WDW Ghost Stories


Apr 18, 2004
My fiance and I love ghost stories and will be visiting WDW for the first time in August. Do any of you have WDW ghost stories to share? It might be fun for me to raed soem of them to him before we go. (Or just before we see the attractions! ;) ) I've heard a little bit about "George" from Pirates of the Caribbean, and I've read one of the fake ghost stories that goes along with the Haunted Mansion theming. Anything else?

cool, I am interested too!!! My bf and I love buying/reading books about ghosts and hauntings. Would love to be able to tell him some disney related ones on our upcoming trip.
It was a dark and stormy night. @WDW.
Suddenly there was a blood-curdling HOWL. @WDW.
Our heroes ran, but it was muddy and one of them fell down. @WDW.
Just as our hero thought all was lost there were two strong hands lifting and rescuing just in the nick of time.
They both somehow found the car in the pitch blackness. @WDW.
The doors were LOCKED and the keys were nowhere to be found.
Uh-OH, had they been dropped back where the fall took place?
No choice but to go back! @WDW.
Eerie whistling noises could be heard as the two stubbled their way back, retracing their previous steps.
But no keys.
Wait, what was that?
A silvery glint on the ground. @WDW.
A reflection? It looked like EYES in the blackness! @WDW.
No other choice but to stop and bend down and reach into the darkness. @WDW.
But they were stuck on something, or were they being HELD there?
Our hero quickly PULLED HARD and the keys were at once FREE!
run away. Run Away. RUN AWAY!
Back to the car, the doors were unlocked, the engine coughed into life and OFF they Drove, spinning the wheels like a free-falling roller-coaster ride. @ WDW.

It seemed to take HOURS to get back home... but the rain had finally stopped and the streetlights beconed a welcoming glow.
As our heroes began to happily exit the car, they were SHOCKED at what they saw...

On the DOOR handle was Captain's HOOK!

bumpity bump bump

There has to be some stories of ghost sightings out there in all the years WDW has been opened.

I have this website book marked about "real" ghosts of the HM not the Disney 999 Haunts that populate the mansion!
You'll have to copy and paste as I couldn't get the link to work!

It's a little weird though because it says WDW ghosts but it actually starts out talking about DL as WDW didn't even open up until 1971.

SkylarKD...I've never heard of "George" from Pirates of the Caribbean..tell us the tale!!!
Hi all,

About 3 years ago, the woman bus driver on our bus was telling us about how Bus #4750 is allegedly haunted.

You know that "single seat" that sits facing sideways by some of the busses with rear doors? Well apparently, this is where she can be seen sitting when the bus is empty or near empty night or day according to this driver.

Wendell ::MickeyMo
I found this picture on a rainy day and I think it fits this thread perfectly!<p>

Though I am certain this picture could be explained in so many ways, it dosen't half make you wonder!
This is all I know about George, so if anyone else has anything to add, feel free! :)

George was a Imagineer who worked on 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. Some say he died while on the ride, and some say he died when a beam collapsed and killed him. Apparently he designed a secret area on the ride to hide when stressed. They say he haunts the building where he died, but is a friendly ghost and his intent is to help the Cast Members, unless somebody purposely gets him mad. They say the ride breaks down if the Cast Members do not say goodnight George after closing every night. If they do forget, or a guest repeatedly says they don't believe in George, the ride will malfunction and the boats will run into eachother.
Regarding George...take this however you want, BTW. We just came back from our Easter trip to the "World". We went to MK on our first evening and rode POTC. My 13 yr. old DS, as bold as he is said George's name 3x's loudly, after reading somewhere on these boards that that's what you do if you want him to react. Well, wouldnt you know our boat stopped right before the exit for about 20 seconds. I thought my son was going to wet himself!! Now during that whole week, rides were shutting down due to mechanical dificulties I guess, so I'm sure it was nothing. But ask my kid, and he'll tell ya he probably wouldnt do that again. Happy Hauntings!!!
I read this somewhere. A man riding HM loved the "Madame Leota" part of the ride. Once, after he rode the ride a couple of times, he thought he should go up and touch Madame Leota. What he didnt know is that there is a 10 foot drop when you climb over the wall around her. He died when he fell. So now he supposibly haunts the ride and causes it to stop whenever he wants to knock on someones "Doom buggie".
:earseek: :earseek:
Originally posted by pacercolt
He died when he fell. So now he supposibly haunts the ride and causes it to stop whenever he wants to knock on someones "Doom buggie".
I know that story is true because it

happened to...


And I'm in the Doombuggie...


(Hurry Baaaaaaaaack!)
This was found on a website about Haunted Florida...

Orlando - Disney World - There is known to be a tan figure walking down the streets in front of the castle.

Orlando - Disney World - Pirates of the Caribbean - The spirit of "George" a worker who died there when a beam fell on him during construction still haunts the attraction. At the beginning of the day and at the end of the day attractions workers must come on the PA system and tell George good morning and good night. If not the attraction has been know to shut itself down adding more work before the workers came go home for the night.
Originally posted by Stepharoonie!
Orlando - Disney World - There is known to be a tan figure walking down the streets in front of the castle.

Hmm... I'm intrigued!
Here are some WDW and DL ghost stories.

HM: 1. A womens son passed away and he loved the Haunted Mansion. Well one day she took his Ern to DL and brought on everything. Well she asked the cast members at HM if she could spread the ashes but they said no. She did it anyway. They say that at the exit of the ride you can see him crying.
2. At WDW a plane crashed back in the 40s before the land was even looked at. When the plane crashed the pilot was killed instantly. They say his ghost can be seen roming the Savanna at AK and in HM.

POTC: George.

I know more, but I don't know all the details, also I'm too tierd to type it all.


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