused3
getting ready to serve an early breakfast if I can figure out what I want to fix:rotfl2:
maybe we can all take an early nap today so our evening will be longer!:woohoo:

I sure hope it is something yummy. I'm going to go have shredded wheat. Yummy. Have a really great day. I hope you get what you want this weekend.



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