WBRepo-Ship of Thieves-Remember the Magic Pt 15

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It's great to see a teacher thinking out of the box for his students :thumbsup2 win-win in my minds eye. The icing on the cake is that he is your's Marilyn :hug: moms never get over having the best job in the world, do they ;)

Ian as Willie says "sucks to be me right now" Work is just the means to an end. Keep it in perspective and don't let it get in your head. It's a shame that the old exec team didn't seek a better fit for you guys in corporate feel, but I'm sure it was a numbers decission, as M&As usually are.

Work for me is intense, in that when I'm there I'm engrossed from the minute I walk in ~9am until I head home ranging from the earliest of 6pm latest of 10pm. More work this weekend, going in within the hour. I never get to my forecasting and planning role during the week, so that's the late hours and weekend work. If it doesn't get done I could find myself in a bad spot as the weeks/months roll on. Lots of growth for us, we've gone from brand new in Nov up to 11 people today adding more as I tell everyone we can afford them. I'm missing my life as a mom - I see the kids for an hour or less and have been replaced (gratefully) by Paul. He is scheduling playdates and making sure they get homework done and to scouts and rehersal on time. Paul also is doing a bang up job of making my life easier. When I work late he brings me a plate of dinner and lugs his laptop into our conference room and works on his contract work stuff. I think our roles have reversed for sure and figure it will be this way for a few years to come. I'm feeling okay about it for now. But working full time is a hard gig in Silicon Valley that's for sure :sad2:

What a hectic and complete change in lifestyle for you and your family Nan. Sounds like you are doing well in the job, but it sure has taken over your life. Well done Paul too.

I hope you find some you time, and some couple time and of course family time, but for the time being it seems it has to be this way. I'll be thinking about you. Take care.:hug:
Michelle and Shannon, I ended up taking a decongestant and a half a vicodin. I did fine. Thanks for your great suggestions, they really helped.

IT'S FREEZING HERE and supposed to be even colder tomorrow. FL is just not equipped for this frigid weather. The hotel room is not warm enough and we only brought light jackets.....not heavy duty jackets. I hope it's warmer on the ship.

I'm using the netbook and it takes a little getting used to. It's got a very very small keyboard and screen....very strange.

Monica, Lisa, Darrell I think we'll be sitting inside Fishlips tomorrow. NO outside in this weather. It's way way too cold.:laughing:

Deb, glad to hear you made it okay :thumbsup2 Sorry the weather is YUCK! I like Michelle's suggestion, what a great excuse to go out and buy new sweatshirts ;) I had to do just that after Hurricane Wilma a few years back!

Ok, little bit of a proud mum alert here. Our son is a deputy headteacher of a primary school, closed all week. He is extremely interested in modern technology so...


:thumbsup2:thumbsup2Thanks for sharing that Marilyn...you've got good reason to be proud ::yes::

Last Wed to Friday, our local school was opening and Keith was very upset yesterday after finish school ... as boys put the snow on his head and hold it until snow went through his jumper...

He came and shouted at me, I got a fright and don't know what happened he run to his bedroom and sob sob.... I had to phoned school to findout and told them that Keith don't want to come back to school:scared1::scared1:

Teacher asked me to come on Monday to talk about it...

When he calm down and told me about outside and he start hate snowing... as boys throwed snowball then put snow on his head....:sad1: Keith said he don't know them as same school...


I hate bullying. That just wasn't fun for Keith!:mad: I hope you can get to chat it through with school.

I hate bullies too :sad2: I hope Keith is feeling a bit better and enjoying his weekend :hug: I hope you can get it sorted out on Monday.
What a hectic and complete change in lifestyle for you and your family Nan. Sounds like you are doing well in the job, but it sure has taken over your life. Well done Paul too.

I hope you find some you time, and some couple time and of course family time, but for the time being it seems it has to be this way. I'll be thinking about you. Take care.:hug:

Nan, Marilyn has chosen just the right words, I'd like to just add another hug :hug:
Hi Marilyn :hug: Are you feeling lots better? Are you still stuck in the house or have you ventured out into that snowy world you have :cold:

It was cold here today, but not bitter cold, and the sun was shining so it looked lovely. At least it did for the half hour I was able to sit by the window on my lunch break at work :rolleyes: I hate not having a window to the outside in my office.
Just got off the phone with the Fishlips crew :banana: :banana: :banana:

Talked to Deb and John and Lisa and Monica...

