- Virtual Cinderella Castle - ... Robbed.

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bevgray said:
However, nothing says the friend could not win more than once in her own right.

Awards have never been my thing!!!

Ranch - Your post touched me, and I want you to know that no award that can ever be given could possibly add up to the great times we have shared in the game.

Sometimes I think you are absolutely crazy for being so hung up on the recognition and awards - but I know the hard work and crazy hours spent to achieve all you have within the game.

You know how I feel about the staff awards - just your saying what you said is VIP enough for me buddy :lovestruc
"You know how I feel about the staff awards - just your saying what you said is VIP enough for me buddy."

Well said and I think you deserve a gold star for friendship!
tigressjewel said:
I don't know if you noticed, but disneyfanlv mentioned that her room was open 3 weeks ago. I'm not sure they always give the awards the following week a room is open. I've heard of and seen others that didn't get theirs for 2 or 3 weeks after a staff visit. I think you are premature on your assumption of no prize. Just my two cents. :confused3

yes, it is possible that you may get a prize later, esp. if you keep the quest going. Also, i have no idea what they base their picks on each week. There are SO many cool rooms, games, and quests, and they can only pick TWO of each, each week. Do they base it on vote from staff, or how long your room was popular; and HOW popular? Do they base if on the quest rating number or how ppl vote (1-5 stars)?

I can tell you this much: my quest was only run for ONE day (8 hours). I only had one staff visit, for a minute or two (not long enough to play the quest) and she was only there to visit a friend and tell her something. She talked to her, said "nice room Mia" to me before leaving, and that was that. My room was most popular for less than a minute, and the rest of the time about number 10-15 (fluctuated), and for most of the time was only 2 mickeys popular. But I won the next week. I really have no idea what they base their decisions on! Also, my room looked cool but not as cool as yours: and as for the quest, it was your everyday question and answer thing about a movie that MOST people had not seen, or had not seen in many years (Robin Hood, circa 1973). I had to give a LOT of answers/hints. Other than the questions, they only had to go out of the room via a gold door(which took them to another room of mine, and immediately out the door to Front. Hub) and find 5 gold mickeys, all easily seen except the last one, and I gave a big hint as to the location. So, I'm just saying I didn't think my quest was great shakes, and was shocked/amazed/astounded that I won.

If anyone knows what the staff bases their choices on, I would certainly like to know! I'm sure Ranch would too.

Also, Tampa,

YOU said:
...um, something about sharing the pin with someone that helped you?...ok not an exact quote, I can't go back and check it now....
[/notexactly a quote :rolleyes: ]

You cannot trade the "best quest" pins, so how would you do that?

I hope you keep running the quest...I would like to try it and it looks awesome. Your team is so good at making cool-looking rooms! I wish I had those skillz. Maybe I need a team!

Oh, and what is the quest about? also what mini-games/scores if any are required? I need to know if I even have a chance. If I have to catch 50 ghosts, for instance, there is no freaking way. :confused3


EDIT: after my post, I read the rest of the posts and saw that a few people said the things I did before me, like that you cannot trade the pins, and other stuff. So, sorry about that. Also, you did say VIP pin? Did you mean the best quest pin, or actual VIP like you got from the insider tour? I want to know b/c either I didn't get a VIP for my room, or I already had it from the tour so I didn't get it....I dunno. Anyway, please repost if and when you will run the quest again. Even if the prizes are common, I would like to play! Also like what ppl said, maybe if your goal is to make a quest that everyone will enjoy and think is cool, instead of making your goal to win, you may actually win! Hey that's what happened to me and at least one of my friends. Go for that :) A silly pin is not everything, and hey, you were lucky to win best room before! (more than once, if I remember?) Perhaps that is why you didn't win. Maybe like others said: vmk wants to recognize a cool room from someone that has never won?
mtlhddoc2 said:
Im sorry but I see nothing really special about the room, yes it is a nice room and a nice setup, but really... so? I see LOTS of rooms with great setups etc, why should you get a pin over them?

The room was pretty original, built by about 4 people, and I know you can see "nothing special" by looking at the pic, but to see the title of that pic sit at the top of vmk's room list for 11 hours straight, I'd say that's pretty special... but I'm not you. And you're not me.

