very high anxiety, don't know what to do.

Just stop worrying. I think you are having that headache because you are thinking too much. Just relax and pray so that you will not need to worry too much about the worse things that might happen to you.

This unfortunately is not possible for somebody with an actual anxiety disorder, their brain isn't working the same way yours is.

It's like telling somebody that is deathly afraid of spiders (heights/bees/elevators/flying/snakes/whatever) "just stop being afraid and pray" and expecting, that's it, no more trouble, they can now go about life as if they had no fear of it to start with.

Some of us can do that. For others... cognitive methods and meds... and time.
OP, I am sorry that you are going through this. My dad passed away from a brain aneurysm 14 years ago, and his granddaddy died from the same thing years before that. About 8 or 9 years ago I was getting really bad head aches, and the more that I thought about it the worse it got. Then I began to scare myself into thinking that I was having an aneurysm too.

I would get this tickling sensation down one side of my head (brain), and in my mind it was blood from an aneurysm. One day I had a headache all day long. It was so bad that I began to cry with it, partly out of fear. I made DH rush me to the hospital and they did a cat-scan on me due to my history. Of course it came back normal, thank God. I remember the instant relief that I had from having that test ran. It put the idea of me having an aneurysm out of my mind, and I have not hurt like that since.

Anyway, I can see how easy it would be to get something in your head, and focus on it. I do think that you need to find a doctor who will listen to you and run more tests to make you feel better, so that you can try to move on and focus on other things.:hug:

I went to get my blood work done Tuesday the 22nd and since then I haven't had no pains in my head at all. I think I was a little more relaxed since I had finally did it. I am getting a little anxiety about it getting back to my doctors. I keep thinking i'm going to get a call about something being really high or really low. I may call my doctors tomorrow (monday) and see if they have it back yet.

I think i'm a little nervous because once I got blood work done and I did get a call saying my prolactin level was high and I was really scared, but thats all okay now.

Just wanted to update you all.

I went to get my blood work done Tuesday the 22nd and since then I haven't had no pains in my head at all. I think I was a little more relaxed since I had finally did it. I am getting a little anxiety about it getting back to my doctors. I keep thinking i'm going to get a call about something being really high or really low. I may call my doctors tomorrow (monday) and see if they have it back yet.

I think i'm a little nervous because once I got blood work done and I did get a call saying my prolactin level was high and I was really scared, but thats all okay now.

Just wanted to update you all.
Well I got a call today from my doctors saying my vitamin D level was low. She called in some medicine for me.
Well I got a call today from my doctors saying my vitamin D level was low. She called in some medicine for me.

Hope you are feeling a little better, I too have low levels of Vit D which seems a little weird considering I like in Sunny sydney;)

With your summer on the way you will have the perfect excuse for sitting in the sun with a good book.