They are FREEZING... it is 36 degrees... at Cape Canaveral with a wind chill of 30!!! :cold::cold::cold:

We all watched the Magic leave at about 5:10... me online and them, running in and out to keep warm!!!

I of course would have been running after the ship yelling "COME BACK!!! YOU FORGOT ME!!!" :lmao:

The report seeing dolphins in the ship channel...

John is having a blast with his camera and promises to post pics later!!! :thumbsup2
Good Morning and Good Saturday All!

Sort of rough having a full week back at work. Things are also being ratcheted up a bit by our new company in NY. We are all suffering from culture shock. The only way to describe it is to think of oneself as a refugee who suddenly has to live in a new strange country.

The culture of the new company is very odd and often quite dysfunctional. It is exacerbated a bit because we are all here in Chicago and looking from the outside in. To them in headquarters they're behaving normally. We, looking inside see things differently.

It's going to be a very rough adjustment for all of us. There are things going on for me that are just so damn odd, but I don't want to go into them here. However, by comparison, I have it very easy, there are others in Chicago how are experiencing things much worse.


Here we are on a very cold and frosty day in Chicago. I went to bed after 1:30 am and did not get up until 7:30 am! I feel like the entire day is gone.

Sukie and I have our normal errands to run today, Costco and the supermarket. We did some shopping yesterday evening and I got a new ceiling light for my office that I have to install today.

Some good news here is Chicago is that Sukie had some good news from the newspaper for which he writes a column. They have asked him to become an associate editor for their entertainment/what's on section. It means covering club events, and will also mean that I need to start looking at buying that new camera because he will have to be out taking some photographs.


For me, I am starting on my new year's resolution today. My goal is to launch a blog in March. I don't want it to be on someone else's blogging site, such as Blogger. I want it to be on my own domain (site). So my goal is to spend 2 hours a weekend learning Wordpress and get ready for a launch.

I have a domain name that has been unused for many years, Oz Has Spoken, which will finally be getting used, but I've got a lot to learn, since the software will be on my own domain.

The plus side is that I don't have to worry about anyone else's rules and will be in complete control.

So, busy day ahead!

Ian, sorry to hear you are still having some trials at work :headache:

I'm looking forward to reading your blog. Hopefully this will be a fun distraction for you :thumbsup2

Please tell Sukie congrats on his new position :cool1: I'm glad for you too that you'll now be needing to buy that new camera you've been wanting :thumbsup2
Just got off the phone with the Fishlips crew :banana: :banana: :banana:

Talked to Deb and John and Lisa and Monica...

They are FREEZING... it is 36 degrees... at Cape Canaveral with a wind chill of 30!!! :cold::cold::cold:

We all watched the Magic leave at about 5:10... me online and them, running in and out to keep warm!!!

I of course would have been running after the ship yelling "COME BACK!!! YOU FORGOT ME!!!" :lmao:

The report seeing dolphins in the ship channel...

John is having a blast with his camera and promises to post pics later!!! :thumbsup2

Hi Michelle! Thanks for the update :thumbsup2

Actually, it's freezing HERE :laughing: 9 degrees not counting the wind chill. Of course, Ian or Marilyn or Shannon will probably pipe up and tell me how cold it really is where they are :rolleyes1 And of course, I have my furnace on...and the closet is well stocked with coats, mitts,hats, scarves and boots should I decide I need to venture out again!
I have been awake since 4:30 AM, just couldn't sleep, then had to go to work. I need to stay awake until midnight though so I can book my excursions for the EBTA :cool1: I'm feeling that I may need to take a nap!
Ok, little bit of a proud mum alert here. Our son is a deputy headteacher of a primary school, closed all week. He is extremely interested in modern technology so...



Inside sounds good to us! See you later today :cool1:

It was great talking to you!!!

Last Wed to Friday, our local school was opening and Keith was very upset yesterday after finish school ... as boys put the snow on his head and hold it until snow went through his jumper...

