Wading in Flip Flops...Day 7 Part 5: What's not to like about....UPDATE 28.2

Yay glad you're back to update! Sorry about your recent run of bad luck but I hope everything is going great now! :)
I was really pleased to see from my e-mails that you were posting updates to your TR, I'd missed you (if that doesn't sound too OTT!). I haven't been around the last few weeks myself - nothing as dramatic as a broken foot and a poke your job story though - I was just sat on my backside glued to the Olympics!

That Mickey bar story definitely brought a tear to my eye.

Glad to hear that your foot is healing. Any news on the job front yet? We could have done with you at DS school as my favourite teacher left at the end of term!

Anyhow, don't leave it too long as I'm holding my breath waiting for the next installment; even another bus stop photo will do for now!
What a great story. I always get excited when I see you've updated your TR.

I managed to get a little bit of jelly on Friday you'll be pleased to know, strawberry flavoured!
I'm finally braving the return update...again life took over I'm afraid and probably will do repeatedly, so as long as you don't mind, then I'll potter along and take a gazillion years to write this TR popcorn::

So, we were in Epcot I believe, having dined with the Princesses and gone to the The Land pavillion. DD was tall enough for Soarin' so we acquitted ourselves with Fastpasses before going on...thrill ride of the century...Living with the Land....oh yes, we know how to live....
This had been closed when we were here in 2009 so we had no real concept of what it was....and the 0 minute wait made us slightly suspicious, but we needn't have been. We really loved this ride - very serene and generally relaxing :thumbsup2 It was really fascinating to learn about the technologies - DD really enjoyed it. I mean...what's not to love about a nine pound lemon???
I just googled nine pound lemon to check that I got the weight right and look what came up :lmao:


Seriously, who is the guy? Other than a nine pound lemon of course....I bet he's so proud. Bwah hah hah!!
Anyway, on with the tour...

Once we had lived with the land, we hopped (not literally, that would have been both stupid and time consuming, especially with a four year old...) over to the Seas to take a jaunt with:

<a href="http://s1140.beta.photobucket.com/user/Scoobymoons/media/WDW%202011/Epcot%208-8-11/NemoRide.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n577/Scoobymoons/WDW%202011/Epcot%208-8-11/NemoRide.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo NemoRide.jpg"/></a>

Oh yeah! We love this ride - granted, we love a lot of rides, but not ALL rides (I know, hard to believe but true) - DH, as we all know, hates teacups and anything that spins...me, I have a bit of a thing about Dinosaur...yeah...not good! On my second trip to WDW (in 1998) I went with a friend from University - this was when Animal Kingdom first opened and Dinosaur was called Countdown to Extinction....yes indeed, that long ago!!Well, I had no idea about what Countdown to Extinction was like (I suppose some might say I should have got the clue from the title but...hey, maybe I'm just a few coupons short of a toaster...:upsidedow) Anyway, the point being, we did the ride and - given that I find the dark-bit-in-Space-Mountain section of the People Mover fairly creepy - I was TERRIFIED - believe you me the words I would use to describe my fear in its entirety would be way more censored than Blue Footed Boooby Birds (I know I've been writing this for a long time...this is referenced earlier in the TR!!!) The sheer :scared1:was evident when we went to look for our ride photo - we could not find it...it was gone...and then we looked again. There it was - our mistake when trying to find it was that we were looking for TWO people; me and my friend - we should have just been looking for her - yes, I was so blooming terrified that at the point the camera flashed I actually had my head in her lap :rolleyes2 Yet another proud moment I can chalk onto my blackboard of life...Glory Be!!

Wow - tangent - sorry! I think we were just getting on Nemo until I reversed everyone's lives by fifteen years...
A question...has anyone ever seen the Nemo queue full...or even partially used? Whenever we go on it, the queue is merely an inconvient series of barriers preventing speedy clam-shell boarding. Now, I'll give you 3 guesses as to which part I find scariest....hmmm? What, you only need one guess?
DD is thankfully way hardier than me (not difficult, I know) - clearly got DH's genes for that. Mine for Teacups, his for scary rides.
I think our favourite section is the EAC section - so clever - but the end animations in the tank are fab too. Obviously, post-Nemo meant a trip round the Aquariums and the obligatory inside/next to sharks photos - we were really pleased that DD would pose this year - in 2009 she was too scared to get into Bruce - yet she loved the skeletons in POTC - go figure??

