Updates on AVERY. (good news update pg 33 post 489!)

Nice article Ann and great picture!! :thumbsup2
So happy he is home and doing well.

and Continuing to pray for Avery & family
I saw my little hero and his sisters tonight, all are doing well :thumbsup2

Tuesday he goes in for a skin graft procedure, taking skin from his leg to put over the wound which is healing up nicely in his back, but they had to take so much tissue/skin to get the abcessed stuff underneath, he needs a graft. They want this done and healed up before he starts a more intensive course of chemo in about 6 weeks. They'll knock his immune system out again, so we are hoping he regains and builds as much strength as possible before that to withstand infections.

I thank you all again for keeping him in your prayers!
God love him... that chemo sure knocks the heck out of people, grown ups as well as the little ones. When I think of the little ones going through what DH has gone through, it makes me so sad....

Keep being strong Avery and get through these next obstacles and onto knocking this disease out of your body with the next round... Hugs to you Ann.... he is still in my prayers.. Love the pic, what a smile on that sweetie.....
That's a lot of surgery, Ann, for such a little guy. However, as you know, I now sing the praises of plastic surgery. They are not just artists or cosmetic guys, but very good surgeons if you get the right one. I put the good ones on a par with any great surgeon.

I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers through this so he can heal and get on to kicking some serious cancer butt.
Avery had a skin graft yesterday, they took about an 8x3 " piece from his leg to put over his back where the big abcess removal was. He tolerated it well and insisted on visiting all his buddies in various parts of the hospital after coming out of recovery in day surgery. Some pain as to be expected on the leg where they took the skin. Ouch. But he's home and doing well :thumbsup2
Hi Ann: So happy to hear that Avery was able to go home yesterday. He is such a trooper and his strength as well as your strength is coming from "somewhere out there."

I'm glad your mammogram went well, Ann. Have a good week - hugs, Barbara
I haven't been on the boards much lately, but sooooo soooo happy to read Avery is doing so well. Continued prayers. What a beautiful sight in that picture....Talk about a picture is worth a thousand words. God bless you all!!!
Thanks for asking! All is going well...crazy busy of course, but well.
Avery had the vacuum thing removed from the incision in his back, and skin grafted from his leg to close it up. It's healing really well. He's still doing outpatient chemo on a "maintenance" level every 10 -12 days or so, and has some oral stuff he's taking at home. This is all going pretty well, he's building up his strength (I guess we all are ;) ) and in mid-April he will begin an 8 week more intensive chemo regimen. His immune system will basically get knocked out again. IF it all goes well with no setbacks (infections like last time) at the end of that 8 weeks he will be on a low level maintenance and monitoring phase for another 2-3 years. That phase basically "trains" the marrow to not make any more leukemic cells....and hopefully by the time he's in middle school this will be a long ago memory :thumbsup2 His sisters are thrilled that he is home again, though they are all adjusting to the "new normal" :)
I am so glad that all is moving forward Ann and will keep Avery in my prayers... Hopefully when they boost up the chemo, there will be no issues, I am praying for that as well..

Hugs to you all.. Spring is coming!!!!!!!!
As always the Dis has someone who can help. My boss just found out Fri that he has Leukemia. We are all in Shock mode. I was surfing about to start a thread myself and happened on yours. I read your first entry and came here to say hello. now I'll go catch up. thank goodness for the dis!
HArleygirl, there are many types of luekemia...childhood types can be very different from adult.

I have some websites bookmarked, if you want/need any direction depending on which type your boss has.

Hang in there :hug:
thank you

he came in today and we all had our opportunity to pump him up, and surprisingly he isn't really phased. He says he knows we think he is crazy but he is just not worried. He isnt looking forward to what is to come, but he isnt scared. So that is one step in the right direction, he has a positive attitude. He finds out Tues what form he has and from there what method of treatment, I guess...thanks for yoru kind words and for putting your story out here for others to find and draw strength from

hugs for avery
How's our little guy this week Ann? We are still praying for him! DS5 (Cam) is still planning that play date! :rotfl:
I have continue to pray for Avery and for his family. And I get daily updates from Caring Bridge (which I look forward to with great anticipation). It sounds like your little man is turning the corner and doing remarkably.

Continue prayers for Avery, for his family and friends, and for his caregivers.
Hey Towncrier, good to see you! And thank you (as well as EVERYONE here, for the continued prayers and support).

Avery is doing really well, the back is healing, he's building up strength (while on a mild maintenance oral chemo) In a couple of weeks he will start up an intensive 60 days of chemo. That will be a challenge as the immune system will be knocked out again. But we're all feeling ready to get on with this phase of the treatment. He's a real trooper.

TruBlu...give your little guy a hug ! So sweet!!
Hi Ann..

Just checking in on Avery. Hope all is going well with him, we all know chemo is no fun, but necessary to knock that Cancer out of there..

Do keep us updated..

Hugs to you and yours.
Avery and his whole family came for a visit Saturday morning. They all amaze and inspire me, all 5 of them. Avery's skin graft on his back is healing well, the harvest site on his leg is bothersone to him but also healing well. His hair is a little thicker but that will disppear once the next chemo phase starts up. On Friday the 13th :scared1: he goes to DHMC for a busy day....the port installed in his chest, his first "delayed intensification phase" chemo treatment, and a check with plastic surgery on his graft. The 60 day phase not sure how often the treatments are during the 60 days) will be outpatient assuming/praying that he remains infection free.

I'll keep you posted!! :grouphug:


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