Urgent Poll - would you still book the Dining Plan if gratuity is not included?

Would you still book dining plan at same price if gratuity no longer included?

  • Yes, it is a great deal even if more money comes out my pocket for tip

  • Yes.

  • No. The added cost per day to tip my servers would make the plan not as good a deal.

  • No - I do not want the hassle of carrying cash to tip.

  • No - I feel bad for servers who will get stiffed because guests assume grat still included.

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I believe what the OP has posted, but only because it's logical and confirmed by another poster that's always been credible.
Ditto. That corroboration was critical.
We probably wouldn't get the plan if it wasn't all inclusive. Too much hassle really. I'd get a DDE card.

I totally agree with Rascalmom, any server will get more of a tip from us on the dining plan (18% plus we usually leave between $5 and $10 for excellent service) than he would off plan as we wouldn't even order half of what we do on the dining plan.

I hope they don't change it but if they do...oh well, it will be better for our waistlines I guess! ;)
I'm not sure what I would do. It certainly would be less convenient if tip weren't included but I would really have to work out the economics. It depends how they price it. If they try to keep the pricing the same but it doesn't include tip, it isn't nearly as good a deal.

It might save Disney money because people wouldn't order things they weren't really hungry for if they knew they had to pay a tip OOP on the whole amount.
1) Servers never get stiffed from a DDP guest.
2) A lot of us think 18% is a high tip for a buffet. I might tip that for exceptional service but wouldn't necessarily tip 18%, at a buffet, for normal service.
4) Thanks to the dining plan servers don't get that many empty tables.
5) A lot of restaurants offer full dinner specials. A guest pays extra and gets a complete dinner. A lot of restaurants also offer fixed price dinners specials. Unlike coupons or discounts we normally base our tip on the menu price and don't increase our tip based on the dinner discount. It might be reasonable to base the servers 18% tip on something less then the a la carte menu prices. The non-Disney owned restaurants do this. It would be fair to either ban sharing (technically debit credits from all guests dining) or charge a $10 plate/sharing fee, with the server getting half of that fee.

My point is some (many?) guests might support lower server gratuities WITH THE UNDERSTANDING guests should feel free to tip extra for extraordinary service.
well from what I'm told, it looks like the grat is pretty much gone. After seeing this thread, I called a girl I know, and she gave me the info she got from someone working with the union. Here's what I was told:

The grat will be removed. The receipts will say the grat is no longer included. There will be an area to write in a tip. There will also be 2 calculations on the receipt showing what a 15% tip would be, and what a 20% tip would be.

Nothing is set in stone yet, but the union made clear they wanted it gone. After 20 some hours of straight aruging 2 days ago, this is what they came up with. Clearly the servers union is trying to get as much possible in return for losing the grat, but I don't see them getting much. It will be up for vote sometime shortly. I personally hope its voted down, and the servers strike. If they lose the grat, I see a lot of servers being stiffed by trashy lowlifes, and then quitting disney.
Some guests may stiff the servers. Some of those guests might be "trashy lowlifes" but many of those guests might not have realized gratuities were excluded until they got their check. Do you really think the marketing material, and CM assisting guests with their reservations, will be highlighting the fact that gratuities are now excluded?

You can probably, at least partially, blame the servers who helped guests game the system.

I personally hope its voted down, and the servers strike. If they lose the grat, I see a lot of servers being stiffed by trashy lowlifes, and then quitting disney.
Do you really think the marketing material, and CM assisting guests with their reservations, will be highlighting the fact that gratuities are now excluded?

I have no clue, but I can only assume based on what I've heard so far, that if the grat is going away, the the servers union would then do everything possible to make that known, such as having guests be told that grat is NOT included.
I have no clue, but I can only assume based on what I've heard so far, that if the grat is going away, the the servers union would then do everything possible to make that known, such as having guests be told that grat is NOT included.

Sorry that was more of a rhetorical question. Many (most?) people don't read "the fine print" and I'd be shocked if the CMs will make a point of telling guests the tip is no longer included when the guest makes his vacation reservation.

This effectively raises the cost of the dining plan by $4-$8, at least to those guests who intend to tip.
Many (most?) people don't read "the fine print" and I'd be shocked if the CMs will make a point of telling guests the tip is no longer included when the guest makes his vacation reservation.

Yes, many are excited when they finally get to disney, and don't pay attention to the fine print. I honestly would expect the union to require all cast members who sell the dining plan to explain that there has been a change, and the grat is no longer included. Otherwise servers will get stiff, and leave the company.

This effectively raises the cost of the dining plan by $4-$8, at least to those guests who intend to tip.

But disney could lower the price. I haven't heard anything about this, but it would shock me if they drop the grat and leave the price the same. I can see them dropping the price maybe $1-3.
Okay, I have posted here many times about why I don't think the DDP is a good value except for the sheer convenience factor.

1. I and my family are rarely hungry for dessert after a meal, and if we are, its usually one dessert to share.

2. I usually split an entree with someone in my party as we cannot eat ALL the food that these restaurants serve. Buffets are the only exception because we cannot share a buffet.