<a href="http://s1140.beta.photobucket.com/user/Scoobymoons/media/Epcot%20Day%207/DSCF1102.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n577/Scoobymoons/Epcot%20Day%207/DSCF1102.jpg" border="0" alt="8.8.11 photo DSCF1102.jpg"/></a>

I think she's very convincing! What we actually did was drop her in there and then run away really fast to get the real emotion...no...not really...honest...no children were harmed in the making of these photos...

<a href="http://s1140.beta.photobucket.com/user/Scoobymoons/media/WDW%202011/Epcot%208-8-11/BruceCloseUp.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n577/Scoobymoons/WDW%202011/Epcot%208-8-11/BruceCloseUp.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo BruceCloseUp.jpg"/></a>

Ah, those mother, daughter bonding moments....

<a href="http://s1140.beta.photobucket.com/user/Scoobymoons/media/WDW%202011/Epcot%208-8-11/Bruce.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n577/Scoobymoons/WDW%202011/Epcot%208-8-11/Bruce.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo Bruce.jpg"/></a>

do you think she was embarrassed???? :goodvibes I read on someone else's TR (I can't remember whose, sorry!) about someone having the idea of posing with the sharks with their feet hanging out - this I have to try!!!

So after our foray with the sharks, we headed to the manatees - DD asked questions which was great and we learned plenty about them - the 2 we saw were Lou (18 years old) and Vail (25 years old) - both male. The CM was telling us about their potential for release into the wild. Apparently Lou had been there for 10 years so was taking ages to be released but he had lost 90% of his tail which was causing huge issues in terms of release. One of the other conditions for release is that they have to have been free from medical intervention for a year. It was really fascinating. I know it's difficult to believe but I'm actually fairly shy when it comes to making conversation with strangers :blush: but we all made a real effort this trip and were rewarded with much information!
After our lesson in manatees we waited for the next show of Turtle Talk - DD sat at the front with the other kiddies and we plonked ourselves down somewhere near the back - I remember it being fairly hard to see... We'd never seen this show before - how on earth is it done? I really can't fathom it. Some of you may well be thinking 'how can she not know? Gah!' but I refer you to my earlier comment regarding toasters and coupons....:rolleyes:
We enjoyed it and would definitely like a chance to see it again with a difference audience if only to see how the responses change...
We pootled around FutureWorld/Land/Ville -still don't know - popping into Club Cool (Beverley - blearrrgghh) where DD became obsessed with a multicoloured Mickey toy that we resisted buying - and then spent a short time in Innoventions - I think that'll be somewhere for when DD is a bit older. For lunch we went to the Electric Umbrella which was paaaacked - mainly because it decided to rain like mad - if there was a smiley with an umbrella I would insert him _____ <--- here... DD and I had bacon cheeseburgers with fries, apple juice and a chocolate brownie. DH had a meatball sub with fries, coke and strawberry cheesecake. Whilst it wasn't what you might call gourmet, it filled a hole and we were dry - a win win situation I think you'll agree :cool1:

We then went and Soared over California - we embarked quickly and DD loved it - hooray for a child with impeccable tastes :banana:

We fairly leapt onto Living with the Land again - see, I told you we'd enjoyed it.... and then off to the land of Imaaaaaaginaaaation. I always jump at the end sequence....such a wimp :confused3

One more photo before I leave this installment - we're off to the World Showcase next. I will try and post another update very shortly but I won't make any promises! Oh and of couse....I need to update my signature....and TICKER!!! Woo hoo!!!

hurray you are back!

excellent trippie and photos, really funny love your writing style.
keep 'em coming ....
so lovely to see you back.:cool1:
I almost jumped with joy when I saw the email of another installment (yes I subscribe to your thread):)
hurray you are back!

excellent trippie and photos, really funny love your writing style.
keep 'em coming ....

