Virgin Downtown Disney Check In- Beware!!!!

Just wanted to add that when we did the DTD check in a month ago one of the cases was over the 23lb limit but the guy who weighed it just waved it through with the rest of the cases. Doubt he was supposed to but we weren't argueing after being stung with an excess charge on the Delta flight in from LA. Guess it partially depends on who weighs your case and how lenient they're feeling.
:thumbsup2 Both of our cases were weighed at DTD back in July and we were still well within our limits coming home and yes they did explain the excess charges before they were put on the scales.We too have a set of those cases which nest inside each other (very practical) and expand with the extra zippers. All I can advise is take and bring back only what you really must have in your cases and hand luggage this makes everything quicker for everybody.
Our cases were weighed (along with most others) at DTD last Easter. We purchased a cheap set of fishing scales from Walmart (< $10) so we had no worries about the weight.
I suppose a good tip is to put the heaviest stuff in the smaller bags if they aren't been weighed and don't look too strained when you try to pick it up. I think the moral of the story is take two cases each and only make them the medium sized cases. The bigger the case the more you try to cram in. For us, two adults and two kids, that makes 8 cases allowed each which is quite a lot really.
I suppose a good tip is to put the heaviest stuff in the smaller bags if they aren't been weighed and don't look too strained when you try to pick it up. I think the moral of the story is take two cases each and only make them the medium sized cases. The bigger the case the more you try to cram in. For us, two adults and two kids, that makes 8 cases allowed each which is quite a lot really.:thumbsup2 SORRY THIS IS ON TWICE, NOT SURE HOW TO DELETE A POST-DOPEY BY NAME DOPEY BY NATURE!!
Okay please don't shoot me for bending the rules but.....
It was the first time in a few years that we had used DTD checkin and was slightly shocked when they made the announcements about excess baggage, however I didn't think there charges sounded unreasonable.

But by complete chance our largest case was our lightest so when they asked me to weigh our cases I just said shall I just do the largest one as I think its the heaviest and they said sure.

Its was bang on the weight limit and away we went without charge.
Okay please don't shoot me for bending the rules but.....
It was the first time in a few years that we had used DTD checkin and was slightly shocked when they made the announcements about excess baggage, however I didn't think there charges sounded unreasonable.

But by complete chance our largest case was our lightest so when they asked me to weigh our cases I just said shall I just do the largest one as I think its the heaviest and they said sure.

Its was bang on the weight limit and away we went without charge.

:welcome: bobo
You will never hear me complaining about anyone trying to save a few £'s (or $'s), I save wherever I can. Its their fault if they didn't weigh them all.
We used DTD in January this year and were traveling PE and they weighed all of our cases. Luckily even though we had bought 3 extra cases not a single one was anywhere near the weight limit. :cool1:
we always use dtd checkin, cause of the voucher and we've never been weighed apart from once (the first time we went) but the cases were still under the limit going pe sure does reduce the wait time though
Cases were weighed in both the economy and PE lines in November at DTD. A couple in PE next to us were made to unpack their cases because they were over the limit and were trying to squeeze shoes into their hand luggage.
I made use of owners locker last trip and I think that reduced the weight of our cases significantly! We didn't use DTD check-in this time because our car was due back at the airport about the right time to check in and with PE there is minimal lines. We also like being able to change clothes at the airport and stick the day wear in the suitcases before flying. I have done it both ways and think I probably prefer the airport check-in now.
We used all three services today/yesterday.
Checked in online last night, dropped two of the three bags off at DTD (yes, they did weight them, only 24 KGs each) and then finally checked in the last bag at the airport when we got little 'uns car seat out the rental and changed in to UK clothes
All worked fine. Very little queue at DTD at 10:45 am
We got to DTD check-in about 11, it was not very busy, and our largest looking bags were weighed, but not the smaller ones.
We were slightly concerned we were over the limit, the cases were HEAVY!!, but the scales came in at 23.5 for the largest so we just about made it!!
Our bags were weighed at DTD on Tues morning but our main concern was the domestic flight with B A to Newcastle as we had to fly from Heathrow and their domestic allowance is only 1 x 23 kg bag per person and we had six suitcases between 4 of us but we were allowed the virgin transatlantic allowance even though it wasn't a direct connecting flight. :thumbsup2


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