Update on Tom's scan.. it is what it is.

Mackey Mouse

Me read the Navigator? I don't
May 21, 2000
Tom had his scan this past week to see how this round of chemo is doing. Other than the fact that the chemo is horrific, it really is not doing much. Everything has either grown a smidge or stayed the same, not what we wanted for such a difficult round of chemo.

So... for now, we are taking a bit of a Holiday....that is what we call them in chemo talk.... it is a chemo Holiday.. And then we will either start clinical trials or go back to the one that caused Tom to have a huge reaction....but a much lesser dose and hopefully stop the growing for a while. Not sure what we will do. Seems Tom's cancer is so rare, although it is lumped in with Pancreatic, it is really Ampullary Carcinoma for which they have no treatment and so they treat it as Pancreatic, sort of the same area....usually located in the duodenum where everything hooks up.. pancreas, lower intestine, etc. Anyway.. I thought I would let you know how he made out. We have had 4 years.. some people do not even get a year and we are hoping for some more time. He is not sick, the chemo is the only thing that makes him sick, he does have an enlarged lymph node in his neck but so far not bothering him and one in his lung.. not bothering him either.

We are ok.. still Tiggerish, and hoping for many more years.. just letting you know that we are doing ok with this decision.
WOW! What a great attitude with all of you! I think it is awesome you have had four years and I am praying that you get many more years to make more memories. I hope you and Tom are keeping journals. It is such a great love story---so strong and so tender.

How long of a "holiday" do you get before you decide what the next step will be?

Tom, your family and yourself have been on my prayer list for quite a long time and you will stay there.
Oh Marsha, I am so sorry that this round didn't work for Tom. Although I do not post often, I ALWAYS keep you and your family in my prayers. The PP is right, your attitude is so amazing and inspiring! My heart goes out to you all. I will continue to pray for you. Patty
Hi Mackey Mouse,

I am very in touch with how you are feeling. Ben's scan was much of the same. Please hang in there and I am glad that you all are taking a chemo holiday. I will keep you all in my prayers.

Lisa:hug: (aka Seaprincess)
Keep fighting as you always do, and thanks for the update. Even though I do not know you and Tom Marsha, I visit this board regularly and am with you in spirit.
Marsha all in all that is good news and yes the breaks in between chemo are like holidays , we always used those breaks to do fun things when allowed before we got sumerged into another round , of course if blood counts were low we would do those things at home as we did not want to compromise Sonya to getting really sick and be in the hospital for a month.
I hope Tom responds well to the clinical trial , having to take a chemo that causes huge reactions is not easy , we have been there with Sonya and figuring out a way to take it safely was not an easy one , that was the time the doctor listened to me and tried what I had mentioned because we had nothing to lose , he actually learned something new from my daughter's reaction !
Huge hugs and hang in there!!!
You and Tom are always in my prayers. Sorry it was not better news. Hopefully when you begin the next phase you will get better results. :hug:
Thanks for the update, enjoy your chemo holiday. Only God knows what is going to happen, so keep your Tiggerish attitude! Hugs to you both.. Jenn
We're keeping you both in our prayers:hug: , and have a good chemo break! My friend had uterine cancer; her doctor can't believe she's still with us as it was found late but she refuses to give in to it. She loves her chemo breaks!
As always, many prayers being sent up for both of you! Stay strong, enjoy the 'holiday', hold each other tight. :hug:
You're both going through so much, I really have no words. :hug:
Marsha...sending you and Tommy :grouphug: from Canada....I will keep you both in my prayers.
So sorry to hear news was not better, but glad to hear Tigger is still winning out..at least a little. Hugs and prayers to you both.
Hi Marsha! I was just checking in to see how things are going and to let you know you are being prayed for! I am praying that you have lots of good days and not many bad days.


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