Thanks - it makes me feel very loved :lovestruc - I've been lurking again for ages and reading masses and masses of other trippies but for some reason couldn't decide whether to write again - purely because I'd been away for so long...decided to take the leap and ta da!! Will try to keep 'em coming - aiming to finish before we go again!! :cool1:

so lovely to see you back.:cool1:
I almost jumped with joy when I saw the email of another installment (yes I subscribe to your thread):)

You subscribe!!! Awesome :hyper: I love the idea of anyone jumping for joy! Was it like this :yay: ??? I hope I can keep it up this time - not the jumping....that was you....I mean the writing - ok I'll shut up!
I was hoping you were going to come back and finish off your trip report. I have had so much fun reading it. I wouldn't worry about life getting in the way, it has a habit of doing that. And :yay: for having a new ticker! I only wish I had one too.
I was hoping you were going to come back and finish off your trip report. I have had so much fun reading it. I wouldn't worry about life getting in the way, it has a habit of doing that. And :yay: for having a new ticker! I only wish I had one too.

Wise words re life gettting in the way :goodvibes Thanks for sticking with me over the past....ahem....year and a half :rolleyes1 That sounds bad doesn't it...a year and a half to write 7 days :lmao:
Yay for ticker indeed! More details will appear as time goes on...have you any plans to go again soon?
It's funny what madness does to you. I was just getting ready to write this next installment when disaster struck...I noticed that in my previous installment, all of a sudden all of the photos that I had included were coming up as 'Sorry, this photo has been deleted or moved' (when I typed that it was said in my head in a really strange, manly voice...as I said..weird what madness does to you :rotfl2:) - now, I have been playing around with my Photobucket account and reorganising my photos - reliving the memories...sigh - so I went into sheer panic mode because I think the photos in a TR are intrinsic and if I were to start reading a report and all it had was grey boxes stating 'Sorry, this photo has been deleted or moved' in a manly voice, I'd probably stop reading it...The thing that shocked me was that my immediate reaction was not 'Oh no, all of those delightful photos of my gorgeous daughter that have received so many lovely comments from all of the fab readers of my report ' - no, no, no, no, no, no - my first reaction was in fact....'Oh no, the bus stops!!!' :faint: What is my life coming to????

Well, let's not worry too much - on to World Showcase...

As we left Future World/Land/Ville - SOMEONE PLEASE THROW ME A BONE HERE!!!!! we headed right towards Canada, passing some contented ducks:

<a href="http://s1140.beta.photobucket.com/user/Scoobymoons/media/WDW%202011/Epcot%208-8-11/DSCF1180.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n577/Scoobymoons/WDW%202011/Epcot%208-8-11/DSCF1180.jpg" border="0" alt="8.8.11 photo DSCF1180.jpg"/></a>

One had clearly dressed as a rabbit for the occasion...who knows why?
We carried on past Canada (as we had been there only a few days prior - I know to you it feels like a millenium but honestly, it was only a matter of days...) and went directly to the UK. Ah yes, the logic whereby you leave the UK and travel many miles to go to...the UK....:woohoo: How does that work?

<a href="http://s1140.beta.photobucket.com/user/Scoobymoons/media/WDW%202011/Epcot%208-8-11/UKStreet.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n577/Scoobymoons/WDW%202011/Epcot%208-8-11/UKStreet.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo UKStreet.jpg"/></a>

Now please don't get me wrong here...I really love the UK pavillion and we will continue to go there but there are a few things that perturb (???correct spelling???) me about it, namely:
1) Why, in the UK pavillion do they serve beers such as Hoegaarden? Surely with that number of 'a's in a row it has to be Belgian...surely???? I know the Kingdoms are United but Belgium aint one of them....hmmm????
2) Why do they insist on serving bizarre drinks that only 19 year old students with an intense desire to get hammered as fast as possible drink? Snakebite anybody?? :drinking1
3) Which bar in the UK has scotch eggs and sausage rolls as bar snacks??? Tell me where it is and I am there!! I get excited if there's a possibility that Scampi fries might be available :cheer2:

