universal parks and migraines?


DIS Veteran
Jan 16, 2001
Hi folks:

We have never been to universal parks at all. There are three of us who get very bad migaine headaches, I am wondering whether there would be any rides that we could ride without too much motion (motion simulators trigger migraine) or spinning. I think my hubby would like to try IOA.

I was thinking about the first park with rides like jaws, kong, twister and et, but would like to hear from others who suffer from motion sickness or migraines if these would be good choices. Thanks,

We were there in August, I don't get migraines - but got a real bad headache from Men In Black. My suggestion would be to stay off that ride - I loved the ride, but once was enough. Another suggestion would be to go during a time when the temperatures are not as intense.
really there are not any rides that are too bad except storm force (duh) and maybe spiderman.

Spiderman is the greatest ride ever, so do it any way.
my husband gets migraines frequently (the severe, 24-hour, nausea-inducing, take-me-to-the-hospital type)

we were in universal last october for 3 days/nights

he rode all the extreme rides (hulk, dueling dragons, dr doom's fearfall) with no after effect migraines - none of the rides/attractions bothered him, either (spiderman, back to the future, men in black)

he doesn't get motion sickness (i do - but i didn't go on the extreme rides)

he's prone to getting major migraines, but for a change, we had 3 imitrex-free days at universal - hoping the next trip (in 209 days!) goes as well
That is the kind of headaches we get, I was wondering about taking something at the start of the day like gravol. Thanks for the reply,

I take my Imitrex in the morning to ward off the migranes (and thru-out the day)... I don't even have to go on a ride to get them, just being in the sun too long can give me one. I truly can't tell you which rides do & don't, without my Imitrex...I will get the migranes :confused:
I'm prone to headaches too at the parks (don't leave home without my Excedrin), but the only Universial ride that affected me was Dueling Dragons - since it's an inverted coaster (your feet hang down) it seemed to shake my head quite a bit. I had no problems with either Hulk (very smooth) or Spiderman, though that ride might be more problematic being very jerky (I agree though - the ride is worth any trouble!).


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