V's WISH'ing her way to a HOT BOD!! (Please help!!)


DIS Veteran
Dec 27, 2003
Hello all!

My name is Vanessa (Vee to most) and I need to lose 31 pounds to get back to my WW lifetime weight but would like to continue on to lose a total of 41 pounds as my personal goal. I am committed to doing this...I have done it before but am finding this time to be quite a challenge.

I just had (ok, not just) my second DD, Haley on 2/10/05 and after 5 months I still have not lost any weight. I joined the 100 day cheat free challenge and so far am 2/100!! (just started Friday) Here's a picture of my best reason to gain weight......

this is DD #1, Samantha 2 1/2...

this is all of us at Epcot in March *05...look how my daughter who is not even three years old is half my height already!!

and me and Haley at CSR in May *05...

looking at pictures really helps me see that I need to lose weight! After my firstborn it wasn't that difficult but now it seems to want to stay put!! My goal is to be thinner by December, we are going on a cruise and I want to feel good about my body.

I am on WW now...tracking my points daily. So far (started Friday) I have done great...now hopefully this will continue on through out the week. I am making black bean soup for dinner over rice...a WW crockpot recipe.....and I know at work I have two frozen WW meals in the freezer as well as several cans of Healthy Request Campbell's soup in my office. I get lured out to lunch as I hate sitting at my desk. My plan for this week is to eat at my desk and then take a walk, hopefully I won't get to sweaty as it is usually 90 degrees or higher by noon!!

Well, here's to starting my journal! This is only the beginning!!

A user on these boards mention this quote "nothing tastes as good as thin feels" - I am living by that!!
my goals for Sunday July 17th....

1. stay Cheat Free and within my WW points...
2. no beer or wine (usually w/dinner or as an after dinner drink)....
3. finish up all laundry in the house...
4. sort both DD's clothes for giving/selling/donating....
Your DDs are beautiful!

Welcome to WISH! :wave:

Sounds like you've got a great plan! Best of luck to your on your journey!!!

You can do it! :cheer2:
Welcome to wish, Vanessa!

Your daughter's are Beautiful!!

I also do WW and have for about 2.5 years (off & on really) and love it. It works for me.

Good luck & have a great weekend!
Thanks for the visits everyone! Today has been a great day and it is almost over with! I have tried to keep myself busy with laundry and other projects. I have been tracking everything I have eaten so far today and still have 10 points left (22 per day) yeah!!

I helped DH out in the yard while the girls napped....he scared me today - we are putting a pool in and thus have some trees that need to be removed, 2 Ficus and one huge palm....well instead of paying someone to do it, he started chopping them down himself. I thought the palm was going to crash onto our house! It is a huge tree! So we have a dumpster out by the road that he has managed to fill over the weekend. Hopefully they will come back tomorrow to dump and return it. Exciting stuff!
Welcome V!!!! WISH is a great place. Drink your water now more than ever and read other people's journals.

Thanks for the post...I appreciate it! :) ::yes:: Pass the fried pickles! :rotfl2:

A cheer!

:cheer2: Go V!
:cheer2: Make those pounds go down!

Good luck!
Hi, V! Welcome to WISH! This is a great place to get support and stay motivated! Your DD's are adorable! I am with you on wanting to lose weight after having the baby! We can support eachother through it! ;)
Yeah!! I made it through the weekend cheat free!!

Tasha - I think you and I started the cheat free on the same day!! So I am now 3/100...and a whole Monday to go! I will not eat out lunch today - instead I will have a frozen WW entree and go walking in the 90 degree heat! :) I can do it!!

I also have a PT job that I have to work tonight - so I won't really be having dinner. Maybe I should get some salad fixin's on the way home!


So far, so good today. I never eat breakfast and usually grab a bag of pretzels or snacks out of the vending machine here. I have had 3 glasses of H2O and a bagel with cream cheese for 5 points!

I even did a small 10 minute walk around the "mall" we have here. I think I figured out one of my main problems...I have been trying to keep up with my husband....I met him after college, where I survived on mac and cheese and lite beer -skinny me - and he got me into the habit of two or more sides with dinner, meat at every meal...I don't need to do that! I have to retrain my tummy to stop when feeling full and not clearing my plate!
Hey V, good job with the no-cheating. welcome to the wish journals, its a wild party here! There's no shortage of gator fans, good luck with coach Meyer, he's a winner! Enjoy the heat, drink the water! (i think that's the one diet plan we all agree on, drink mucho agua!)
Bananas for you!
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :teeth:
Ok - made it through lunch! Yeah - more water!! :) Is is possible to feel thinner? :) Just kidding...but maybe all the water really does have an effect...cuz I feel pretty darn good. I think my attitude has changed. The reason I kicked butt at WW before was I went with two friends and it was almost a competition - but we celebrated (or cried) together on weigh in night and that was our "bad" night. Now I have no one to do that with so I need all the support from these WISH boards that I can get. I am going to have to hold MYSELF accountable. I CAN do it.....I WILL do it....tonight will be fine as I have to work so no eating from 6-9:30 anyway....and I purposely never have snacky things in the house.......:) onward to complete day 4 CHEAT FREE!!!! :banana:

:cheer2: I am going to love the look on my DH's face in December when I put on that fabulous gown (which I plan on buying a few sizes smaller)at our anniversary dinner....:earboy2: Although, he seems to think I look perfect...darn DH...if only he could say - hey drop a few would ya?

Gosh it seems once you hit 30...this stuff is never coming off...I will be 31 in November and definitely want less of me!
Good luck - your girls are adorable!!!!! You are in the right direction by starting a program and knowing what you are doing. Way to go!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Hi V!!!

Welcome to WISH! Thanks for posting in my journal.

Congrats on the cheat free. I really need to get my butt over there and start that. Maybe I can check it out tonight when DH is done with school......I am going to try!

Your daughters are beautiful.

You are making great choices so far. Keep up the good work.!
You seem to have just the right "lose weight" attitude! Congrats on your success so far. I am in the same boat as you. I have 2 kids and just turned 30. Something happens to your body when you hit 30. I used to NEVER have trouble losing weight. You have a beautiful family and I wish you lots and lots of luck! :cheer2:
Hi, Vee! I finally made time to visit your journal. It is so much fun putting a face and name together. Your daughters are gorgeous! But then again, you are too! I hope this effort keeps you smiling and motivated and I am so glad you are doing the challenge with me and so many others -- I think we are up to 20 now!

Keep up the great work. It really does get harder to take the weight off as we get older. I never believed that until now when I am living it. I remember doing WW in the past without exercising and losing pretty quickly and it just ain't the same on successive tries. So, good for you for doing it now. Having the cruise (and a fabulous new dress) to look forward to is going to keep you highly motivated!

Have a great night, Vee! :)
Hi, V! You are doing great so far today! Looks like you and I will make it through day 4 of the cheat-free challenge together! :sunny:
I did it! I made it through another day cheat free! This is getting easier and easier to resist!! I worked my PT job last night and didn't even go near the snack machine!! :banana:

So here we hit Tuesday. John has a ball game tonight so I will be home with the girls...probably DIS'ing once they are in bed - no snacks except maybe popcorn tonight! I can do it!!
You're doing AWESOME!!! Day 5 cheat free is YOURS!!

Have a great day!
Hi, Vee! Congratulations on another successful day!

Light popcorn. YUM!!! One of my all time favorite treats! Have you ever had it in soup? I lived on it for a semester -- chicken broth with popcorn in it instead of noodles or crackers. Delicious and filling! Talk about keeping your tummy full!

Enjoy the day!
Hugs, Cam

Keep on :banana: :banana:


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