Nevertheless, we went in the Rose and Crown and ordered a pint of Bass and a pint of Harp - I always love the presumption made (everywhere, not exclusive to the UK pavillion...) when we order lager and ale - the ale is ALWAYS placed in front of DH and the lager in front of me...er....excuse me...I'm the Geordie...he's the lightweight :lmao:

<a href="http://s1140.beta.photobucket.com/user/Scoobymoons/media/WDW%202011/Epcot%208-8-11/Beer.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n577/Scoobymoons/WDW%202011/Epcot%208-8-11/Beer.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo Beer.jpg"/></a>

<a href="http://s1140.beta.photobucket.com/user/Scoobymoons/media/WDW%202011/Epcot%208-8-11/HappyHubby.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n577/Scoobymoons/WDW%202011/Epcot%208-8-11/HappyHubby.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo HappyHubby.jpg"/></a>

Yes...well, that's what I'd look like if I was a lightweight...:lovestruc

We had a really good chat with the barmaid who was originally from London but had lived in Florida for 16 years - I can't honestly remember any of the conversation but I suppose that's the price you pay for taking a year and a half to write a TR :eek:
After our chat we took our plastic glasses (erm...oxymoron anyone?) round into the gardeny area with the bandstand.

<a href="http://s1140.beta.photobucket.com/user/Scoobymoons/media/WDW%202011/Epcot%208-8-11/UKBandstand.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n577/Scoobymoons/WDW%202011/Epcot%208-8-11/UKBandstand.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo UKBandstand.jpg"/></a>

We have never managed to arrive here when there's music on - granted, we have never checked the schedule, but you'd think that coincidence may have afforded us the pleasure at some point, but no - sigh.
DH and I made ourselves comfy on a shady bench (makes me think it was wearing shades, trilby and a long mac - it wasn't) while DD mooched around the area - it's a really nicely confined spot which allowed her just a teensy bit more freedom!

She inspected a tree...


And then we played the lengthy game of 'How many benches are in the park?' Once the answer returned 'Are you sure?' and then 'I bet you can't count them again..' So mean :rotfl2:


Hmmm...I think I'll continue this in another post as I feel like there're lots of photos and smileys in this one...who knows, I might even get round to posting again this evening....:scared1:
I think we left off with me accusing my DH of being a lightweight.... love him really ;)
We finished up our highly traditional UK drinks and moved round through WS. Our next stop of course was France where the chair guys were. We've never seen them before and were suitably impressed and highly (no pun intended) amused.


I seriously don't think I'm this blase standing on one chair....


And I love this one just because it looks like he's absolutely tiny and standing on 'cap-guy's' head! (anyone else feel an episode of Father Ted coming on? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vh5kZ4uIUC0 just incase you don't remember it!)


Strangely enough, that photo is saved as 'Manonhead' - I have such an inventive labelling system....
We have a tradition (I love that I've described it as a tradition - what I mean is that we did the same thing last time we came, and we're going to do it again :lmao: can that be classed as tradition???) in 'Epcot France' that we sit round by the Bakery and have a glass of fizz


- now last time DD was sound asleep so we took our time and really enjoyed the moment, relaxing, watchin the world go by. This time...was DD asleep...erm....that'll be a big fat NO. She was appeased though by this....


Mmmm....messy much??

Now - whilst DD was inhaling cake, I went to get DH and I the 'traditional' fizz so popped into the wine shop. I am going to precursor this story with this statement
(only afterwards to pay for the wine...I'm not a thief)
Up to the counter I walked -I perused the selection available before deciding on 2 glasses of the rose champagne.... I ordered and Samy from Nice looked at me then said the immortal words:
"Do you have ID?"
I could have kissed the man. I didn't - instead, I beamed from ear to ear, said "yes, yes I do!!!", dashed out of the shop to find DH to get said ID from, then veritably thrust it (the ID, just to clarify...) into Samy's face whilst positvely shouting "I'm 36!!!!" at him. :banana:
Then......then......he replied, totally unfazed by my dramatic, loud and fairly swift behaviour, "You look so young" :woohoo: Give the man a pay rise -seriously!! I mean that's Pixie dust....right there!!!


