vent about WDW bus passengers

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I am so not taking Disney transportation after reading this thread. I don't want to get knocked out by a disboard member for not giving up my seat.
Nope. Not saying that...go back and read my posts.....

Readers Digest: Able bodied males should give up their seats if someone who really needs one gets on board----please, read my earlier post for a full description of the stance...

I never used the word Rude......not at all...

First, why? Please don't say common courtesy. You waited in line, you got your seat. Holding the door for the person behind you I get. This, not so much.

And you didn't answer my question. The OP said it was rude of people not to give up their seats. Do think it is rude or not of someone to get on an already full bus and expect someone to give up a seat?
wow. just wow. I'm embarrassed at the venom on this thread.

I'm firmly in the 'I avoid the bus due to the hassle factor'. I'm a big fan of controlling my own destiny when dealing with crowds and I hate relying on busses for exactly that reason. Having said that, on public transportation, I have stood up and given others my seat. I am thankful that I am in a position not to be needing it that badly.

auger, I think you owe kay an apology. see below comments. they apply to you, too.

bigdaddy, are you really advocating scooter tipping ? You should be ashamed. go ahead, pick on the small and weak ones - nice life approach. Do you encourage your children to bully others, too ?
First, why? Please don't say common courtesy. You waited in line, you got your seat. Holding the door for the person behind you I get. This, not so much.

And you didn't answer my question. The OP said it was rude of people not to give up their seats. Do think it is rude or not of someone to get on an already full bus and expect someone to give up a seat?

I can't believe I'm responding to this thread again. Why do you care whether someone thinks you are rude...How do you know whether someone getting on a bus that is full expects something or not?

Its plain and simple, if someone is struggling or is less able to handle the situation people that believe in common courtesy help them out... they don't examine their "sense of entitlement" they don't berate them for what they could of, should of done..

whatever. Don't get up if you don't want to..and don't worry about whether someone thinks you are rude... if you think they are rude you are both on equal ground for a lovely relationship. :lovestruc :rotfl:
We are staying at the POR resort now, and have stayed at ASMo in the past, this just irritates me to the bone! :furious: The adult passengers on a crowded resort bus not getting off their lazy you know what and giving up their seats to the small children that are standing! These people know good and well that these children cannot reach the bars! I understand that their are some adults that need to sit and those that are holding sleeping children, but my gosh people, if you are able to stand then give up your seat to a child! Ok, getting off my soapbox now and going to do laundry :laundy: so we have clothes to wear the rest of the week.

Okay, I haven't made it through all of the posts yet, but...

As one of the adults who refuses to give up her seat to others, I wish you would recognize that many of us have physical issues that may not be apparent and--in my case, at least--we wait for several buses to have a seat. On my last WDW visit, I had to wait over an hour for the last bus from EPCOT, as none of the leased motor coaches were handicapped accessible. Thankfully, a CM noticed the plight of several people and that last bus had a wheelchair lift! An interesting way to enter and exit a bus, I must admit. :)

That certainly is an option for all WDW guests. So before complaining that you have to stand on the bus holding a child, please consider the option of waiting for a bus with available seats.

We're all paying for our holidays at WDW, so please be courteous to everyone. I do feel for those carrying children, but I have to ensure my own safety first.
I wait for the next bus so that my childern can sit down. We don't hold them or expect them to stand. We also do not get up to allow a child, or someone holding a child to sit as they had the same option. Not my fault they did not take it.
its not that hard people.. if the bus is full and if you dont want to stand or your child to stand WAIT FOR ANOTHER BUS! dont expect everyone to accomidate every other person in the world before themselves.. a person thinks about themselves and their family ... not everyone else's family before their own.. so just mind your own family and no one else's.. and quit judging people because they dont act the way you do.. everyone is different.. deal with it.. and get off your mighty horse..​

Oh great, you made Commando cry, I hope your happy with yourselves!

Before I agree to get off my "mighty horse" (whatever the heck that is), do I get to board the bus first if I'm on the "mighty horse"? And if so, how many friends and family can I bring on with me?:confused3
Oh great, you made Commando cry, I hope your happy with yourselves!

Before I agree to get off my "mighty horse" (whatever the heck that is), do I get to board the bus first if I'm on the "mighty horse"? And if so, how many friends and family can I bring on with me?:confused3

:lmao: That is a perfect ending to this thread
Oh great, you made Commando cry, I hope your happy with yourselves!

Before I agree to get off my "mighty horse" (whatever the heck that is), do I get to board the bus first if I'm on the "mighty horse"? And if so, how many friends and family can I bring on with me?:confused3

Is it a Trojan horse? You could fill the bus with people if you had a Trojan horse. Maybe mighty is another name for Trojan?