3. We would NEVER order an appetizer each. Maybe one or two to share if we are STARVING but never 5 appetizers.

4. I HATE to preplan every detail of a trip, including where I am going to eat at a particular time. We don't really care how much we spend on a meal. For example, we took the entire family to the Elephant Bar for a Thanksgiving meal (this is an expensive restaurant here on the west coast). There were 14 of us. The entire bill, including drinks, appetizers, entrees and desserts came to under $500. Everyone ordered what they wanted because no one knew that we would pick up the tab - all parties thought they were paying for their own meals out of pocket. We had wine, mixed drinks, several appetizers and desserts. We left the servers (who were excellent) a 20% tip and gave an extra tip to our main server (she was AWESOME for putting up with my inlaws). We probably spend more preparing Thanksgiving dinner for the lot than we spent going out. No cleanup was wonderful and no one worried about how much was being spent because no one had to cook or clean.

5. When at the parks we usually eat wherever we are at any particular moment. If the only option for the location we are at is turkey legs, we eat turkey legs. . .we refuse to be forced into a dining box. If we could buy an option that included ALL CS meals and then just make ts ressies on the days we knew we needed them, it would be awesome for us since we usually only eat CS when at the parks.

6. My DH hates the fact that the waitstaff automatically gets the 18% tip regardless of the type of service he gets. He would rather control that. He loves to tip, but won't pay for shoddy service.

Anyway, we are not doing the DDP during our August trip but I will try it during my free dining solo trip. And we haven't yet ruled it out during our December trip to BWI (just me and DS). After my solo trip we will decide if it is worth it to do the DDP.
I haven't posted to the poll since any decision about purchasing the DDP, especially if there was no gratuity included, would depend upon the cost of the plan. If they keep the cost the same but don't include the gratuity then I think it's too much. On the other hand if they lower the cost then I certainly don't mind paying extra for the gratuity if the service warrants it. But if I get terrible service I don't tip and the thought of tipping someone 18% for poor service just rubs me the wrong way. The bottom line, I don't think there is an easy answer for this until we know exactly what is the ultimate cost of the plan will be.
Yes, many are excited when they finally get to disney, and don't pay attention to the fine print. I honestly would expect the union to require all cast members who sell the dining plan to explain that there has been a change, and the grat is no longer included. Otherwise servers will get stiff, and leave the company.

But disney could lower the price. I haven't heard anything about this, but it would shock me if they drop the grat and leave the price the same. I can see them dropping the price maybe $1-3.

This is Disney we're talking about. When's the last time they lowered the price on something? ;)

My guess is they'll keep the price the same and market it as holding the line against inflation when the cost of using the plan has actually increased 18%.
Let's see....

smaller portions
less variety
OOP patrons paying very high prices for little value
DDP patrons paying significantly higher prices with tips being excluded OR
Servers getting lower tips if a flat fee is negotiated and agreed upon

The times they are a-changin'.......again.

And you don't call the DDP a loss leader to get patrons into hotels at rack rates and into the restaurants at artificially lower prices? :rotfl: That's exactly what it is/was and now the squeeze is going on.
I would because I am one of those people at absolutely gorge myself on the food and love the ability to have a 3 course meal. Plus the service is so good I end up leaving a tip with the exceptional wait staff even when on the DDP.
This is not sound foundation for either your claim of urgency nor your claim that the handwriting is on the wall. Not one person, at Disney nor at the union, has publicly said Word One about this kind of thing being within the realm of consideration during contract negotiations.

Please, folks, don't read between the lines. Take things at face value, and don't fall into a trap of getting yourself upset about something which is, at this point, nothing more than a random prognostication.

This was a tad harsh :-( I understand the need to express caution over a post, but bashing a relative newb who did nothing wrong is kinda lame. Sigh. For future reference, you should know that sometimes important info MUST be vague so that those in the know can hint at stuff without fear of losing their job (until enough people know about it that anonymity is possible). I am sorry if this board gets inundated with loads of b.s. rumors - Im sure it happens. Not from me.

While I don't have 25,000 posts to my name, my info was and remains very accurate, and very "urgent" if you want things to stay the same..."urgent" as in the Disney/union contract voting and finalization is imminent (guess I need to spell that out instead of saying read between the lines).

To further the details that others have added to my original post, it does indeed seem gratuity is on the way out as demanded by Disney. In exchange, PARTIES OF 6 OR MORE (whether DDP or not) will be charged 18% gratuity. You heard it here first. In addition, Disney servers will be forced to ram it down DDP guests throats that gratuity is no longer included as in years past. Disney is working out a way for credit cards to be charged for tips. Tip cards will be placed in the bill holder (as another poster already noted) alerting what an appropriate tip would be.

There will be a clause in the contract that if Disney finds guests are responding unfavorably to the changes (in other words, sales of DDP and hence hotel rooms, etc etc go sluggish) then they have the option to revert back to the old union contract with the included 18% tip for servers.