Never has pink fizz tasted sooooo good! Not since I was...oooh...UNDER 21!!!! (I made a typo in that sentence - originally said fish instead of fizz -don't want to ruin the illusion for you all but wanted to share my idiocy...)


I think it must have been shortly after this that we mooched around the shop because we got this taken by a Photopass guy:


Bless!Of course we had the immensely long discussion about what colour her beret was going to be...
"Now, which beret colour.."
"Oh ok..."
Have I mentioned that DD lives in the land of pink and fluffy? It's nice I think....

I've just looked again at this photo and am now wondering whether it was pre-eclair...that face looks way too clean....

We carried on round WS and DD spotted Jasmine and Aladdin - she was desperate to see them - I mean more desperate than we've previously seen her - we explained that the queue was long, but it did not deter her - so we stood and waited....now what to pass the time with....oh yes!


A Casa beer for DH and a Habibi cocktail for me (rum, strawberry and orange blossom water) - seriously delicious -the first of many - not all that day though.... DD met the charming couple



before heading to our ADR for the evening. I'll put that in the next post and finish with a few random snaps of our WS tour:





And last but not least...Dangling but loved!! :lovestruc Saved of course as....French Kiss!!

fantastic stuff.:thumbsup2

Can I just say that I nearly spat my mouthfull of pepsi out at your comment of the ducks and rabbit!:rotfl:

I wish I'd been asked my age at Disney but never have sadly:sad2:
Yeah your back! Your DD really does get cuter with every photo. Looking forward to a PTR for your next trip :thumbsup2
and now you're back in the room! Great to see you posting some updates and best of all with a new ticker so it must mean that when you've finished this TR you'll be straight into a new one!
So glad to see you're back and continuing with this report. :) I'll admit to enjoying it from my lurkdom! We were there at the same time as you so I keep wondering if we will make an appearance in the background!

fantastic stuff.:thumbsup2

Can I just say that I nearly spat my mouthfull of pepsi out at your comment of the ducks and rabbit!:rotfl:

I wish I'd been asked my age at Disney but never have sadly:sad2:

:cool1:A lot of you lovely readers have nearly spat things out due to my TR - should I be worried???? :rolleyes1 Glad you're enjoying it and I am providing opportunities for expiration of liquid refreshments!!!

Not been asked your age in Disney?....oh there is time yet...there is time yet - just means you have to go more often...no? Can I suggest visiting the French wine shop????!!!

Yeah your back! Your DD really does get cuter with every photo. Looking forward to a PTR for your next trip :thumbsup2

Yay! Another reader returned! So pleased. What I can't believe is that in the photos that you're seeing DD is just turned four. She is now nearly 6!!! Where has the time gone???? :eek:

Ah a PTR....could be! A little teaser....it's another 3 weeker!

and now you're back in the room! Great to see you posting some updates and best of all with a new ticker so it must mean that when you've finished this TR you'll be straight into a new one!

Glory be! Pressure ;) Glad you're enjoying it enough to suffer me writing another! This one's taken me long enough!! Thank you though.

Another teaser...3 week trip and no Wilderness Lodge....I know!!! :scared1:

So glad to see you're back and continuing with this report. :) I'll admit to enjoying it from my lurkdom! We were there at the same time as you so I keep wondering if we will make an appearance in the background!


