Walk Me Through This, Please...


Hilton Head DVC Owner
Dec 22, 1999
On how to do an add-on to an exsisting contract....I would like to add points on to my contract at Hilton Head....how does the use year come into play with an add-on?...will it be the same use-year?...and any other things to be aware of...thanks...
If you buy from Disney, they will sell you the same use year that you have on your current contract. I just did that with a VWL addon from Disney, added onto an OKW resale contract.

Just ask the guide about any minimums if you are interested in using Magical Beginnings to get some money toward you down payment on the add on. Currently, MB at HH is $13 per point. A good time to use it if you are so inclinded.
I believe they can only add onto your existing use month if there are points availible for that month. If so,the minimum buy was 25 points for cash,50 for financing thru DVC. If your use month was full,I think you had to buy the full 150 on a seperate contract. At least that's the way I remember it from my two adds.
If your use month was full,I think you had to buy the full 150 on a seperate contract.

Add-ons will have the same use year as your original contract. If the resort is close to sell out, there could be a chance that your use year would not be available, but DVC would sell a different use year add-on in that situation. The minimum would still be 25 points. You would NOT have to buy a whole new contract.

..... what if home is OKW and my add on was VWL ? I know I read somewhere -maybe here- that if points at VWL were'nt available for for my month then I had to do the full 150 contract.
My understanding is that regardless of home resort, any add-on has only the 25 point minimum. If the original use year is unavailable, DVC will allow another- regardless of the resort.

Some have even reported getting a different use year, even when theirs was available. (They did have to do some schmoozing to accomplish that however.)


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