W.I.S.H - A July to Remember



What is your "favorite" excuse when it comes to making less than optimal food choices?
How do your excuses get in the way of achieving your healthy living goals?
Is there a way to turn excuses around to get them to work in your favor?

This one kind of smacked me in the face... how can I explain my excuses without, well, making more excuses? I would say my bad food choices are usually due to laziness, grabbing what is convenient... but is that in itself an excuse? Or is it an explanation? It is a truth... I am often lazy in my approach to eating, but do I use it as an excuse to not make the right choices - I am lazy, therefore it's expected that I'll make lazy choices? Oh lordy, I can see this is going to be a 'which comes first the chicken or the egg' debate that's going to go on all day.

Well, I got handed a 'do the next more difficult thing' thing yesterday... I was asked to also be the cross-functional project manager on the project I'm working on, in addition to managing the work for my group. Yikes.
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This one kind of smacked me in the face... how can I explain my excuses without, well, making more excuses? I would say my bad food choices are usually due to laziness, grabbing what is convenient... but is that in itself an excuse? Or is it an explanation? It is a truth... I am often lazy in my approach to eating, but do I use it as an excuse to not make the right choices? Oh lordy, I can see this is going to be a 'which comes first the chicken or the egg' debate that's going to go on all day.

Well, I got handed a 'do the next more difficult thing' thing yesterday... I was asked to also be the cross-functional project manager on the project I'm working on, in addition to managing the work for my group. Yikes.

My favorite "excuse" is that it's okay to eat whatever I want...as long as I just eat a "little bit!" I never measure exactly what a "little bit" is, but I remember from my Weight Watchers days that it is surprising how many calories you can consume just snacking in this way.

Big thanks to everyone for the wonderful welcome! I'm sending all my best wishes and vibes to each of you as each day passes, that you can meet your goals and feel peace and assurance about your efforts!
Thusday Question:

Excuses are something I am really good at! One of my favorite ones is that I need to eat to be social. But I know that my friends and family do respect it when I say I don't want to eat something because I am trying to lose weight. So it really is just an excuse that I use to justify to myself doing things that aren't good for me...
What is your "favorite" excuse when it comes to making less than optimal food choices?
How do your excuses get in the way of achieving your healthy living goals?
Is there a way to turn excuses around to get them to work in your favor?

I deserve chocolate :rotfl: I use the .... I'm the only adult so If I want a break from cooking then it HAS to be takeout. I am short on time. I can't get a park close enough the the Subway closest to the office .... I feel like I could go on and on. I guess that is the point there can always be a reason too do it - I guess my reasons not to do it need to become more important and valued by me in order to balance it out more.

We had a gorgeous day weather wise here - cool in the morning - requiring a jumper - but by mid-morning when I walked to the other side of the school and back to get to the office - I had to strip that jumper off - it was very warm - even tonight it is mild and not too cool - remember it is winter down here - but it is now feeling like it is starting to be on its way out - although we do usually get a cold burst in August - so that is still in front of me yet.
Well hello there - it's nice to see some folks pop in!

Goals Check-in:
Lose five pounds: -0 pounds lost this week but still -6 for the month: still on track with good food choices, so not overly concerned.
Outdoors time: I sat in the backyard for a little while last night and realized it had been almost a week since I'd last done so, so I'm
really off track here.
Drink 2+ liters per day: still getting my daily fluids

I really want to paint the living room this weekend, if I can find the right shade of grey paint. There's tons of housekeeping to be done... it's been so hot in the evenings that I've barely moved once I got home, so I need to take advantage of the cooler mornings to get stuff done. There's an art fair down at the beach this weekend, that I might go down for, or I'll think of something else fun to do.

Have a happy and healthful weekend everyone!
Morning all
I set my alarm this morning and got up to watch the Lunar Eclipse. I saw it reach maximum eclipse - cool watching it disappear - I had to keep moving backwards as I was watching through some trees and as it/us moved I had to keep adjusting to keep it in sight. But then it dipped below where I could see it and so didn't get to see it re-appear. Seeing Mars shining away very brightly was pretty cool too. I woke the kids up .... DD looked for 1 minute, DS2 stayed for about 10-15 minutes and DS1 stayed with me until it dipped out of our view completely.

So that was our early start to our Saturday morning .... all the kids are back in bed - but I was too awake to go back yet ... I imagine I may have a nap later in the day :confused3
I'm back last night from our last mini vacation, but will leave tomorrow to go back to our niece's. That's it though. Vacation ends and I go back to work on Wednesday. Sigh. Vacation was wonderful. I did gain 1.5 pounds but am not going to worry about it. They should disappear once things get back to normal and I'm working out as usual. I did make DH walk with me in the evenings when I didn't have enough steps. I have the bug bites to prove it! Yikes.

Enjoy the rest of the month! Finish strong!!
@Oneanne you're doing a fantastic job. :worship: Thank you. Wish I'd been around more to participate!
I managed to count all my calories - even when I went over last week. half pound down. I am happy with that and feel so much better. It was ... hard at times. I did proper get my act together day yesterday as phit and phat preaches to and feel ready for the week ahead.
Happy last Monday of July everyone!

After studying 50+ grey paint chips guess which one I chose? Yep, the first one. It's the color I have in my bedroom, but I didn't go with it in the first place because I like but don't love it in there, and thought I could find something better. But the light in the living room is so different that I do love it there... at least on the one wall that is painted. I was going to do more yesterday but the temps are still so hot I ran out of steam. It's supposed to cool off this week, so the rest of the room will get painted soon.

It was a good food weekend for me, I seem to be settling in to my new habits well. Now I just need to re-establish the walking habit, to get my steps back up.

Have a good one everyone!
happy Monday!!! This weekend was ok. I got a major migraine Saturday to the point of being out of it. I did something stupid too. I took advil at 8 and then with being out of it took my migraine meds at about 9. I was told not to do this. After doing so i read on-line that others have done this too. I still wouldn't go to bed until the Advil wore off. I told DH he needed to watch to make sure I was still breathing. All was good other then feeling off most of yesterday which really stunk. It was my birthday and I was just blah.

I was excited to see that I was down on the scale. I am now down to 143 and that is 7 pounds since March. I know really slow but it is down. I am not going to hit goal of being at 135 by August but I am happy with where I am at. I feel better and clothes are fitting better. I did just buy shorts not that long ago and they are already getting too big. I am not sure if they will fit next summer. But that is a good problem.
happy Monday!!! This weekend was ok. I got a major migraine Saturday to the point of being out of it. I did something stupid too. I took advil at 8 and then with being out of it took my migraine meds at about 9. I was told not to do this. After doing so i read on-line that others have done this too. I still wouldn't go to bed until the Advil wore off. I told DH he needed to watch to make sure I was still breathing. All was good other then feeling off most of yesterday which really stunk. It was my birthday and I was just blah.

I was excited to see that I was down on the scale. I am now down to 143 and that is 7 pounds since March. I know really slow but it is down. I am not going to hit goal of being at 135 by August but I am happy with where I am at. I feel better and clothes are fitting better. I did just buy shorts not that long ago and they are already getting too big. I am not sure if they will fit next summer. But that is a good problem.



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