Wouldn't that be weird if you appeared in a photo - I often think about that sort of thing....how many photo albums must we all appear in without knowing??? How many strangers inadvertantly have pictures of us? Was desperately trying to work out a way of typing the Twilight Zone music at that point....can't figure it out.... Enjoy lurking....I appreciate your coming out of lurkdom though :)
I think updates will be a little more sporadic for a week or two....parents' evenings and the like....joy! So apologies in advance - I've not deserted, just very busy! Thanks for the comments - love reading what you have to say and know that the TR is being enjoyed :thumbsup2

We left off heading to our ADR for the evening....which was.....Tokyo Dining. We headed up, via the lift....exciting in itself, to the restaurant - we really had no idea that it was linked to Teppan Edo. The greeters were very welcoming and made an appropriate amount of fuss over DD ;) They even gave her an origami ball to play with.


Clever huh!

We were taken through to the rather empty restaurant (I think it was fairly early - it filled up as the evening went on) and were seated by the window.




Not sure why that last photo is quite as wonky as it is. I'm fairly sure it was pre-cocktail.....
Anyway, it was a fab table and drink orders were taken swiftly. I ordered a Midori, DH a Japanese beer and DD a lemonade (USA lemonade, not UK)



We'd read mixed reviews about the food here but we absolutely loved everything about it - great food, great atmosphere, great service - fab! We really can't work out why it is knocked :confused3
DH and I both ordered Bento boxes - I love the whole concept of lots of lovely little things in tiny compartments (sounds like I'm condoning putting babies in lockers or something...I'm speaking purely from a foodie point of view....) so the Bento box suited me perfectly. It was YUM.


DD ordered Tempura chicken...and yes, ladies and gentlemen....it truly was served in a monorail (minus Spanish guy)


Needless to say DD was thrilled and DH and I were jealous. Why do people think this is only appropriate for toddlers???? Hmmm??? For me,
Japanese food served in a monorail + Mickey puzzle with edible paints for desert = heaven :cloud9: But NO, you must be small to have such fun things....grrr!!

Anyway, I digress. DD had great fun with chipsticks....no....she didn't....she had great fun with chopsticks....gah!


We had pudding - DH had the green tea pud and I (goodness only knows why) had the ginger pudding - I don't like ginger - why did I do this????



Apologies for half-eaten-ness. Clearly I was enjoying my ginger pudding way too much to remember photo taking....or perhaps not..... I must clarify that this is not a criticism of Tokyo Dining's pudding....it is a criticism of my stupidity in believing that Disney could make ginger taste good....no....no they can't. I just don't like it and am old enough and ugly enough to know that (even if Samy from Nice doesn't believe it :lovestruc)

Towards the end of the meal, DD (surprise surprise) needed the loo, so off we trekked. Well! Because Tokyo Dining and Teppan Edo share the upstairs, they also share the loos and we had to walk past Teppan Edo to get to said loos.... It really confirmed that we definitely wanted to eat at Teppan Edo - looked fantastic - even DD said so!

Once dinner was finished we headed down to the epic Japanese shop - I can't even begin to imagine taking DD there this year - I think she may want to live there...so much lovely stuff and most of it involving Hello Kitty :thumbsup2 We looked at the clothes and one of the CMs began trying items on DD - at first we were a little worried until we realised that it wasn't the hard sell, they were just enjoying dressing DD up. And they managed to provide us with one of our favourite photos of the trip



After playing dress up, we went to Soarin at which DD got very excited. We were nearly at the point of boarding when DD uttered the always-appreciated line 'I need a wee'. Timing or what?! Thankfully the kindly members of the Soarin crew gave us a rider switch card which enabled DH to wait and for us to scoot off for said 'wee' (too much information??!) before returning straight on to the next flight! We were even on the front row -result!!

The bus home was the next order of the day, followed by a quick visit to the pin shop and then bed. DH was getting a headache and we were pretty much shattered anyway.

We had good news today as well - we gained a new niece, Rebecca May :flower3:
great pictures - I agree wholeheartedly with you about the so called 'kids meals - us big kids would appreciate some of them too!
yes indeed your daughter really did look well cute in the Japaneese outfit.
I could spend hours in that shop as well. Can you imagine how long a shopping trip would take if your were actually in Japan?!!!
That looks like a really cool place to eat. I'm going to have to add it to our list for our next visit!

Oh my, your DD is so adorable in that picture! I can certainly see why it is one of your favourites!


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