TLinden16 said:
While your room is very nice, maybe they have a bit of a wait to get people to get best guest, quest, etc. As Jewel said, Disneyfanlv didn't get her award for several weeks.

Nah, anytime I've won or a team build has won, it was within days of it's initial opening. I remember me throwing jive at vmk for their last newsletter when it was late. After me being basically rude to them, they turned around and gave us the first game room. Talk about foot in the mouth!

Also, maybe they are trying to spread the wealth.

Well that's not too much incentive to keep going, especially when a copy gets noticed.. not to say this weeks winners is a copy, saying in general and in the past.

If you were happy with your room, and proud to be able to show it to others, then that should be enough of a reward.

I take a it a step further girl. I take frequent trips to WDW for primary reasons of simply having AWESOME stuff to give to people. It's the best way I can think of showing appreciation to all that appreciate our silly little virtual park.

BriarRosie said:
Don't sweat it, dude. You've already gotten the Full Enchilada.

I know right? Maybe staff should just stay out of my rooms as winning anything more is just down right unfair.

aliceblue said:
I hate to break it to you, but I received the VIP pin in March, and sometime in the last few months VMK made them untradeable.

That is bad news. Another vmk follie, no doubt.

Goofy05 said:
there are more than a few rooms that catches their eyes.

"Hey.. how about that one that's been at the top for 8 hours now.. nah!!!"

bevgray said:
While it is nice of you to want to "share the wealth" with your friend, I don't think you should make it sound like the current winner was somehow less than worthy and that you were somehow "cheated" of an award.

I'm not. And I apologize to the little one if I've come across that way. We were robbed by the game. Not the player.

bevgray said:
Yes I know. However, nothing says the friend could not win more than once in her own right.

My character runs and owns ALOT of our park's primary rooms, mainly for quest item reasons. My BFF could probably build a far better castle than me, but I've taken on the extreme work of running the park's quests, so it requires me to place items around the park. Primarily in attraction lobbies and exits. Savvy?

Disney Dreams said:
Sorry you are disappointed. I hope you find a smile in the fact that you added to other vmk players' fun.

Thank you very much and being nice and putting up with my vent. I can't exactly complain to a coworker about vmk when it drives me bonkers, and I have much appreciation for the outlet I have here to do so, and the DIS friends I've made along the way. Friends that accept me for what I am.. :rolleyes1

Dizpinfriend said:
Awards have never been my thing!!!

Ranch - Your post touched me, and I want you to know that no award that can ever be given could possibly add up to the great times we have shared in the game.

Sometimes I think you are absolutely crazy for being so hung up on the recognition and awards - but I know the hard work and crazy hours spent to achieve all you have within the game.

You know how I feel about the staff awards - just your saying what you said is VIP enough for me buddy :lovestruc

And to imagine, it all started with a yellow rocket/firework trade! Without you buddy, "Ranch" would simply not exsist! :love:

As Staind once sung it.. Thank you to the people in my life.. for putting up with me.

In Other News!

So get this, I pulled out of the gas station this morning, I go to leave the station, and I hear the most horrific sound like someone just ran a skilsaw down the side of my truck! A broken stop sign beam was sticking out of the ground near the turn to get back on the road. Well, the damage was bad, but it didn't even compare to the sound it made. DOT happened to pull up, like an angel. An angel with a flat tire lol! He was a big black dude who was totally on my side as he, "hated that gas station". Now it's on to claims and refurbishment. :sad2:

Right after I sat back down in my truck after the sad damage and huge headache, the first thing I could think to myself was, "I just can't believe they robbed us like that"! Yup, you are addicted when vmk disappointments outmeasure roadside accident claims! :sad2:
Tampa said:
So get this, I pulled out of the gas station this morning, I go to leave the station, and I hear the most horrific sound like someone just ran a skilsaw down the side of my truck! A broken stop sign beam was sticking out of the ground near the turn to get back on the road. Well, the damage was bad, but it didn't even compare to the sound it made. DOT happened to pull up, like an angel. An angel with a flat tire lol! He was a big black dude who was totally on my side as he, "hated that gas station". Now it's on to claims and refurbishment. :sad2:

Right after I sat back down in my truck after the sad damage and huge headache, the first thing I could think to myself was, "I just can't believe they robbed us like that"! Yup, you are addicted when vmk disappointments outmeasure roadside accident claims! :sad2:

There is no hope for you my friend! I think even the VMK rehab center will turn you down! :rotfl:
I guess nothing and noone will make you see anything more than that you were entitled to win because you sepnt some time at the top. Well, by that token then, I should have at least one of those pins too. I spent, literally, an entire day at the top of teh room list up from about 10:30 am (Eastern) until the time the staff rooms opened, and then went BACK to the top of the room list when they closed. I did not get a pin, maybe I should start a thread on how I was robbed too?

sorry, but this sounds very selfish of you. and the more you talk about it, the more selfish you sound. You even got to the point of almost saying "I should take my ball and go home" - you werent robbed, any more than I was.

Sorry about your truck, that kind of stuff really bites.
Sorry you didn't win (yet)! I really think that is a lot more original on the building and overall better than the person who did win. I would put more of what I think but I bet I'll be banned if I post anything a mod doesn't fall in love with... >_<
im not sure if anyone said this but if you look at the people they selected this week some of the host people that were in the pic for a look at the room on the homepage were still wearing green ears it might take a week or too to put you in
I think you'll get it later because jurzira(spl?) has been trying since august. I remember because every saturday she'd bug me saying to tell her if she won or not.
Your room is very nice. However, you are coming across as a sore loser. We know Yavn and staff read here. I'd be embarassed to be complaining like that. I sometimes wish VMK would stop the room awards because of the hard feelings it creates. I've seen some amazing rooms created by less popular players and they have never received ANY award.
In tragedies (which you make this out to be) every "man" has his weakness. You remind me of Odysseus.

Just because your room was up there for what, 11 hours?, doesn't give it reason to receive a best room award. Sometimes, the length of time it is on the popular list doesn't make it the best. I have seen rooms titled "Free Inferno" stay up there as long or longer. While I understand that they are opposing examples, it still gets my point across.

Yes, your room looks good, but have you visited every single room judged that week? You don't know for sure that your room was the best. I suggest that before you jump to the idea of it being "gypped" of the prize, you make sure that all other possibilities are considered (that means making sure to see EVERY single room judged *which is impossible for you*).

I'm sorry, but the original post upset me to read.
Tampa said:
Nah, anytime I've won or a team build has won, it was within days of it's initial opening. I remember me throwing jive at vmk for their last newsletter when it was late. After me being basically rude to them, they turned around and gave us the first game room. Talk about foot in the mouth!

Uh....that's what I was trying to get across. Step back and chill a moment.
I never thought that since you've won all awards before you shouldn't win
again. Anyone should be able to win many times. But you admit that you've
been quick on the trigger!

I'd love to see what you'd have to say if you won NEXT week. ;)

And wow, about that car....I'd be more upset about that! My sister
swamped her car in a flash flood last week. I've gotta feel for those
with car issues right now. :(
Your room was really good, Ranch, but if Staff gave best room awards based on popularity alone, I think the winners each week would invariably have the words 'find', 'your' and 'boi' in their room titles (not comparing your castle to them, though, rofl).
I have no idea who ChromePirate is, but can't you be happy for him? He may of never had any type of award - and God knows you've had several. No one was robbed of anything... you just lost buddy. Maybe next time. :)
Ranch, you are a more mature individual. This post makes you sound like a whiney crybaby. I'm sorry to be mean, but how can you be so jealous and petty over a virtual pin? You have won several awards already. You only seem to do quests and make your rooms to win. It's all about you, very pretentious and self-centered. Exactly why I avoid your rooms!
BriarRosie said:
I'd love to see what you'd have to say if you won NEXT week. ;)

That's funny, but I'm afraid it's too late as I've burned this castle's bridge to the pin. Fine by me, I can't pass it to my BFF, so there is no point now or incentive for me now.

mtlhddoc2 said:
sorry, but this sounds very selfish of you. and the more you talk about it, the more selfish you sound. You even got to the point of almost saying "I should take my ball and go home" - you werent robbed, any more than I was.

I sound selfish? Don't read. You seemed not to like me, DON'T READ MY POSTS AND THREADS! Quite honestly, I really don't care for your posts either.. I can totally avoid the sequence of letters in your name, if you can avoid Tampa. Cool? Awesome.

