Updating availability on phone


DIS Veteran
Jun 9, 2021
When on your phone looking at the availability in a certain month do you have to reload the whole page in order to refresh availability? Does swiping the month to the previous month then going back to your desired month do the same?
If you have a phone with a larger screen (like the iPhone Pro Max) if you go landscape you will get the version of the site where you can modify the dates and click update without having to reload the page (it will look like the desktop version).
If you have a phone with a larger screen (like the iPhone Pro Max) if you go landscape you will get the version of the site where you can modify the dates and click update without having to reload the page (it will look like the desktop version).
haha thanks! I read this and instantly did it and was like...nice! Been refreshing by reloading this whole time.

I wish I could trust the waitlist function but I already nabbed two rooms the last two days that were on my waitlist but never got picked up. So constantly stalking it is!
haha thanks! I read this and instantly did it and was like...nice! Been refreshing by reloading this whole time.

I wish I could trust the waitlist function but I already nabbed two rooms the last two days that were on my waitlist but never got picked up. So constantly stalking it is!

Be sure to cancel your waitlists!!
Be sure to cancel your waitlists!!
I did! And yes this is a great tip for those waitlisting and stalking. The only reason I knew to do it was after checking my dashboard and seeing the waitlist still sitting there...three times now in three days!


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