He came and shouted at me, I got a fright and don't know what happened he run to his bedroom and sob sob.... I had to phoned school to findout and told them that Keith don't want to come back to school:scared1::scared1:

Teacher asked me to come on Monday to talk about it...

When he calm down and told me about outside and he start hate snowing... as boys throwed snowball then put snow on his head....:sad1: Keith said he don't know them as same school...


:hug::hug: I hope you can talk to the school about this...

Good Morning and Good Saturday All!

Sort of rough having a full week back at work. Things are also being ratcheted up a bit by our new company in NY. We are all suffering from culture shock. The only way to describe it is to think of oneself as a refugee who suddenly has to live in a new strange country.

The culture of the new company is very odd and often quite dysfunctional. It is exacerbated a bit because we are all here in Chicago and looking from the outside in. To them in headquarters they're behaving normally. We, looking inside see things differently.

It's going to be a very rough adjustment for all of us. There are things going on for me that are just so damn odd, but I don't want to go into them here. However, by comparison, I have it very easy, there are others in Chicago how are experiencing things much worse.


Here we are on a very cold and frosty day in Chicago. I went to bed after 1:30 am and did not get up until 7:30 am! I feel like the entire day is gone.

Sukie and I have our normal errands to run today, Costco and the supermarket. We did some shopping yesterday evening and I got a new ceiling light for my office that I have to install today.

Some good news here is Chicago is that Sukie had some good news from the newspaper for which he writes a column. They have asked him to become an associate editor for their entertainment/what's on section. It means covering club events, and will also mean that I need to start looking at buying that new camera because he will have to be out taking some photographs.


For me, I am starting on my new year's resolution today. My goal is to launch a blog in March. I don't want it to be on someone else's blogging site, such as Blogger. I want it to be on my own domain (site). So my goal is to spend 2 hours a weekend learning Wordpress and get ready for a launch.

I have a domain name that has been unused for many years, Oz Has Spoken, which will finally be getting used, but I've got a lot to learn, since the software will be on my own domain.

The plus side is that I don't have to worry about anyone else's rules and will be in complete control.

So, busy day ahead!

Congrats Sukie!!! Ian... I'm sure work is like the difference between NY and Chicago hotdogs... basically the same principle but 2 different versions... :hug: :hug:& you KNOW you will have all of :grouphug: as fans of your blog!!! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

It's great to see a teacher thinking out of the box for his students :thumbsup2 win-win in my minds eye. The icing on the cake is that he is your's Marilyn :hug: moms never get over having the best job in the world, do they ;)

Ian as Willie says "sucks to be me right now" Work is just the means to an end. Keep it in perspective and don't let it get in your head. It's a shame that the old exec team didn't seek a better fit for you guys in corporate feel, but I'm sure it was a numbers decission, as M&As usually are.

Work for me is intense, in that when I'm there I'm engrossed from the minute I walk in ~9am until I head home ranging from the earliest of 6pm latest of 10pm. More work this weekend, going in within the hour. I never get to my forecasting and planning role during the week, so that's the late hours and weekend work. If it doesn't get done I could find myself in a bad spot as the weeks/months roll on. Lots of growth for us, we've gone from brand new in Nov up to 11 people today adding more as I tell everyone we can afford them. I'm missing my life as a mom - I see the kids for an hour or less and have been replaced (gratefully) by Paul. He is scheduling playdates and making sure they get homework done and to scouts and rehersal on time. Paul also is doing a bang up job of making my life easier. When I work late he brings me a plate of dinner and lugs his laptop into our conference room and works on his contract work stuff. I think our roles have reversed for sure and figure it will be this way for a few years to come. I'm feeling okay about it for now. But working full time is a hard gig in Silicon Valley that's for sure :sad2:

:hug: :hug: :hug:

At least you are both looking at this from a partnership point of view... I'm sure it makes it much easier...
Hello my friends!!! :wave:
I just hope you remember me!!! :rolleyes: :eek: :sad2: I don't know the last time I posted but it seems like hundreds of pages back - probably before the craziness of Christmas Day and our trip to the ski chalet from Hell!!! Anyway, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a fab New Year... When I have a little more time I will try and catch up with all the news... :surfweb:

We've been back a week from the Alps and today is the first day I have been able to look at the laptop screen for more than 10 minutes at a time as I caught a horrid cough/cold which made my eyes so sore and has led to excessive nasty sinus pain. I really haven't felt so bad in a l-o-n-g time...