I was on the subway this evening and you'd be happy to hear that when an elderly lady got on, three people immediately stood up to offer their seat.
If you had a Trojan horse, would there even be a NEED for a bus? Can't you fit more people in the horse? Granted, there are no seats in a Trojan horse - everyone would need to stand, or sit on the floor, but at least it would be equitable :rotfl2:
I can't believe I'm responding to this thread again. Why do you care whether someone thinks you are rude...How do you know whether someone getting on a bus that is full expects something or not?

Its plain and simple, if someone is struggling or is less able to handle the situation people that believe in common courtesy help them out... they don't examine their "sense of entitlement" they don't berate them for what they could of, should of done..

whatever. Don't get up if you don't want to..and don't worry about whether someone thinks you are rude... if you think they are rude you are both on equal ground for a lovely relationship. :lovestruc :rotfl:

Um dude. seriously? I asked a question because I don't understand your opinion.

Clearly at least one person expects something when they get on a full bus. The OP. I don't understand that way of thinking either so I was wondering if I missed something.

I don't care if anyone thinks I'm rude and I didn't berate anyone. You must have me mixed up with someone else.

Sheesh, so much for having a discussion.
Is it a Trojan horse? You could fill the bus with people if you had a Trojan horse. Maybe mighty is another name for Trojan?

I was on the subway this evening and you'd be happy to hear that when an elderly lady got on, three people immediately stood up to offer their seat.

Watch where you point your sword when you're piling in...:lmao::lmao:
Are Lady Trumaine, the step sisters, the Wicked Witch and Maleficent posting on the DIS? I know Disney likes to have a villain, but...

I think these smiles kind of recap the entire thread. lol

Going to go feed my horse, I named her High and Mighty.:lmao:
Are Lady Trumaine, the step sisters, the Wicked Witch and Maleficent posting on the DIS? I know Disney likes to have a villain, but...

I think these smiles kind of recap the entire thread. lol

Going to go feed my horse, I named her High and Mighty.:lmao:

dont foget the trojans for that horse:rotfl2:
handling this:

1) daughters (no i don't have one)

if she is able and there are people struggling (like a parent with a child)..yep, she'll stand--

2) why wouldn't that rule apply to women as well....etc?

Because that's the way i was raised. Sorry, that's the way it goes. I was addressing from a male perspective only. If a woman wants to stand and offer her seat---fine, go ahead, no problem with that here. If she doesn't, then she doesn't have to. I won't take it...neither will my son.

That's the way we do business in my neck of the woods--no one has to like it. And no, she doesn't have to accept my seat if offered--that's fine too, i'll sit...but i'll be darned if i just sit there and stare off into space ignoring a female standing and not offering my seat--i was raised better than that (and my kids won't do it either)

3) no one should be expected to stand...not mandatory..

I think if more people would practice courtesy it would be a better world

this is the arguement that can never be won. Likely due to a lack of understanding.

Personally, i don't understand why an able bodied adult or older child (my 8 y/o is expected to give up her seat) would not stand for a very young child, pregnant woman, or elderly person. Havn't seen an argument yet that enlightens me. Really though, i don't have to understand... My family is capable of giving up 3 seats and we regularly do.

I do understand the frazzled fealing of previously healthy kids that fall ill in the park and how badly you want to get them 'home' quickly. I also understand not taking children into a cab without a car seat. ...and i understand just how heavy a sleeping toddler gets (at any time of the day). Because i understand this, i promice you... I will give up my seat for you or your children and i thank you for your generocity when i need a seat and you help me

This sums it up

i would give up my seat for:

  • a person visibly disabled and/or significantly older.
  • a pregnant woman.
  • a parent with a child being held.
  • a child under the age of 8 or so.

but that's because of how i was raised and/or what i feel to be and appropriate and kind thing to do for another human being.

But that doesn't mean you are entitled to have someone move for you just because you are someone in one of those categories. Sometimes people aren't nice, or aren't thinking about their manners or aren't schooled on bus etiquette or are just plain rude.


i can't believe i'm responding to this thread again. Why do you care whether someone thinks you are do you know whether someone getting on a bus that is full expects something or not?

Its plain and simple, if someone is struggling or is less able to handle the situation people that believe in common courtesy help them out... They don't examine their "sense of entitlement" they don't berate them for what they could of, should of done.
This is the message that should be trying to get out

People hear this I don't think anyone here is putting themselves on a high horse or saying they are above anyone.All that was being relayed is what is mentioned above.No it is not mandatory to be kind, but just remember what goes around comes around.If you would like other to be kind and courteous to you then you should be willing to "pay it forward".(and notice I said willing not obligated)
There is this mentality of I was hear first ,or if you have kids get them out of parks before the rush.I personally do not have any respect for this way of thinking.Sure you may have the right to feel that way and I would also have the right to feel the way I do.
the bottom line is if you would wish to show courtesy then do so,If not its your choice.
Seems ironic that people will do charity for a day to get a free ticket, but can't give up a seat if they are able:confused3
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