Uh Oh, I called the wrong number


DIS Veteran
Mar 7, 2001
My mother gave me a list of people to call after her surgery. I called this guy named Bob (I have no idea who he is). I read the number to be XXX-XXX-9139. So I called it and left a message with the man's wife. She seemed to have no idea what I was talking about. I asked if this was Bob XXXX's number and she said yes. So I repeated what I had said and she said she'd give him the message.

A couple hours later my cell phone rings with "Blocked Caller" listed. I answered it and the woman asked me if I called this number that it was on her callerID. I said, I made some calls this morning but I didn't think that was one of them. I also told her that the phone had been in the bottom of my purse and it might have been an accident.

On my way to pick up DD the phone rings again with "Blocked Caller" again. It was Bob. He asked if I called and left a message with his wife about someone being in the hospital. I told him I did. When he got home his wife asked him if there was anything he needed to tell her b/c of my phone call. He told me that I might have ruined his marriage. Apparently his wife thought he was having an affair and LEFT HIM. I told him that he could have her call me and I'd try to straighten it out.

After that I looked at the number again. I guess it was actually XXX-XXX-9134. Oops!!!!

So I called the right number and asked to speak with Bob. Bob is actually a woman. I explained what happened to her and asked her that if Bob called me back, would she call his wife (so her number would come up on the callerID) and explain this mix up to his wife if she didn't believe me.

What are the chances that my wrong number would have 2 people named BOB???? I know it's a common name, but wow....

Anyway, I haven't heard from Bob's wife yet.
That sounds like something that would happen to me! I hope that the wrong Bob gets it straightened out :)
If Bob's wife hit the road just like that then Bob must have a bad track record. If this same thing occured at my house I would ask dh about it. If he said he didnt know anything about then I would believe him.
Something just doesnt seem right with the whole pic of her leaving him so easily. Or could be she was looking for an out. Who knows?
It is odd both numbers have a "Bob". I wouldnt beat yourself up about it. It was just an innocent mistake.
Oh geez jules. Although I have to agree, if the wife is ready to walk I would bet that it is not the first time.
I agree with 4 greatboys.
DH & I shared a cell phone until a few months ago when I got the second one. I had it for only a couple days, no one had the number yet and I had a message on my voicemail. I checked it and it was some guy telling me to meet him at 9:00 at a certain bar(in Boston). DH didnt leave me, and he understood it was in fact a wrong number. :D I did try sneaking out that night though, LOL! ;)
Originally posted by WebmasterAlex
OMG... I am ROTFL!!!!!!

Me too Alex. My aunt was in the car with me and I couldn't stop laughing about it while I was telling her what happened.

I know if this marriage does break-up, its sad, but the story itself is funny. :teeth:

I agree with 4greatboys and the other that suggested taht he's had problems like this before.
Oh tag fairy-- can wvjules have "home wrecker" added to her tag?
Oh wow!!! That is really something else!!!!!! I'd be so shocked if that happened to me!
Hehe thats crazy!!!!

A guy in band was trying to call this guy he knew named Paul. So he called what he thought was the right number, asked for Paul, and got him..well...atleast he got a Paul. As it turned out it was another friend of ours named Paul. They talked for a while before they even realized that it wasnt the right person! Atleast he didnt wreck any marriages ;) :jester: :jester:
If Bob's wife hit the road just like that then Bob must have a bad track record.

I agree. It sounds as if Bob already was skating on thin ice in this marriage, or else his wife is very insecure. I hope things work out for them.
LMAO!!!!! Sounds like to me she's got a self esteem issue or he's misbehaved before.


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