But enough of all that - I just wanted to drop by and say "hi, I'm thinking of you all..."
Nighty night... xxx :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
Hello my friends!!! :wave:
I just hope you remember me!!! :rolleyes: :eek: :sad2: I don't know the last time I posted but it seems like hundreds of pages back - probably before the craziness of Christmas Day and our trip to the ski chalet from Hell!!! Anyway, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a fab New Year... When I have a little more time I will try and catch up with all the news... :surfweb:

We've been back a week from the Alps and today is the first day I have been able to look at the laptop screen for more than 10 minutes at a time as I caught a horrid cough/cold which made my eyes so sore and has led to excessive nasty sinus pain. I really haven't felt so bad in a l-o-n-g time...

But enough of all that - I just wanted to drop by and say "hi, I'm thinking of you all..."
Nighty night... xxx :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Hi Karen, glad you have survived Christmas (and the ski chalet from Hell :confused:) and New Year's :thumbsup2 Sorry you are sick:sick: Rest up and get better soon:hug:...then hurry back and spill all....we want to hear all about it ;)
Hello my friends!!! :wave:
I just hope you remember me!!! :rolleyes: :eek: :sad2: I don't know the last time I posted but it seems like hundreds of pages back - probably before the craziness of Christmas Day and our trip to the ski chalet from Hell!!! Anyway, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a fab New Year... When I have a little more time I will try and catch up with all the news... :surfweb:

We've been back a week from the Alps and today is the first day I have been able to look at the laptop screen for more than 10 minutes at a time as I caught a horrid cough/cold which made my eyes so sore and has led to excessive nasty sinus pain. I really haven't felt so bad in a l-o-n-g time...

But enough of all that - I just wanted to drop by and say "hi, I'm thinking of you all..."
Nighty night... xxx :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Sorry you're under the weather... feel better!!!

& come back!!! We want to hear about the Ski Chalet from Hell... :woohoo:
Hi Friends....ta da ta da....I have the pictures for you. First, here's the gang at Fishlips.



Here's the Magic going out to sea.





Not many people outside, so I have to assume that the sail away party is going on inside. We had snow today while at Sandi and Joe's. Hard to believe this is FL.
Then John played with his birthday toys....Lisa and Darrell brought John a Mickey bottle stopper and a Mickey bottle opener....both are adorable and really came into good use already. Here's a few pics that John posed Webster and miniWebs with his new gifts.



These are pics from our day with Sandi and Joe at their house.




This is Kris with our car rental....he loved it.

I just read the last couple of pages to catch up.....sounds like lots of doings going on.....ah-ha.

Hugs and Love to everyone.
Hi Friends....ta da ta da....I have the pictures for you. First, here's the gang at Fishlips.



Here's the Magic going out to sea.





Not many people outside, so I have to assume that the sail away party is going on inside. We had snow today while at Sandi and Joe's. Hard to believe this is FL.

Wow... I feel just like I was there with you... :rolleyes1
Hello my friends!!! :wave:
I just hope you remember me!!! :rolleyes: :eek: :sad2: I don't know the last time I posted but it seems like hundreds of pages back - probably before the craziness of Christmas Day and our trip to the ski chalet from Hell!!! Anyway, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a fab New Year... When I have a little more time I will try and catch up with all the news... :surfweb:

We've been back a week from the Alps and today is the first day I have been able to look at the laptop screen for more than 10 minutes at a time as I caught a horrid cough/cold which made my eyes so sore and has led to excessive nasty sinus pain. I really haven't felt so bad in a l-o-n-g time...

But enough of all that - I just wanted to drop by and say "hi, I'm thinking of you all..."
Nighty night... xxx :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
Sorry you're under the weather! Hope you feel better soon.......need to hear about the "ski chalet from Hell"! :rotfl2:
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