WARNING: YOLO 2012 Do NOT try this at Home!!! We’re Professionals Update: 3/18 Video

Enjoy your time as a CM!

I would refuse to go into a cold pool. There's just no way, no how.


I'm kind of a wimp.

Props to Sam for doing it!
Oh wow, Animation Academy classes throughout EMH? That's so awesome! I'll have to store that tidbit of info in my head for future use.

I don't know why they don't leave more things open at DHS! It doesn't make sense. When we want to stay for Fantasmic, we have to purposely schedule our afternoon around food if we wanna eat something other than pizza or chicken nuggets. Not to say that the chicken nuggets aren't delicious dipped in sauce!

HAHA, Andy did a fantastic job with your ponytail! Howard did that for me once when I asked him to pull my hair back as I was doing the dishes. It felt so loose and so strange! Haha, I had him take a picture of it too. He knows how to use the hair tie, but it doesn't make sense for him to hold the hair tight too as he wraps it around!

The Great Movie Ride is such an old ride, but I really find it fun! I still feel what I felt as a kid in terms of stuff like, being scared during the Alien section and such, haha. I still do not like sitting on the outside of the row. The Mickey hieroglyphics is awesome! I tried taking a picture, but it was blurry.

Now following you! I'm @loveandsushi on Twitter and Instagram.
Congrats on moving in!! And good for you on still being able to post while you're down there - I know my DIS time really slacked off while I was on my CP. Hope you're having a blast!

Nothing is more sad to me than when you go on vacation and it's too cold to swim - but it shouldn't be that cold. It's like the pool is taunting you!

I smell Earl of Sandwich in your future! Can't wait for more!
OMg okay so i went to do my groceries today and they had poptarts on sale 5 boxes for 10 bucks and I thought ...hmmmm maybe i should get some for disney,but then I didnt cauise i figured i could come back later(I was walking and had too much to carry already)then I get home n see your update and you're talking about poptarts so now I think i definitely better get some to pack away LOL,also funny thing that you should say you're willing to meet up in disney because I really wanna go to Downtown Disney without my girls (xmas shopping) and would love the company,that and epcot is open til midnight one night while I'm there(my girls will never last that long,and would wanna go back to the room with G-ma)

That is our breakfast of choice in the parks!!! Well, we would rather have Mickey waffles but when you aren't on the dinning plan it's hard to pay every meal out of pocket so Pop tarts it is!!! haha

If you just let me know when you get in and when you would like to meet up I would love to accompany you on some adult time, provided I don't have to work... :lmao:

I tried to follow you on twitter but it said I couldnt follow you :( I just want to hear about your experiences as a CM because I want to do that eventually!!!

I think it was just because my tweets are protected and it had to send me a request before you could actually follow me. So if you pushed the button more than once it will say forbidden. Hope that helped!!!

Love your TR. I just read it all at lunch today :)
Good luck with your time as a CM.

Thank you so very much :goodvibes

Enjoy your time as a CM!

I would refuse to go into a cold pool. There's just no way, no how.


I'm kind of a wimp.

Props to Sam for doing it!

Thank you, so far so AMAZING!!! I am really loving it here so far.

Totally there with you, I didn't even really want to put my feet it.

Oh wow, Animation Academy classes throughout EMH? That's so awesome! I'll have to store that tidbit of info in my head for future use.

I don't know why they don't leave more things open at DHS! It doesn't make sense. When we want to stay for Fantasmic, we have to purposely schedule our afternoon around food if we wanna eat something other than pizza or chicken nuggets. Not to say that the chicken nuggets aren't delicious dipped in sauce!

HAHA, Andy did a fantastic job with your ponytail! Howard did that for me once when I asked him to pull my hair back as I was doing the dishes. It felt so loose and so strange! Haha, I had him take a picture of it too. He knows how to use the hair tie, but it doesn't make sense for him to hold the hair tight too as he wraps it around!

The Great Movie Ride is such an old ride, but I really find it fun! I still feel what I felt as a kid in terms of stuff like, being scared during the Alien section and such, haha. I still do not like sitting on the outside of the row. The Mickey hieroglyphics is awesome! I tried taking a picture, but it was blurry.

Now following you! I'm @loveandsushi on Twitter and Instagram.

That's what I said!!! Why wait in line during the day when you can wait half the time at night?!

It makes me so mad. It's just so weird they could at least put more than regular pizza and chicken on their menus. That's got to be my least favorite part of going there at night.