Negative reprecussions here?
1) Guests on DDP WILL pay OOP for tip, with no decrease in DDP price.
2) Servers will have to run twice as many checks for DDP guests charging a tip to a credit card or key to the world card. Hence, expect much slower service.
3) Guests will feel pressure to tip, as for the first time cast members will solicit for tips verbally - just in case the guest didnt read the fine print.
4) Again, parties of 6 or more will now be charged an auto 18% gratuity.
Would appear that the OP has some inside info. ;) Glad I scheduled my trip for this month..first time on the Dining Plan and I was lucky enough to also have a discount postcard mailer. I woun't have added the dining plan otherwise. I allso wouldn't choose to go during the so called "free dining" promo's...as I wouldn't want to pay full rack rate for a room at a duluxe resort. When public codes or AP discounts are available, I'd sooner pay out of pocket for meals(as we've done for every trip since '91 anyway) than pay the added gratuity on top of full rack rate for a room. Guess, I'll get a "taste" of the dining plan for this trip...it appears unlikely it'll happen again for us, if what the OP writes comes to pass.
This was a tad harsh :-( I understand the need to express caution over a post, but bashing a relative newb who did nothing wrong is kinda lame. Sigh. For future reference, you should know that sometimes important info MUST be vague so that those in the know can hint at stuff without fear of losing their job (until enough people know about it that anonymity is possible). I am sorry if this board gets inundated with loads of b.s. rumors - Im sure it happens. Not from me.

While I don't have 25,000 posts to my name, my info was and remains very accurate, and very "urgent" if you want things to stay the same..."urgent" as in the Disney/union contract voting and finalization is imminent (guess I need to spell that out instead of saying read between the lines).

To further the details that others have added to my original post, it does indeed seem gratuity is on the way out as demanded by Disney. In exchange, PARTIES OF 6 OR MORE (whether DDP or not) will be charged 18% gratuity. You heard it here first. In addition, Disney servers will be forced to ram it down DDP guests throats that gratuity is no longer included as in years past. Disney is working out a way for credit cards to be charged for tips. Tip cards will be placed in the bill holder (as another poster already noted) alerting what an appropriate tip would be.

There will be a clause in the contract that if Disney finds guests are responding unfavorably to the changes (in other words, sales of DDP and hence hotel rooms, etc etc go sluggish) then they have the option to revert back to the old union contract with the included 18% tip for servers.

Negative reprecussions here?
1) Guests on DDP WILL pay OOP for tip, with no decrease in DDP price.
2) Servers will have to run twice as many checks for DDP guests charging a tip to a credit card or key to the world card. Hence, expect much slower service.
3) Guests will feel pressure to tip, as for the first time cast members will solicit for tips verbally - just in case the guest didnt read the fine print.
4) Again, parties of 6 or more will now be charged an auto 18% gratuity.

Thank you for posting this info. And I just wanted to concur, you are not the only CM I have heard this info from, so I do not believe that this is a rumor. And I totally understand your caution and why you felt the need to be a bit vague in your original post -- union negotiations are often delicate and hopefully don't turn ugly. We worked without a contract for months, and it was horrible, had to bring in an outside negotiator, the whole nine yards. :sad2:

The DDP is a good deal with the tip included. Without the tip included, a lot of the value is lost. If a 3 course TS meal is worth $50, that increases the OOP cost to the consumer $9 for every TS meal -- if they actually tip 18%. If they tip less, the OOP is less, but then the servers are getting less. People that come from countries where tipping isn't customary may neglect to tip at all (certainly not all visitors, I've seen many overseas visitors posting on here who are very cognizant that American servers rely on tips to make a living wage). And if Disney fixes the tip at the "reimbursement" amount to the restaurant, if that's about $25 per TS meal, then effectively the servers' tips are cut in half -- again, if people tip 18%. On tipping threads several people have said they routinely tip 20%, but then many others say they resent the automatic 18%. Which again leaves me wondering, how often are people getting such bad service at WDW restaurants that they feel they should leave a lower tip -- or perhaps nothing at all? We've always gotten such wonderful service at DL, I'm really kind of curious to find out what it will be like at WDW if so many people are upset that an 18% tip is included automatically in the plan. :confused:

And I do not believe at all that Disney will lower the cost of the dining plan, certainly not more than a token dollar or two -- but more likely, they'll emphasize how the cost hasn't increased, isn't that wonderful. And the servers will be left explaining to customers that the plan no longer includes the tip (how awkward to have to point that out), and guests perhaps not having enough cash to pay for a tip and not wanting to charge tips to their credit cards. :rolleyes:

Now, here's an interesting thought: suppose a group of six or more eats a TS meal and pays for it with their dining plan credits. But then they are presented with a separate bill for the 18% tip. What if they don't wish to pay it? Or they don't feel the service was adequate? If the tip was just on the plan, there is no dispute, it's included automatically. If the entire meal was paid for OOP, then the group would be prepared to pay cash or credit card anyway, and the tip would be part of that total bill. If it becomes common knowledge that is the practice, would groups be more likely to break up into parties of 5 or less when making their ADR's to avoid being automatically charged that gratuity?


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