Take care:hug:
Yeah I feel a lot better that its only low vitamin D. Every now and then I'm like omg what if it breaks down my immune system and gets me sick lol, but a lot of people I've talked to has had low vit D in the winter and since I'm recovering from this broken foot I've basically been in the house, out of the sun for like 2 months lol. This makes me even more excited about my florida trip.
Oh you poor dear, I am posting because I get about 15-20 migraines a month, have one right now, and no-one told me about it when I was young which lead to lots and lots of un-necessary scares and pain... and overuse of Motrin. You said your Dad gets headaches frequently, you really do need to try and see a Neurologist to keep tabs on you because they tend to treat frequent sufferers a little differently then someone that gets 2 a year. Has anyone ever talked to you about the different non dangerous but weird stuff that tends to go along with migraines? Vision going black? Numbness? Smell hallucinations? They can be scary but are no threat and the more frequently you get migraines the more likely you will have something weird happen, not dangerous just weird... just know to follow up with a Neuro, which is why you should have one who is familiar with you. Has anyone mentioned that anti anxiety meds can trigger headaches too? I get panic attacks every once in a while, caffeine makes them worse but I'll get one out of the blue too, like one actually woke me up last week:rolleyes: Anyway, the anxiety meds ALWAYS give me a headache within a few hours, in fact any sort of pill at all can trigger one including vitamins, I'm supposed to be on Vitamin D but won't take it because I know it will hurt me, I do Total Cereal instead. I just had surgery recently and the Dr's gave me Morphine which is apparently a trigger too, lead to an awful night:headache: Your accident can cause an uptick in frequency, so that doesn't mean you were injured as much as that you are just sensitive... really sensitive. Do yourself a favor and look up migraines on the internet so you can familiarize yourself with some of the neurologically weird stuff you may experience otherwise you might be in for a frightening scare, there have been a few times when I thought I was having a stroke but it was a migraine event and I totally wish I had been prepared. Anyway, if you want someone to talk to PM me, when I was a young girl I was like you and really could have used some support. No-one around me, then or now, seemed to understand how crippling all the headaches could be.:hug: Now I peacefully co-exist with them, they don't scare me anymore but it took understanding to reach this place.
Hi, I suffer from anxiety too. First I want to post that it isn't possible to stop all the worrying by yourself. That really bothers me when people say just stop worrying. You need a friend to talk to that can help you through rough spots, or a family member, therapist or whomever you feel comfortable talking to. I had migraines for months. I was hurting to the point that I cried daily with the pain which made the headaches worse. A never ending cycle of headaches. A nurse practitioner that is in with my family doctor took the time to sit down with me and listen to everything I told her. She did some checking, bloodwork, lots of tests and found most of my problem. I have very high blood pressure (it was at stroke level) which we feel is mostly due to stress. I am on a BP med and an anxiety med. High blood pressure was causing the majority of my migraines. The headaches have pretty much stopped and my BP is very close to normal. The meds are a lifesaver. I couldn't function without them. I also have one that I can take if something upsets me during the day (my boss is my main trigger). I also have taken my DD to the doctor for anxiety. She is on the very lowest dosage of anxiety meds and she is a totally different child. She was in the nurses office several times a day crying with head and stomach aches. She disrupted her class and her teacher got in trouble for sending her to the nurse so much. They were calling me several times a day. On field trip days, she would leave on the bus and within an hour or so, she was throwing up and I had to drive all over the state to pick her up. On the day we were leaving for her first Disney trip, she woke up throwing up and was sick for several hours. This one tiny little pill has stopped all of this for her and she has told me over and over how much she appreciates me taking her to the doctor and getting her medicine to feel better. I monitor her closely and hope one day she will learn to deal with her anxiety a little better on her own. (I don't want to get flamed for saying all that. I did what I feel is best for my child.)
Luv4u859, please find someone to talk to and if you need some meds to help you, don't be afraid to take them. It's miserable to live in fear all the time. You may not have to stay on them forever. You may be able to learn to control some of the anxiety once you get some help. Good luck and I'm always here if you need to talk.
Oh you poor dear, I am posting because I get about 15-20 migraines a month, have one right now, and no-one told me about it when I was young which lead to lots and lots of un-necessary scares and pain... and overuse of Motrin. You said your Dad gets headaches frequently, you really do need to try and see a Neurologist to keep tabs on you because they tend to treat frequent sufferers a little differently then someone that gets 2 a year. Has anyone ever talked to you about the different non dangerous but weird stuff that tends to go along with migraines? Vision going black? Numbness? Smell hallucinations? They can be scary but are no threat and the more frequently you get migraines the more likely you will have something weird happen, not dangerous just weird... just know to follow up with a Neuro, which is why you should have one who is familiar with you. Has anyone mentioned that anti anxiety meds can trigger headaches too? I get panic attacks every once in a while, caffeine makes them worse but I'll get one out of the blue too, like one actually woke me up last week:rolleyes: Anyway, the anxiety meds ALWAYS give me a headache within a few hours, in fact any sort of pill at all can trigger one including vitamins, I'm supposed to be on Vitamin D but won't take it because I know it will hurt me, I do Total Cereal instead. I just had surgery recently and the Dr's gave me Morphine which is apparently a trigger too, lead to an awful night:headache: Your accident can cause an uptick in frequency, so that doesn't mean you were injured as much as that you are just sensitive... really sensitive. Do yourself a favor and look up migraines on the internet so you can familiarize yourself with some of the neurologically weird stuff you may experience otherwise you might be in for a frightening scare, there have been a few times when I thought I was having a stroke but it was a migraine event and I totally wish I had been prepared. Anyway, if you want someone to talk to PM me, when I was a young girl I was like you and really could have used some support. No-one around me, then or now, seemed to understand how crippling all the headaches could be.:hug: Now I peacefully co-exist with them, they don't scare me anymore but it took understanding to reach this place.

thank you. I am the queen of googling lol, every little symptom I get I google it and see all the side effects so I know all what else I can feel when having a migraine. I've also been getting them for years. I had my doctor prescribe me medicine for them but I never took them, I now take Excedrin Migraine which works great. Sometimes I don't take anything at all and just sleep them off. From what my mom tells me, my dad used to get migraines almost everyday so I can understand why I get them so frequently. I haven't took any of my anxiety pills yet. I know I probably should, but 1 thing about me is i hate taking medicine, any type pills or liquids. After my surgery I only took the pain medicine for 3 days then I was done. If I see a neurologist what will they do about my migraines?
Anxiety has came back again about my health. The head pains basically went away after I got my blood work done, but now I am worrying saying oh could there still be something wrong with me that blood work can't catch? EVERYTHING came back normal except vitamin d which was high
Anxiety has came back again about my health. The head pains basically went away after I got my blood work done, but now I am worrying saying oh could there still be something wrong with me that blood work can't catch? EVERYTHING came back normal except vitamin d which was low

i am so sorry about posting twice, i don't know how to delete the first one, this one is correct, it was low, not high
I am sorry that you are feeling anxious about your health. Has you doctor talked to you about getting your Vit D levels back in the normal range?