That's exactly it!!! It's not like it's not ponytail it's just not like a tight fitting ponytail. Guys must have missed out on the ponytail gene haha.

I AM THE SAME WAY!!! I can't sit on the end or in the middle because of the Alien section. I am easily scared by that kind of thing I guess.

Perfect and thank you, please excuse my excisive amounts of Disney tweets and pictures :rotfl:

Congrats on moving in!! And good for you on still being able to post while you're down there - I know my DIS time really slacked off while I was on my CP. Hope you're having a blast!

Nothing is more sad to me than when you go on vacation and it's too cold to swim - but it shouldn't be that cold. It's like the pool is taunting you!

I smell Earl of Sandwich in your future! Can't wait for more!

Thank you!!! I really have no idea how I would have managed if my parents didn't come down. I haven't gotten into work yet and just got my ID yesterday so more than likely I will start to slack as well... I mean the parks are just calling my name in my free time!!!

I wish i had the cold problem now though!!! :rotfl: I feel like I am melting now, that's what I get for saying it was too cold.

HOW DID YOU KNOW?! That's exactly where we were headed :laughing:
Hello all, just another small update on life. I am Officially a Disney Cast member!!! I had my traditions class yesterday morning and got my name tag and I start training on Monday!!! :upsidedow I am beside myself. I can't even believe that this is real. My roomate and I went to Magic Kingdom last night and we are going to Hollywood Studios tonight and I have special plans to meet up with a Disbaords friend. I am trying to figure out how to do a live TR for this. I don't know if it's easier to have a blog and just post the link here or what. I will try to figure it out and let you all know what I decide. Until then I hope you enjoy this little update. Thanks for reading along!!!

Eating and Shopping, Isn't That What Disneys About?
May 29, 2012

After a short while we were getting on the bus to stuff our faces and shop till we dropped


YAY Lunch!!! But first we had to take that tedious bus ride to DTD. Not to worry pictures will help pass the time. Smile Andy


It was such a dreary day and it started to drizzle as we suspected it would early that morning when we were trying to swim. Not to worry we are in the shelter of a Disney bus, you can’t rain on my parade!!!

Shortly thereafter we were passing the new Art of Animation!!! Even the sign is just so fun and inviting. I love the colors!!!


The bus ride took so long that the rain had let up and the sun had come out just in time for our arrival. I believe Hawaiian Roller Coaster ride was playing, it’s one of my all time favorite Disney songs and it always seems to be playing when I get to DTD, it’s like they know I’m coming or something!!!

First order of business… GET FOOD and we knew exactly where we were headed. Unfortunately Bobby had texted me on our way over saying that he was not feeling well at all and was going to try to get some sleep before he had to work all day/night. Sadly that would have been our last chance to see him before we left. Not to worry though I have seen him recently and he caught me up on the last of his DCP days and gave me a few tips. What a guy.

Anyways we headed to our dinning destination for the afternoon


We went in and ordered and then took a seat outside while we waited for our buzzers to signal our feeding time.

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again the bread used to make these sandwiches IS MAGIC. Literally I don’t understand how something can be so delicious.

We wondered to a table outside to wait for our food to be done. WE WERE SO EXCITED, just incase you couldn't tell by the face I am making


Our Buzzers went off one at a time and we went to get our food.


I am pretty sure Brittany got some kind of turkey club but I’m not positive


I got my usual the vegetarian with a side, this time I chose macaroni salad. MMMMMMM, tasty!!!


Andy got the Carribean Jerk Chicken and a bag of potato chips.


An entire table of pure deliciousness. We tried to eat as slowly as possible but it didn’t work very well the food was just TOO DELICIOUS. This is a must do for our family on every trip sometimes we even go twice!!! If you haven’t tried it out yet I definitely recommend it.

We wobbled out way out but first…

Andy go be THE Earl of Sandwich


We passed by this magnificent mega mart


but don’t worry we would be back!!! We wanted to check out the other end near Pleasure Island and work out way backwards

Before we left Brittany did some solo rounds of go be that statue!!!




Continuing on Sam saw some of her favorite cowboy/girl. She loves her some Jessie!!!


We walked down past the lego store and looked across the water to the BEAUTIFUL Saratoga Springs. We always (and by we I mean I) ALWAYS have to take this picture of our villa at SSS. What a beautiful place


A paparazzi picture that Brittany took and titled “True Love” haha


On our walk we discovered another round of Go be that Statue!!!