JulyGirl said:
Your room is very nice. However, you are coming across as a sore loser. We know Yavn and staff read here. I'd be embarassed to be complaining like that. I sometimes wish VMK would stop the room awards because of the hard feelings it creates. I've seen some amazing rooms created by less popular players and they have never received ANY award.

Girl, the LAST thing that is any of any concern to me, is what people think of me lol! I'm more embarassed by hearing, "This should win best room" over and over again by nice players. To sit and host now, THAT would be embarassing!

StephenTXT99 said:
Ranch, you are a more mature individual. This post makes you sound like a whiney crybaby. I'm sorry to be mean, but how can you be so jealous and petty over a virtual pin? You have won several awards already. You only seem to do quests and make your rooms to win. It's all about you, very pretentious and self-centered. Exactly why I avoid your rooms!

LOL.. one post. We'll talk when you get a spine.


Seems like the week to week award competition has become alot like the fireworks game. You may end up rocketing out ahead of the rest, but in the end, you'll get squat lol.

What do you PLAY vmk for? Sure we all surround ourselves with some of the best friends possible within the game, but why do you PLAY? Is it to be the best "ghostie" getter? Do you play to own the jungle cruise game? And we all know why that perhaps NaviMap and WDWTiggerRT have a greater passion for the game than most. Me? I'm a guest room player. With an amazing team of friends that back me in everything I do, my style of play has been very generous to me and the work of many that are with me. When I show disappointment, it's on behalf of about 20 other people. People that insist, "Ranch, chill.. it's cool dude".

Thanks to Mal for handing out short leashes! I love the fact that I can come here and post up virtual ride flyers, as well as showing disappointment in the game. The touchy part, is the fact that we're all in the same competition for the same award. If someone posted an "I got robbed" thread, I'd probably be just as sour as mtddhclddlldot over there, because so did we! :badpc:
BriarRosie said:
I forgot to add that Parrots of the Caribbean is a beautiful room, well
deserving of the award. Do we know how long ago that player created it?

ChromePirate showed me his room 3 (maybe 4) weeks ago. Jurzira, who also won best game this week, had hers opened up and visited by Staff around the same time.

I believe there is somewhat of a lag in choosing the winners, as evidenced from the photos of Staff still wearing green uniforms. However, there are also photos with Staff wearing the new uniforms.

JulyGirl said:
We know Yavn and staff read here. I'd be embarassed to be complaining like that.

I'd like to close this thread with this comment.

I didn't post this thread to try and rake in compassion from DIS members as it comes far and few in between, and yes, winning in vmk in this aspect really does mean alot to me. And yes, I know staff read here, that's why I'm not posting this anywhere else where I know they would not see.

I've addressed most of the comments here, and I'd like to address questions that I get asked in the game, OVER and OVER again:

How do you get so rich?
Friends. I've been playing vmk since the begining. I once built a Haunted Mansion ride and begged people I knew for supply help. Since then, the very same people have become great friends. Alot of us have met in the parks since then and owe great friendships to vmk.

How did you get vip?
You get the button from real life vmk in park tours that have since been retired, and you get the pin from winning any room award twice.

Can I be on your team?
The team we have set up has been mostly set up by me, and I've assumed leadership on the day we took our forums private. I need to know a player pretty well and know that they share in the same passion for WDW as us.

Are you staff?
No I wish! From 1/06 to 7/06, however, I had a work injury that allowed me to pretty much stay home and play vmk.. all day.. everyday.. and I did. That gave me crazy amounts of time to pretty much do whatever I want, and the work has become pretty well known. But no, I'm just a gamer woot!

Doing things like game and quest hosting and specializing in them is a pretty big task, and if I want those things to be successful for mine, the room's, and the people who've helped sake's, I've got to be on top of what's new and what's available. Like having 30 pirate walls on the second day of their arrival. Or a 100 briar stones.. or a 100 pirate stools. Even a few hundred cactus lamps can work wonders, when used right. VMK is not about being the envy of the kingdom, but showing that you are in fact, the biggest Disney fan in the game, and you'll go the distance to play the game in the way it was meant to be played. By letting people know, there's no bigger Disney fan you!... errr.. me! :thumbsup2
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