I also have low Vit d which is very common in Australia despite the fact that we have lots of sunshine both summer and winter.

I hope you are able to find inner peace, it must be very difficult for you to be so worried all the time.

Sending you a BIG Koala cuddle:hug:

She put me on medicine and I've been taking it for about 2 weeks now. I have to take it weekly. I go back to the doctors in may and she said she'll talk to me more then. I know if it was more serious she would have gave me an earlier appt.
She put me on medicine and I've been taking it for about 2 weeks now. I have to take it weekly. I go back to the doctors in may and she said she'll talk to me more then. I know if it was more serious she would have gave me an earlier appt.

Don't forget you can always ask for an earlier appointment if you are worried.
Hope you have had a better day today.:hug:
I'm no therapist, but what I took away from your post is that you were basically fine until the accident.

You might have suffered through your first real trauma. Anyone going through an unexpected, unfair, scary experience comes up against the fact that bad things really do happen to good people, not because of something they did wrong, but just because life works that way. At some point almost everyone loses the sense of security that the world is predictable, controllable and safe. In your case, you didn't even get the chance to process that huge transition before immediately and simultaneously having to deal with the physical pain that the accident caused.

So maybe you are focusing on the secondary symtom (physical pain), but blending your fear of that pain with the general fear you now have that life is kind of out of control. My suggestion would be that you concentrate on being really kind and gentle with yourself while do whatever you can to come to terms with the change in your perception of the world. (And there's absolutely nothing wrong with getting some help with that.)

My guess is that your anxiety will decrease, and you will be able to handle any physical concerns much more easily once you've gotten over the shock of your general sense of safety changing. If it's any consolation, that's a journey you were going to have to make at some point as an adult anyway. Maybe you will just make it a little earlier than some others, but you will get through this.

thank you. I am the queen of googling lol, every little symptom I get I google it and see all the side effects so I know all what else I can feel when having a migraine. I've also been getting them for years. I had my doctor prescribe me medicine for them but I never took them, I now take Excedrin Migraine which works great. Sometimes I don't take anything at all and just sleep them off. From what my mom tells me, my dad used to get migraines almost everyday so I can understand why I get them so frequently. I haven't took any of my anxiety pills yet. I know I probably should, but 1 thing about me is i hate taking medicine, any type pills or liquids. After my surgery I only took the pain medicine for 3 days then I was done. If I see a neurologist what will they do about my migraines?

Excedrin Migraine has caffeine in it, this will certainly make your anxiety worse. Did you mention to your doctor you were taking Excedrin Migraine, I would hope he/she would have cautioned you against this medicine. Please take something else, something your doctor prescribes.
Excedrin Migraine has caffeine in it, this will certainly make your anxiety worse. Did you mention to your doctor you were taking Excedrin Migraine, I would hope he/she would have cautioned you against this medicine. Please take something else, something your doctor prescribes.

Yes I tell all my doctors that I take excedrin migraine as needed. Most of the time I don't take it and just sleep my headaches out. My doctor really doesn't know how serious my anxiety is so I guess that's why she didn't say anything, none of my doctors do.
Along the lines of what Donaldbuzz&minnie suggested, I'm also wondering if you suffered some type of post traumatic stress after the accident, then developed some mistrust of medical issues after being told your foot was ok, yet it wasn't, then shortly afterward you had another accident, etc. I think some counseling would really help you deal with these issues.

I hope you don't mind me pointing this out, but since you've mentioned it many times, I'm going to. You are afraid of "the worst", or dying. In counseling you can look at that more closely. Some people think that dying is a beautiful thing. Just look at what those who've had near death experiences have reported. They say they are no longer afraid of dying when the time comes. I, for one, believe them. I mean, none of us, including me, want to go before our time. But personally, I don't think that death itself is something to fear. Just pointing that out.

Hang in there, Hun. :hug:
:hug:Fellow migraine sufferer, have you seen a pain care specialist?

Other than meds does anything help? For me alternateing hot and cold packs help.Also resting in a dark cold room.

Have you started to keep a record of your migraines? Add what foods you are eating and your stress levels.That way you can look at triggers.

For me, too tired, too hungry, or too hot can lead me to a migraine.The one that catches me off-guard that tobacco smoke is my major trigger.


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