Sleepy man or Sam? Which is Which?


I think that Brittany’s face is spot on


And last but not least me (Andy wasn’t into this round having just used all his energy on being Earl)


Once we arrived at our destination there were plenty of things to check out but where would we go first?

Tune In Next Time!!!
You have definitely set the bar for a NO SLEEP Disney vacation!! The next time my family tries to complain about being tired in Disney I may have to pull this TR up, that should shut them up really quick!!! :goodvibes

Hope CM training continues to go well, I just followed you on Twitter as well so I'll be excited to see any updates!

Oh my goodness it is so exciting that you are an official cast member now!! I’ll just be living life vicariously through your posts for the next few months since I am incredibly envious, ahhhhh to live in Disney World.

I've just been lurking until now, but wanted to post and say how much I love your trip report. You guys have a great spirit for having fun! I don't think I could handle so little sleep as well as y'all do!

How exciting that you are now officially a CM - I think I'll go follow you on Instagram!
I LOOOOOVE this trip report!! I can't stop reading!
I love how on your DHS day...it rained. Idk about you....but it ALWAYS rains. Everytime I'm in that park!! Like dowpours too.
You just remind me so much of me!! Love it!

Ps...I also love/loved San Angel!!
So crazy that you're now officially a Disney CM! I'm loving all your Instagram pictures! It's great to have a bit of REAL Disney pop up every once in a while on my phone. It makes me smile since I can't be there myself.

YUM, I remember the days long ago when I used to wonder why people waited on such a long line for only a sandwich. Then I discovered DIS and AllEars and was convinced that my life would not be complete until I tried it. I convinced my family to go in 2008, and we have been converts since! We absolutely love it! My favorite is the All-American. The great thing is that they recently added one to NYC, so I could get it more often if I wanted to, but the time that I had it, it just wasn't the same. It could've been because by the time we brought it back to where we were eating it, it wasn't as "fresh" with the warmth of the bread mixing with the ingredients. OR it could just be because it'll never surpass eating one of those great things IN Disney World!
Finally caught up from the end of July. Thankfully I made it before it ended. And isn't it sad when you know your Disney experience is over when you go to Downtown Disney? I have never had anything from Earl of Sandwich but most definitely will be next time. My family and I usually go to Ghiradelli if we aren't too hungry, but if we are starving we go to T-Rex. My little brother is obsessed with stuffed animals, mostly because my older sister gave him all of hers when he was really young, so we let him make a dinosaur in there while we wait, plus I have to prove my manhood eating a Gigantasaurus Burger. Just saying I usually feel like I need a wheelchair to push me around till we head back, but it is a great sleep at least.

Oh and congrats on making it down safely for the College Program. I'm trying to make it down for the Spring of 2013. I just need to talk to my advisers to see if I need a specific GPA, if I can take a class down there, or if I need to take time off from school to do it. It is all setting up for me to move down there for the Fall of 2013.
All caught up!
That is sooooo exciting that you are officially a CM!!!!!! YAY!!! :thumbsup2
Definitely will be following along with your adventures on instagram!

Ahhh we totally played the 'copy this statue' game all through Europe when we went! Seriously makes for the BEST photos!

The 'true love' shot of you guys from behind is so adorable!!
It’s catch up time!

The Tower of Horrors? Seriously? It’s just like I heard someone call the Country Bear Jamboree the Big Bear Tambourine.

Hahahaha, what is up with that girl with her foot on ToT?!

Oh no, the Magical Express :(

I am in LOVE with Sam’s Minnie towel. I WANT ONE!

I wish they sold the Disney resort rugs. I would put one in front of our door to our house everyday so it would make me feel like I’m at home.

I have only tried Earl of Sandwich at the Boston airport. It probably isn’t the same as Disney. I bet it’s better!
I am loving your trip report! I have requested to follow you on Twitter (MrsY21) as I can't wait to hear all about your cast member adventures! Hope you're having a wonderful time. :)
Ahh your update seems so great! I'm going to have to come find you when I'm down in october, Mrs. CM!

I love EOS! It's so good and soooo cheap! Nom, nom!
Always wish I got to do the CP! Applied twice, but no... Wasn't meant to be. Enjoy your experience. Trying to follow you on twitter, but not confirmed yet.
So glad Jess posted the link to your TRs. I have caught up on hers and several others and I was searching last night to find another one to settle in and read to get me through the next two weeks until our trip! So tonight I will start reading yours! Looks fun!


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